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Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia
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Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia is a scientific journal published by LPPM Ganesha Educational University, which publishes scientific articles on the development and research in philosophy. Journal of Philosophy is published three times a year, in April, June, and September. Editorial Team Journal of Philosophy accepts manuscripts in the field of philosophy which have never been published in other media. The Editorial Team has the right to edit the text to the extent that it does not change the substance of its contents.
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Landasan Ontologis Pengembangan Antropologi Pancasila Surono Surono; Rr. Siti Murtiningsih; Heri Santoso
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.28206


Antropologi Pancasila adalah salah satu upaya penulis untuk melakukan pengembangan pemikiran dan produksi pegetahuan terhadap Antropologi dan Pancasila khususnya. Salah satu alasan dilakukannya upaya ini adalah mengingat kajian pengembangan keilmuan ranah filosofis , khususnya ilmu sosial humaniora, dewasa ini stagnan. Hasil akhir dari kajian ini adalah sebuah konsep ilmu yang mengkaji manusia dari sudut pandang orang Indonesia. Hal ini sekaligus untuk mengimbangi antropologi yang berkembang saat ini yang mengkaji manusia dari sudut pandang orang asing. Secara singkat, ilmu antropologi yang bercorak ke Indonesiaan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian maka diperoleh hasil bahwa Antropologi Pancasila adalah bahwa kajian manusia yang menekankan pada upaya bersama menuju pengabdian pada Tuhan. Sehingga hasil kajian dari Antropologi Pancasila adalah bagaimana manusia di dunia ini melakukan berbagai upaya secara bersama-sama menemukan Tuhannya. Tentunya masing masing manusia maupun memiliki caranya masing-masing dalam “mencapai” Allahnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan hakekat manusia yang homo socius dan religius.
Feminisme dan Kebebasan Perempuan Indonesia dalam Filosofi Dhiyaa Thurfah Ilaa
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.31115


Kebebasan seharusnya adalah hal yang absolut untuk dimiliki seluruh individu terlepas dari jenis kelaminnya. Namun, sejak terciptanya masyarakat, kebebasan perempuan selalu dibatasi. Hak dan kesempatan laki-laki hingga kini masih tidak setara dengan perempuan. Perempuan Indonesia sejak dahulu sudah mulai memperjuangkan kesetaraannya, didorong dengan berkembangnya zaman dan globalisasi, perjuangan perempuan Indonesia akan kesetaraan semakin berkembang. Gerakan feminisme bertujuan untuk membantu perempuan memperjuangkan hak dan kebebasan perempuan di masyarakat Indonesia yang masih dominan patriarki. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mempelajari filosofi dari feminisme dan kebebasan perempuan. Metode penelitian adalah dengan studi literature deskriptif dan interpretif. Hasil studi literatur menunjukkan bahwa beberapa ahli filosofis feminis menjelaskan bahwa guna mencapai kesetaraan, laki-laki dan perempuan harus diberikan pendidikan yang sama, serta tidak diberi perlakuan yang diskriminatif. Ahli filosofis feminis lainnya meyakini bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki hakikatnya berbeda, namun memiliki hak yang sama dalam hal kebebasan. Kebebasan memiliki dua jenis, yakni kebebasan positif dan negatif. Keduanya merupakan hal yang bertolak belakang yang perlu dikritisi lebih lanjut, serta masih perlu dipertimbangkan sebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan bagi perempuan khususnya di Indonesia.
Filsafat Ilmu dan Pengembangan Metode Ilmiah Milasari Milasari; Ahmad Syukri; Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi; Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.35499


This article discusses the philosophy of science and the development of the scientific method, between the philosophy of science and the scientific method has a close relationship. Philosophy of science cannot be separated from scientific rules relating to the scientific method used, and the scientific method is the key word in science. Some of the problems that can become material for the study of scientific activity thinking are all activities related to the universe and its contents while it can be observed (observable) indirectly or directly by utilizing methods and means of assistance, as well as measurable. In order for a science to have an object and scientific method, it must meet several requirements which include the following dimensions/aspects. namely: (1) the ontological aspect (2) the epistemological aspect (3) the axiological aspect. The mindset in the scientific approach consists of an inductive mindset and a deductive mindset. The steps in the scientific method include: Formulating problems, conducting literature studies, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. There are two types of scientific research methods, namely qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Types of qualitative research are generally divided into narrative research, phenomenology, ethnography, case studies, grounded theory, participatory action, discourse analysis, document / text / heurmenetic studies, natural observations, centralized interviews, reasoned theory, historical studies, while quantitative research in general include: Descriptive Research, Relationship Research, Correlation Research, Experimental Research, Laboratory, Case Studies, Surrvey, Action Research field, Class Action research, Research development, evaluatif.analytic descriptive.
Kontruksi Epistimologi Ilmu Pengetahuan Parida Parida; Ahmad Syukri; Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi; Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.35503


