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Science Midwifery
ISSN : 20867689     EISSN : 27219453     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
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Description of Knowledge Level of Nurses about Care of Covid-19 Patients in Tuan Rondahaim Hospital, Pamatang Raya Simalungun Regency Maswan Daulay
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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This study aims to describe the level of knowledge of nurses about covid-19 patient care. This research method uses a descriptive design. The sample used in this study were 38 nurses. The sampling technique was carried out using total sampling, which involved the entire population. The results showed that 31 (81.6%) people had good knowledge about covid-19 patient care, 6 (15.8%) people had sufficient knowledge and 1 (2.6%) people had less knowledge about treatment. covid-19 patients. Nurses have good knowledge about covid-19. However, the hospital still has to provide further information to medical staff for better control of infectious diseases.
Characteristics of Educational Education Rate in Children with DHF Riada Marenny Pasaribu
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ED) is the rate at which red blood cells settle in a special examination tube in mm/hour (read: millimeters per hour). On examination, the LED will show a high, normal, or low LED. A high erythrocyte sedimentation rate means that the rate of red blood cell deposition is faster than normal. The red blood cells in the body are evenly distributed throughout the blood plasma because the blood continues to flow. showed that from 20 patients, 8 people were diagnosed with DHF with a range of LED counts of 22-35 mm/hour.2. And 12 people who were not diagnosed with DHF with a range of 7-20 mm/hour LED count.3. It is expected to always carry out LED checks on children with DHF using the Westergreen method because the results are more accurate and do not require large funds.
Midwife Care in Ny. W 29 Years with Placenta Retension at the Midwife Clinic of L. Pangaribuan Village Simantin Pane Dame Yeni Trisna Purba
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The goal of development in the health sector towards a healthy Indonesia in 2015 is to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live a healthy life for everyone so that the highest level of public health can be realized, so that it is an investment in improving the quality of human resources. Health development that has been carried out continuously in the last three decades has succeeded in significantly improving the health status of the community. Based on WHO research in Indonesia, the maternal mortality rate is 330/100,000 live births. This shows that the ability of obstetric services has not yet touched the community. Maternal mortality is estimated at around 16,500-17,500 per year (Manuaba, 2008). The study on the case of the third stage of labor in Mrs. W aged 29 years with retained placenta obtained subjective data with the main complaint that the mother was worried because the placenta had not yet been born, the mother felt tired and weak and the mother said that in the first delivery the placenta had been manual. While the objective data obtained data on general condition is weak, composmentis consciousness, TTV: BP: 110/70 mmHg, P: 78x/i, T: 36 0C, RR: 24x/i, umbilical cord does not extend at the vulva, bleeding ± 150 cc, unborn placenta after 30 min, weak contractions, TFU: at center level. Based on this, there is no gap between theory and practice
Management of Physiotherapy in Case of Brachialgia Due to Cervical Spondyloarthrosis Ingurah Gede Verar Fujastawan
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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This patient complains of pain in the neck and radiates to the shoulder, the possibility of abnormalities in the brachial plexus, the disorder can be caused by a narrowing of the foramen causing compression or it can also be caused by a tumor pressing on the nerve. Lesions on the vertebrae have different effects. Depends on the degree of which segment is affected. In the assessment of physiotherapy, the examination process to determine the patient's problems begins with anamnesis, examination, and continues with determining the diagnosis of physiotherapy. Anamnesis is divided into two, namely general history and specific history. Cervical spondyloarthrosis is a condition of the degeneration of the intervertebral discs and the connective tissue of the joints between the vertebrae. Degeneration causes the disc to begin to thin because its ability to absorb water is reduced, resulting in a decrease in the water content and the matrix in the disc decreases. Degeneration that occurs in the disc causes the disc function as a shock absorber to disappear then osteophytes will arise which causes pressure on the roots, spinal cord and ligaments which in turn causes pain and causes decreased mobility.
