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Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET)
Published by Universitas Bengkulu
ISSN : JEET     EISSN : 26225867     DOI : -
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Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) with online ISSN 2622-5867 is a journal which is published four times a year in December, March, June, and September. We accept mainly research-based articles related to English Education and Teaching. The articles must be in English.
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Students’ Perception Toward English Zone In English Study Program of Iain Curup Maya Sari Setyowati
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.582 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.506-521


The objectives of this research was to know  students’ perception toward English Zone at English Study Program of IAIN Curup. The study is a descriptive research presented quantitativelly. The population of this research all students in all semester at English Study Program by using random sampling, total of the student was 37 students. From the population the researcher take students’ from second, fourth, sixth, and eighth semester because they are studying at English Zone. Data were collected through questionnaire. The data were analiyzed by using tabulating and making percentage. There were two indicators, difficulties and benefits of using English in English Zone. The first indicator, from 9 statements got 5 negative perception and 4 positive perception with total 49,48 percentages. Furthermore, the second indicator got 0 negative perception and 7 positive perception with total 50,52 percentages. The result shows that the majority of students’ perception was in positive category toward English Zone. In conclusion students’ perception toward English zone is positive perception to increase their ability in English. However, there are students’ problems using English cause by several factors. There are inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use.
Indonesian Teachers Technique in Teaching English at Chariyatham Suksa Foundation School, Chana, Songkhla, Thailand Khoiri Khoiri; Leffi Noviyenty; Sarwo Edy
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.056 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.452-469


This thesis was aimed to find out teachers’ techniques in teaching English and teachers’ problems at Chariyatham Suksa Foundation School. This research was mixed- method which presented in descriptive way to describe it. Teachers from Indonesia who thought in secondary school are conducted informants or subject of this study and the last year students of secondary school of Chariyatham Suksa Foundation School are participants in this research. The researcher used observation, interview and questionnaire to get data that needed. In analysis data, first researcher identifies and checks data that be collected. After that, researcher describes all data that got. Next, researcher classifies data into categories based on research instrument and the last is interpret the data which gotten. The findings revealed that in teaching English. The teacher A used and implemented games, organizational, dialogue/narrative presentation and reading aloud techniques. Then teacher B used and implemented warm up, content explanation, brainstorming, checking, question-answer display technique. Meanwhile, teacher A got problem in lack of interest, lack of concentration in the class, lack of repetition and frequent practice of students, insufficient time, recourse and material and students is defiant, rowdy, or distracting of other. then teacher B got problem on lack of concentration in the class, lack of repetition and frequent practice of the students and Insufficient Time, Resource and Materials.
An Analysis of Validity and Reliability of a Teacher-Made Test Agung Setiabudi; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Hilda Puspita
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.062 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.522-532


The aim of this research was to find out the validity and reliability of a teacher-made test in SMAN 6 Bengkulu. This research was a descriptive quantitative research. The subject of this research was an English teacher-made test for eleventh grade students of SMAN 6 Bengkulu. There were 40 items of the test consist of 35 multiple choice items and 5 essay items. There were two research instruments used in this research, observation checklist and documentation. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the  percentage of the validity score was 60% or 0.60. It means that the test was valid but in the intermediate category. The r-obtained for reliability test was 0.62 and it was considered to be reliable but was in the intermediate level of reliability.  From the research finding, it can be concluded that the test was valid and reliable but both were in the intermediate category. It means that the test still need some revision and improvement in order to be a good, valid, and reliable test. Key Words : Validity, Reliability, Teacher-made test  
A Need Analysis of ESP For Office Administration Program at SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2018/2019 Putri Yuni Mentari
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.54 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.470-480


