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The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of Engineering, Technology and Applied Science. Subject areas cover, but not limited to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Engineering, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, Architecture, Industrial and all other science and engineering disciplines.
Articles 46 Documents
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik SMPN I Tajurhalang Agus Herdiyanto; Normalisa
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0101.90


Perkembangan teknologi infomasi tidak lepas dari pesatnya perkembangan teknologi computer karena komputer merupakan media yang dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi manusia dalam menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Perubahan dan dinamika masyarakat yang semakin cepat seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi sehingga memerlukan kualitas informasi yang akurat, cepat dan tepat. Pengolahan data-data dalam bentuk berkas yang dilakukan oleh divisi tata usaha masih dimungkinkan hilang sehingga menyulitkan divisi tata usaha ketika akan membuat laporan hasil belajar siswa yang baru. Permasalahan yang sama juga terjadi dalam penerimaan informasi akademik karena pengolahan data laporan yang berjalan dilakukan dengan cara penginputan komputerisasi yang masih lokal dan manual kemudian file menjadi dokumen print out yang disimpan dalam berkas-berkas dilemari penyimpanan. Sistem pada penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dikarenakan PHP adalah salah satu bahasa server-side yang didesain khusus untuk aplikasi web yang mana PHP dapat disisipkan di antara bahasa HTML
Averus Jakarta Vocational Administration Application Using Client-Server Architecture and Model-View-Controller Yulianti; Normalisa
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0201.91


SMK Averus Jakarta yang terletak di Pondok Pinang, Jakarta Selatan merupakan salah satu institusi pendidikan yang belum menggunakan teknologi informasi karena data administrasinya sebagian dicatat dan diolah secara manual, walaupun sudah ada yang dicatat dan diolah menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hal ini menyebabkan beberapa masalah seperti, banyak terjadi duplikasi data dan pembuatan laporan-laporan dari data-data administrasi cenderung lambat. Salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut yaitu pembuatan aplikasi administrasi sekolah menggunakan arsitektur Client Server dan Model View Controller (MVC). Arsitektur Client-Server membagi aplikasi dalam dua bagian yaitu server yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan basis data dan client yang berhubungan dengan antarmuka user. Sedangkan arsitektur MVC dapat mempermudah pengembangan aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan di masa depan dan dapat mengurangi jumlah source code. Setelah pembangunan aplikasi selesai, disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat mengurangi duplikasi data, memperbaiki organisasi data/dokumen, mempercepat pembuatan laporan yang diperlukan, dan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pengembangan aplikasi. Averus Jakarta Vocational Administration Application Using Client-Server Architecture and Model-View-Controller Abstract: Averus Jakarta Vocational School, located in Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta is one of the educational institutions that has not used information technology because its administrative data is partially recorded and processed manually, although some have been recorded and processed using Microsoft Excel. This causes several problems such as, a lot of data duplication and making reports from administrative data tend to be slow. One solution to solve this problem is the creation of a school administration application using Client Server architecture and Model View Controller (MVC). Client-Server Architecture divides the application into two parts, namely the server that is associated with database management and the client that is related to the user interface. While the MVC architecture can facilitate the development of applications according to future needs and can reduce the amount of source code. After the application development is completed, it is concluded that this application can reduce data duplication, improve data / document organization, speed up the reporting required, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of application development. Keywords: Client-Server, Model-View-Controller, School Administration.
Apache Web Server Performance Evaluation using the HTTP2 Protocol Riswandi; Kasim; Muh. Fajri Raharjo
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0201.92


