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Ellen Juita Gultom
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Lingua: Jurnal Ilmiah
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Jurnal akademik STBA LIA yang memuat artikel ilmiah seputar bidang ilmu Bahasa, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, Penerjemahan, Sastra dan Budaya
Articles 6 Documents
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LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.94


Abstract This article provides a brief overview of the situation of the elderly in Japan, including demographic and social changes in Japan, policy direction, and empowerment-oriented community development model. Through human security approach: protection and empowerment, government retain the primary role and responsibility for ensuring the survival, livelihood and dignity of their citizens, and requires greater collaboration and partnership among regional organizations and civil society. The human security approach, is more than an exercise in joint programming. This approach is people-centered. It considers the broad range of conditions that threaten the survival, livelihood, and dignity of people and their communities particularly those who are most vulnerable (UN Commissions of Human Security, 2010). In this case is elderly people. Policy direction designed to address elderly related issues. The potential of empowerment-oriented community development intervention strategies to decrease the gap between available institutional and formal community-based services and the needs of the elderly and their families in their efforts to meet late life challenges. The policies and programs are imitable for countries like Indonesia, where there is no substantial policies and programs for caring the elderly. We can learn various experiences from Japan both in the approach of protection (policy direction) and empowerment (collaboration and partnership) programs.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.122


The existence of polysemy in Japanese can be one of the factors causing difficulties in learning Japanese. In addition, polysemy may make Japanese language learners misunderstand the meaning of a word in a sentence which causes errors to occur either when learning Japanese or when communicating with other people using Japanese. The purpose of this study is to describe the polysemy of the word kakeru in Japanese using a study of cognitive linguistics. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data sources consist of Nihongo Daijiten (Tadao, 1995), Kokugo Jiten (Matsumura, 2005), and the Japanese-Indonesian Dictionary (Matsuura, 1994), and online media portals (Jakarta shinbun, Asahi shinbun, Yomiuri shinbun, and corpus data from Ninjal-LWP). The results of this study found that the basic meaning of the verb kakeru is menggantung with 13 expansion meanings consisting of menaruh, menimbang, menuangkan, membungkus, meningkatkan, memercayakan, mengamankan, and rentang/jarak which has the form of metaphorical style, then there’re membayar, mengalikan, and menghabiskan for the form of metonymy style, and the last one is rentang/jarak for the form of synecdoche style.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.95


This research aimed to find out the experiences of students in learning English online during COVID-19 and students’ writing skills. It uses Photovoice as the research methodology. Data collection is done through Photovoice and in-depth interviews. 15 students of class VIII-I of SMPN 1 Rangkasbitung participated in this study. Data from students' explanations on their photos were analyzed qualitatively to find out students' experiences of learning English online through their writings about the photos. After that, the researcher did a cross check and compared the information from the students' writings, photos and interviews. In this study, researchers found that the Photovoice method can be used as a technique to help students in learning English. It can also help students express their experience of learning English online during the pandemic. Besides that, students' perception of English learning online during the pandemic has negative perceptions. This can be shown from the results of Photovoice supported by in-depth interviews. 11 out of 15 students got negative feelings, while four students had positive feelings. Three students stated they have difficulty in joining online classes and 12 students stated the other way around. From the findings above, it can be concluded that the Photovoice method can be used for teaching writing as students can still learn online easily.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.101


ABSTRACT The study conducted under the theme of speech acts is still popular since it emerges to be more attractive from time to time. This study principally discusses one of the enticing issues which are to scrutinize speech acts. This study focuses on the types of illocutionary acts taken from the dialogues in Mulan (2020) movie. It aims to discover and explain how types of illocutionary acts are applied in the dialogues of the main character of Mulan (2020) movie. This study uses descriptive qualitative research design. The findings of this research are that 46 utterances of the main character, Mulan, contain illocutionary act in all types, namely 17 directive utterances, 14 assertive utterances, nine expressive utterances, five commissive utterances, and one declarative utterance. From the finding, it can be concluded that illocutionary acts applied by the main character in Mulan (2020) movie have various functions. It mostly includes advising, commanding, ordering, and requesting. ABSTRAK Penelitian dengan mengangkat tema tentang tindak tutur masih banyak diminati karena tampaknya tema ini semakin menarik untuk dikaji dari waktu ke waktu. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada salah satu kajian yang menarik dalam ilmu Pragmatik yaitu tentang tindak tutur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan tipe-tipe tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat dalam ujaran-ujaran pemeran utama dalam film Mulan (2020). Penelitian ini menerapkan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan sebanyak 46 ujaran dari pemeran utama dalam film Mulan (2020) yang mengandung tindak tutur ilokusi, diantaranya adalah 17 tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, 14 tindak tutur ilokusi asertif, sembilan tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif, lima tindak tutur ilokusi komisif, dan satu tindak tutur ilokusi deklaratif. Berdasarkan fungsi dari tindak tutur ilokusi tersebut, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak ilokusi yang diterapkan oleh tokoh utama dalam film Mulan (2020) memiliki fungsi yang beragam, Sebagian besar mencakup fungsi berupa menasihati, memerintah, menawarkan, dan meminta.
A Student Engagement in a Virtual Class by FLIP Learning Application Amelia Iswandari
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.119


