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Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Elektro/JE UNISLA (ISSN 2502-0986) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil dan riset teknologi dalam rangka untuk pengembangan teknologi di bidang teknik elektro. Sasaran pembaca adalah para ilmuwan, akademis, serta praktisi di bidang Teknik Elektro
Articles 120 Documents
Penerapan Sistem Pengolahan Air Bersih Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller di PDAM Kabupaten Lamongan Affan Bachri; arief budi laksono
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v5i2.512


Based on development of modern technology of clean water, PDAM Lamongan follows and exerts the sophisticate tools. It helps the employees’ occupation out automatically. It’s a reason that the researcher take one of the fields, namely the automatic water control system which is discuss about work control system. The purpose of this research is in order to processing clean water in PDAM Lamongan by using a microcontroller can be simple and efficient. The first trial by using composer of Prototype components, which are consists of ultrasonic sensors, sensor turbidity meters, LCDs, flowmeter. This trial is in order to ensure that the tools can work and function properly. Based on the trial and analyze the data, the reasons are turbidity meter can worked well which could be shown through an LCD which integrated with Arduino Uno. So, the lowest value was <5NTU and the highest value was> 5NTU. The other sensors, such as ultrasonic sensors, flow meters can be function properly. In the future, those tools are expectable to develop by increasing remote control system to far distance in order to control easily and efficiently
Rancang Bangun Water Level Control Pada Embung Daerah Kering Berbasis Mikrokontroller AT-Mega 328 Arief Budi Laksono; Hasan Wahyudi
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v3i2.255


Kebutuhan air di suatu daerah adalah sangat vital, tanpa air masyarakat sangat kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Karena air menjadi kebutuhan di segala bidang kehidupan. Hal ini juga menjadi permasalahan bagi peneliti terutama pada beberapa daerah di Kabupaten Lamongan yang hingga saat ini masih kesulitan air. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti merencanakan model sistem pendistribusian air dari sumber air yaitu sungai Bengawan Solo ke wilayah daerah kering dengan perencanaan WLC (Water Level Control) yang terdiri dari mikrokontroller, sensor ultrasonik, LCD, relay, dan pompa air. Mikrokontroller merupakan pusat kendali dari seluruh rangkaian, dimana mikrokontroller akan mengambil data yang dikirimkan oleh sensor ultrasonik kemudian ditampilkan oleh LCD. Data yang ditampilkan oleh LCD adalah data ketinggian air.Dalam uji coba water level control dengan sensor ultrasonik pada simulator dengan kapasitas air dengan ketinggian 15 cm, sensor bekerja dengan baik dan memberikan respon kepada pompa untuk mengalirkan air sungai ke embung yang lain berbasis atmega328.
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) di Tingkat Universitas di Indonesia Bledug Kusuma prasaja M; Wahyu Edifikar; Toyib Abdullah
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v5i2.455


The rapid increase in student enrollment at the tertiary level in Indonesia in recent years is expected to continue to increase. It is very important for universities to update their educational curricula according to the needs of the latest technology. In the current era, it is very important to include courses that cover the domains of technology, resources, design, implementation, economics, policy and application of the Renewable Energy (RE) system. Currently there is no solid foundation in various universities to provide education and training on new and renewable energy and its long-term benefits. The role of the internet is very vital in education and training in renewable energy. This paper presents the importance of delivering renewable energy education to students at the university level in Indonesia.
Wireless Video Sharing Secara Real Time Menggunakan Streaming Engine Suherman Suherman; Abd Rabi’; Anggraini Puspita Sari
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v3i1.214


Berkembangnya era dan teknologi khususnya di bidang telekomunikasi sangat pesat, kebutuhan akan media telekomunikasi seperti penyiaran video secara real time merupakan prioritas utama dalam proses belajar mengajar, pengumuman berita dan sebagainya, komunikasi nirkabel yang efisien dan menghemat waktu. dalam penggunaannya Penelitian ini menggunakan kamera pada smartphone sebagai media input data yang dapat digunakan untuk pengguna dan menggunakan wifi (wireless Fidelity) sebagai komunikasi nirkabel, media transfer dan data trasmisi, dan penggunaan pada notebook sebagai media pengolahan data berupa video yang akan ditampilkan. pada monitor secara real time sebagai media output data yang telah di input oleh pengguna melalui smartphone kamera dalam bentuk video dengan berbagai format resolusi video mulai dari 480, 680 dan 720, dan hasil test data keluaran berupa video yang dengan menggunakan variabel delay, throughput dan packet loss, hasil dari pengujian variabel dengan menggunakan format video 480, 680 dan 720 menghasilkan rata-rata delay tercepat adalah 0.003738977 ms dan terlama adalah 0.00529923 ms, pada troughput tertinggi menghasilkan rata-rata 1.179 Mbps dan terendah 0.128 Mbps, pada packet loss tertinggi 17.6 % dan terendah 6.54 %.
Rancang Bangun Alat Penghitung Bibit Ikan Mujair Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Ulul Ilmi
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v4i2.382


