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Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning
ISSN : 27230376     EISSN : 27230384     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning (E-ISSN: 2723-0384, P-ISSN: 2723-0376) was first published in 2020 by the Anotero Scientific Institute, Pekanbaru. Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning is published 2 (two) times a year in June and December. This journal focuses on current and emerging education issues, related to teaching and learning. Manuscripts received are texts that have never been published or are in the process of publication in other national and international scientific journals. Script themes include: New Learning Models and Applications, Learning Models, Curriculum, Learning Innovation, Learning Technology, Media Education, Virtual Education, Educational Software, Digital Technology in Education, Multimedia Learning, E-Learning, online learning (distance learning) and Internet Learning Applications.
Articles 5 Documents
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Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Bedelau, Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Anotero Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/bjel.v2i1.50


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar matematika melalui diskusi kelompok dengan pemberian reward pada peserta didik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok dengan pemberian reward. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA N 4 Pekanbaru kelas XI IPS 2 terhadap 33 responden penelitian yang terdiri dari 22 orang perempuan dan 11 orang laki-laki. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan dua siklus. Sumber data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik, guru, hasil observasi selama pelaksanaan tindakan di kelas, hasil tes, hasil wawancara dan hasil angket. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi dan kisi-kisi angket minat belajar matematika. Analisa yang digunakan adalah adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisa diperoleh bahwa: (1) Adanya peningkatan minat peserta didik terhadap matematika disetiap siklus. (2) Adanya peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik, namun nilai rata-rata hasil belajar kurang dari KKM yaitu 80 dari setiap siklus yang dilakukan. (3) Adanya peningkatan ketuntasan hasil belajar peserta didik, namun disetiap siklus belum mencapai 80%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini metode diskusi kelompok dengan pemberian reward dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar peserta didik terutama untuk kelas yang berkarakteristik sama dengan subjek penelitian.
Analisis Keterampilan Abad 21 Menggunakan Instrumen Tes Literasi Sains Pada Materi Asam Basa Tri Nofiarti
Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Bedelau, Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Anotero Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/bjel.v2i1.51


The purpose of study was to analyzing 21th century skills (creative, critic, analyze, inovatif and sintesis) students of acid-base topic by literacy science test instrumental. Twenty five students in eleven grade participated in study. The test instrument used was the development of the literacy test instrument A. Wahyuni and E. Yusmaita (2020). Data were collected based on student answers on instrument test. The written responses were analysed to identifying 21th century skils (creative, critic, analyze, inovatif and sintesis). Results indicated that students are able to understand science, communicate science as well apply science skills to problem solving.
Pemahaman Materi Pergaulan Bebas dan Akibatnya melalui Pelaksanaan Metode Moral Reasoning di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru Armaini; Gusma Afriani
Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Bedelau, Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Anotero Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/bjel.v2i1.59


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of the moral reasoning method on the understanding of free association material and its consequences on Islamic religious education subjects at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. While the formulation of the problem is whether there is an effect of the implementation of the moral reasoning method on the understanding of free association material and its consequences on Islamic religious education subjects at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This study uses two variables, namely: variable X (Influence of the Implementation of Moral Reasoning Method) and variable Y (Understanding Free Association Materials and Its Consequences). The data collection technique that the author uses is a questionnaire, test, observation and documentation technique. This study uses the serial correlation formula. The results of the study indicate that the effect of the implementation of the moral reasoning method has a significant influence on the understanding of promiscuity and its consequences. After analyzing the data, the authors conclude that the effect of the implementation of the Moral Reasoning Method on Islamic Religious Education Subjects is 89.47% or in the very good category. Meanwhile, the understanding of the material of promiscuity and its consequences is 92.08% or in the very good category. Through the serial correlation formula, the results of the study show that the correlation coefficient value of 0.710 is greater than the significant level of 1% 0.372 and 5% 0.288. This means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. As a result, on Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. Keywords: The Effect of Implementation of Moral Reasoning Method, Understanding of Free Association Materials and Its Effects.
Administrasi Sekolah (Administrasi Keuangan, Perlengkapan, Hubungan Sekolah dengan Masyarakat) Parida Parida; Lias Hasibuan; Kasful Anwar; Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Bedelau, Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Anotero Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/bjel.v2i1.60


Financial administration, equipment, school relations with the community are carried out in an effort to improve the quality of education in schools. The method used in writing this paper is qualitative by using a literature study, namely by finding and analyzing journals or reading sources related to the papers discussed. In implementing educational supervision, financial administration, completeness and relations between schools and the community must be considered. In addition, improving the relationship between the scope of the school and the relationship between the community also needs to be improved in order to form supervision in the world of education based on improving the quality of education in schools. In the supervision of education, it is necessary to have a model or strategy that is useful to increase the scope of the study. In this case, financial administration, equipment, school relations with the community are carried out in an effort to improve the quality of education in schools
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Materi Organisasi Kehidupan Kelas VII SMPN 1 Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan Siti Nurhaliza; Zarkasih; Rian Vebrianto; Diniya; Aldeva Ilhami
Bedelau: Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Bedelau, Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Anotero Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55748/bjel.v2i1.61


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pembelajaran IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan yang selama ini masih didominasi oleh metode diskusi dan tanya jawab dan hal ini berimplikasi pada rendahnya nilai siswa pada materi organisasi kehidupan dan kemampuan berkritis siswa. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa melalui preses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaraan kooperatif tipe Team Asisted Individualization (TAI) pada materi organisasi kehiduapan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode quasi experimental design dengan desain “The Nonequivalent Control Design” dengan pemilihan sampel secara “Purposive Sampling”. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VII.1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VII.2 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu instrumen tes berupa soal dan angket yang didukung oleh lembar observasi serta dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil olah data diketahui nilai sig. 0.003 < 0.05 yang bermakna bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan antara nilai kelas kontrol dan eksperimen. Hal ini menunjukkan Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak sehingga disimpulkan adanya “Pengaruh Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Asisted Individualization (TAI) terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan pada materi organisasi kehidupan”.

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