The objectives of the study are to describe the textbooks used by English teachers at present and its quality for Office Administration program; to explain to what extend do the teachers and the students need of ESP-Content based English materials in their English textbook and  to describeEnglish skills and the material of ESP for Office Administration students. To get the data for the study, two sets of questionnaire were used. First was questionnaire for teacher, second questionnaire for students. The steps for analyzing the data were (1) Selecting the data from the result of the questionnaire ,(2) Identifying the data about student’s need in the ESP material and the English textbook, (3) Classifying the data from the teacher and student’s answer,(4) Calculating percentage of answers in the questionnaire,(5) Making conclusion.The result of the study shows that  teacher used two English textbooks in teaching English. The English textbooks have a good quality, in term of the learners’ activities, the picture and illustration. However the material in the textbook was not appropriate with the student need in Office Administration Program. The students and the teacher need English textbook which contains with the ESP. The English textbook should contain the items based the students need and theEnglish skill needed by the students in Office Administration Program.
The Analysis of Students' Difficulties In Speaking English at the Tenth Grade of SMK N 2 Purworejo Catur Widy Asworo
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.682 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.533-538


The aims of the study are mainly to know the students’ difficulties in speaking, and to know the strategy used by teacher to overcome the speaking problems.The participants of the study were 36 students of the tenth grade of SMK N 2 Purworejo.The instruments used in this research were questionnaire, interview and documentation. After getting the data, the writer analyzed them to determine category of students’ speaking skill, students’ speaking difficulties and teacher strategies.The result of the study shows that the mean score of students skill in speaking is 64.8. It belongs to sufficient category. The students’ speaking difficulties covered linguistic and non linguistics problems. The linguistic problems include lack of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar knowledge, while non linguistic problems, namely inhibition, nothing to say, uneven participant, mother tounge interference,anxiety, shyness, lack of self confident and low motivation.  To solve the problems, the teacher has strategies such as drilling, brainstorming, role playing and giving the students motivation. 
Corrective Feedback on Pronunciation Errors: Teacher’s Perception and EFL High School Students’ Self-Reflection Rafki Okta Arianto
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.645 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.413-428


This study aimed to find out whether there is any effect of peer feedback through instagram on student’s writing recount text at the tenth grade students of SMA 4 Rejang Lebong. Quasi-experimental design, since two classes are taken as the sample of the study with 36 students X IPA 1 and 34 students X IPA 3. Which class experimental class and a controlled class. The experimental class is taught by doing peer feedback through instagram while the controlled class do not. Moreover, this research is conducted through the following procedures; pretest, treatments, and post-test. The data analyzed is gained through writing test. There was significant different between the students who taught by peer feedback through instagram and those who were taught by conventional teaching. It can be seen from the post-test result. The mean score in experimen class was 75,67 and the mean score in control class was 67,38. From the result of t tesr was obtained 3,03 while t table was 1,67. It was proved that t test obtained was higher than t table (3,03>1,67) which the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Finally, it can be concluded that peer feedback through instagram is effective toward students’ writing ability in Recount text.
The Analysis of Cultural Content in Two EFL Textbooks Used at SMA IT Iqra’ And SMKN 1 Bengkulu City Muhammad Ibnu Mustofa; Feny Martina
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1104.76 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.481-493


The aims of this research were to find out how cultural dimensions were displayed, what culture was the most dominant, and the percentage of local culture in textbooks used at SMA IT IQRA? (Pathway to English) and SMK N1 Grade X (Bahasa Inggris by KEMENDIKBUD) Bengkulu. This research applied content analysis study with descriptive qualitative analysis. The procedures used in data collection were document review and observation. In analysing the data, the concept by Mile and Huberman was applied. The study revealed that from the two textbooks, there was a difference in terms of dominance in cultural types and dimensions. In Pathway to English, there was38 % items of aesthetic sense, 32% of pragmatic sense, and 26% of sociological sense. Semantic sense had the least representation which was only 4%. In cultural types, there was (50%) for target culture, 44% for local culture, and 6% for international culture. As for Bahasa Inggris by KEMENDIKBUD, there was 44% for asthetic sense, 25% for sociological sense, 22% for aesthetic sense, and 8% for semantic sense. Local culture has most items to occur, which reached 47 percent, followed by target culture which was 41%. The last is international culture with 11% of occurrence. It is highly recommendable that teachers apply the books with more cultural dimensions and types to hep students broaden their cultural knowledge and awareness.
A Need Analysis of English For Specific Purposes (ESP) For Nursing Students At SMKS Kesehatan Kendari Ria Z Wulandari; Muhammad Khusnun Muchsin; Tambunan Tambunan
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.39 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.429-437