This article discusses the philosophy of science and the development of the epimostological construction of science. Between the philosophy of science and the development of science has a close relationship because the philosophy of science has always been a benchmark in the development of science. Philosophy if science is a first pondation to make a epimostological constructin of science. Some of the development of the epimostology of science can not be separated from the foundation of a well-developed philosophy of science. The essence of modern science is inseparable from the basics of the philosophy of science. Another factor that binds science is realism and idealism which are the strong basis for the development of the epimostological construction of science in the era of modern civilization as it is now.
Filsafat dan Sejarah Perkembangan Ilmu Siti Mariyah; Ahmad Syukri; Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi; Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.36413


Philosophy is a science that is extensive, meaning that it is closely related to our daily lives. In fact, it can be said that philosophy is the driving force of our daily lives as individuals and as collective human beings in the form of a society or nation. Bertrand Russell explained that “between theology and science lies in a no man's land. This area is under attack by both theology and science. This no man's land is called "philosophy". Philosophy is said to be the "matter scientiarum" which is the mother of all sciences. Everyone who wants to learn the meaning of life must know the science of philosophy. Dr. Surajiyo in his book "An Introduction to Philosophy" stated that "philosophizing is nothing but living thinking and thinking deeply about life (living thought and thoughtful living). Philosophy of science is not just a methodology or procedure for writing scientific papers. Philosophy of science is a philosophical reflection of the nature of science that will not recognize a stopping point in reaching the target to be achieved, namely truth and reality. Understanding the philosophy of science means understanding the intricacies of science so that the most basic aspects and joints, to understand the perspective of science, the possibility of its development, and the interrelationships between branches of science with one another It can be concluded that philosophy is a science that studies seriously the nature of the truth of all things. Science is a method of thinking objectively in describing and giving meaning to the real world and has principles to organize and systematize. The indicators of science are: Accumulative, the truth is not absolute, objective. There are six phases of scientific development, including; Pre-Ancient Greece Phase, Ancient Greek Phase, Medieval Age Phase, Renaissance Age phase, Modern era phase, and the last Contemporary Age phase
Falsifikasi Karl R. Popper dan Urgensinya dala Dunia Akademik Maydi Aula Riski
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.36536


A problem that is often debated by both the western and eastern world is the problem of determining the truth of a scientific field or theory. In western science, a thought emerged from a philosopher, namely the theory of falsification put forward by Karl Raymond Popper. In his theory Popper argues that the truth of a science is not determined through justification (verification), but through refuting the propositions that science itself builds (falsification). The study of Popper's falsification has been very widely published and discussed in various writings, especially in Islamic studies and science (science). In this article, the author tries to briefly describe the urgency of Karl R. Popper's thought in the academic field. The method used in writing this article is library research (literature review), using relevant documents, journals, and research. Through this research, it is known that the application of Karl Raimund Popeer's theory of falsification is very important in the academic field. This is evidenced by the concept of falsification which is used to determine the scientific knowledge. In addition, the concept of falsification was used long before Popper introduced the theory. One of them is used by the Muslim philosopher Imam Al-Gazali in defending and proving his arguments and thoughts. In the development of scientific methods, the principle of falsification plays an important role in strengthening scientific theory because it serves as evidence to disqualify other irrelevant theories.
Kontribusi Filsafat Ilmu dalam Penelitian Ilmiah dan Kehidupan Sosial Imam Subekti; Ahmad Syukri; Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi; Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.37304


