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Dr. Masagus Ahmad Azizi, ST, MT
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This Journal is published periodically two times annually : April and October, containing papers of research and development for mineral and coal, including Mining Exploration, Surface Mine System and Operation, Underground Mine System and Operation, Geotechnical, Mine Safety and Mine Environment, Mine Management, Mine Ventilation, Mineral and Coal Economics, Coal and Mineral Processing and Smelting, Metallurgy, Coal and Mineral Trading, Mining Law and Policy, Mining CSR and Community Development, and Technology and Innovation in Mining. The editors only accept relevant papers with the substance of this publication.
Articles 59 Documents
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v2i1.18


Sektor pertambangan salah satunya dicirikan sebagai kegiatan yang padat modal. Biaya modal atau investasi dikeluarkan oleh pemilik Ijin Usaha Pertambangan mulai dari tahap penyelidikan umum sampai dengan beroperasinya kegiatan penambangan. Aktivitas investasi secara umum akan berdampak kepada masyarakat sekitar ataupun daerah karena meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi dan kesempatan kerja, meningkatkan pendapatan nasional, dan meningkatkan taraf kemakmuran masyarakat. Dalam hal investasi di bidang pertambangan, penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi pengaruh investasi sektor pertambangan logam terhadap perekonominan di Provinsi Papua. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode Vector Autoregression (VAR) dengan memperhatikan Impulse Response Function (IRF) dan Variance Decomposition (VD) terhadap variabel-variabel sebagai berikut; investasi, pertumbuhan PDRB umum provinsi Papua, PDRB sektor pertambangan, PDRB sektor pertanian, PDRB sektor konstruksi, serta tenaga kerja pada sektor tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan investasi sektor pertambangan logam memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap PDRB total Provinsi Papua, PDRB sektor pertambangan dan pertanian, serta nilai tambah dalam hal tenaga kerja di sektor pertambangan. Respon negatif diberikan oleh PDRB sektor konstruksi karena peningkatan investasi dan PDRB sektor pertambangan. Sektor konstruksi diindikasi hanya memberikan dampak keterkaitan yang rendah kepada sektor yang lain dilihat dari kontribusi PDRB sektor tersebut terhadap pembentukan PDRB sektor pertanian yang rendah dan respon yang rendah dari PDRB sektor pertambangan.
Stability Analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels based on Convergence Measurement Simon Heru Prassetyo; Ganda Marihot Simangunsong; Ridho Kresna Wattimena; Made Astawa Rai; Irwandy Arif; Nuhindro Priagung Widodo; Dhika Noor Pradhana; Dimas Agung Saputra
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.11


This paper focuses on the stability analysis of the Nanjung Water Diversion Twin Tunnels using convergence measurement. The Nanjung Tunnel is horseshoe-shaped in cross-section, 10.2 m x 9.2 m in dimension, and 230 m in length. The location of the tunnel is in Curug Jompong, Margaasih Subdistrict, Bandung. Convergence monitoring was done for 144 days between February 18 and July 11, 2019. The results of the convergence measurement were recorded and plotted into the curves of convergence vs. day and convergence vs. distance from tunnel face. From these plots, the continuity of the convergence and the convergence rate in the tunnel roof and wall were then analyzed. The convergence rates from each tunnel were also compared to empirical values to determine the level of tunnel stability. In general, the trend of convergence rate shows that the Nanjung Tunnel is stable without any indication of instability. Although there was a spike in the convergence rate at several STA in the measured span, that spike was not replicated by the convergence rate in the other measured spans and it was not continuous. The stability of the Nanjung Tunnel is also confirmed from the critical strain analysis, in which most of the STA measured have strain magnitudes located below the critical strain line and are less than 1%.
Implementation Of Permen Esdm No. 17/2012 As A Solution Between Mineral Businessesand Conservation Karst Zone In Indonesia Aris Dwi Nugroho; Tantan Hidayat; Muhammad Wachyudi Memed
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.6


Cement is powder made from lime and other materials used to make concrete, glue bricks or make walls (KBBI, 2008). Cement is a material that is hydraulic in nature, that is, a material which will undergo a hardening process in its mixing with water or acid solution. The raw materials for making cement include: clinker / slag of cement as much as 70% - 95% (the results of the combustion of limestone, silica sand, iron sand and clay), 5% gypsum and other additional materials (limestone, pozzolan, fly ash and etc). Along with the increase in infrastructure development which is the focus of the Government at this time, the need for building materials, especially cement, has increased. This increase in demand has made cement companies increase production, which in turn will also reduce the limestone reserves that exist in nature. Geological resources consist of mineral resources, energy resources, water resources, and landscapes.  Limestone  as  one  of  the  dominant  raw  materials  for  making  cement  is  a  mineral  and landscape resource that must be protected. The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources since 2012 has issued regulations relating to the use and protection of Karst Landscape Areas (Permen ESDM No. 17 of2012). Protection of the Karst Landscape Area aims to protect its function as a natural regulator of the water system and its unique / scientific value in the development of science. Meanwhile, the delineation of utilization efforts as minerals and industrial raw materials is regulated so that it does not disturb the conservation zone. Expected with the regulations (Permen  ESDM No. 17 of 2012) can be a solution for the use and protection of the Karst Landscape in Indonesia.
Rock strength analysis due to discontinuity and grouting Nur Alam Syah Rahman; Ganda Marihot Simangunsong; Irwandi Arif
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v2i1.20


