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JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
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Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel-artikel yang mengandung aspek aplikasi ilmu-ilmu teknik dan/atau hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku dan penggiat dunia pendidikan secara umum, kalangan akademisi, industri, maupun kelompok masyarakat.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 17 Documents
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Sosialisasi Dampak Penggunaan Media Sosial Terhadap Kekerasan Pada Anak Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Di SMA Negeri Bireuen Aceh Nuribadah Nuribadah; Eny Dameria; Elidar Sari; Ummi Kalsum; Muhammad Nasir
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.551


The impact of using social media is knowledge that must be possessed by students because this young generation uses social media a lot in their daily activities. The most basic impact for children during the corona virus pandemic is the widespread use of devices, both according to conventional views, for school purposes, as well as in the family and local environment. The use of these devices adversely affects children. Children in the use of online media must be limited to things that have a positive impact and deviations from the use of web-based media can be denied by protecting them from abusing criminal demonstrations recorded in the ITE law. For this reason, community service activities were carried out to socialize the impact of using social media on high school students. The socialization was carried out in 2 schools, namely SMA Negeri 1 Bireuen and SMA Negeri 2 Bireuen. The material for socialization is Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. This activity is expected to provide positive knowledge about the use of social media among students.
Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Dengan Metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Untuk Mengurangi Produk Gagal Pada Sri Bakery Sidah Sidah; Mochammad Nuruddin; Deny Andesta
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.560


This activity is to determine the quality control of pastel products at the partner in May 2020 - April 2021. Sri Bakery is a home- business engaged in food processing since 1992. The resulting pastel products often suffer from product failures such as uneven shape, charring, and leaking of contents. The object of this activity is the number of production and the number of defective products in pastel products. Data were collected by direct interviews which were then processed and analyzed using the Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method using statistical tools in the form of check sheets, histograms, pareto diagrams, scatter diagrams, p-charts, and fishbone diagrams. The results of data processing show that Sri Bakery is still within reasonable limits, but there needs to be corrective action to reduce failed products. On average pastels fail every month, reaching 5% of the total production produced. Actions that need to be taken to reduce product failure are that partner needs to use statistical methods to identify the category of defects and the factors that cause product failure to occur, besides that partner needs to make a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) so that the production process avoids errors.
Penerapan Mesin Oven Hemat Energi Untuk Pengeringan Brown Sugar pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Rahayu Manunggal Desa Ngancar Di Kecamatan Candimulyo Kabupaten Magelang Suroto Munahar; Bagiyo Condro Purnomo; Budi Waluyo; Saifudin Saifudin
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.574


This article is the result of implementing the CSR program of PT PLN Magelang Regency branch to help solve problems in the Rahayu Manunggal Women Farmers Group (KWT). High production costs and low profits are obstacles faced by KWT Rahayu Manunggal. This problem is caused by the production process of making brown sugar which uses quite a lot of energy, including the drying process of brown sugar. Applying an energy-efficient oven at KWT Rahayu Manunggal can help overcome this problem. The concept of the oven machine is designed by utilizing the heat/energy stored in the exhaust gas produced by the sap cooking furnace. The results obtained from this system can increase profits and reduce production costs, as well as improve the cleanliness of brown sugar processing.
Sosialisasi Pengendalian Kualitas Pelayanan Guna Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada UD. Putra Azzam Service Rizqy Cahya Putra Fil Akbar; Moh. Jufriyanto; Yanuar Pandu Negoro
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.605


Business competition is everywhere. Not only in production, but also in service. UD. Putra Azzam Service is a company engaged in computer service and installation. Partners always strive to provide the best service that their customers want and try to improve their competitiveness. From observations through a survey of partner owners, it was found that there were several customer complaints related to damage to goods after purchase or other problems that arose after service. The effect is a decrease in customers in February – April 2021. Servqual and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods can be used to find ways to improve service to partners. This community service activity is intended for that. Activities are carried out by observing the service process, obtaining customer complaint data and analyzing the results to determine recommendations for corrective actions. These recommendations are conveyed to partners in dissemination activities. Partners welcome the suggestions given.
Perahu Ketinting Bagi Masyarakat Nelayan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi: Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Akademi Penerbang Indonesia Banyuwangi Ahmad Hariri; Ridho Rinaldi
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.581


The fishing community is one of the community groups that need attention and assistance. This community service activity is carried out by the Banyuwangi Indonesian Aviation Academy (APIB) with the aim of providing assistance to the fishing community. The activity partners are the community in Kedungasri village, Muncar sub-district and Wringinputih village, Tegaldlimo sub-district. The assistance provided is 1 unit of ketinting boat for each partner. The handover of aid is given directly by signing the Handover Sertificate of Grants with the Village Heads of the two partners. The handover activity was also attended by the Head of the District. This activity is a form of APIB's contribution to the surrounding community.
Analisis Postur Kerja Karyawan Pada Proses Pemotongan Kain Di UD Wijaya Ardin Ardiansyah; Deny Andesta
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.587


