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Jurnal Penelitian
ISSN : 16936019     EISSN : 24776580     DOI : 10.21043/jp
Core Subject : Religion,
Focus: Jurnal Penelitian fokus pada penyediaan artikel ilmiah sosial keagamaan berbasis pada tema-tema yang berkembang yang hadir melalui publikasi artikel, laporan penelitian, dan ulasan buku. Scope: Jurnal Penelitian mengkhususkan diri dalam studi sosial keagamaan, yang meliputi islamic studies, tarbiyah, syariah, ushuluddin, dakwah, sosiologi agama, antropologi agama, serta disiplin ilmu lainnya yang terkait dengan disiplin keagamaan.
Articles 315 Documents
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8, No 2 (2014): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v8i2.834


DISCRETIONARY LEGAL ACTION (FREIESER- MESSEN) IN THE WELFARE STATE CONCEPT: PERSPECTIVE OF STATE ADMINISTRATION LE- GAL AND ISLAMIC LAW. Regulation of  wisdom known as discretionary or ‘freiesermessen’ essentially is a legal act of government or supplies tool of  state administration. This action carried out by the agency or the officials carrying out the government affairs to be able to act on their own initiative in solving social problems. This paper is an analysis of  discretion or ‘freiesermessen’ as one of  the means to move for official or administrative departments of  the State to take action without having to be bound completely on legislation. As a result, in the ideal level, the government has the authority to make discretionary without being tied entirely to the law. But in practical terms, it does not mean that the government or officials of  the State administration can act arbitrarily, but rather an attitude that must be accounted for. In other words, despite government intervention in the lives of  citizens is indispensable in the conception of  the welfare state, but also the accountability of each government action is indispensable in a State of law that upholds the values of truth and justice. keywords: Law act, Discretion, State administration legal, Islamic Law.Peraturan  kebijaksanaan  yang  dikenal  dengan  istilah  diskresi atau freiesermessen pada hakikatnya merupakan tindakan hukum pemerintah atau alat perlengakapan administrasi Negara. Tindakan ini dilakukan oleh badan atau pejabat yang melaksanakan urusan pemerintahan untuk dapat bertindak atas inisiatif  sendiri dalam menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan sosial. Tulisan ini merupakan analisis terhadap diskresi atau freiesermessen sebagai salah satu sarana yang memberikan ruang bergerak bagi pejabat atau badan-badan administrasi Negara untuk melakukan tindakan tanpa harus terikat sepenuhnya pada undang-undang. Hasilnya, pada tataran ideal, pemerintah memang diberikan kewenangan untuk membuat diskresi tanpa harus terikat sepenuhnya pada undang-undang. Namun pada tataran praktis, tidak berarti pemerintah atau pejabat administrasi Negara dapat bertindak semena-mena, melainkan sikap itu haruslah dipertanggungjawabkan. Dengan kata lain, meskipun campur tangan pemerintah dalam kehidupan warga Negara merupakan keniscayaan dalam konsepsi welfare state,   tetapi pertanggungjawaban setiap tindakan pemerintah juga merupakan keniscayaan dalam Negara hukum yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebenaran dan keadilan.kata kunci: Tindakan hukum, Diskresi, Hukum administrasi negara, hukum Islam.
The Pattern of Community Service on Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Lecturers Munadi, Muhammad; Junanto, Subar; Wahyuningsih, Retno
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 13, No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v13i1.5521


Abstract The objectives of this research are to see the pattern of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training lecturers in doing community service, the urgency of the lecturers to choose the pattern of community service as done so far, and the obstacle of community service. This research employed qualitative field method. The subjects of this research were the lecturers of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Surakarta. Meanwhile, the research informants were the officials in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training environment whose leading sector was community services and the community around the lecturers who did community services. Research data was gathered through interview methods, observation and documentation. Data triangulation was done to validate the data. Data obtained from these methods were analyzed interactively. Patterns that can be used in doing community service in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and IAIN Surakarta is the pattern of Czuba, which is divided into 5 areas of community services. They are: engage contacts with individuals, groups and organizations thus can benefit the expertise of the university, contribute to the spiritual growth of the society, offering teaching services and research services, expertise exchange, providing access to facilities and / or programs, as well as special services related to the charter, vision, mission, goals and objectives of the university.Keywords: Community service; Academically Based Community Services (ABCS) pattern;  non Academically Based Community Services (non ABCS) Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pola pengabdian para dosen FITK di lingkungan masyarakatnya, urgensi para dosen memilih pola pengabdian seperti yang dilakukan selama ini, dan kendala pengabdian pada masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititatif lapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Surakarta. Sedangkan informan penelitian adalah pejabat di lingkungan FITK yang leading sectornya adalah pengabdian masyarakat dan warga masyarakat sekitar dosen tersebut melakukan pengabdian.Data penelitian akan dikumpulkan melalui metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Data yang diperoleh dari beberapa metode tersebut akan dianalisis secara interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pola yang dipakai dalam pengabdian masyarakat di FITK dan IAIN Surakarta dengan pola Czuba, yang membagi menjadi 5 bidang pengabdian masyarakat yaitu:  Terlibat kontak dengan individu, kelompok dan organisasi sehingga bisa berbagi manfaat dan dan  keahlian yang dimiliki universitas, berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan rohani masyarakat, penawaran layanan fungsi pengajaran, dan penelitian, pertukaran keahlian, penyediaan akses ke fasilitas dan/atau program, serta layanan khusus yang berkaitan dengan piagam, visi, misi, tujuan dan sasaran universitas.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis akademik; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis non akademik.
Reaktualisasi Manajemen Kesiswaan dalam Mempertahankan Local Wisdom (Studi Analisis di MTs Miftahul Ulum Karangmojo, Klego, Boyolali) Miftah, Muhammad
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 11, No 2 (2017): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v11i2.3169