Instability on rock, one of many factors caused by joint. Decreased of rock strength occurred inline with existence a number of joints. Poor rock have a large number of joints. Therefore rock reinforcement such as grouting can be one of the solution. This research conducted on artificial sample Moldano Tara (dental stone type III). It had been given artificial joints with orientation 60o from axial and frequency 1 till 2.  Furthermore, grout material with composition 4C;5W had been injected on joint and cured in 28 days. Triaxial test are done in all samples intact, jointed and grouted and its been analyzed with Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek Brown failure criteria. It is found,  joint given negative contribution on shear strength, declining 65,75% and 73,48%, whereas on UCS declined 46,85% dan 56,19%. On the other hand, grouting had been given positive contribution on shear strength, increasing 166,15% and 188,07%, while UCS increased 46,60% and 60,92%
Prediction of Material Volume of Slope Failure in Nickel Surface Mine Using Limit Equilibrium Method 3D Masagus Ahmad Azizi; Razak Karim; Irfan Marwanza; Muhammad Kemal Ghifari
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.13


PT X had an accident  of slope failure that caused fatalities and injuries experienced by labor mining, and also some heavy mining equipments  buried  by  materials  that causing companies got financial loss. therefore important to analyze the slope stability of surface mining operation, and predicting total volume of slope failure to anticipate the impact of fatalities/ injuries and financial risks. This research  aim is  to analyze  slope stability before failure conditions, predicting volume of slope failure, and determine position of critical zone using limit equilibrium “Simpilfied Bishop” method 3-dimensional, then doing validation with calculation of actual volume by comparing results of topography maps before and after failure using the cut and fill method. From the result of research, the slope on unstability conditions, actual and predicted volume of  slope failure is  8,629 m3 and 10,559 m3, so percent of calculation error is 18.3% .
Geotechnical Study of The Impact of Groundwater Level For Slope Stability in Coal Mine Jioni Santo Frans; Muhammad Hafizh Nurfalaq
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.7


Rock mass has force equilibrium which can be disturbed due to changes in rock mass conditions, both by naturally as well as human activities. In response, rock masses could have instability to reach new equilibrium and trigger landslides. Unstable slopes will affect the safety, economic and social factors. Groundwater has its own problems in mining management. Pore water pressure can cause uplift force and reduce the strength of the rock mass forming slopes and affect the slope stability. The study area has groundwater level relatively close to surface and causes the slope to be in nearly saturated condition. This research aims to study of the effect of groundwater levels on the stability of coal mine slopes in the study area. The research method includes collecting primary data through field observations to collect related technical data and secondary data collection through literature studies. Slope stability analysis was carried out to obtain recommendations with a minimum Safety Factor of 1.30. The results showed the ground water level has an inverse relationship to Safety Factor value. The recommendation is  depressurisation using drain holes. The target of groundwater level reduction in the mine wall is RL+40 in the sidewall area and RL+65 in the highwall area. Another alternative is is by resloping the overall slope angle of the mine wall in the study area. The mine slope is recommended for layback with an overall slope angle of around 24 °.
STUDI PENGARUH UKURAN BUTIR BATUBARA DAN TINGKAT KEPADATAN BATUBARA TERHADAP POTENSI PEMBAKARAN SPONTAN PADA SKALA LABORATORIUM Study of the Effect of Coal Grain Size and Coal Compaction to the Spontaneous Combustion Potential at Laboratory Scale Nuhindro P Widodo
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v2i1.24


