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Jurnal Agro Estate
ISSN : 25800957     EISSN : 26564815     DOI :
Jurnal Agro Estate adalah Jurnal Ilmiah Budidaya Perkebunan yang menyajikan hasil penelitian dan telaah ilmiah dari Dosen, Peneliti, Praktisi, Mahasisa dalam bidang perkebunan. Topik utama yang diterbitkan mencakup: 1. Aspek Agronomi 2. Tanah dan Konservasi 3. Perlindungan Tanaman 4. Manajemen Tenaga Kerja (SDM) 5. Manajemen Keuangan 6. Aspek Kelestarian
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Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.03 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.54


The rubber breeding and selection activities in Indonesia aimed to produce superior rubber clones, growth vigorous, good secondary characteristics, and good latex quality. The objective of the research was to know the latex quality characteristic ofsome rubber clones ofIRR 200 series in Plot Promotion Trial. The research were done at Sungei Putih Experimental Garden and Rubber Technology Laboratory on September - November 2015. Exactly 4 rubber clones ofIRR 200 series used in this research, namely clone IRR 208, IRR 210, IRR 211, and IRR 220. The research result showed that clone IRR 208, IRR 210, IRR 211, and IRR 220 had concentrated latex with dry rubber content between 57.7—59.5% and amount solid content between 59.4 - 60.9%. Based on the timing of mechanical stability showed that clone IRR 210, IRR 211, and IRR 220 had rapid responses, while clone IRR 208 had moderate response to the addition ofammonium laurate. Those clones could be turned into concentrated latex as raw materialfor making latexfinishedgoods which worth high quality.
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.734 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.56


As a latex coagulant, liquid smoke has an advantage in reducing putrid odor of rubber coagulum. However, the use ofliquid smoke as latex coagulant requires more doses compared to that o fformic acid, resulting in less efficient process. As much as 1 liter of liquid smoke can be used to coagulate 40 liters of latex only, while 1 liter o fformic acid can be used to coagulate 800 liters oflatex. The idea ofthis research is to combine the advantages of liquid smoke and formic acid to obtain better latex coagulant. The research was done to examine the ability o fAsap Cair Plus (mixture ofliquid smoke andformic acid)asa latex coagulant, and to inform the technical properties of the resulting rubber. The results showed that Asap Cair Plus has an excellent coagulation ability. All technical rubber parameters (Po, PRI, volatile substances and ash content) are as per standard requirements ofthe Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for SIR-20 rubber. As a latex coagulant, the use ofAsap Cair Plus is more cost-effective in terms ofdosage than the use ofpure liquid smoke. As much as 1 liter o fAsap Cair Plus can be used to coagulate 660 liters o ffield latex.
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.102 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.57


Soil organic matter is hoarding from the remains ofplants and animals that most have experienced weathering and reshaping. Such organic materials are in Active weathering and attack prey remains of micro. Organic matter has an important role in determining the ability ofthe soil to supportplant, so that ifthe levels ofsoil organic matter decline soil capability, support crop productivity also decreased. At the plant has not been producingpalm oil sourcing organic ingredients is Mucuna bracteata and on oilpalm plants produce organic material is the source ofthe empty Palm bunches (TKKS) and the stem o fpalm oil. Based on this research required influence the decomposition stem o fpalm oil with preferential treatment and microorganisms against Amendment Magnesium soil. The research was carried out in theAfdelingl Field Limau Mungkur PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II.Research on time for six months, from January - June 2016. This research uses complete block design with 5 treatments and 3 replicates. Testing parameters are arranged on a list offingerprints and do Real differentfrom the smallest test (BNT) and level 5% and 1%. The results showed that changes the color of the stem may be fastest on the treatment with the addition ofP2 CaC03 (Limestone), changes the texture o fthe stem that is experiencing thefastest decomposition i.e. on treatment ofP2 (CaC03), decreased levels of C/N could befastest at the treatment the P2 (CaC03) with the c/n early stem is 149.86 be 97.88 at 3 months after application (BSA) and became 46.53 at 5 months After application (BSA) , and the levels o f Mg soil did not differ markedly because no significant changes towards the levels ofMg soil.
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.019 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.58


The aim ofthis research is to studypreparation cellulose acetate membranesfrom palmfruit empty bunch by additing natural zeolite sarulla for filtration of river water. This study consists of several stages: Preparation cellulose acetate from palm fruit empety bunch, Preparation cellulose acetate membranes from palm fruit empety bunch by additing natural zeolite and analysis ofriver water parameters include TDS, TSS, turbidity, pH and Metal Fe. Composition of cellulose acetate membranes used were 15% w/v cellulose acetate, acetone, mikrozeolit 0%; 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% and30% (w/v). River water before filtration with cellulose acetate membrane has TDS 60 mg/L, TSS 35 mg/L, turbidity 10 NTU, pH 6,56, andFe is 0,86 mg/L. Afterfiltration with a cellulose acetate membrane and cellulose acetate membrane with the addition ofzeolite Has optimum decreased TDS12 mg/L, TSS 15 mg/L, turbidity 2 NTU, pH 6.5 andFe 0.55 mg/L and zeolite interaction with dissolved solids (suspensed) is the interaction ofphysical adsorption.
KARAKTERISTIK FISIK DAN KIMIA TANAH PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT {Elaeis guineensis Jacq) DENGAN PENUTUP TANAH Mucuna bracteata Sakiah Sakiah; Mariani Sembiring; Novita Sari
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.106 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.59