This paper discusses how the active role of MTs Miftahul Ulum in maintaining the local culture through structural students’ management. Students’ management is one of important aspects in educational institutions. It is because base on this, institution can map and plan the future activities in an educational institution. Basically, the students’ management discusses the planning of student, students’ organization and students’ coaching so the students’ learning process in educational institutions can be success. Management pattern used in this Madrasa always considers local culture by keeping the culture and customs that exist in the community through its superior programs. 
Implementasi Pendidikan Multikultural di Madrasah Inklusi Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Maguwoharjo Yogyakarta Jiyanto, Jiyanto; Efendi, Amirul Eko
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 10, No 1 (2016): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v10i1.1366


Urgensi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Bisnis di Era Kontemporer Suparwi, S.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 12, No 1 (2018): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v12i1.4138


In today's globalization era companies be demanded must be able to compete with competitors who certainly not only sourced from domestic but also have to compete with competitors from abroad. The increasingly tight competition is what makes the business people must have quality human resources so that it has a good production process so that the productivity of the company can be realized. Human resources are key in every organization whether in the realm of education, politics, social, more so the business environment. although not as spaciously ancient time for its role in doing business activities but the role of human resources is quite significant and sometimes can't replaced in certain domain. Therefore, human resources as should be properly managed to function so always be productive and generate more profit for the company. Trend of human resource management in the contemporary era provides a new paradigm using information technology, so it’s very helpful in managing human resources.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 11, No 1 (2017): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v11i1.2045


AbstractSurakarta was a city which had high intensity of religious social conflict. Many conflicts potentially that was happened in Surakarta showed that there was great potential of conflict in the religiosities life. Therefore, the conflict that based on religious has to be managed as well as possible, and then transformed it to build up a peace in Surakarta. This research discussed about the roles of Pesantren of Al Muayyad Windan in which its capability to mediation the conflict in Surakarta. The questions that would be answer here were what is the rational background and how does the conflict mediation model that was done by Pesantren of Al Muayyad Windan in Surakarta. This research used the descriptive qualitative. The approach used was religious sociology approach. The technique of data collecting was done by deep interview, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, the technique of analyzing data used the interactive analysis consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion of data. The trustworthiness in thesis was done by the data triangulation and informant review through discussion. The research finding showed that religious conflict transformation that was done by Pesantren of Al Muayyad Windan was based on the principle of the admission existence and the empowerment existence. Thus the principles were grounded on the theology percept of Aswaja that was become as the motivation to do social changes, sociological background of Surakarta that often appeared religious conflict, and community background of the Pesantren of Al Muayyad Windan that designed as the university student pesantren and pesantren of society empowerment. Conflict mediation conducted by pesantren Al Muayyad Windan Surakarta is based mediation function of an initiative for empowerment in public institutions. Functions of the institution in society was reaffirmed, pushed into the container to socialize, build silodaritas together and become a place of shared awareness.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 9, No 1 (2015): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v9i1.858


WORK ETHICS OF ISLAM AND ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE: Study on a BMT in Kudus, This research aims to analyze the relationship of  work ethics of  Islam and organizational justice in BMT in Kudus. The organizational justice is measured using three dimensions of  justice developed by Cropanzano et al. (2007), they are: distribution justice, procedural fairness and interactional justice. Further, the study also tested the influence of  the three dimensions of justice against work ethics of  Islam felt by employees. The results of this research show that the level of  organizational justice and work ethics of Islam felt by employees working in the BMT in Holy is high enough. The results of the regression analysis also showed a significant positive influence on the distribution of Justice, procedural fairness and interactional justice against the work ethics of  Islam. Implications, limitations and suggestions for the next research are also discussed in this article.keywords: Distribution Justice, Procedural Justice, Work Ethics Of Islam.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  hubungan etika kerja Islam dan keadilan organisasi di Baitul mal wat tamwil (BMT) di Kabupaten Kudus. Keadilan Organisasi disini diukur menggunakan tiga dimensi keadilan yang dikembangkan oleh Cropanzano dkk. (2007) yaitu: keadilan distribusi, keadilan prosedural dan keadilan interaksional. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh tiga dimensi keadilan terhadap etika kerja Islam yang dirasakan oleh karyawan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keadilan organisasi dan etika kerja Islam yang dirasakan oleh karyawan yang bekerja di BMT di Kudus cukup tinggi. Hasil analisis regresi juga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positif signifikan keadilan distribusi, keadilan prosedural dan keadilan interaksional terhadap etika kerja Islam. Implikasi, keterbatasan dan saran untuk penelitian yang akan datang  juga dibahas dalam artikel ini.kata kunci: Keadilan Distribusi, Keadilan Prosedural, Etika Kerja Islam.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Penelitian
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v7i2.814