Relationship Between Knowledge And Attitude Of Adolescent Women About Reproductive Health With Premenstruation Syndrome In Lingkungan V Kelurahan Ladang Bambu Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan Of The Year 2021 Suriati Lubis; Sari Rahma Fitri
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of changes in psychological and physical symptoms that occurs in the luteum phase of menstruation and begins almost immediately before menstruation. The research method is analytic observational with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all 174 adolescent women. Sampling by means of random samples as many as 37 people. The results of the statistical test used were the chi-squer statistical test =0.05. The results of the analysis showed that from 37 respondents there were 13 people (35.1%) who had good knowledge and 13 people who had sufficient knowledge the majority did not experience premenstrual syndrome by 8 people (61.5%) and 17 people who had a negative attitude and who experienced premenstrual syndrome. 17 people (100%), the results of the chi-square statistic obtained a knowledge value of p = 0.04 and an attitude value of p = 0.00 < = 0.05 which means that there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of adolescent women about reproductive health with premenstrual syndrome. It is hoped that adolescent women will actively seek information about reproductive health so that adolescent women know how to prevent and treat premenstrual syndrome
The Relationship of the Role of Mothers as Educators with Personal Hygiene Actions in Children in Rantau Selatan in 2020 Maria Haryanti Butarbutar; Sri Lasmawanti; Rupina K. Situmorang; Ani Deswita Chaniago
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Personal hygiene or personal hygiene is an act to maintain the cleanliness and health of a person for the welfare, both physical and psychological. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of the role of mothers as educators with personal hygiene actions in children in Rantau Selatan in 2020. The research design used Analytic Survey with Cross-Sectional approach. The population were mothers who had elementary school children amounted to 100 respondents. The sampling used was purposive sampling with 50 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis using the Chi-Square Test, it showed that the significant probability value (Asymp.sig) was .016 < sig-value .05, this proved that there was a relationship between the role of mothers as educators with personal hygiene actions in children in Rantau Selatan in 2020. The conclusion showed that statistically there was a relationship between the relationship of the role of mothers as educators with personal hygiene actions in children in Rantau Selatan in 2020. It is recommended for mothers to care more and increase awareness of the importance of cleanliness, especially personal, family and environmental hygiene. And for research place society should get educating more about personal hygiene performance and the environment as well as facilitating more common hygiene activities such as cleaning the gutters. family and environmental hygiene. And for research place society should get educating more about personal hygiene performance and the environment as well as facilitating more common hygiene activities such as cleaning the gutters. family and environmental hygiene. And for research place society should get educating more about personal hygiene performance and the environment as well as facilitating more common hygiene activities such as cleaning the gutters.
Relationship of Factors Causing Perinatal Death in Cianjur Regency Innama Sakinah
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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he perinatal mortality rate is one of the biggest contributors to the high infant mortality rate. Most of the causes of perinatal mortality 2/3 come from preventable causes, including patient factors, health workers, referrals and health facilities. The purpose of this study was to analyze and explore the factors causing perinatal mortality, barriers to the referral process as well as recording and reporting. The research design used a sequential explanatory design with a combination method approach which was carried out in stages with a quantitative approach in the first stage, namely in the form of data collection from data recapitulation and perinatal verbal autopsy (OVP) as many as 287 perinatal deaths in Cianjur Regency in 2015. The second stage with a qualitative approach through deep interview. The results of this quantitative study showed that most of the perinatal deaths were preventable as many as 245 cases (85.4%) with a period of stillbirth 136 cases (47.4%) and early neonatal 151 cases (52.6%). Factors related to perinatal mortality were found in patient factors, namely basic education 85.4% (p=0.003), history of ANC 4 times 73.9% (p=0.056), and causes of infant mortality, namely stillbirth 47.3% and asphyxia 19.5% (p=0.001). The results of the qualitative study obtained education factors with basic education, history of ANC 4 times, causes of stillbirth and risky asphyxia, geographically in highland areas.