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja dari protokol HTTP/2 dan cara untuk mengaktifkan protokol ini, sehingga protokol ini dapat diimplementasi dan mempercepat kinerja dari berbagai web server. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ditunjukkan bahwa pengimplementasian protokol ini dapat berjalan pada web server apache versi 2.4.17. Pada pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan bahwa kecepatan response time yang dihasilkan HTTP/2 dalam mentransfer data lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 dapat dilihat dari hasil response time HTTP/1 web server apache sebesar 128,6 ms sedangkan pada HTTP/2 86,3 ms, dan pada web server nginx juga menunjukkan response time HTTP/2 lebih kecil dari pada HTTP/1 yang sebesar 184,3 ms dan 141,6 pada HTTP/2. Dari hasil pengujian response time HTTP/2 menunjukkan performa kecepatan yang lebih cepat jika diterapkan dalam web server apache dari pada menggunakan web server nginx. Apache Web Server Performance Evaluation using the HTTP2 Protocol Abstract: This research was conducted to measure the performance of the HTTP/2 protocol and ways to activate this protocol, so that this protocol can be implemented and accelerate the performance of various web servers. Based on the results of this study, it was shown that implementing this protocol could run on the Apache web server version 2.4.17. In the performance measurement carried out that the speed of response time generated by HTTP/2 in transferring data is smaller than HTTP/1 can be seen from the results of the HTTP/1 web server response time of 128.6 ms while on HTTP/2 86.3 ms, and on the nginx web server also shows HTTP/2 response time is smaller than HTTP/1 which is 184.3 ms and 141.6 on HTTP/2. From the results of HTTP/2 response time testing shows the performance speed is faster if implemented in the Apache web server than using the Nginx web server. Keywords: Apache, HTTP/1, HTTP/2, Nginx, Response-Time.
Designing the Asset Management Information System of Universitas Pamulang Fajar Desta Putra; Joko Riyanto; Ahmad Fikri Zulfikar
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0201.93


Universitas Pamulang merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta yang maju dan berkembang yang terdapat pada Kota Tangerang Selatan. Universitas Pamulang memiliki banyak aset sebagai penunjang kegiatannya. Namun saat ini Universitas Pamulang belum memiliki sistem informasi internal untuk mengontrol aset-aset yang dimiliki. Belum adanya sistem informasi manajemen aset tersebut akan mengalami kesulitan dalam penelusuran data-data aset. Solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, membutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi manajemen aset yang dapat menjalankan pengelolaan aset menjadi lebih efisien dan terstruktur, serta memudahkan dalam pendataan jumlah aset, pendataan aset berdasarkan kondisinya, pengelompokan aset berdasarkan jenisnya dan mempermudah dalam melakukan penelusuran data-data aset. Pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu waterfall. Model ini terdiri dari requirement analysis, system and software design, implementation and unit system, system testing, operation and maintenance. Tools yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah system operating windows 10 pro 64 bit, sublime text 3, dan database yang digunakan sebagai penyimpanan data adalah xampp. Hasil akhir penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset Pada Universitas Pamulang. Designing the Asset Management Information System of Universitas Pamulang Abstract: Universitas Pamulang is a successful and growing private university located in South Tangerang City. Universitas Pamulang has many assets to support its activities. But currently the Universitas Pamulang does not yet have an internal information system to control the assets owned. There is no asset management information system that will certainly experience difficulties in tracking asset data. Solution to overcome existing problems, of course, it requires an asset management information system that can run asset management more efficiently and structured, and facilitate the data collection of assets, data collection of assets based on their conditions, grouping assets based on their types and making it easier to search asset data. The system development used is waterfall. This model consists of requirement analysis, system and software design, implementation and unit system, system testing, operation and maintenance. The tools used in this research are Windows 10 pro 64 bit operating system, sublime text 3, and the database used as data storage is xampp. The final results of this research resulted in an Asset Management Information System at the Universitas Pamulang. Keywords: Asset Management, Berbasis Web Bases, Information System, Waterfall.
Determination of Employee Bonuses Using the Analytic Network Process Method at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering Suliza Apandi; Okta Veza; Sanusi Majid; Pratiwi; Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0201.94


Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus pada PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering yang beralamat di lot 21 citra buana III Batam Centre Kepulauan Riau. Dikarenakan tidak adanya sistem pendukung keputusan yang membantu dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus, sehingga dibutuhkannya perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan. Data pada sistem pendukung keputusan penetuan bonus karyawan ini diperoleh dari data karyawan dari bulan januari sampai dengan Juni 2019, yang terdiri dari nama, tempat tanggal lahir, alamat dan jenis kelamin beserta data absen perbulan. Model sistem yang digunakan Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Sistem pendukung keputusan dirancang berbasis web mobile dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) dan database MySQL. Teknik Penelitian kuantitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data-data hasil perhitungan. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis web mobile dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus. Pengujian dalam aplikasi menggunakan blackbox. Determination of Employee Bonuses Using the Analytic Network Process Method at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering Abstract: This study aims to design a decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering which is located at lot 21 Citra Buana III Batam Center Riau Islands. Due to the absence of a decision support system that helps in determining the bonus employee, a decision support system design is needed. Data on the decision support system for determining employee bonuses is obtained from employee data from January to June 2019, which consists of name, place of birth date, address and gender along with monthly absence data. The system model used is Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). Decision support system is designed based on mobile web using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL database. Quantitative research techniques, by collecting data from calculations. The research resulted in the application of a web-based mobile decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients. In-app testing uses a blackbox. Keywords: Analytic Network Process, Decision Support System, Mobile Web.
Designing the Credit Card Registration Application System at Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem. Achmad Fatoni; Normalisa; Ahmad Fikri Zulfikar
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0201.95


Persaingan dalam dunia perbankan di era perkembangan teknologi seperti sekarang ini semakin ketat. Setiap bank sudah mempergunakan sistem informasi yang sudah terkomputerisasi dalam proses kerjanya. Salah satu sistem informasi ialah sistem informasi kartu kredit. Pada sistem kartu kredit Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem masih menggunakan sistem informasi manual, dari proses promosi sampai proses pendaftaran dan juga informasi tagihan kartu kredit. Dari sistem kartu kredit yang masih manual ini banyak menimbulkan berbagai masalah diantaranya kurang efektif dan efisien pada proses promosi kartu kredit, proses pendafataran kartu kredit. Proses penginputan data registrasi yang masih manual juga sering menimbulkan kesalahan penginputan. Untuk proses informasi kartu kredit dan tagihan juga kurang bisa diakses dengan mudah oleh nasabah. Dari permasalahan diatas perlu dibuat suatu sistem informasi berbasis web yang bisa memberikan kemudahan dan solusi permasalan. Sistem informasi kartu kredit yang berbasis web nantinya bisa diganakan untuk promosi, pendaftaran kartu kredit online, memasukkan informasi kartu kredit dan tagihan serta akses informasi bagi nasabah tentang tagihan dan informasi kartu kredit itu sendiri. Designing the Credit Card Registration Application System at Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem Abstract: Competition in the banking world in the era of technological developments such as this is increasingly stringent. Each bank has used a computerized information system in its work process. One information system is a credit card information system. In the Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem still uses a manual information system, from the promotion process to the registration process and also credit card billing information. From the credit card system that is still manual, there are many problems, including ineffective and inefficient processes in the promotion of credit cards, the process of registering credit cards. The process of inputting registration data that is still manual also often leads to input errors. To process credit card and billing information, it is also less easily accessible by customers. From the problems above it is necessary to make a web-based information system that can provide solutions and solutions. A web-based credit card information system can later be used for promotions, online credit card registrations, entering credit card and billing information and accessing information for customers about the bills and credit card information itself. Keywords: Credit Card, Information System, Web Application.
Bloodbuddy: a Tracking System for Blood Donor Using GPS Nur Fatini Zahidah Zakaria; Zulhafiza Zainal Abidin; Muhammad Asyraf Abdullah Zawawi; Siti Nur Shuhada
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0202.117


Blood donation is one of the most significant contributions towards the society. Millions of people need blood transfusions each year. Some may need blood during surgery. Others depend on it after an accident or because they have a disease that requires blood components. This study is aim to develop and evaluate the impact of tracking system in the blood shortage situation which is the urgent requirement of the fresh blood and to improve the communication between the hospital and donor. This system will locate the nearest blood donor in cases of emergencies in fastest and easiest way using GPS.The findings on the views of user on the aspects of interface design, navigation and functionality of the web-based application that is developed are presented. Data analysis was done based on the questionnaire received from few users which are student from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). The findings of this study were analysed according to the objectives and the research questions of the project.
India and the World after Covid-19: Climate Aspect Nisha Adhikari; Avinash Sharma; Jagdish Nath
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0202.118


