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Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Agriecobis diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu dua kali setahun pada bulan Maret dan Oktober yang berisi artikel hasil pemikiran dan penelitian di bidang sosial, ekonomi, penyuluhan dan kebijakan pertanian. Jurnal ini mencakup artikel hasil penelitian termasuk bidang Agribisnis, Sosial Pertanian, Ekonomi Pertanian, Penyuluhan, Pembangunan Pedesaan, Sosiologi Pedesaan, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Kewirausahaan.
Articles 10 Documents
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The Interest of Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs (Young Farmers) on Chili Agribusiness in Kabupaten Garut Ait Maryani; Dedy Kusnadi; Wida Pradiana
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.15692


The study aims at analyzing the descriptions of the interests of young agricultural entrepreneurs (young farmer) and discovering the factors affecting their interest in chili agribusiness. The study was conducted in Kabupaten Garut from June to November, 2019. This study employs a quantitative approach. In this study, population was 1.376 of young agricultural entrepreneurs (young farmer) aged under 40 in chili production centers. Sample for this study was 233 people obtained by calculating following Slovin. The samples were scattered in sub-district of Banyuresmi (79 people), Wanaraja (72 people) and Cikajang (83 people). Sampling technique employed was proportional random sampling. Primary data were collected from respondents through direct interviews and focus group discussion (FGD). The research variables consisted of individual characteristics, external characteristics, and the interests of young agricultural entrepreneurs (young farmer). The collected data were analyzed by utilizing descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression. The results of the study concluded show that most of the respondents stated their interest were at a moderate level. The average age of young agricultural entrepreneurs (young farmer) is 31.47 years. The majority are still elementary school educated, and most of them have never been involved in organizations and never joined apprenticeship/courses/training. However, cosmopolitan attitude is in the high category. The interest of young agricultural entrepreneurs (young farmer) is affected by institutional, non-formal education, cosmopolitan and external factors including government support, availability of infrastructure, agricultural extension, easy access to information, community leaders and production markets.
Comparison of Staple Food Availability in Urban and Rural Households in Kabupaten Malaka Falentina Adriana Nahak; Johanna Suek; Lika Bernadina
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.15713


This study aims to investigate the differences staple food availability and household consumption patterns in urban and rural areas. This research took place in Kabupaten Malaka, with the sample of 60 urban households and 60 households chosen through random sampling. The obtianed data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results show that staple food availability respondents’ household were from the production of own farming, purchasing, and assistance from relatives. However, the availability of staple food did not support household consumption needs for 365 days (1 year). Staple food availability index in urban areas was 58.4, and the rural households reached 57.2. These numbers were far below the national index of 100. Analysis of z-tests showed significant differences in staple food availability between urban and rural households.
Consumer Preferences toward Goat Milk Yohana Agustina; Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo; Lestari Rahayu Waluyati; M. Zul Mazwan
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.15922


The high level of business competition in this current globalization requires companies to produce quality products. Among the efforts of product improvement is through understanding consumer preferences. This study aims to identify consumer preferences of several attribute combinations of goat milk branded Bumiku Hijau, Yogyakarta. Conjoint analysis with pairwise-comparison was employed in this study. The combination of attributes analyzed were price, flavor variant, types of milk, and packaging. Results showed that the best combination results were obtained on stimuli number 13 with a total usability value of 3.709, which was 0.356 on the product price. The chocolate flavor variant attributes to the largest total usability value of 0.166. Based on the type of milk, the total usability value of powdered milk (skim) is 0.073, and the highest usability value was obtained through carton packaging (200gr) of 0.077. Consumers favored powdered goat milk products with new flavor variants that suit teenagers and adults. They also want 100 gr product packaging as it is easier to measure and consume.
Corporate Farming for Farmer Labor Efficiency in Trimulyo Village, Bantul Regency Neti Herlina; Ismiasih Ismiasih; Tri Endar Suswatiningsih
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.15984