Philosophy of science needs its presence in the midst of the development of science and technology which is marked by the sharpening of scientific specialization. Philosophy of science as a theoretical framework and research method has a relationship with scientific research. Philosophy of science explains the problem of science or science which is the basis for logical assumptions (ethical neutralistic doctrine), the empirical results achieved, and the limits of their abilities. Meanwhile, the research methodology describes efforts to develop science based on the scientific method, which consists of two parts, namely both deductive and inductive.        The contribution of the philosophy of science in scientific research is: As a basis for the development of science or theory, the philosophy of science as a means of testing scientific theory reasoning. Philosophy of science is able to test, reflect, criticize assumptions and scientific methods in a scientific research. As a foundation in science at the university level. Philosophy of science provides a logical basis for research methodology. The contribution of the philosophy of science in research methodology can also be filling and broadening the cognitive horizons (reason) of what is called science, which is expected to create understanding for the discipline in scientific work, as well as increase the motivation of a researcher to carry out tasks seriously.  Writing this article uses a qualitative approach by using library research, namely by examining reading sources that have to do with the study being discussed. 
Arah dan Orientasi Filsafat Ilmu di Indonesia Hastangka Hastangka; Heri Santoso
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.38407


Filsafat Ilmu merupakan salah satu cabang khusus dari Filsafat yang memiliki kedudukan dan posisi yang strategis dalam membangun paradigma ilmu di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji dan mendeskripsikan tentang kedudukan dan posisi Filsafat dalam paradigma keilmuan yang berkembang. Beberapa hal yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah berikut ini. Pertama, kedudukan dan posisi Filsafat Ilmu sebagai paradigma di Indonesia. Kedua, perkembangan dan pengajaran Filsafat Ilmu dalam perkuliahan mata kuliah Filsafat Ilmu di Indonesia, secara khusus perkembangan buku teks yang ada. Ketiga, orientasi Filsafat Ilmu sebagai disiplin ilmu dari Filsafat yang berkembang di Indonesia. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang orientasi dan perkembangan Filsafat Ilmu di Indonesia dari aspek paradigma ilmu dan sejarah pemikirannya melalui kajian teks dan buku yang diterbitkan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menganalisis sumber atau data dari buku teks, jurnal ilmiah, dokumen, silabus, dan bahan ajar dalam perkuliahan Filsafat Ilmu. Analisis yang digunakan adalah interpretasi, heuristik, dan refleksi filosofis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Filsafat Ilmu dikembangkan dan diajarkan mengacu pada paradigma Filsafat Ilmu yang berkembang di barat. Struktur yang dibangun dalam mengembangkan Filsafat Ilmu muncul dari kajian Filsafat mulai dari pengetahuan dasar tentang Filsafat sampai pada hakikat ilmu. Orientasi Flsafat Ilmu sebagai disiplin ilmu dari Filsafat yang dikembangkan di Indonesia dari berbagai literatur yang berkembang masih didominasi pada orientasi Filsafat barat.
John Locke: The Construction of Knowledge in the Perspective of Philosophy Juhansar Juhansar
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.39214


 Epistemology is one of three philosophical dichotomies that rises to two main isms to obtain knowledge: rationalism initiated by Rene Descartes (1596-1650) and empiricism initiated by John Lock (1632-1704). As an empiricist, Locke offers the tabula rasa theory to support his argument. Thus, this study aims to describe radically and comprehensively the concept of John Locke's thought from the perspective of epistemological philosophy. This aim is achieved by describing the background and principal works of John Lock on the philosophy of epistemology, including the main ideas, views, and reasoning of his empiricism through tabula rasa theory. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative in the field of philosophy. Data were collected through a literature study, then analyzed hermeneutically with two methodical elements: verstehen and interpret. First, this research shows that knowledge is principally obtained from sensory experience in which the mind is only passive. Second, the sensory experience is obtained objectively (primary quality) and subjectively (secondary quality). Third, external sensation and internal sensation obtained from sensory experience are built into simple ideas to complex ideas. 
Science and the Necessity of Faith: Notes on “Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic” Min Seong Kim
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jfi.v4i3.39510


Apropos Kant’s discussion of scientific practice in the section of the first Critique entitled “Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic,” there has long been a tendency in Anglophone Kant scholarship to downplay the role of God or quickly brush aside the centrality of the idea in the Kantian system. As a way of setting the stage for evaluating the place of God in Kant’s philosophy, this paper, in a concise and straightforward manner, attempts to make the connection between science and the idea of God as it appears in the first Critique explicit and explain why Kant is driven to make that connection. In the first half of the paper, I summarize Kant’s discussion of scientific practice as presented in the first part of the Appendix, followed by a brief discussion of a problem his account raises. In the second half of the paper, I elaborate the connection between science and God as a response to that problem.

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