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Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars
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PROCEEDINGS AnCoMS:Publikasi artikel dari hasil konferensi CETAK, dan menggunakan ISBN; Terbitan pertama 2017 dan kedua 2018; artikel yang dionline kan ini bertujuan memudahkan pembaca dan penulis untuk mengakses artikel secara during dan memudahkan untuk di unduh serta disebarkan. Mulai Terbitan Ke TIGA tahun 2019 ini menggunakan E-ISSN. Konferensi dilaksanakan oleh Kopertais Wilyah IV setiap tahun, mengupas tentang kajian-kajian keislaman dan multidisipliner, konferensi ini pertama dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017; Karya-karya pemikiran intelektual muslim dalam merespons perubahan dunia masih sangat dinantikan, terutama produk pemikiran ilmiah dengan basis nilai-nilai keislaman; Bidang: 1. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Thought 2. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Education 3. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Communication 4. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Law 5. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Culture and Civilization 6. Muslim Polity perspective of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary.
Articles 49 Documents
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Spiritualitas Modern Melalui Wisata Religi Sari Narulita
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.34 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.190


This research tries to reveal the phenomenon of increased spirituality among society in DKI Jakarta, in response to the negative impacts of modernism. The revival of urban spirituality as an icon of modern society is marked by the passion of the people who follow various activities of spirituality, such as doing routine reciting holy Quran in various mosques, religious halaqah, religious teaching, and also prefer to do it in quiet areas and pursue activities that are considered capable of reassuring soul, which in this study focused on the pilgrimage of the tomb of Habib Husein Alydrus, Luar Batang. The result of the research shows the form of the meaning of modern spirituality, namely 1) Meaning of Life, which is shown by understanding the good relationship between self and the Almighty, 2) Peace of heart, body, and mind obtained by contemplation, and reading of verses holy. Further peace spreads to the mind and manifests itself in attitude or behavior. This calm and peaceful attitude will have implications for the relationship or connection with others and the environment; and 3) The strengthening of human values in the form of; empathy, courage, justice, and love.
Politik dan Konservatisme Islam: Indonesia dan Tunisia Budi Juliandi; Basri Ibrahim; Saifuddin Herlambang
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.371 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.191


Conservatism is needed to maintain harmony in the Muslim community. Conservatism, therefore, is not always negative. However, facing a public opinion controlled by conservative forces, is much more difficult than facing a despotic political force. This paper shows that politics has defied Islamic conservatism in Indonesia and Tunisia. Conservatism ridden by politics causes communal violence that not only destroys one's reputation, but also a moderate understanding of Islam. This paper reinforces Hamayotsu’s (2014) assertion that political competition among elites over distribution of state resources, land, ethnicity and other identities were the primary cause of the conflict. Instead, this paper addresses the statement of Christoper Duncan (2014) which states that the essential source and character of the communal violence is religion.
Tantangan Islam Moderat di Era Disruption Winarto Eka Wahyudi
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.939 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.192


In addition to being a religion that occupies a majority position amid the diversity of religions in Indonesia, Islam in this archipelago country, is known as a religion that upholds the values ​​of tolerance and noble. The harmonious compounds between the substantial teachings of Islamic religion and the culture of the archipelago make this religion a distinct position in the hearts of the people. Unfortunately, this reality applies in pre-reform era to the back. After the collapse of the New Order era of 1998 ago to date, the face of Islam in Indonesia tends to be displayed with increasingly fierce and furious. This fact, aggravated by the increasingly sophisticated information technology, so participate in shaping opinion in the community, especially among followers of Islam. Thus, it is not difficult to find fellow Muslims clashing and facing each other due to differences in the acceptance of information from online media. Now, the phenomenon of blasphemy and cursing as if the daily menu of Indonesian Muslims, almost no day without the verbal abuse among Muslims. This is of course if left unchecked, will have an impact on the lunturnya spirit of moderation that has been the advantage of the nature of Islam in the archipelago. So, it becomes very relevant if the spirit of moderation (wasatiyah) re-echoed in the middle of millennial generations that most of his life drained away in the digital world.
Potret Kerukunan Pemuda Lintas Agama di Jawa Timur M. Thoriqul Huda
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.006 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.193