ABSTRAKPembakaran spontan batubara dapat menjadi masalah yang serius terutama bagi kegiatan penambangan karena dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kebakaran pada penimbunan batubara atau ledakan gas metana pada tambang bawah tanah batubara. Penelitian kali ini akan dititikberatkan pada pengaruh ukuran butir batubara dan tingkat kepadatan batubara terhadap perilaku pembakaran spontan batubara. Ukuran butir yang digunakan dengan penelitian ini adalah -10+14 mesh, -60+80 mesh dan -170+200 mesh dengan tingkat kepadatan 0 kPa dan 50 kPa. Ukuran butir ini dipilih untuk mewakili kondisi ukuran butir relatif besar hingga kecil pada penimbunan batubara, sedangkan tingkat kepadatan diasumsikan berasal dari ground pressure dozer sebesar 50 kPa. Dalam penelitian kali ini, digunakan metode oksidasi adiabatik dengan mengalirkan gas oksigen dengan debit 0,05 L/menit pada tabung uji. Selain itu, dilakukan pula pengujian difusi oksigen untuk menentukan laju kenaikan konsentrasi oksigen pada masing-masing parameter. Ukuran butir dan tingkat kepadatan butiran batubara memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap terjadinya pembakaran spontan batubara. Semakin kecil ukuran percontoh maka nilai R70 semakin besar. Adanya pemadatan memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap nilai R70 pada ukuran butir yang berbeda. ABSTRACTSpontaneous combustion of coal can be a serious problem especially for mining activities because it can cause fires in coal stockpiling or methane gas explosions in coal underground mines. This research will focus on the influence of coal grain size and coal compaction on the spontaneous combustion behavior of coal. The grain sizes used in this study are -10 + 14 mesh, -60 + 80 mesh and -170 + 200 mesh with a compaction pressure of 0 kPa and 50 kPa. This grain size was chosen to represent the condition from large to small grain size in coal stockpile, while the compaction level is assumed to come from the dozer ground pressure of 50 kPa. In this study, an adiabatic oxidation method was used by flowing oxygen gas with a discharge of 0.05 L / min in the test tube. In addition, an oxygen diffusion test was also carried out to determine the rate of oxygen concentration increase for each parameter. Grain size and compaction level of coal grains have a major influence on the spontaneous combustion of coal. The smaller the sample size, the greater the R70 value. The presence of compaction has a different effect on the value of R70 at different grain sizes.
Activated Sludge Technology to Treat Wastewater from Offices and Residential Areas PT Kaltim Prima Coal Kris Pranoto; Widia Rahmawati Pahilda; Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan; Apridawati Elistyandari; Andi Sutikno
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.14


In Indonesia, coal mining operations generally involve a huge number of workers. This condition causes its own challenges in managing environmental impacts that potentially generated from human activities. One of them is domestic wastewater. Domestic waste water is waste water that comes from activities of daily living of humans related to water usage. In mining operations, domestic wastewater is generated from office and residential areas. Because of the potential impact on the environment, domestic wastewater must be treated before flowing to natural water bodies. Since the beginning of mining operations in 1990s, PT Kaltim Prima Coal has been building and operating Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPALD) to treat domestic wastewater resulting from offices and residential areas. There are 12 IPALDs with activated sludge technology operating in the PT KPC area. Active sludge is one of the domestic wastewater treatment technologies by utilizing the role of aerobic bacteria to degrade organic material contained in domestic wastewater. This paper is presented to describe the performance of activated sludge technology usedin the KPC’s IPALD and the challenges faced in its operation. One of the challenges faced is the fulfillment of water quality standards in Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. P. 68 of 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards. The latest quality standards regulate the effluent concentration of IPALD more stringent than before and there are new parameters, including ammonia which requires attention in the operation of IPALD.
Linier Superposition Analysis on Managing Blasting Ground Vibration in Coal Mining Dhion Pradatama; Chani Pradasara; Syarif Nurdiansyah
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): NOVEMBER
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v1i1.8


One of the blasting process effect is ground vibration. Ground vibration currently consider as waste energy which it can infere and be an issue to the environment. PT. Multi Nitrotama Kimia as blasting service and explosives sales in Indonesia has customers dealing with that issues, one of them is PT Adaro Indonesia. To overcome the issue, engineering approach is done to the ground vibration by changing waste energy into work energy with the principle of linear superposition using the signature hole analysis (SHA) method to minimize the ground vibration. Researches and experiments are carried out using the Signature Hole Analysis (SHA) method to record wave propagation in each range of certain blocks - strips to the concern area. The recorded waves are analyzed with the Linear Superposition feature to obtain delay time recommendation along with the predicted vibration. The recommended delay time obtained is the delay time on inter-hole and inter-row which will be applied for next blasting.Based on the Signature Hole Analysis method, the recommended delay time given can be applied to accommodate the linear superposition wave principle. Its application can be optimized using inter-deck delay to minimize ground vibration produced. Its proven by ground vibrations produced using the recommendations always below the specified standard (PVS = <2.00 mm / s).
Penentuan Lebar Chain Pillar Pada Tambang Batubara Shortwall Mining Ratih Hardini Kusuma Putri
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : PERHAPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36986/impj.v2i1.21


Penambangan batubara dengan metode shortwall memiliki resiko terhadap keruntuhan atap lubang bukaan dan panel penambangan. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh factor kestabilan dari lubang bukaan dan juga pilar sebagai penyangga alamiah pada area penambangan. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut diperlukan suatu kajian geoteknik terhadap rancangan pilar batubara bawah tanah, agar kegiatan penambangan dapat dikerjakan dengan aman dan lancar. Analisis kestabilan chain pillar menggunakan metode tradisional Obert dan Duvall (1967), dan Bienawski (1983).Penentuan desain lebar chain pillar dianalisis secara analitik. Berdasarkan acuan dalam penentuan rancangan pilar Hoek. E, Kaiser. P.K, dan Bawden.W.F., 1993, dengan ukuran lebar pilar, yaitu Safety Factor > 1.3.