English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been discussed for a long time around the world in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). Teaching English based on students’ needs is important, particularly for those learners who learn English beyond the academic purposes such as vocational high school students. The objective of this study is to analyse nursing students’ needs for ESP materials at SMKS Kesehatan Kendari based on Target Situation Analysis. Therefore, this study is conducted to identify the Target Situation Analysis (TSA) of one of vocational high school in Kendari. This study employed research and development design with 22 samples. The data obtained from questionnaire were analysed statistically by using SPSS version 16.0. The result shows that students need in learning English process for the tasks of speaking skill; how to ask question English well, how to answer question English well, do communication with schoolmates, do communication with teachers, and do communication with patients. Listening skill; listening and understanding when do face to face conversations, listening and understanding through conversation on the phone, listening and understanding the content of forum discussions, and listening and understanding the content of announcements. Reading skill; how to read health magazine, how to read announcement, and how to read patient list, and Writing skill; how to fill the patients form and how to write medical report. Based on the findings, it concludes that speaking and listening skills are the most needed by nursing students in order to communicate in English.Keywords: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Need Analysis, Target Situation Analysis (TSA), Nursing Students 
An Analysis of Communication Strategies Applied by English Study Program Students in Speaking for Presentation Gusti Komang Permana; Dedi Sofyan; Kasmaini Kasmaini
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.964 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.494-505


Abstract This Study was a mix method research which used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative data. This study was aimed to find out the types and the dominant communication strategies used by the fourth semester students of English Study Program in University of Bengkulu. The instruments used in this research were observation checklist adapted from Dornyei (1995) and video recorder to collect data. The data were analyzed by Dornyei’s Theory of Communication Strategies. The population of this study was fourth semester students of class A of English Study Program. The samples of this study were selected with purposive sampling technique. The findings of this research were: (1) the students used all types of communication strategies, namely: a) message replacement, b) topic avoidance, c) message abandonment, d) circumlocution, e) approximation, f) word coinage, g) non-verbal signal, h) literal translation, i) foreignizing, j) code switching, k) time gaining strategy, and l) appeal for help, and 2) the dominant type of communication strategies used by the students is time gaining strategy with 47.87%. The students mostly used time gaining strategy because they already have good proficiency but they still needed times or delays to produce the utterances. 
An Analysis of Language Skills’ Proportion in the English Textbook Grade XII Published by Kemendikbud 2014 Muhammad Reza Dwika Nanda; Alamsyah Harahap; Indah Damayanti
Journal of English Education and Teaching Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.938 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jeet.3.4.438-451


The design of this research was descritive quantitative. It was aimed to find out the suitability of english textbook with the curriculum and the proportion of the language skills’ in the English textbook grade XII published by kemendikbud 2014. The subject of this research was the English textbook grade XII for 1 year , consist of 16 chapters. The data was collected by using evaluation checklist that proposed by syllabus in curricullum 2013 and the expert (Ur (1996)). The result showed that the English Textbook Grade XII for senior high school published by Kemendikbud 2014 is categorized into “very good” category. From 27 learning objectives (KD) that proposed by the curriculum 2013 in syllabus, 22 of it is covered to the English textbook. The writing skill has the highest proportion it is 38 %; the second is reading skill has 30 %; the third is speaking skill has 21 %; and the last is listening skill has 11 %.Consequently, it can be conclude that it is suit to the standard from the government, to make the students reach the functional level of literacy and used the text – based teaching and focuss on the text.

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