This study aims to provide an overview of the condition of youth harmony across religions in the province of East Java, through the organization of Youth Communication Forum of Interfaith Intergovernmental Province of East Java which is in coordination with FKUB East Java province. In this research the researcher used qualitative research method with ethnography analysis blade, qualitative research method of the researcher select to get deep data from the research object, that is member of communication forum of young generation between East Java faithful, by using in-depth interview method and directly involved in the atmosphere of harmony in this forum, then the results of the data from the field of researchers perform data analysis to obtain results that accurate data.From the results of observations and interviews in the field, the researchers managed to take some research results, among them are: First Youth Communication Forum Intergovernmental Among Religious People under the auspices of FKUB East Java province, the second there are some places and time (the field of harmony) FORKUGAMA in coordinating and keeping the atmosphere in harmony, including FORKUGAMA Office, Coffee Place, Social Media Group, and place of seminar or workshop.
Pluralisme Agama dan Implementasi Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Mewujudkan Konsep Masyarakat Madani di Indonesia Achmad Anwar Abidin
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.274 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.194


It is important to know and understand that religious pluralism and the implementation of multicultural education is one of the ikhtiyar for the realization of civil society in Indonesia. In this article the discussion will focus on the understanding of religious pluralism and the implementation of multicultural education in realizing the concept of civil society coveted by every nation. The methods undertaken in this discussion are library research on books and articles related to Pluralism, multicultural education, and civil society concepts from experts. The result of religious pluralism in Indonesia is a Sunnatullah that must be addressed with adult, especially for Muslims as the majority. Since Islam itself Acknowledges the existence of other religions, giving it the right to co-exist with respect for other religions, to avoid violence and to keep religious places of worship, not to impose the will of other faiths and Islam also recognizes the many ways that human beings can take and the government is competing in virtue. One way of instilling an understanding of religious pluralism is through multicultural education, but its implementation in Indonesia is still a new discourse that needs to be responded quickly to keep the multicultural nation rich in multicultural because multicultural education is a form of awareness about diversity. understanding of religious and cultural diversity requires new construction of justice, equality and a democratic society towards the realization of civil society in Indonesia.
Dzikir Manaqib: Moderasi Islam di Tengah Masyarakat Multikultural Muhammad Ainul Yaqin
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.344 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.195


Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki banyak keanegaraman baik aspek budaya, agama, suku, bahasa yang bangsa ini miliki. Bangsa ini, bangsa yang besar yang memiliki kekuatan di masyarakatnya. Kekuatan itu salah satunya masyarakatnya yang multikultural. Dari multikultural ini, model perubahan pola hidup sebagian besar masyarakat, akibat nistapa psikologi, kekeringan karakter, spiritual dan problematika hidup yang terus meresahkan mereka. Dzikir semakin di minati sebagai kebutuhan dasar dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin meningkat, baik itu aspek materiaistik dan bahkan hedonisme. Di tanah air, fenomena kebangkitan dzikir manâqib juga terlihat semarak, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta bahwa sejumlah even dzikir manâqib dan tabligh yang di gelar diberbagai tempat selalu di banjiri ratusan bahkan ribuan umat dari berbagai bahasa, agama, kelas, status sosial, daerah dan kalangan. Kehadiran moderasi Islam diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi dengan karakter atau prinsip-prinsip cara beragama yang ditawarkan menjadi solusi. Moderasi Islam tidak berarti bahwa posisi netral yang abu-au sebagaimana yang sering dialamatkan kepada term tersebut, tidak juga berarti bahwa moderasi Islam diidentikan dengan paradigma Barat yang cenderung memperjuangkan bahkan membuka kebebasan yang kebablasan. Akan tetapi moderasi Islam yang dimaksud adalah nilai-nilai universal seperti keadilan, persamaan, kerahmatan, keseimbangan yang dimiliki oleh agama Islam yang memiliki akar sejarah yang kuat dalam tradisi Nabi dan Sahabat. Moderasi Islam seperti itu kemudian dapat dijumpai dalam setiap disiplin keilmuan Islam, mulai dari perspektif aqidah Islam, pemikiran Islam dan moderat tasawuf.
Otoritas Keagamaan Nyai Pandalungan Fazlul Rahman
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.785 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.196


