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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
ISSN : 14126478     EISSN : 26227657     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Tsaqôfah published twice a year since 2001 (June and December), is a multilingual (Indonesian, Arabic, and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Islamic History and Culture. This journal is published by the Islamic History and Civilization Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, “Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin” State Islamic University of Banten. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Islamic History Islamic Culture Islamic Civilization Islamic Tradition Islamic Literature Islamic Philology and Literature Islamic Archeology Local Islam and Culture Islamic Arts and Architecture
Articles 208 Documents
Aktifitas Dakwah KH Ahmad Rifa’i Arief melalui Pondok Pesantren Latansa Lebak Gedong Lebak Banten Mumun Munasaroh; Weny Widyawati Bastaman
Tsaqofah Vol 17 No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v17i2.2570


Aktivitas yang dilakukan KH. Ahmad Rifa’I Arief terlihat secara lebih jelas merupakan salah satu bagian dari dakwah, menyebarkan seruan Islam dan meneruskan perjuangan Nabi dalam membangun Islam yang Rahmatan Lil Alamin, dan beliau adalah sosok seorang yang telah membangun lembaga pendidikan modern di Banten dengan sistem yang berbeda,dan turut membangun kualitas manusia Indonesia agar menjadi berguna bagi kedua orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar. Dari uraian diatas dapat dirumuskan. Bagaimana bentuk Aktifitas dakwah yang dilakukan KH Ahmad Rifai Arief Semasa hidupnya? Aktivitasnya dalam bidang dakwah dibagi menjadi tiga bentuk yaitu Dakwah bil-hal, Dakwah bi-lisan dan Dakwah bil-Qolam. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metodelogi Historis dan mengumpulkan data dengan penelitian Studi Kepustakaan, observasi lapangan dan wawancara. Pengumpulan data dengan cara Studi Dokumentasi strategi yang digunakan dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data melalui buku-buku, media massa, karya ilmiah dan melalui media online. Gagasan dan Konsep pemikiran KH Ahmad Rifa’I Arief mengenai pendidikan sangat baik dan pemikiran KH Ahmad Rifa’I Arief diaktualisasikan melalui pembangunan Pondok Pesantren La Tansa, Lebakgedong, Lebak, Banten. Karena dalam proses pembelajaran pesantren merupakan perpaduan antara ilmu agama dan IPTEK, sehingga out put nya pun mampu diserap diberbagai sektor. Walaupun pada saat itu banyak hambatan dan rintangan yang menerpa dirinya dan seluruh hidupnya ia lakukan semata-mata karena ibadah dijalan Allah. Maka dari itu penulis merasa perlu mengangkat tokoh dakwah tersebut yakni Aktivitas Dakwah KH Ahmad Rifa’i Arief Melalui Pondok Pesantren LA Tansa Lebakgedong, Lebak, Banten
Jihad dan Anti Kafir dalam Geger Cilegon 1888 Ahmad Maftuh Sujana; Saeful Iskandar
Tsaqofah Vol 17 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v19i1.3167


Colonial exploitation that occurred in the 19th century in the archipelago. Creating conditions that can encourage people to carry out social movements that are dominated by continuous economic, political and cultural conditions and have led to the disorganization of traditional societies and their institutions. The entry of the Dutch in the 19th century began to cause enormous problems for the people of Banten, because the changes made by the Dutch government changed the system of government created by the Sultanate of Banten. From the traditional government structure switched to the Modern (European) government system. This has a negative impact on the structure of people's lives. Banten Ulama with the spirit of jihad, the spirit of anti-Islam, sometimes even the spirit of Nativism and Revivalism, became the driving force for various social movements that flourished in the 19th century. Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries this movement was a historical symptom of the indigenous peasant society. Almost all of these social movements occur due to high tax collections and heavy work that puts pressure on farmers. So that in this case, the kiai's leadership in carrying out the movement against the invaders is all based on the same motivation and conditions, namely maintaining aqidah and worship. Against munkar, polytheism and kufr which are carried out in the framework of munkar ma'ruf nahyi deeds. Everything is based on sincerity to fortify Islam from the influence that damages Islamic aqidah, worship and mu'amalah. This is clearly manifested in the history of struggle which was marked by Ulama throughout the archipelago
Keterlibatan Md. Juhdi Ma’mur Dalam Organisasi Pembela Tanah Air (Peta) Di Banten Tahun 1943-1945 milasari handayani; zaenal abidin; Eva Syarifah Wardah
Tsaqofah Vol 16 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v16i1.3194


