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JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Published by Universitas Trilogi
ISSN : 27763234     EISSN : 26148404     DOI :
JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) is an electronic publication media which publishes research articles in the field of Informatics and Sciences, which encompasses software engineering, Multimedia, Networking, and soft computing. Journal published by Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Trilogi aims to give knowledge that can be used as a reference for researchers and can be useful for society. Accredited “SINTA 4” by The Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, Free of Charge (Submission,Publishing). JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) is scheduled for publication in June and December (2 issue a year) This Journal accepts research articles in these following fields: Software Engineering: Web Development, Mobile Apps Development, Database Management System Multimedia: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Game Development Networking: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Network, Mobile Computing Soft Computing: Data Mining, Data Warehouse, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System
Articles 106 Documents
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1410


Information system is a system that combines technology used to help human life. Not only helps facilitate information sistem activities, it also saves time, space and costs. Utilization of a website is useful in all fields because there are many and very broad and user-friendly features that can spoil the user's eyes. Activities that function to meet the needs of the general public are the meaning of public services as well as those related to other commodities such as goods, services and management provided by the organizers. In the health sector in public services, it is very necessary, especially in the service reservation process which still uses a queuing sistem in the form of taking queue numbers in the hospital lobby and waiting for hours, causing queues of visitors. The purpose of this study was to design a reservation information system at the hospital in order to increase the use of facilities and resources. The design of this hospital reservation information system is based on a website that was built using the user centered design method and tested using the SUS (Sistem Usability Scale) method which is in accordance with the criteria for the Sistem Usability Scale method which involves several respondents for information system acceptance
The Selection of Outstanding Teacher Analysis at SD Negeri 01 Perigi Using TOPSIS Method Diah Rahmawati; Sulistianto Sutrisno Wanda
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1578


Teacher is an important part in the process of teaching and learning activities with students. A teacher can be declared an achiever if he is able to complete the assigned task charged such as: teaching in class, personality and attendance. At the moment, SD Negeri 01 Perigi has 25 permanent teachers, and usually to chose the best teacher candidate uses a subjective judgments standards which is based on the closeness of teacher personnel. For this reason, further analysis is needed to overcome the subjectivity of the procedure selection of outstanding teachers by the principal as the decision maker. This research proposes a solution based on the problem that has been mentioned, namely by performing analysis using the TOPSIS method. The TOPSIS method ranked the final results of the selected alternatives which calculate the positive ideal distance and negative ideal distance. Criteria set at this research is used as a weighting that is Teacher Evaluation Value, Absence, Discipline, Technology Proficiency, Learning Innovation, and Pedagogic then matrix calculations are carried out which produced the ranking order to select the best alternative from a number of alternative solutions, based on the ideal solution distance. The results of this research are produced 10 ranking of outstanding teachers in the order of Syifa Habibah (0,739154498), Rista Mila Karmelia, S.Pd. (0,689946165), Lila Sakilla,S.Pd. (0,683915136), Arbaini,S.Ag. (0,674172212), Abdul Qodir, M.Ag. (0,64436484), Panji Wahyu Utomo (0,58496903), Nita Susanti,S.Pd. (0,560390869), Een Wahyuni,S.Pd (0,54050899), Uus Husna, S.Ag. (0,534886111), Nurbaiti,S.Pd. (0,506297247). The use of the TOPSIS method can assisting the Principal of SD Negeri Perigi 01 in providing recommendations for selection of outstanding teachers objectively at SD Negeri Perigi 01.
Design Of Android Base School Information Media Application Case Study Of Qomariah Educational Institution Muhammad Prakarsa Al Qadr Saleh; Indra Ipantri
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1647


