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Core Subject : Economy,
In various literatures on the economy is divided into two sectors: the real sector which includes the service market and the market for goods, and the monetary sector which consists of the money market and the capital market (wealth). In some economic systems, the monetary (financial) flowing in a country will affect the rate of the economy. Monetary economy can be applied in a policy called monetary policy. In a conventional discussion, a monetary policy is implemented to achieve an increase in national income, to stabilize market prices, and to control the inflation rate. To achieve these macroeconomic goals, interest rates are used which is a weakness of the conventional monetary system. The subsequent use of interest rates has led to an economic crisis, even a global financial crisis, therefore there is monetary policy in the Islamic economy to reduce interest rates.It can be concluded that the influence of the financial system and monetary policy in the perspective of Islamic economics in the New Order era and Islam has its own monetary policy that is different from other economic systems. In the aspect of the goal of Islam, it does not only emphasize equilibrium between the demand and supply of money but also strives for equality with the principles of justice and brotherhood, so as to create a fair distribution of wealth and income as well. In connection with the needs of a new economic system, the Islamic monetary system offers a solution to overcome the financial crisis. [Di berbagai literature tentang ekonomi terbagi dalam dua sektor: sektor real yang mencakup pasar jasa dan pasar barang-barang, dan sektor moneter yang terdiri dari pasar uang dan pasar modal (kekayaan). Dalam sebagian sistem ekonomi, moneter (keuangan) yang mengalir di sebuah Negara akan mempengaruhi laju ekonomi. Ekonomi moneter bisa diaplikasikan dalam sebuah kebijakan yang disebut kebijakan moneter. Dalam suatu pembahasan konvensional, sebuah kebijakan moneter diJalankan untuk mencapai peningkatan pendapatan nasional, untuk menstabilkan harga pasar, dan mengontrol laju inflasi. Untuk memperoleh tujuan ekonomi makro tersebut, suku bunga digunakan di mana hal tersebut menjadi kelemahan dari sistem moneter konvensional. Penggunaan suku bunga selanjutnya sudah menyebabkan krisis ekonomi, bahkan krisis keuangan global maka dari itu adanya kebijakan moneter dalam ekonomi islam untuk mengurangi suku bunga. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya pengaruh sistem keuangan dan kebijakan moneter dalam perspektif ekonomi islam pada era orde baru dan islam memiliki kebijakan moneter tersendiri yang berbeda dengan sistem ekonomi lainnya. Pada aspek tujuan Islam tidak hanya menekankan equilibrium antara permintaan dan penawaran uang akan tetapi juga mengupayakan terjadinya pemerataan dengan prinsip keadilan dan persaudaraan, sehingga tercipta distribusi kekayaan dan pendapatan secara adil pula. Berkaitan dengan kebutuhan sistem ekonomi baru, sistem moneter islam menawarkan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi krisis keuangan.]
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Analysis Of Mapping The Potential Of The Creative Economy In Bintan Regency During The Covid-19 Lamidi Lamidi
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1990


The Creative Economy is one of the economic activities that have an essential meaning in supporting the financial resilience of the people of Bintan Regency, developing innovation, creativity, and competitiveness, realizing economic growth, and creating job opportunities in Bintan Regency. The purpose of this study is to analyze several potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Creative Economy sector in Bintan Regency, which prioritizes the Need for Human Resources and Natural Resources that have the opportunity to be appropriately managed. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach in Bintan Regency. Secondary data regarding the Creative Economy are collected and subsequently studied in depth. The findings show that the Creative Economy in Bintan Regency is in bad condition. Due to the prevalence of tourism activities that attract tourists as targets for expanding the Creative Economy in border regions with neighboring nations, it has become identified that there is neither a strong appeal nor a substantial market. In addition, there is a need to strengthen capital and identify potential, lay the economic base, and support future policies for the Creative Economy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bintan Regency.
Prioritas Penanganan Jalan Nasional Dengan Menggunakan Metode Ahp Dan Anp: Ruas Jalan Bts. Tapteng/Tapsel – Batang Toru – Bts. Kota Sidempuan T. Rahmatsyah Putra; Ahmad Perwira Mulia Tarigan; Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1991