Muhamad Juhdi Ma’mur is one of the leaders of the Banten fighters who came from the village of Pancaregang, Pancanegara, Pabuaran district. Juhdi born in year 1917 and died in the year 1945. Juhdi Ma’mur is an Indonesian Defense Defender (PETA) who served as the Platoon Commander and become a member of the People’s Security Agency. On October 3, 1943 was established PETA which serves to maintain the homeland. PETA the first time is was established in Banten was Daidan I under the leadership of K.H Syam’un and Daidan II under the leadership of the leadership E.O Ternaya. In the beginning Daidan I domiciled in Serang then moved to Labuan. K.H Syam’un founded Daidan III in Cilegon again. Daidan I in Labuan was handed over to K.H Khatib, next set up Daidan IV led by Tb. Uding Suryatmaja.
Kontribusi Badri Yatim dalam Historiografi Islam Bilal Hardiansyah; Zaenal Abidin; Muhamad Shoheh
Tsaqofah Vol 16 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v16i2.3155


History is past responsibility. In essence history cannot be separated from human life as the most perfect living creature in form and behavior. Writing history is an attempt to reconstruct events that happened in the past. In the development of Indonesian historiography there are several historiographic features, namely traditional historiography and modern historiography. One historian who is consistent in writing the history of the development of Islam is Badri Yatim. According to Badri Yatim, the style of historical writing in historical works can be grouped into khabar patterns, hawliyat patterns and mawadhu'iyat patterns. The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1. What is the biography of Badri Yatim? 2. What is the theoretical study of historiography? 3. What is the contribution of Badri Yatim in Islamic historiography? This study aims to find out: 1. Biography of Badri Orphans. 2. Theoretical historiography study. 3. Contribution of Badri Yatim in Islamic historiography. This study uses historical research methods which include the following stages: Topic selection, heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. This study concluded that: Badri Yatim was born in Curup (Bengkulu) in 1957, from husband and wife Muhammad Yatim and Nurdinah. Badri Yatim was married to Eli Nurmali in 1987. In the narrative of history there was always found a writer 's partiality for the benefit of certain individuals or groups. Historiography serves to document and explain facts and data regarding events or events in the past. Islamic historiography aims to show the development of historical concepts both in thought and in the scientific approach that is carried out accompanied by a description of the growth, development and decline of the forms of expression used in the presentation of historical materials. The writing style of Badri Yatim uses the narrative method by presenting an event or event based on the time sequence. Badri Orphan is objective in describing and explaining clearly using easy-to-understand language with a clear path.
Dialek Betawi Jakarta Siti Jubaidah
Tsaqofah Vol 18 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v18i1.3144


The native Jakartans call themselves the Betawi people or the Betawi Malay or the Selam people (only after independence was achieved, their names were better known as the people of Jakarta). The language he uses is called Malay or Betawi Malay (also only after independence, his name is better known as the Jakarta language). As for the language spoken on the edge of Jakarta, in areas bordering Sundanese, he calls it the name Betawi Ora '. The Betawi language or Betawi dialect has regional variations, in other words, the Betawi dialect experiences differences between one region and another in Jakarta.
Peran Perpustakaan Baitul Hikmah pada Masa Bani Abbasiyah muthakin muthakin
Tsaqofah Vol 18 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v18i1.3184