THE  ISLAMIC  THINKING  IN  THE  CYBERSPACE (AN ANALYSIS OF THREE WEBSITE ISLAMIC ORGANIZATIONS  IN  INDONESIA).  The  shift  from physical public space in the virtual public space becomes a contestation for social organizations, including Islamic organizations. This paper intends to analyze the tendency of  the struggle of  Islamic thought to public spaces through official website of each organization Islam. As a representation of Islamic organizations, this study selected three Islamic organizations representing certain trends and typologies. Namely, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) representing transnational fundamentalist group, the Liberal Islam Network (JIL), which is a representation of the liberal group, and the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which represents the middle and moderate currents. This paper examines the trends and the existing contents of  the three websites, does not highlight a deeper understanding of  religious activity in the area of  empirical Islamic organizations.keywords: Public Space, Website, the Islamic Organization.Pergeseran dari ruang publik yang bersifat fisik pada ruang publik maya menjadi kontestasi bagi organisasi-organisasi sosial,  termasuk  di  dalamnya organisasi  Islam.  Tulisan ini bermaksud menganalisis kecenderungan pergulatan pemikiran Islam pada ruang publik maya melalui website resmi masing-masing organisasi Islam. Sebagai representasi dari organisasi-organisasi Islam, dalam kajian ini dipilih tiga organisasi Islam yang mewakili kecenderungan dan tipologi tertentu. Yaitu, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) yang mewakili kelompok fundamentalis-transnasional, Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) yang merupakan representasi dari kelompok liberal, dan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) yang mewakili arus tengah dan moderat. Tulisan ini hanya mengkaji kecenderungan dan konten yang ada dalam tiga website tersebut, tidak menyoroti lebih  mendalam tentang  aktivitas  keberagamaan  organisasi Islam di wilayah empiris.kata kunci: Ruang Publik, Website, Organisasi Islam.
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 10, No 2 (2016): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v10i2.1783


AbstractThe system of quality management implemented with the consistent commitment would provide the benefits and success for all stakeholders in the University. To obtain those benefits and success should be based on several principles of the established quality management. The starting entry of foreign University enliven the “competition” existed in Indonesia. The University is not only seen as the center of science, research, and community service, but also as the corporation entity of “producing science” that needs to compete to ensure the survival. The competition, as experienced by companies for profit, covers the competition of quality, price, and service. University as nonprofit entity also faces the same case. To manage these all, it needs the knowledge and skill of management namely integrated quality management of University. Keywords: Integrated Quality Management, Transformation of Management, University 
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 9, No 1 (2015): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jupe.v9i1.850


PROVERTY IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF QUR’AN AND HADITH. This paper aims to explain the poverty of  view of  al- Quran and Hadith. This is because poverty is a global problem and a classic that is always there, and had a very large influence on individual and social life. Poverty is also a major enemy of the Muslims, they are obliged to fight against poverty he suffered. In Indonesia, poverty seems to be a necessity for the Indonesian people, especially Muslims. Irony indeed, poverty persists in the country that supposedly rich in natural resources. Most people understand the comparative poverty, while others look at it from the perspective of  moral and evaluative, and others understand it from a scientific point of  view that has been established. However, Islamic economics can be used as tools to save Muslims from poverty. Islam is not only limited economic alternatives, but the solution of  the system of  capitalism or any economic system which has been hailed by the West.Keywords: Proverty, Economic System, Islamic Economy.Tulisan  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menjelaskan  tentang  kemiskinan dari  pandangan  al-Quran  dan  Hadis.  Ini  karena  kemiskinan 41 adalah problema klasik dan global yang selalu ada, dan memiliki pengaruh sangat besar terhadap kehidupan individu maupun sosial. Kemisikinan juga merupakan musuh besar umat Islam, mereka berkewajiban melawan kemiskinan yang menderanya. Di Indonesia, kemiskinan seolah menjadi suatu keniscayaan bagi masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya umat Islam. Ironi memang, kemiskinan tetap ada di negeri yang konon kaya akan berbagai sumber daya alam. Sebagian orang memahami kemiskinan secara komparatif, sementara yang lain melihatnya dari perspektif  moral dan evaluatif, dan yang lain lagi memahaminya dari sudut ilmiah yang telah mapan. Namun, ekonomi Islam bisa dijadikan tools dalam menyelamatkan umat Islam dari kemiskinan. Ekonomi islam bukan hanya sebatas alternatif, melainkan  solusi dari  sistem  kapitalisme  atau  sistem  ekonomi manapun yang selama ini diagung-agungkan oleh Barat.Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Sistem Ekonomi, Ekonomi Islam.

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