The government's limited budget in managing the condition of the road pavement causes the government to compile a priority ranking of the roads to be handled. Each decision maker has a different assessment for each factor or criterion that is considered in determining the path. This problem requires the same perception from decision makers in choosing road handling priorities. Priority by determining more than one criteria can be done using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) analysis such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). This study seeks to obtain priority handling of the Jalan Bts. Tapteng/Tapsel – Batang Toru – Bts. Sidempuan City using AHP and ANP methods. The criteria used are traffic volume, level of road damage, government policies, handling costs, and area development. The segmentation of the road segment is applied in this study into 9 sub-sections to obtain a uniform alternative length of the road. The results show that the most influential criteria in road handling using the AHP method are traffic volume (0.428), followed by policy (0.192), cost (0.187), road conditions (0.141), and area development (0.052). While in the ANP method, the criteria with the largest weight are traffic volume (0.301), followed by policies (0.196), costs (0.194), road conditions (0.174), and area development (0.134). The results of the two methods also determine the priority of different road handling roads. The results of the ANP method are expected to be a more objective priority due to the consideration of feedback on the elements and clusters themselves.
Kadar Kolesterol dengan Tekanan Darah Pasien Pasca Edukasi Hipertensi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Depok Ani Nuraeni; Dinda Erniyetty
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.2019


Hipertensi adalah tekanan darah tinggi (TD), jika tekanan sistolik meningkat dari 140mmHg dan tekanan diastole meningkat dari 90mmHg. Pencegahan komplikasi hipertensi dapat dilakukan dengan pengobatan dan tanpa pengobatan untuk mengendalikan kolesterol, tanpa pengobatan seperti melakukan pendidikan kesehatan dengan penyuluhan rutin yang berfokus kepada pengendalian kolesterol dan tekanan darah yang dilakukan oleh perawat. Prevelensi hipertensi pada masyarakat berumur diatas 18 tahun di Indonesia sejumlah 34,11%, Setiap tahun total penderita hipertensi akan mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan darah pada pasien pasca edukasi hipertensi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Depok Metode: desain penelitian ini adalah Cross Sectional serta menggunakan analisis Chi Square. Hasil: Penelitian sebagian besar kolesterol normal 91 orang (91,0%), hampir setengahnya 46 responden (46,0%) mengalami tekanan darah sistolik sedang dan tekanan diastolik setengahnya normal sebanyak 63 responden (63,0%). Kesimpulan: Hasil uji statistik menggunakan chi square di dapatkan P value 0,013 dimana nilai (p<0,05) menyatakan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan darah diastolik pasien pasca edukasi hipertensi di RSUD Kota Depok sedangkan tidak terdapat hubungan kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan diastolik pada pasien pasce edukasi hipertensi. Rekomendasi: menambahkan variabel yang mempengaruhi tekanan darah pada pasien pasca edukasi hipertensi.
Penerapan Kepatuhan Syariah Pada Jual-Beli Dropshipping Fashion Di Marketplace Frozenshop.Com Muhamad Reyhan Aldabena
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1987


Sharia compliance broadly is the application of Islamic principles, sharia and its traditions in financial and banking transactions as well as other related businesses, sharia compliance applies in Indonesia in accordance with the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN) because the DSN fatwa is the embodiment of sharia principles and rules that must be adhered to. adhered to, including in business matters such as dropshipping. Dropshipping is a buying and selling system involving 3 parties, namely buyers, sellers and suppliers (providers of goods). The seller in this context is referred to as a dropshipper. is one of the men's fashion suppliers in Indonesia that they open opportunities for dropshippers to sell their goods back to consumers. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of sharia compliance in the sale and purchase of dropshipping fashion in the Marketplace and how the legal implications of the dropshipping fashion sale and purchase scheme in the Marketplace online which still contain elements of gharar. The results of this study are the application of sharia compliance in the sale and purchase of dropshipping fashion in the marketplace is not in accordance with sharia compliance, where the goods are not owned directly by the dropshipper when the dropshipper sells the goods. Meanwhile, the Legal Implication for the dropshipping fashion sale and purchase scheme in the online marketplace which still contains an element of gharar, is a dropshipping sale and purchase scheme with goods that have not obtained permission from which acts as a supplier. So the legal implications of buying and selling goods sold by the dropshipper are canceled or Faskah.
Pengaruh Struktur Modal, Strategi Pemasaran dan Jaringan Penjualan Terhadap Perkembangan Usaha Pada UMKM Madu Hutan Tanjungsari Kokom Komalasari; Junedi Junedi
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1962