In the Abbasid period, Baitul Hikmah became the main resource center for the scholar or researcher in the Baghdad city. The Baitul Hikmah or well-known as a house of wisdom, was developed since the the second caliph administration led by Abu Ja’far al-Manshur (754-775 A.D.). Abu Ja’far al-Manshur was known as a caliph who attracted profoundly to science. By his regulation, he pioneered the translation of scientific and literature from foreign languages. Large number of books from India, Ancient Greek, Bizantine, Persian and Syria were translated into Arabic. This tradition was followed by his succesor, the caliph of Harun ar-Rasyid (786-809 A.D.) and his descendant, the caliph of Al-Ma’mun (813-833 A.D.). In the Al-Ma’mun era, Baitul Hikmah witnessed an overwhelming enhancement. As a result, Baitul Hikmah was not only becoming a house of numerous books, but also as a center of translation, research and publication, the study of astrology, and educational institutions in general.
Praktik Sistem Khilafah dalam Lintasan Sejarah Islam Ahmad Sugiri
Tsaqofah Vol 17 No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v17i2.2571


Sampai saat ini, negara-negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam, memperlihatkan citra keragaman dalam memilih dan mempraktekkan bentuk-bentuk pemerintahan dan sistem kenegaraan. Sebagian memilih dan mempraktekkan sistem monarki atau kerajaan, sebagian lainnya memilih dan mempraktekkan sistem Republik. Keragaman bentuk kenegaraan dan pengalaman politik “negara-negara Islam” tersebut disebabkan selain bersumber dari perkembangan pemikiran dan perbedaan pendapat di kalangan para pemikir politik Muslim tentang hubungan antara din dan dawlah dalam masa modern, harus diakui juga banyak dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kedalaman pengaruh Barat atas wilayah Muslim tertentu. Dalam sejarah, umat Islam pernah memunculkan sedikitnya tiga buah teori kenegaraan yang kemudian dipraktekkan oleh mereka. Pertama, mengacu kepada teori tentang khilafah yang timbul dari realitas sejarah, segera sesudah Nabi s.a.w. wafat. Kedua, bertolak dari teori imamah yang terutama berkembang di lingkungan kaum Syi‟ah. Dan ketiga, dapat pula berkembang dari teori imarah. Ketiga istilah dalam diskursus politik Islam tersebut, pada prinsipnya terkandung pengertian yang boleh dikatakan sama, yaitu menyangkut pemerintahan yang meliputi kepentingan-kepentingan sekuler maupun keagamaan. Teori khilafah bertolak dari dasar pemikiran tentang keharusan dibentuknya lembaga kekuasaan yang mewarisi, menggantikan dan meneruskan tradisi yang telah dijalankan Rasulullah s.a.w. sistem ini kemudian diyakini oleh sebagian umat Islam sebagai suatu lembaga yang mengganti fungsi pembuat hukum, melaksanakan undang-undang berdasarkan hukum Islam, karenanya diklaim sebagai sebuah alternatif yang paling ideal untuk dipraktekkan. Hanya dengan cara itulah umat Islam dapat menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan atau ketimpangan yang melilit kehidupan umat di negeri ini. Dalam teori negara modern, sedikitnya dapat dikemukakan tiga varian. Pertama, teori yang melihat negara, semata-mata sebagai wadah internasional yang netral dan instrumental. Negara adalah wadah dimana semua kepentingan masyarakat mendapat perhatian yang layak, yang berkompeten memperjuangkan hak-hak masyarakat yaitu individu-idividu yang mewakili kepentingan-kepentingan kelompok dalam masyarakat. Kedua, dalam kenyataannya, hanya segolongan tertentu dalam masyarakat saja yang dominan yang menguasai instrumen negara untuk kepentingan golongan tertentu. Ketiga, dalam masyarakat kapitalis umpamanya, negara hanyalah wadah eksekutif yang menyelenggarakan kepentingan kaum borjuis. Kecuali ada kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat yang terus beroposisi dan mendesak negara untuk mempertimbangkan kepentingan rakyat banyak. Maka negara akan berkembang menjadi arena kepentingan berbagai golongan
Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 106 Jakarta Timur Febta Pratama; Arief Hidayat
Tsaqofah Vol 17 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v19i1.3168


