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The Indonesian Design Journal
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Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
The Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) is an open journal—managed by the Indonesian Industrial Product Designers Alliance (ADPII)—that focuses on publication of research in general design fields, either as result of traditional form of research activities or design works.JDI is published twice a year, January and September. The Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) aims to build and strengthen all academic nuances related to design fields: product design, industrial design, interior design, visual communication design, textile design, craft, fashion design, and other notable fields of design that produce artifacts. All received writings shall be based on process of making (or creation) of artifact, creative analysis, design research result, concept and ideas, application of theory and method, philosophical opinion, or book reviews. SCOPE The scope of the Indonesian Design Journal (JDI) are—but not limited to—as follows: Social and cultural aspects of Design. Design Methods, Approaches and Processes. Design Management and Strategy. Craft and Design. Design Education Ergonomics of Design. Design History, Theory and Philosophy Design and Materials. Interaction and User Experience Design
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian" : 7 Documents clear
Proses Desain Kursi dengan Memanfaatkan Modul Silinder dari Bonggol Jagung Priskila Indah Saptorini; Andry Masri
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.30


One of the results of the exploration of corncobs is a cylindrical module. In this research, the cylindrical module will be used as a component in the chair, so that the search for the right technique and appropriate design will be made so that it can become a strong unit to be used as a chair. So, the purpose of this design process is to produce an appropriate chair design and in accordance with the techniques in utilizing cylindrical corncobs module, to get a compromise value from the novelty with module assembly techniques that must be able to function properly. The role of research for Design Project 5 and Professional Work is to find and test the material of corn cobs woven with rope as a component of a chair's seat base. The research method used was an experiment. The results showed a novelty and obtained a product made from corncobs in the form of a cylinder that can function well as a chair component.
Travel Bag Design Using Laminated Bamboo Construction Muhammad Fuadakbar Rahmatullah; Agung Pramudya
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.32


With the large availability of bamboo in Indonesia which has several advantages in terms of material characteristics in its application to products, this research activity aims to explore the potential of bamboo with lamination techniques, so as to find the potential of laminated bamboo which is suitable for application to traveling bag products. will be appointed as a concept in the product of the means of carrying that will be designed. The purpose of this study is to present a novel design on a travel bag by combining natural and artificial materials by analyzing concrete data regarding the characteristics and techniques of processing bamboo materials that are suitable for the design of a travel bag. The study was conducted as a reference / source of information / theoretical study / data analysis in working on project design 5 and Professional Work. In this study, the method used is qualitative and quantitative methods by conducting observations, surveys and research on traveling activities and research carried out related to activities, characteristics, and means of carrying used when traveling. If the application and processing techniques of bamboo material are used in the right type of travel bag, there will be a novelty in the design of the travel bag
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Laser Cutting Dalam Proses Perancangan Perhiasan Berbahan Akrilik Lembaran Dengan Pendekatan Eksplorasi Bentuk Meryam Nur Putri; Dedy Ismail
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.34


Acrylic material has unique characteristics to be made into a jewelry material with variety shapes and colors that has been available in the market. Many jewelry industries has been using acrylic as their main material to make a jewelry by using a variety of modules (beads) which are numerous in the market. The dependence of modules in the market makes a lot of jewelry industries using an acrylic, that relies to their relation to develop in the market. An opportunity to develop acrylic jewelry by using laser cutting technology in the creative process (design) and then developed into new modules. The shape exploration is very precisely to develop jewelry designs with a new variety modules, and makes designers not put their dependency on the modules in the market.
Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Material PVC Lembaran Dari Sampah Sisa Bahan Baku di Industri Alas Kaki Afrazilulla Anyankani Qorira; Mohamad Arif Waskito
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.36


Garbage is a part of people's lives. Especially plastic waste that continues to accumulate and also endangers environmental life, especially waste generated by an industry. Especially PVC plastic waste in the Footwear Industry. The amount of plastic waste is waste and the decomposition of plastic waste takes a very long time. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to carry out activities that make plastic waste can be reused properly. Using the experimental method can provide some new ideas and opportunities, in utilizing PVC plastic waste in the footwear industry. This can give rise to several new things and ideas such as designing a women's footwear with plastic waste of the type Mica Plastik (PVC) which is relatively rarely applied to functional products. The benefits of research activities on people's lives are creating new job opportunities and new businesses.
Pengembangan Perhiasan Tembaga Inspirasi Teknik Filigree Dengan Pendekatan Eksplorasi Yayang Murdiyanto; Dedy Ismail
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.43