Optimal nutrient delivery is one way to increase palm oilproduction. This is because the need ofnutrients for palm oil is quite high, while the soil capacity in providing nutrients for plants is limited. Besides fertilization, nutrients can be given in the form o forganic materials added or grown as cover crop. Beans as a cover crop is a vine that can increase nutrients and improve soil quality. Ofthe many types o fbeans as a cover crop, Mucuna bracteata is the most widely used species, because it has several advantages, namely rapid growth, high biomass production, resistant to shade, resistant to drought, suppress the growth ofweeds, and not liked by livestock. Mucuna bracteata also has benefitsforpalm oil crops such as increasing soil fertility, protecting against erosion hazards, improving soil properties and shortening seedling periods. This research was conducted to obtain informative data about the physical and chemical properties o fsoil on slope andflat areas planted with Mucuna bracteata as a cover crop and without Mucuna bracteata. This research was conducted at Afdeeling IKebun Bangun Bandar Socfindo Inc, Tanjung Maria Village, Dolok Masihul Sub-District, Serdang Bedagai District, Sumatera Utara Province. The research was conducted from May to July 2016. This research was conducted by descriptive analysis method that is collecting direct data infield and testing o fsoil samples in laboratory. Soil samples were taken based on: Topography (flat and slopes 15-30%), cover crops (without Mucuna bracteata and with Mucuna bracteata) and plant life (seedling periods 1, 2 and 3). The soil sample is taken composite by zigzagging soil sampling method. The research results showed that the planting of Mucuna bracteata in palm oil plantations was able to improve some physical and chemical properties of the soil; Planting Mucuna bracteata onflat area can fix bulk density o f 12.64%, on slope area o f 6.04%. The color o fthe soil that is planted with Mucuna bracteata tends to be darker than those not planted. The infiltration rate belongs to the class 'very quickly'with a sandy clay-dominated ground texture; Planting o fMucuna bracteata onflat area can increase soil organic matter content by 42.74%, while on slope area o f15.11%, increase ofN-total soil level by 31% and on slope area does not increase N-total.
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.786 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.60


Palm Oil Millprocessingfreshfruit bunches (FFB) into palm oil andpalm kernel. In an effort to maintain quality and improve productivity, one ofthefactors that must be considered is theproblem ofmaintenance of the facilities / production machine. This study discusses the causes and consequences caused by the breakdown occurred Sterilizer machine, particularly on HorizontalSterilizer and vertical Sterilizer. To get a machine that can be maintained keterandalannya needed a good concept. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a good concept to realize this. This concept, in addition to involving all personnel in the company, also aims to take care ofall the production facilities ofthe company. The data used is the data breakdown Horizontal Sterilizer and Vertical Sterilizer during the months from July to September 2015. In addition, this study also discusses the performance ofmaintenance mills, taking into account the value Mean Time beetwen Failure (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), and availability machine, using data from the foreman daily recordfor the month ofJuly 2015 until September 2015. So that later will know the actual state o f the company's information about treatment systems, especially in Sterilizer whether good or bad. Horizontal Sterilizerresearch results in July availablity value of99.50%, 0.42 hours maintainability and reliability value of283.75 hours while Vertical Sterilizerseptember availablity value of 98%, the value o f the maintainability o f 1.7 hours and 126.95 hours reliability value indicating reliability good, availability andperformance meets the standard ofthe lower maintenance operator will be well andgood.
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.447 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.61


Oil palm is a strong plant, although this plant is also not sparedfrom attacks ofpests and diseases, both less harmful and harmful.Pest Caterpillar Fire is the most pest that attacks because the pest is the most difficultpest in its control. Firefly pests multiply rapidly andfeed on the leaves until they havefinished all the leaves o f palm oil so that the characteristics o f thepest attack can be easily identified. The research was carried out in Division I Sei Parit Estate PT. SIDO JADI Sei Rampah DistrictSerdangBerdagai with data retrieval secondary.Research time fo r 5 months, from January-May 2016. Research use descriptive analysis method ofprimary data collection by way o fdirectfield survey to identify the characteristics o f pests by counting the number ofsubject stricken pests. Secondary data takenfrom the DivisionlPT. SIDO JADI. The results showed the diversity ofpest attack on oil palm Division 1 Sei Parit Estate is classified low i.e.H < 1 = 0,401.
Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Marketing Mix Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Minyak Goreng Kemasan Di Pasar Tradisional Sukaramai Medan Alda Kartika; Tuty Ningsih
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.598 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.62