Collection of fisheries and trade information it is very important to pay attention, reflecting on how to calculate fish seeds wich is manually what is done by taking fish seeds using doses (spoon) or using glass. In calculating farmers take fish seeds per five seeds per one measure. This method certainly requires a long time, especially if the number of fish seedlings to be purchased is large. In this final project, designed for automatic fish seed counting devices with Atmega328 microcontroller systems as a data processor, the photodiode sensor is the data sender and receiver, which is then displayed in LCD 16x2.So that we can get the addition of fish seeds automatically. The test result of the automatic fish binite counter will run if there is an object passing under the two LEDs that have a photodiode censor, then the data will be displayed on the LCD to show the number of fish passing.
Optimasi Daya Reaktif Untuk Mereduksi Rugi Daya Pada Sistem Kelistrikan Area Bangka Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika Muhammad Iqbal; Wahri Sunanda
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v2i2.82


Pada suatu sistem tenaga listrik salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi rugi –rugi daya saluran adalah ketersedian daya reaktif dalam sistem. Kebutuhan daya reaktif dalam sistem menentukan nilai profil tegangan bus. Untuk mengurangi rug-rugi daya saluran dan meningkatkan profil tegangan sistem diperlukan pengaturan daya reaktif yang tepat dengan memperhitungkan lokasi penempatan dan besarnya nilai kapasitor.Pengaturan daya reaktif dapat lebih mudah dilakukan apabila pada suatu bus terdapat sumber pembangkit daya reaktif seperti kapasitor. Dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika pengaturan daya reaktif yang tepat dapat dilakukan dengan optimasi penempatan kapasitor dan nilai kapasitor pada sistem tenaga listrik. Pada pengujian optimasi daya reaktif sistem kelistrikan area Bangka tanggal 28 Maret 2017 diperoleh rugi-rugi daya saluran sebelum optimasi sebesar 0,195 MW dan 0,543 MVAr, sedangkan rugi daya sesudah optimasi sebesar 0,177 MW dan 0,502 MVAr. Penurunan rugi daya saluran sebesar 0,018 MW dan 0,041MVAr atau sebesar 9,23 % untuk daya aktif dan 7,55 % untuk daya reaktif. Parameter algoritma genetika yang terpilih dalam pengujian optimasi daya reaktif adalah Pc = 1.0 Pm = 0,5 dengan injeksi kapasitor 1-7 MVAr (pengujian B bagian 4).Total injeksi daya reaktif yang diperoleh dari optimasi sebesar 27,93 MVAr.Penempatan kapasitor yang didapat adalah pada bus 2 = 3 MVAr, bus 6 =1 MVAr, bus 9 = 7 MVAr, bus 10 =6 MVAr, bus 11 = 7 MVAr, bus 12 =3 MVAr, bus 13 = 1 MVAr.
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Mesin Potong Berbasis SCADA Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Tamaji Tamaji; Yoga Alif Kurnia
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v6i1.572


The automation that is currently developing makes work quickly completed. This automation system is widely used in all fields, especially in industrial environments. In an industrial environment, automation systems are very widely used because they require a fast production process with high yields and high quality, for example, such as the printing industry. The need for a printing machine such as a paper cutting machine is very important. Therefore this research tries to make a SCADA-based cutting machine prototype using a microcontroller so that it can be used or implemented in the printing industry. Tests that have been carried out show that the prototype of this cutting tool is capable of cutting paper to a predetermined size with a measurement error of 6,368%. From this it can be concluded that the cutting tools made in this study are good enough to be used for cutting paper and it is hoped that in the future it can become a tool that makes work easier in the printing industry. 
Rancang Bangun Kombinasi Trafo 1 Ampere CT dan 5 Ampere Engkel Untuk Efisiensi Power Amplifier Class GB (Groudbridge) Arief Budi Laksono
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v4i1.306


Along with the development of technology about audio soundsystems, innovations and new designs about audio are very many, music is an entertainment that is almost every day encountered by people today, Amplifier products that are commonly marketed (finished products) are still very dominated by the outside market country. GB Power Amplifier class (Ground Bridge) is one type of power amplifier that requires a high input voltage in the audio world, the use of a combination of suitable transformers and with the output voltage transformer that is able to meet the required power capacity for the amplifier without having to search for transformer with a high output specification. So a good component selection can make the power amplifier's performance to the maximum.
Pemodelan Matematis Pengaturan Frekuensi Beban Sistem Tenaga Hibrid Turbin Angin-Diesel-PV Zainal - Abidin
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v5i2.497


Modeling study mathematically analyzes the wind-diesel-PV hybrid system with PI control for load frequency regulation (LFC). To improve the reliability of electricity supply, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are integrated with a diesel power generation system to supply power for isolated areas. Isolated hybrid power system is designed to minimize mismatch between generation and load consumption. Due to unstable wind generation, solar PV sources, and frequent load changes, there are fluctuations in power generation especially in system frequency and voltage. Conventional PI control is used to adjust the system load frequency to make the frequency drift to the allowable range. This article presents a complete mathematical modeling of a system consisting of a wind turbine induction generator unit, a diesel engine synchronous alternator unit and a solar panel (PV) with MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking). 
Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Dengan Fingerprint Berbasis Telephone Suhari janto; Affan Bachri
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v3i2.251


This research uses fingerprint as the security system. This tool checks if there is a match between the data obtained from the verification process and data stored on the file, if it matches then the motorcycle engine will light up. If there is stranger tries to put his finger into the fingerprint tool installed in the motorcycle, it will be rejected and the GSM SIM 900 module will inform the owner via phone that the motorcycle is in unsafe condition

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