Agriculture is one of the dominant sectors in the economic structure in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This is because the agricultural sector contributes to meeting food needs and the supply of industrial raw materials. The corporate farming (CF) program located in desa Trimulyo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is one of the empowerment programs for farming communities by farming in groups. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the CF program and the impact of the CF program on labor efficiency at the farm level. The research method used was descriptive qualitative and quantitative with t-test. The method of determining the sample was purposive with 30 farmers as respondents. The technique of collecting data was done by observation, interview and questionnaire. The results showed that the CF program is a program by combining several farmer-owned lands into one large area (land consolidation) and carried out jointly in one management from land preparation to harvest using modern agricultural tools and machines. The rice productivity produced by farmers before the CF program was 323.03 Kg/UT or 3,654.05 Kg/Ha. After the existence of the productivity program is 268.13 Kg/UT or 3,032 Kg/Ha. The need for labour in one season prior to the program was 43.8 HOK/UT or 1,464.76 HOK/Ha. The need for labor after the program was 31.52 HOK/UT or 716.79 HOK/Ha. The impact of the CF program on labor efficiency shows no significant difference. This means that the efficiency of the labor before and after the program is the same.
Effect of Marketing Mix on Consumer Purchase Decisions to Buy Cavendish Banana at Modern Markets in Semarang Tutik Istiqomatin; Agus Setiadi; Titik Ekowati
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.16225


This study aims at identifying marketing mix of purchase decisions to buy Cavendish banana and analyzing the effect of marketing mix on purchase decisions to buy Cavendish banana at modern market in Semarang. This research was conducted at modern market in Semarang, namely Gelael Supermarket, Ada Swalayan, Superindo and Giant. Survey was employed as research method in this study. 100 respondents were taken for research sampling. The independent variables used were products, prices, places, and promotions, while the dependent variable was decisions. Descriptive analysis having been conducted shows that the variables of product have an average of 4.14; a variable of price is 3.65; a variable of place is 4.32, a variable of promotion is 3.26; and a variable of purchase decision is 3.85. Statistical analysis having been carried out shows that the f-test of product, price, place and promotion variables simultaneously affect the consumer purchase decision to buy Cavendish bananas with an f-count value of 26.378. Besides, the results of the t-test of product, price and promotion variables partially affect the consumer purchase decision to buy Cavendish bananas with t-count value of 1.984. Moreover, the place variable does not partially affect the consumer purchase decision to buy at Modern Market in Semarang.
Design and Planning of The Porang Supply Chain in South Sumatra Agustina Bidarti; Yulius Yulius; Erni Purbiyanti
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.17407


The length of the existing porang (Amorphopallus Muelleri B) supply chain is causing a problem on porang farmers in South Sumatra. The purpose of this research was to construct a P4S Karya Tani porang supply chain with two evaluation steps. First beginning, identify the potential demand for porang in South Sumatra from either the demand and supply perspective. Second, consider the challenges of maximizing market demand in the porang supply chain in South Sumatra. The research employed a qualitative descriptive method with a philosophical approach to supply chain management theory. Based on the discussion, P4S as evaluated the porang supply chain design, determining that small and large traders must be eliminated as intermediaries, allowing them to sell porang raw materials direct to consumers and agro-industry enterprises that export porang. All elements, including that of the local government, Sriwijaya University, the corporate sector, and banking institutions, should be involved in the P4S porang supply chain planning. This collaboration is crucial in order to connect and transform the paradigm of direct sales to consumers, enabling P4S porang farmers to sell to the nearest consumer, PT PIP in South Lampung, via a contract farming system.
Service Quality, Product Quality, and Perception of Price for Consumer Satisfaction at Aqiqah Business Nabilah Zhafirah; Rahayu Relawati; Bambang Yudi Ariadi
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/agriecobis.v4i2.17909


Consumer Satisfaction is an assessment of the features of a product or service that provides a level of pleasure to customers related to meeting customer consumption needs. Aqiqah Nurul Hayat has been serving aqiqah services since 2003 and already has more than 30 branches spread throughout Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between price perception, service quality, and product quality to consumer satisfaction with aqiqah Nurul Hayat Malang Branch. The research location is at the office of Nurul Hayat Malang branch on Jl. S. Supriadi No. 7 Sukun. Sampling used the accidental sampling method, the respondents obtained were 73 people. The analytical method used in this study is Spearman's Correlation. The data used are primary data. The results obtained indicate that the perception of price, service quality, and product quality have a relationship with customer satisfaction Aqiqah Nurul Hayat Malang branch. The results of the analysis show that perceived price, service quality, and product quality have a strong relationship with customer satisfaction at the Aqiqah Nurul Hayat Malang branch. The recommendation given is to maintain customer satisfaction by continuing to maintain the quality of both services and products.  
Front Matter Vol. 4 No. 2 October Jurnal Agriecobis
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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Front Matter Vol. 4 No. 2 October
Back Matter Vol. 4 No. 2 October Jurnal Agriecobis
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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Back Matter Vol. 4 No. 2 October
Full Paper Vol. 4 No. 2 October : Full Paper Vol. 4 No. 2 October Jurnal Agriecobis
Agriecobis : Journal of Agricultural Socioeconomics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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