Currently the world of technology and information is developing very quickly, including school information systems. The school information system is one of the information media that can be accessed by all elements of the school including teachers and students so that they can relate to each other in terms of teaching and learning activities and information that can be quickly disseminated to all students, so that students do not need to come to school. in this technological era from young to old all use smartphones to facilitate communication but PKBM Qomariah does not yet have the right information media. So an Android-based school information system application was made using Android studio. Android applications make it easier for teachers and students because they can be accessed on various smartphones. All teachers and students mostly have smartphones. With this application, teachers and students can get information from schools easily. The research method used is descriptive method by conducting observations, literature studies, and interviews. While the method used in making software is waterfall which consists of several stages, namely requirements definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, system integration and testing, Operation and Maintenance.
Travel Journal Application as an Android-Based Traveling Visitor Using Firebase Ricky Yohanes Wijaya; Nova Andre Saputra; Indra Budi Trisno
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1446


Traveling is an activity that people do today to take a break from work, study or just enjoy the beauty of nature. But sometimes people forget whether they have visited a certain place. Photos in their gallery, which are not organized in their smartphone's internal storage and are not accompanied by a placemark, will cause someone to forget exactly what happened in a place. In this study, an Android-based application recording system will be designed to make the traveler who wanted to take photos during their vacation easy. This application uses real-time Firebase database features, Mapbox maps API, and GPS technology to differentiate between every photo was being taken. Firebase has the ability to automatically update changes made by one user to another and notify them simultaneously. This feature is useful for sharing happy moments with friends on the trip. And this application will send a reminder again when they visit a place not far from the one they are currently visiting.
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1625


Wikrama Vocational High School is one of the schools that routinely carries out the determination of majors every year. The majors process at Wikrama is carried out in the tenth grade by the Guidance and Counseling Teacher (BK Teacher) and the Head of Expertise Competence (Kakomli). BK and Kakomli teachers have difficulty determining the results of majors when there are more interest in one major than other majors, there is a mismatch of majors results because they are not in accordance with the existing majors in the chosen field of expertise and the process of majors is not accurate and fast. This is because it has not used an objective mechanism for determining majors, there is no weighting process, and there is no information system available. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a decision support system (DSS) to assist the process of determining majors using Profile Matching and Interpolation methods. The Profile Matching method is used for appraising decisions, while the Interpolation method is used for the weighting process. The criteria used in each field of expertise are Informatics Engineering with 11 criteria and Computers, Business Management with 8 criteria, and Tourism with 7 criteria. Based on the results of testing and validation that have been carried out by experts, it has an accuracy value of 93%. The accuracy value indicates that the system can provide recommendations for determining the right major. In addition, the interpolation weighting method is proven to increase the accuracy value compared to the ordinal weighting value in Profile Matching. The results of this study are in the form of a decision support system that helps in determining majors objectively, quickly and accurately.
Dimensional Data Design for Event Feedback Data Warehouse Ahmad Maulana Malik Fattah; Taufik Ridwan; Nina Sulistiyowati
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1648


Data is an important asset and a fundamental requirement for building valuable information for organizations. Association of Information Systems Students of Unsika (Himsika) as a university organization provides many events to develop student’s academic and professional skills. A post-event evaluation through a feedback survey was conducted and stored in Google Sheets spreadsheet format. However, the current analysis process using spreadsheets lacks standardization, making it difficult to compare satisfaction rates over time and between events. Additionally, the lack of standardization leads to semi-structured data on spreadsheets, with varying question formats and meanings. To address these limitations, implementing a centralized data warehouse is proposed as a solution. The data warehouse would provide a structured and standardized approach to analyzing event feedback, enabling better comparisons and evaluation of management quality within Himsika. The research aims to design a data warehouse that supports multidimensional analysis. As a way to simplify and optimize analytical queries, the data structure is standardized in the data warehouse. The Four-step Dimensional Design method is applied in designing dimensional modeling on the data warehouse, consisting of four stages including selecting the business process, declaring the grain, identifying the dimensions, and identifying the facts. The design process resulted in 4 dimensions of events, dim_instances, dim_degree_programs, and dim_professions, and a fact table called fact_rates_by_responses. Overall, the proposed data warehouse and dimensional modeling approach aim to enhance the analysis and evaluation of Himsika’s events.

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