Madu merupakan komoditas unggulan bagi ketersediaan bahan baku penunjang produk hasil olahan pada bidang kesehatan yang dihasilkan dari lebah. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha Madu Hutan ini masih dijumpai beberapa kendala berupa pembiayaan hingga strategi penjualan. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauhmana peranan ketersediaan belanja modal kerja, cara melakukan penjualan hasil komoditas yang dihasilkan, dan jaringan penjualan terhadap perkembangan usaha pada UMKM Madu Hutan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer serta metode survey lapangan langsung sebanyak 55 responden. Selanjutnya data yang diperoleh dianalisa mengunakan regresi linier berganda dengan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variabel struktur modal tidak berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan usaha, sedangkan variabel strategi pemasaran, dan jaringan penjualan berpengaruh positif terhadap perkembangan usaha. Kesimpulan, Mengingat pengusaha UMKM Madu Hutan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Bogor masih dikelola secara tradisional, maka perlu dukungan pemerintah, akademisi serta masyarakat sekitar agar kapasitas produksi naik serta memiliki daya saing yinggi sehingga perkembangan usaha dapat meningkat. Selanjutnya untuk pengembangan penelitian berikutnya dapat menambah jumlah responden, jenis variabel dan daerah penelitian lainnya. Misalkan peran pemerintah dalam peningkatan kapasitas pengusaha UMKM Madu.
Penggunaan Senjata Api Oleh Petugas Imigrasi dalam Rangka Penegakan Hukum Keimigrasian Aldi Rizky Setiyawan; Tofik Yanuar Chandra; Hedwig Adianto Mau
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1995


The purpose of the study is to get an idea of the implementation of firearms use for immigration officers using empirical normative-research methods with a constitutional approach, and a qualitative approach. Result of research has shown that immigration officer, and the civil servant investigator of immigration are the examples of law enforcement officer who have threat in carry out their duties. Therefore, allowed to be equipped with firearms in the performance of his duties as a martial arts device. But, facts in the immigration office (class I) of Tanjung Priok were found that there had been no use of firearms by immigration staff particularly immigration officers, and the civil servant investigator of immigration in performing duties of immigration law enforcement. As a fact there's only one person in the field who has a licensed for ownership firearms. The obstacle faced by immigration officers, and the civil servant investigator of immigration in the use of firearms, namely There is no chief of immigration office policy yet on which to plan the use of service firearms, There is no rule review of the service firearms ordinance in the Directorate General of Immigration, There are no have qualifications immigration officer and the civil servant investigator of immigration yet, are supported to have a permit, and the use of firearms, And facilities for storage, as well as the treatment of firearms.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Komunikasi Digital Terhadap Komunikasi Personal Orang Tua Dan Anak Nabila Frisca Oktaviani; Selviani Selviani; Fuad Khairan
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.2021


Interaksi dan komunikasi orang tua terhadap anak serta bagaimana orang tua memperlakukan anak remajanya memberikan pengaruh terhadap sikap remaja yang jika berkelanjutan akan berkembang menjadi karakter yang terbentuk pada diri anak. Demikian juga halnya remaja dengan penggunaan teknologi internet, sikap orang tua terhadap aktivitas remaja ini akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap terbentuknya karakter yang dapat menyaring dampak teknologi internet sehingga remaja tidak terjerumus ke dalam ketagihan yang akan membuat karakter positif mereka menjadi merosot. Interaksi orang tua dengan anak dalam menghadapi dampak teknologi merupakan media yang ampuh sebagai media pendidikan bagi anak, dan seharusnya menjadi priorotas utama. Namun yang terjadi justru sebaliknya. Media lebih banyak mengarah pada penurunan nilai moral, seperti kekerasan dan pornografi.Keluarga diharapkan dapat membentengi putra putrinya, oleh sebab itu keluarga harus cerdas dalam berinteraksi dengan media. Tujuan untuk mencegah perilaku menyimpang yang tidak sesuai dengan norma susila dan nilai moral dalam diri anak. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi literature, dengan me review sejumlah 26 jurnal yang terkait dengan variabel penelitian.Hasilnya, Proses interaksi antara orang tua dan anak untuk mendukung perkembangan fisik, emosi, sosial, intelektual, dan spiritual berlangsung sejak seorang anak dalam kandungan sampai dewasa. Kesimpulannya, Anak-anak perlu diproteksi sejak dari keluarga dengan hal-hal yang positif, baik dan benar supaya dapat berkembang baik dalam kehidupan selanjutnya serta mampu mengendalikan diri berhadapan dengan pengaruh-pengaruh yang destruktif dari era digital. Keluarga sebagai salah satu trisentra pendidikan merupakan tempat pendidikan yang pertama dan utama bagi pembentukan karakter anak.
A Teacher's Code-Switching In English Classroom Sri Kinanti Khairunnisa; Lidiyatul Izzah
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.1992


