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Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
ISSN : 2580006X     EISSN : 27460525     DOI :
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, which publishes high-quality and innovative scientific work at the forefront of all sciences in the form of interdisciplinary research and book reviews in the field of basic education. This journal is published by the Directorate GTK Pendidikan Dasar, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and published three times a year (March, July, and November) with E-ISSN: 2746-0525 and P-ISSN: 2580-006X. The main objective of this journal is to publish scientific papers in the field of basic education from teachers, school principals, supervisors, and other educational personnel (such as school administration staff, laboratory staff, library staff), as well as observers of basic education. Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar offers open access to its content is licensed under a CC-BY-SA or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly works.
Articles 553 Documents
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The aims of this research are to explain the Koper Edukasi ASEAN as an innovative media about the stages of children's cognitive development, to explain how to use it in civics learning, and to describe the magnitude of improvement in student learning outcomes after using innovative media Koper Edukasi ASEAN in civics learning in 6th grades of SDN Bantal in the school year 2017/2018. The innovative media of the Koper Edukasi ASEAN is used in civics learning about ASEAN in three meetings. At each meeting, learning uses the Koper Edukasi ASEAN media with different materials. The method used in this research is the quasi-experimental method. The form of quasi-experimental design used is time-series design. The use of the Koper Edukasi ASEAN is adjusted to the syntax which consists of five stages, i.e. group formation, group assignment work, presentation of the results of group discussions, discussion of the results of group discussions, and awards. The application of the syntaxes is complemented by how it is adjusted according to the civics learning implementation plan on ASEAN materials. The results of this research show that the use of Koper Edukasi ASEAN increases student’s learning outcomes, proven from the class average value which was originally 66 has increased to 84, which means it has increased 18 (21%). The Learning completeness which was originally 60% has increased to 100%, which means it has increased by 40%.
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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One of the components of projected 21st-century education needed is 4C, i.e. critical thinking, creativity, collaborative, and communicative. The reality faced is students are very passive in English learning activities in the classroom. This shows that students' speaking skill is still low.  In addition, the learning is still dominated by the lecture method and individual tasks. With the aim of improving students' speaking skills, the teacher designs a combination of learning media between conventional and modern media namely Flavid (flashcard and video presentation). The purpose of this research is to find out how the use of Flavid on procedure text can improve the speaking ability of the students in Class IX-A of SMPN 2 Pelaihari. The results of this study are that the usage of flexible media in the learning process proved successful in improving students' speaking skills in English subjects. This can be seen based on the increase in the average value obtained by students from cycle I to cycle II. In the first cycle the number of students who has complete score is 7.41% and in the second cycle 74.07%. The ability to speak using Flavid media has increased by 66.66%.
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of the concept of the Pythagorean Theorem by applying discovery methods through the media on the board of students in Grade VIII.2 State Junior High School 26 Palembang. This research is a classroom action research by implementing the discovery method through the integrity board in the learning process of the Pythagorean Theorem. Data collection techniques were carried out by tests, interviews, observation sheets, and field notes. The results of this study indicate that the discovery method through integrity board has the advantage of overcoming students' misunderstanding in the material of the Pythagorean Theorem so that this impacts on student learning outcomes. The results of this final test further strengthen the interview subject's statement that students' understanding of the material is increasing. The final test score average of Cycle 1 is 61.43, Cycle 2 is 70.14 with a success rate of 57.14% to 77.14%, and Cycle 3 to 76.29 with a success rate of 77.14% to 88.57%.
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on the material of commendable behavior in Grade VIIB SMP Negeri 4 Gantung Belitung Timur. This research is Classroom Action Research consisting of two cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 times meeting. The subject of this research is the students of Grade VIIB SMP Negeri 4 Gantung Belitung Timur which amounted to 33 students consisting of 16 men and 17 women. The instruments of data collection in this study are a test, observation, and discussion. After going through the learning process, the results from the end of this study shows that there is an increase both in the student learning activity and student learning outcomes. In the precycles, active students are only about 20%. Then in Cycle 1 the number of active students increased to 40% and in Cycle 2 they increased to 80%. The acquisition of student learning outcomes also experienced an increase from Precycle to Cycle 2, i.e. in the Precycle 45% of students got value above KKM, in Cycle 1 increased to 66%, then in Cycle 2 increased again to 84%. Therefore, the direct learning model has a positive impact on the process of improving student learning outcomes on the materials of commendable behavior in Grade VIIB SMP Negeri 4 Gantung.