Engagement is very crucial in the virtual language learning process and needs to be always maintained. One way to keep learning engagement is the application of the FLIP Learning approach with its four pillars, including Flexible surroundings, Learning Culture. Intentional Content, Professional Educators. This study aimed to find out the occurrence of engagement in virtual Speaking classrooms, as well as pinpoint the most influential pillar of FLIP Learning in the class. The research used a qualitative method by conducting surveys and class observations for data collection. The respondents were 50 students from virtual Speaking classes in semester 1 of the academic year 2021/2022 of STBA LIA Jakarta. It was revealed that learning engagement occurred, and Professional Educators is the most influential factor out of four pillars of FLIP Learning in the virtual Speaking Classes.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 18 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v18i01.124


ABSTRACT This study is a descriptive qualitative study that discusses the appraisal of characters found in the Korean anthology, 그녀의 이름은 (Geunyeo-e ireumeun) and its Indonesian translation, Her Name Is. This study focuses on the characters’ judgment in the Korean text (source text or ST), and the Indonesian text (target text or TT). It aims to describe the appraisal of the female lead character towards other characters, other characters towards the female lead character, and the female lead character towards herself. The data that were collected through the linguistic corpus method were then analyzed by comparing judgments found in the ST and TT. It is found that there are 97 pairs of the characters’ judgments. The result of the analysis shows that both in the ST and in the TT, the judgment of the female lead character towards her partner and society is dominantly negative (71.43%). Moreover, most of the judgment of the partner and society towards the female lead character is also negative (66.67%). Although the judgment of other female characters towards the female lead character tends to be negative (75%), there is no significant percentage gap between the positive judgments (53.33%) and negative judgments (46.67%) of the female lead character towards other female characters. Furthermore, it is found that the judgment of the lead female character towards herself is neutral. This study also discovered that the female lead character of each story is the main focalizer both in the ST and in the TT. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas appraisal yang berfokus pada tokoh-tokoh dalam antologi cerpen Korea 그녀의 이름은 (Geunyeo-e ireumeun) dan terjemahan Indonesia, Her Name Is. Penelitian menganalisis attitude judgment para tokoh dalam teks sumber (TSu) bahasa Korea dan teks sasaran (TSa) bahasa Indonesia sebagai korpus paralel. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan linguistik korpus untuk pengumpulan data. Data judgment kedua teks kemudian dibandingkan dengan bantuan anotasi korpus. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menggambarkan appraisal tokoh utama wanita terhadap tokoh lain, tokoh lain terhadap tokoh utama wanita, dan tokoh utama wanita terhadap dirinya sendiri. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari total 97 pasang data, judgment tokoh utama wanita kepada pasangan dan masyarakat cenderung negatif (71,43%), dan begitu pula sebaliknya, judgment pasangan dan masyarakat terhadap tokoh utama wanita bersifat negatif (66,67%). Sementara itu meski judgment tokoh wanita lain terhadap tokoh utama wanita dominan negatif (75%), persentase judgment positif dan negatif tokoh utama wanita terhadap tokoh wanita lain tidak jauh berbeda (53,33%). Selanjutnya ditemukan bahwa judgment tokoh utama wanita terhadap dirinya sendiri netral. Judgment para tokoh dipengaruhi oleh pandangannya terhadap Konfusianisme di Korea Selatan. Selain itu, peneliti menemukan bahwa tokoh utama wanita adalah fokalisator utama dari antologi cerpen ini. Keywords: appraisal, attitude, cerpen Korea

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