UD. Wijaya is manufacturing bag products that was established in 2016. Currently, cloth cutting activities at UD Wijaya still use human labor manually. The cloth cutting activities are carried out with the work position bent and the legs bend so that workers often feel pain in the waist, back, calves, knees, ankles, and soles of the feet. In addition, there are no facilities in the form of tables or chairs for cutting places. Activities at UD wijaya is carried out for analysis of the worker's posture to find out the complaints felt in the workers' muscles in the cutting section and can provide recommendations for improving work methods or tools to minimize the risk of worker injury. Based on the analysis of employee work posture in the fabric cutting process using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method, a high REBA score of 9 was obtained and corrective action was needed. If the posture is not corrected immediately, then the workers may have injuries of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the long and short term. The working posture repairment suggested is by making tools in the form of chairs and work tables with the anthropometric data of workers.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Budidaya Jangkrik Sebagai Peluang Bisnis Tasikmalaya Yudi Setia Rachmanda
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.615


The purpose of this community service activity is to provide an understanding of cricket cultivation to the community of Gununggede Village, Tasikmalaya City. This activity is an outreach to people who have the main resources in cricket cultivation so that they can create new businesses. Provision of equipment is also carried out to facilitate the process. The results of the activity showed the high enthusiasm of the participants. Participants who took part in this service activity proved to have great intentions in cricket cultivation. This is evidenced by the fact that one of the participants has implemented cricket cultivation as an additional means of income by marketing it to the bird market and feed shops.
Penerapan Metode Service Quality pada UD. Triple-X untuk Mengukur Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Muhammad Daffa Ardiansyah; Elly Ismiyah; Akhmad Wasiur Rizqi
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.575


In today's era of global business competition, industrial companies must always keep up in a better direction so that they can survive in the midst of innovation rapid changes. This also applies to companies in the field of bag production. Every year, the presence of bags of various designs provides a blend of functionality, creativity, quality, modernity, as well as simplicity. The increasing number of products and product variants stems from the increasing number of needs for the use of bags. From observations on partners activities, a number of consumer complaints were obtained including product quality, service that was less representative, and product prices that were less affordable. As a result, sales decreased by 20% in the period of October, November, and December 2021. However, to determine and test the role of satisfaction, as the cause of the decline in sales, it is necessary to carry out a structured measurement. One way is through the use of the Servqual method. The results of the case studies applied to partners showed that there was a negative servqual value. Actions need to be taken to overcome all attributes that have a negative gap value, which is formulated as a proposed improvement. Partners accept improvement proposals well.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Dengan Bantuan Lalat Hitam (Black Soldier Fly) Di Desa Sumberjo Kabupaten Nganjuk Junaidi Junaidi; Nina Lysanti; Nur Ulfa Turohmah; Nugraheni Hadiyanti
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.590


Management of organic and inorganic waste is carried out in an integrated and sustainable manner to overcome its negative impact on the environment. Processing organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) is one of the efforts to overcome waste problems and provide added value for the community. Household organic waste processing can be done with the help of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae so the processing is fast and efficient. Black soldier flies are potential organisms that function as decomposers of organic waste. This community service activity has been carried out in Sumberjo Village, Gondang District, Nganjuk Regency. The purpose of this activity is socialization and training on the manufacture of POC from household organic waste with the help of black soldier fly. The series of activities carried out are coordination and outreach to partner communities, production of liquid organic fertilizer processing equipment, training on making liquid organic fertilizer, and evaluation of community service activities. The people of Depok Hamlet, Sumberjo Village, Gondang District, and Nganjuk Regency welcome the activity of utilizing household organic waste. Socialization and training in making POC went well and smoothly. The community is quite understanding and interested in making liquid organic fertilizer. This activity provides direct benefits for the community regarding the innovation of making POC from household organic waste with the help of black flies and strengthening partnerships between higher education institutions and the community.
Diseminasi Analisis Risiko Operasional Di Area Produksi PT. XYZ Dengan Metode Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Indah Dwi Sefty; Akhmad Wasiur Rizqi; Hidayat Hidayat
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i2.613


In carrying out the production process, every company will definitely face risks. These risks can be in the form of risks that have small to large impacts. The risks that occur in the production area of ​​PT. XYZ, which is engaged in the production of packaged powder drinks, namely instant ground coffee, is the target for the dissemination of the study results. This activity aims to disseminate the impact that will occur from the risks and solutions that need to be done to deal with these risks with reference to the study literature. To identify risks, the literature uses an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. This method requires factual data obtained from interviews with the Head of the Production Division of PT. XYZ as a partner, and direct observations in the production area. The results of this dissemination activity indicate that the operational risks that may occur in the production area of ​​PT. XYZ broadly includes: human resource risk, machine breakdown risk, production area cleanliness risk, and powder processing delays. Related to company secrets, the company name and documentation of dissemination activities in the form of photos is not displayed.

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