SMA Negeri 106 Jakarta is a school designated by the government as the first school to implement the 2013 curriculum. This study aims to see and describe the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in learning, how the form of acceptance, school readiness, and the obstacles faced in implementing the curriculum. This research uses qualitative research methods, with a case study in the school of SMAN 106 Jakarta. Data analysis was carried out by technical data analysis according to Miles and Hubberman with three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and data verification. The results show that the 2013 curriculum has been implemented since the beginning at SMAN 106 Jakarta. History subjects are among the subjects that first apply the 2013 curriculum in the learning process. The learning methods taught have used the Scientific and Discovery methods. The implementation of the 2013 curriculum can be seen in the learning tools that are in accordance with the provisions of the central government. The obstacles faced in implementing the 2013 curriculum are technical constraints related to learning resources and facilities and infrastructure.
Dampak Relokasi Pesantren Al-Khairiyah Tahun 1978 (Suatu Kajian Historis) Rahayu Permana
Tsaqofah Vol 16 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v16i1.3196


This research is based on concern about the study of Islamic boarding schools in the Cilegon area, which has a fairly long historical span, namely the Al-Khairiyah Islamic boarding school in 1925 founded by KH. Syamun as a clerical and military figure who had a lot of struggle in the Banten region. pesantren which is KH. Syam'un was established as an Islamic educational institution that aims to explore the knowledge of Islam by emphasizing the importance of morality and Islamic teaching experience in living in a society. Besides that pesantren education is based on the spirit of ‘living religion‘ which is reflected in all aspects of daily Islamic boarding school life. Islamic boarding school studies are so important to express through local historical approaches that are rich in sources and information. For this reason, it is necessary to approach the relevant sources to be studied more deeply, to reveal an event in the past. The study aimed to determine the impact of al-Khairiyah's displacement in 1978. Data collection was purposive sampling and snowball, carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation studies. In the process of working the data is analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions about the reality on the ground that are natural and actual in a comprehensive and intact manner described. Given the 1974 expansion of PT. Krakatau Steel, the relocation of old pesantren in new places has resulted in many significant changes, both from the social, economic, and cultural cultures of the people that have been built since a long time ago. Nevertheless the Al-Khairiyah Islamic boarding school tried to maintain its pesantren tradition in its entirety and was consistent with its goal of fostering a generation that was reliable to be prepared to fill independence.
Ulama Birokrat: Kiprah Abuya TB. Abdul Halim Kadu Peusing dalam Memperjuangkan Banten Siti Nur Immamah; H. S. Suhaedi; Erdi Rudjikartawi
Tsaqofah Vol 16 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v16i2.3156


The role of ulama is very important for the community in protecting the interests of the community. Ulama occupy an important position in the moral formation of society, even during the colonial period. Ulama leadership in the world of politics was very influential in the struggle against Dutch colonialism in Banten. The position of the ulama is inseparable from the prevailing tradition in the santri community, especially in rural areas which assume that in religion someone must follow what has been passed down by the ulama. Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim was a very charismatic cleric and his influence was very large for the people of Pandeglang. He was born around 1889 in Kadu Peusing Village, Kabayan Village, Pandeglang Subdistrict, Pandeglang Regency. The struggle of Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim started since he built Islamic boarding schools, Abuya thoughts Tb. Abdul Halim was very influenced by Sheikh Nawawi Tanara because Abuya Tb.Abdul Halim had studied with Sheikh Nawawi Tanara. The spirit of his struggle was poured out by participating in religious meetings, practicing his knowledge and supporting organizations such as Masyumi and NU. In 1945 Abuya Tb. Abdul Halim appeared in the struggle against the Dutch colonial until he was appointed Regent in Pandeglang in 1945-1947.

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