Cooking oil is a main needs for Indonesia people. The customer chooses cooking oil based on their needs, there wants andpurchaseability. One alternative that can be usedby seller is by doing marketing mix analysis which coverproducts,price, location (distribution) and promotion in marketing strategy of cooking oil product in traditional marketing. The purpose ofthis research in general is to test and analyse the influence ofproduct on the purchase decision o f cooking oil, theinfluence ofpriceson the purchase decision o f cooking oil, theinfluence o f locationon the purchase decision o f cooking oil, the influence promotion on the purchase decision o f cookingoil in Sukaramai market in Medan.And simultaneously testing and analyzing the influence of marketing mix to purchase decision o f cooking oil in Sukaramai market in Medan. The research method used is multiple linier regression analysis and processed using SPSS 21. The research resultshowed that productvariable(Xl) partially had positive value with score T count<Ttable was 1,888<1,990 with the significantvalue o,209> a(0,05) means that didn't have significant influence to the customerpurchase decision (y)price variable (X2)partially hadpositive value with value t>t table was 3,168>1,950 with significant value 0,002 <a (0,00) means had significant Influence to customerpurchasedecision (y). Place variable (X3) partially hadpositive value with value T count >Ttable was 2,471 > 1,990 with significancy value 0,015< a (0,05) means had significant influence to the customer purchase decision (y) promotion variable (X4) partially hadpositive value with value T count < T table was 0,557 <1,990 and significant value 0,565 > a(0,05) means didn't have influence to the purchase decision (y). Product variable (XI), price(X2) place (X3) and promotion (X4) together had positive value with value Fcount > F table was 65,709 > 2,47 and significant value 0,000 < a (0,05) means had significant influence to the customerpurchase decision (y).
UJI ANTAGONISME BEBERAPA Trichoderma sp TERHADAP PENYAKIT BUSUK PANGKAL BATANG (Ganoderma boninense) PADA MEDIA PADAT DI LABORATORIUM Mariani Sembiring; Muhammad Yusuf Dibisono; Hendrik Dharmansyah
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.451 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.63


Ganoderma boninense is afungus that causes the disease rotting the roots (basal stem rot). Infection and disease transmission generally occurs through the contact ofthe root or the base ofthe stem with a source inokulum in the ground. Ganoderma boninense can cause death in plant oil palm. Trichoderma sp saprofik is a fungus that lives in the soil, litter, dead wood, and living in various places. Easy to find, quickly, and which were capable o f killing other fungi. Based on this research done antagonism Trichoderma sp Ganoderma boninense against media PDAS.This research was carried out in the laboratory ofSoil Biology Faculty ofAgriculture University ofNorth Sumatra. This research was carried out on 15 June-6 July 2016. This study used a Randomized Complete Design method (RAL) non Factorial treatment 2 and 11 replicates. Testing conducted the smallest Real Difference test (BNT) and the 5% level. The research results showed that T4 Treatment (g. boninense + 1. harzianum) produces the best drag power against pathogen growth o f g. boninense with percentage o f barriers of 344.53% showed that treatment oft. harzianum was able to inhibit the growth ofg. boninense process occurs through inhibition ofantagonistic mechanism ofthe inhibitory zones are characterized by thepresence.
Evaluasi Sifat Tanah Pada Beberapa Teknik Konservasi Tanah dan Air di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Saroha Manurung
Jurnal Agro Estate Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.094 KB) | DOI: 10.47199/jae.v1i1.64


Evaluation o f Soil properties In Some Soil and Water Concervation Techniques in Oil Palm Plantation. The purpose of this study to determine the most appropriate concervation tecniques used in oil palm plantations in the repair o fsoilproperties. This study was conductedfrom April 2013 to February 2014 in the Bangun Estate, PTPN III Simalungun district, North Sumatra Province. This study using a randomized block desing (RBD) no factorial with treatment factors, consisting of; VM: Vertical Mulch, CB: Compost Biopori, CD: Concave Disc, PG: Planting Grass. The results show (1) the treatment of concervation techniques concave disc with compost bioporifound significant effect on soil water content. The best treatment to the amount o f moisture contained in the compost treatment biopori. (2) In the treatment of concervation techniques for disk concave vertical mulcing, planting grass, compost treatment andplanting grass, bioporifound a real influence on the permeability of the soilprofil, which in the best treatment to the permeability of the soil profile contained in the treatment ofgrass planting. (3) The treatment technique implemented concervation in oil palm plantation did not significantly affect organic C, Total-N, C/N, Bilk Density, infiltration, levels of N, P, K in the leaves.

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