Filigree jewelry has a complex and detailed jewelry character, so that market segmentation is limited to the middle and upper middle age range. This research plays an important role as one of the techniques and data collection methods that will be studied in the Design Project Course V. The purpose of developing the filigree technique with a new material approach is to expand market reach. In addition to the new material approach, the development of this filigree technique of jewelry design. The design research method used is data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, literacy studies and exploration. The results of this study indicate that filigree jewelry can develop according to trends and can reach a wider market segmentation so that it can add product value and quality of life of metal craftsmen.
Pengaruh Absorbansi Kayu Secang Terhadap Keputusan Desain Dan Daniel Pandapotan; Imam Damar Djati; Meirina Triharini; Yusuf Eka Maulana
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.56


Kayu secang mengandung zat yang memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Masyarakat telah memanfaatkan kayu secang dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti bubuk dan serutan. Selain itu, ditemukan produk secang yang berbentuk balok dan gelondongan. Jika produk berbentuk balok atau gelondongan, maka orang dapat mengenali beberapa karakteristik dari sebuah kayu, seperti warna, tekstur, kekerasan dan berat. Hal ini akan lebih sulit untuk dilakukan jika produk berbentuk serbuk atau serutan. Kelebihan tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk-bentuk yang memiliki tujuan tertentu, seperti fungsi pakai dan fungsi dekorasi. Fungsi pakai dapat dilakukan dengan cara merendam kayu secang menggunakan air, pada suhu dan waktu tertentu. Proses tersebut akan menghasilkan larutan dengan kadar kandungan tertentu yang dapat diukur berdasarkan nilai absorbansinya. Fungsi dekorasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara membentuk kayu secang menggunakan prinsip pahat, yaitu mengurangi volume bahan baku. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan bentuk terhadap konsentrasi kandungan pada kayu secang, sehingga menghasilkan pertimbangan yang dapat digunakan dalam merancang sebuah produk berbahan kayu secang. Percobaan dilakukan pada 4 jenis perlakuan, yaitu spesimen N mewakili perlakuan pemakaian berulang, spesimen LPA dan LPB mewakili perlakuan luas permukaan yang berbeda, dan spesimen V mewakili perlakuan dengan volume yang berbeda. Masing-masing perlakuan menghasilkan larutan yang diukur menggunakan Spectorphotometry UV-Vis. Hasil pengukuran pada masing-masing larutan spesimen menunjukkan nilai absorbansi dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam merancang produk berbahan kayu secang. Adapun hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah jarak antar rongga, ketebalan produk dan pola pemotongan bahan.
Experiential Learning Dalam Pendidikan Literasi Visual Menggunakan Instagram (Studi Kasus: Tugas Visual Journal, Mata Kuliah Literasi Visual Semester Genap 2017/2018 DKV Itenas) Wuri Widyani Hapsari; Aditya Januarsa; Ganis Resmisari
Jurnal Desain Indonesia. Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Desain Sebagai Sebuah Penelitian
Publisher : Aliansi Desainer Produk Industri Indonesia (ADPII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52265/jdi.v2i1.57


Media sosial seringkali dianggap sebagai sebuah platform digital yang hanya berkutat seputar media komunikasi jejaring bersifat keseharian, seperti untuk kebutuhan mengisi waktu luang atau menjalin koneksi dengan teman sejawat dan keluarga. Namun seiring dengan berkembangnya popularitas model pembelajaran blended, penggunaan media sosial dalam ranah pendidikan semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Secara umum, klasifikasi media sosial untuk kebutuhan proses pembelajaran dapat terbagi atas dua kategori, yaitu sebagai sumber konten, serta alat koordinasi atau komunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji pemanfaatan media Instagram sebagai media interaksi pembelajaran experiential learning dalam mata kuliah Literasi Visual. Sehingga pada eksperimen ini media sosial Instagram diuji dan dieksperimenkan pada salah satu tugas kuliah mata kuliah Literasi Visual pada semester dua, yaitu Visual Journal dengan berlandaskan pada model Experiential Learning. Setelah ekperimen dilakukan selama sepuluh hari, respon mahasiswa dikaji melalui lima pilar Konsorsium Sloan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terpenuhinya aspek kepuasan baik dari mahasiswa maupun staf pengajar dalam menggunakan media Instagram terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran, sehingga Instagram sebagai sosial media membuktikan mampu meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa dalam mencapai tujuan belajar.

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