This research discusses the dynamic phenomenon of the religious authority of the kiai’s wives, who usually known as “nyai”, in the area of Pandalungan, East Java, Indonesia. More specifically, this study highlights the problem of the subordination of nyai’s religious authority, or of female ulama’s in general, in the pesantren world. The fact that the glory of a pesantren is often only attributed to the leadership skills and greatness of the individual charisma of a kiai, the role of a nyai is, at this point, more often be subordinated or considered as the second actor behind the greatness of the husband's name. This problem is increasingly complex when it is faced with local cultural realities which significantly contribute to down-grading the existence of female ulama. Based on the existing theories in gender discourse, religious authority in Islam, and female psychology, this study concludes that the religious authority of women in Islam in Pandalungan is actually dynamic. Local cultural factors that are inherited from generation to generation and the psychology of a woman, in this case, become the main factor behind the gap of male and female religious authority in pesantren and of ideal-theological view of women and local culture realities in general.
Yuridis Normatif Doa Lintas Agama dalam Kehidupan Multikultural Ali Ridho
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.522 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.197


This paper raises a culture that develops at the level of multicultural society, which is a gathering event, having du'a together among adherents of religion. In this paper, the writer tries to take some references and then make a dialogue between those references, means the Qur'an itself, the book of interfaith fiqh and the MUI fatwa. Such an activity would be highly controversial between the pros and the cons. In the view of its own normative path, the Qur'an clearly states that non-Muslims will be rejected and in digression, although this context does not explain about du'a together. While the fiqh of interreligions, because the basic is the inclusive pluralist theology and not Islamic faith (aqidah Islam). So it is clear, if the basic of this book is pluralism, this book is an understanding of pluralism, or an understanding of inclusiveness and openness and understanding that a part of other religion has a path of truth and savety that is not as complete as the religion he embraces. Therefore, according to this book, this tradition is a natural thing and not problematic. While the MUI itself in its fatwa provides legal values and procedures of praying that are allowed and not allowed.
Cerai Susuk di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Lilit Biati
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (870.706 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.198


For life in the land actually is the last alternative for a person, except around his place there are no job opportunities. Therefore berburuh to another country is a great alternative employment opportunities primarily due to its natural condition. The purpose of this study to describe the process of divorce implant is mostly done by maids against their husbands in Banyuwangi. As well as assess the impact of migrant maids to the harmony of households. Hence, this study was conducted using research methods to uncover a phenomenon qualitatively divorce implant that is currently rampant in Banyuwangi. The data collection technique using participant observation, interview and documentation. data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. From some research findings concluded that there are factors which then triggers that cause divorce implants (the husband's income is low, the husband does not work, cheating, defamation victim, meddling parents, reluctant to return to their homeland and the rupture of communication). While the process of (KHI) Article 132 paragraph and gender studies in fact women (wives) are justified to help the family economy, but the independence of wives would trigger gender awareness high and a cause for divorce implant that is getting phenomenal in Banyuwangi
Dialog Teori Konflik Dialektika-Fungsional Meneropong Dinamika Sidang Itsbat di Indonesia Nihayatur Rohmah
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 2 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.2 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 2.199


The difference in starting and becoming a hijriya month seems to be a question that does not go away. Whether we realize it or not, these things are part of the life of this nation. Therefore, an understanding of the root of existing problems can be helpful in determining attitudes. Determination of the 1st of Ramadan has become a tradition in this country will be decided by the government through Itsbat assembly of Islamic mass organizations in the ministry of Religion. The problem of hisab rukyat in terms of determining the beginning of the month of Qamariyah-especially Ramadan, Syawwal and Dzulhijjah-syndrome raised numbers, sometimes even inflaming the evil permutations that tore the fabric of ukhuwwah Islamiyyah. Government efforts through the trial basically rests on the efforts to achieve uniformity, prosperity and unity of Indonesian Muslims. In 2012 Muhammadiyah provides a firm stance that will not be able to oblige it with a variety of reasons between belief and belief between Muhammadiyah and the Government. From that fact, according to Lewis A Coser the conflict stems from an imbalance (imbalance) in the overall sosial system, the imbalance that causes splits (plague); this split inspires the emergence of the international (temporary integration); it is this temporal system that causes the structure to increase flexibly; this flexible structure then overcomes these imbalances through conflict; and reveals the highest level of adaptability in circumstances