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The development of mobile education is the right step in the midst of rapid advances in technology, information, and communication. The smartphone is one of the information technology products that become a trend among students. It is unfortunate if the sophistication of this technology is only used as a means of communication and as social media alone. Opportunities and great potential for teachers to use smartphones as multi-interactive learning media with high flexibility as a student learning strategy. This research employing the concept of development aims to produce mobile education products, to know the level of feasibility as a learning media, and to find out its effectiveness as a student learning strategy. From the results of the analysis and trials of students and teachers, it is known that the mobile education application has met the feasibility standard as a learning medium, the presentation of the material, and the effectiveness of its use in learning are also considered feasible. The product is implemented in Grade 9H students on the material of laudable behavior. The use of mobile education as a learning tool for students in the material of laudable behavior in the subjects of Islamic Education and Character has proven to be effective in supporting learning outcomes.
Srampangan – Sadumuk Saunine Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Tentang Basa Ngoko-Krama Inggil Bahasa Jawa Agung Vendi Setyawan
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The research objectives were to improve the fifth-grade children’s motivation and speaking competency in using the Basa Kromo Inggil speech level in Javanese in public school Tamanan 2 Kalasan. A classroom action research was implemented in two cycles using SRAMPANGAN game with card media scaffolded with slippers. Data were collected through learning Javanese with Basa Kromo Inggil speech level. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively and quatitatively. Research results show that children’s learning motivation in Javanese with Basa Kromo Inggil speech level was improved to 55.71%. While, the children’s competency in speaking Javanese with Basa Kromo Inggil speech level was also improved to 60% in cycle 1 and 90% in cycle 2. The learning processes and outcomes are also meant to conserve the Javanese cultural assets.
Media Vivocom Z-Book untuk Meningkatkan Minat serta Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Amaliah Amaliah
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The research objectives were to understand the effects of Vivocom Z-book. on the students’ interest and learning outcomes in EFL in the State Junior High School 2 Sidoarjo. One Static Group experimental design was employed to compare 35 ninth graders’ comprehension of narrative texts at SMPN2 Sidoarjo before and after using ViVoComZ-Book. This technique was developed as inspired by the students’ interest in playing on-line games. VivoComZ-Book is an acronym. It stands for Video Scribe, Vocab Puzzle, ComicLife3, Z-Book. Videoscribe sparkol was used to draw the students’ attention, and vocab puzzle was used to improve their vocabulary; comiclife3 was used to improve the students’ comprehension and z-book was used to improve the students’ thinking skills. It was discovered that Vivocom Z-book could improve the students’ interest in EFL from the score 2.16 to 4.53, and the students’ learning outcomes from 71% to 91%.
Permainan Gawang Ajaib untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Gerak Dasar Lempar Tangkap Siswa Sekolah Dasar Arif Prabowo
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The research objective was to improve children’s movement, catching and throwing through wicket game during physical education. The subjects included twenty three six graders at the Public Elementary School 1 Losari in the academic year of 2016/2017. Data collection technique applied observation checklist. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. Research results show an improvement in the children’s basic movement, catching and throwing through magic wicket. The children’s improvement was evidenced in their learning outcomes. Prior learning, only five children (22%) achieved the minimum mastery level = 70. However, there are twenty one children (91%) achieved the minimum mastery level after learning.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Persamaan Kuadrat melalui Android untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Asep Wahyudin
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The research objective was to develop environmentally sensitive media through android for improving the students’ interest in learning quadratic equation. A Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE model was designed to improve the students’ interest. Data were collected through content analysis of quadratic equation and implementation of technology-based learning procedures. The media was developed, implemented and evaluated. The media was validated by two experts on content with values of 112.7 and 120.62 respectively; validation on media with values 46.39 and 53.16 respectively; validation on technicality with values 30.2 and 30.0 respectively. The formative evaluation result shows that the students’ learning interest could be improved to a score of 76.17 with 20 point increment.
Penerapan Kelas Digital Edmodo untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dewi Hastaty Lanusi
Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Direktorat Guru Pendidikan Dasar, Kemendikbudristek R.I.

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The research objectives were to improve the children’s interest and outcomes in natural science through Edmodo digital learning. A classroom action research with two cycles was implemented to twenty sixth grade children at Public Elementary School 86 Kota Tengah, Gorontalo Province. Data were collected in each phase, namely, planning, action, observation and evaluation, reflection. Data were analysed descriptively and quantitatively. Results show that the children’s interest was improved 50% and their learning outcomes 72 despite below the minimum mastery level in cycle 1. Whereas, their interest was improved to 78.5% and their learning outcomes to 88.0 in cycle 2.

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