This research ponders over the climate aspect during the Covid 19. The purpose of this is too aware and disseminate the outbreak of covid 19 cases hiking in a sky rocketing way. This study will focus on the contents of covid 19 where people are battling to overcome the hazard happening around vicinity brought by climate aspect. Its consist of information and analysis of different countries, metamorphosis of the nature with its pulchritude, tactic that need to be followed to overcome predicament, major affected tribe, initiative by various countries, climate aspect, impact at utmost level, drastic change within a smidge, crucial steps to curb COVID-19. This is also fruitful to know the behavior of nature during the COVID-19 climate change. The data were obtained through various authorized news channel and worldometers.
Web-Based Interactive Appoinment System Nurul Haziqah Hasbullah; Noor Anida Zaria Mohd Noor
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 2 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0203.144


Kajian ini menghasilkan sistem berasaskan web yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan penepatan temujanji bagi pensyarah Jabatan Komputeran, Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif dan pelajar program Kejuruteraan Perisian (AC10) yang dikenali sebagai AC10 Appointment System. Tujuan utama pembangunan sistem ini adalah untuk memudahkan pelajar membuat temujanji dengan pensyarah dengan lebih teratur dan tersusun disamping memudahkan urusan pensyarah menerima termujanji yang akan dibuat oleh pelajar. Sistem ini telah dibangunkan dengan menggunakan metodologi prototaip. Instrumen soal selidik telah digunakan untuk menguji fungsi dan kebolehgunaan AC10 Appointment System. Seramai 20 orang pelajar dari program Kejuruteraan Perisian telah dipilih sebagai respondent untuk kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa sistem berasaskan web AC10 Appointment System diterima dengan baik dan berharap sistem ini dapat digunakan bagi memudahkan urusan membut temujanji di antara pensyarah dan pelajar. Web-Based Interactive Appoinment System Abstract: This study produces a web-based system that aims to facilitate appointment planning for lecturers of the Department of Computer, Faculty of Arts, Computers and Creative Industry and students of Software Engineering program (AC10) known as AC10 Appointment System. The main purpose of the development of this system is to facilitate students to make appointments with lecturers in a more organized and organized while facilitating the affairs of lecturers to accept the promises that will be made by students. This system was developed using a prototype methodology. Questionnaire instruments were used to test the functionality and usability of the AC10 Appointment System. A total of 20 students from the Software Engineering program were selected as respondents for this study. The results of this study found that the web-based system AC10 Appointment System was well received and hoped that this system could be used to facilitate the appointment of lecturers and students.
Implementing a Dashboard for Monitoring Sales Transaction Data Maria Olva; Ririt Dwiputri Permatasari; Sanusi Majid; Pratiwi Syair; Afdal Suganda
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) Vol 3 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.jetas-0301.188


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan dasbor pada pemantauan data transaksi penjualan di PT. Prima Labeling. Data pada sistem diperoleh dari hasil aliran informasi pengolahan data penjualan dan aliran data informasi pemanfaatan dasbor pada pemantauan data transaksi transaksi penjualan pada PT. Prima Labeling. Model sistem yang digunakan adalah UML yang mana pengembangan sistem penelitian menggunakan metode OOAD. Sistem informasi dirancang berbasis situs web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Teknik penelitian kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data-data dan informasi secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini pengguna dapat mengelola transaksi dengan mudah sekaligus dapat melakukan memantau transaksi penjualan pada waktu yang sebenarnya sehingga mempermudah proses pengelolaan data dan transaksi penjualan pada PT. Prima Labeling. Implementing a Dashboard for Monitoring Sales Transaction Data Abstract: Objective of the research is to monitoring sales transaction data at PT. Prima Labeling by implemented a dashboard. Data on the system is obtained from the results of the sales data processing information flow and dashboard utilization information of data flow monitoring sales transaction data at PT. Prima Labeling. System model used is UML where the research system development uses the OOAD method. Information system is designed based on a website using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Qualitative research techniques is applied by collecting data and information descriptively. Results of this research users can easily manage transactions as well as monitor sales transactions in real time, thus simplifying the process of data management and sales transactions at PT. Prima Labeling. Keywords: Dashboard, Monitoring, OOAD, Sales Transactions, UML.