This study aims to look into different the types of code-switching that the teacher employs when teaching English at Al-Hidayah Boarding School and the function of the teacher's code-switching on English learning at Al-Hidayah Boarding School. This writer has conducted this study through a qualitative method with a case study design. An English teacher is a subject in this study. The writer has collected the data using observation and interview instruments. The results of the data analysis showed that the use of code-switching by the teacher in English teaching at Al-Hidayah Boarding School occurred in a total of 199 cases; (1) intra-sentential code-switching occurred 88 times, (2) inter-sentential code-switching 76 times, and (3) tag code-switching occurred 35 times. The function of code-switching used by the teacher found three functions; Topic switch, affective function, and repetitive function. The teacher used code-switching mostly to assist him in conveying material with repetitive functions to avoid misunderstandings.
Rancangan Screening Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Pada Insan Mandiri Homeschooling Ni Wayan Ari Ayu Astiti Ni Wayan Ari Ayu Astiti; Wiriana Wiriana; Diah Widiawati Retnoningtias
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.2022


Perbedaan yang dimiliki antara Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) dengan anak pada umumnya terlihat dari perbedaan fisik, intelektual, emosional, mental, dan social. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat screening anak berkebutuhan khusus sebagai upaya mengenali apakah seorang anak memiliki kebutuhan khusus atau tidak, sebagai dasar penempatan siswa (placement) serta pembuatan program pembelajaran individual di Insan Mandiri Homeschooling. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research and Development (R&D) level 1. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini hanya menguji validitas internal berupa judgement experts oleh ahli dan praktisi. Hasil wawancara menunjukan rancangan screening terdiri dari halaman sampul, kata pengantar, daftar isi, tata cara pelaksanaan dan skoring, identitas anak, susunan keluarga, tujuan identifikasi, riwayat kesehatan, pola asuh, lingkungan sosial anak yang bersangkutan, checklist perkembangan anak dari usia 2-17 tahun meliputi perkembangan fisik, kognitif dan bahasa, serta psikososial. Lima aspek penilaian yaitu aspek isi atau materi, aspek kebahasaan, aspek keterpaduan, aspek penyajian, serta aspek kegrafisan. Adapun hasil penilaian dari ahli dan praktisi menunjukkan bahwa semua komponen nilainya lebih dari 75, artinya semua aspek penilaian valid. Terdapat tiga hal yang harus diperbaiki yaitu setiap pernyataan dapat dibuat lebih spesifik lagi sesuai tingkatan usia, penyederhanaan bahasa pada aitem perkembangan kognitif, dan kesalahan pengetikan.Kesimpulannya, rancangan alat identifikasi yang disusun berdasarkan hasil wawancara secara berurutan yaitu halaman sampul, kata pengantar, daftar isi, tata cara pelaksanaan dan skoring, identitas anak, susunan keluarga, tujuan identifikasi, riwayat kesehatan, pola asuh, lingkungan sosial anak yang bersangkutan, checklist perkembangan anak dari usia 2-17 tahun masing-masing meliputi perkembangan fisik, kognitif dan bahasa, serta psikososial. Pembuatan setiap aitem mempertimbangkan teori perkembangan serta alat-alat tes perkembangan anak yang telah ada sebelumnya.
Penyelesaian Perkara LGBT Prajurit TNI dalam Sistem Peradilan Militer Prastiti Siswayani; Nurini Aprilianda; Faizin Sulistyo
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 11 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i11.2017


LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) is a deviant sexual orientation and behavior that is contrary to religious dogma, human nature, and values ​​that live in Indonesian society. It turns out that LGBT behavior has also been committed by TNI soldiers, so that in relation to the resolution of LGBT behavior in the Military Justice system regarding differences in the considerations of the Panel of Judges in the evidence of criminal acts so that in this study it is about the philosophy of the Panel of Judges in proving criminal acts based on Article 103 of the Indonesian Criminal Code. Military Criminal Law and the basis for the implementation of Article 103 of the Criminal Code as well as solutions for setting up LGBT settlements in the future. Apart from that, the research being conducted is normative research with a comparative approach to the decisions of judges in two military courts. prioritizing people of the same sex as a means of channeling their sexual desires is called homosexuality. In conclusion, LGBT behavior in Military Courts is an immoral and immoral behavior that can be subject to strict sanctions in the form of a crime under the provisions of Articles 281 and 103 of the Criminal Code.

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