Relationship of Parity, Nutritional Status, Gestational Age with Hemoglobin Levels of Pregnant Women at Sukajadi Health Center in 2020 Fariza Ayang Viamita; Sendy Pratiwi Ramadhani; Helni Anggraini
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016 reported that the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in the world was around 40.1 percent. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas, the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is still high, at 48.9 percent of pregnant women who experience anemia. In 2013 the number of pregnant women who experienced anemia was 37.1 percent and increased in 2018 to 48.9 percent. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between parity, nutritional status, and gestational age with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women simultaneously at the Sukajadi Public Health Center in 2020. The results obtained were that there was a significant relationship between parityaand hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at the Sukajadi Public Health Center in 2020 with p value 0.001 and OR 4.672, for the relationship between nutritional status and hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at the Sukajadi Public Health Center in 2020 there is also a significant relationship with p value 0.000 and OR 56,667. And for the relationship between gestational age and hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at the Sukajadi Public Health Center in 2020 there is also a significant relationship with a p value of 0.005 and an OR of 3.661.
The Relationship Of Knowledge, The Role Of Health Personnel And Family Support With The Accuracy Of The Provision Of Mp-Asi In The Work Area Of The Sugih Waras Puskesmas In 2022 Murdiyah Murdiyah; Andini Zuitasari; Erma Puspita Sari
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Background: MP-ASI is a transitional food from breast milk to family food. The introduction and provision of MP-ASI should be done gradually, both in form and quantity, according to the ability of the baby. The provision of complementary feeding in sufficient quality and quantity is important for the rapid physical growth and development of children's intelligence during this period. Government Regulation No. 33 of 2012 concerning providing appropriate complementary foods (MP-ASI) from the age of 6 months and continuing breastfeeding until the age of 2 years. The application of this pattern of complementary feeding is at influencing the subsequent health status and improving the nutritional status of infants. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, the role of health workers and family support with the accuracy of giving Mp-Asi in the Sugihh Waras Community Health Center Working Area in 2022. The population in this study were mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months who came to the Work Area of the Sugihh Waras Health Center. Incidental / Accidental Sampling. Results: The statistical results of the chi-square test obtained p value = 0.013 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and the accuracy of giving complementary foods, the statistical results of the chi-square test obtained p value = 0.170 < 0.05, so it can be concluded it was concluded that there was no relationship between the role of health workers and the accuracy of complementary feeding and the statistical results of the chi- square test obtained p value = 0.027 <0.05, so it could be concluded that there was a relationship between the role of health workers and family support for complementary foods. Conclusion: it can be concluded that there is a relationship between Knowledge and Family Support with the Accuracy of Giving MPASI at the Sugih Waras Health Center 2021 and there is no relationship between the Role of Health Workers with the Accuracy of Giving MPASI at the Sugih Waras Health Center 2021. Suggestion:
The Effectiveness Of Birth Ball On The Long Time Of Active Phase I In Primigravida In Pmb Az-Zahwa Muara Enim In 2021 Rizah Fahlevie; Meriadi; Helni Anggraini; Satra Yunola
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The duration of labor in primigravida can affect fatigue and physical decline of the mother in labor. On the other hand, fatique can also cause labor to last a long time because it results in inadequate uterine contractions, as a result, there will be a prolonged labor that can increase fetal distress and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. The length of labor can be prevented by accelerating the delivery process, one of which is by using a Birth Ball. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the Birth Ball on the duration of the active phase 1st in primigravida. The research design used was pre-experimental with intact group comparison. The sample was divided into two groups, namely the treatment group and the control group. In taking the samples, the total sampling technique was used with a total of 30 mothers giving birth in the first stage of the active phase of primigravida according to the inclusion criteria. The data collection was used with informed consent sheets, respondent identity sheets, partograph sheets and then analyzed using the fisher exact probability test with a 95% confidence level p Value = 0.05. Based on the results of data analysis obtained p Value (0.002) < 0.05, then Ho is rejected, which means that there is an effectiveness of the Birth Ball on the duration of the 1st stage of the active phase in primigravida. After knowing the effectiveness of the Birth Ball on the duration of the active phase 1st in primigravida,

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