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Beny Riswanto
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STMIK Komputama Majenang Jl. Majenang-Cimanggu KM 08 No. 99 desa Cilempuyang Kecamatan Cimanggu Cilacap - Jawa Tengah
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis
ISSN : -     EISSN : 2716 1552     DOI : 1037087
Core Subject : Science,
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis adalah jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel dengan area kajian mengenai implementasi teknologi pada ranah bisnis. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Kajian teknologi dan implementasinya di dunia bisnis diantaranya yaitu teknologi informasi, sistem informasi.
Articles 43 Documents
Analisis Usaha Kecil Di Era Digital Aziz, Fathul Aminudin; Irfangi, Ahmad
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.1


Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu bidang yang memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan daya serap UMKM terhadap tenaga kerja yang sangat besar dan dekat dengan rakyat kecil. Tetapi UMKM yang ada di Indonesia masih menghadapi berbagai masalah antara lain masalah promosi, pemasaran dan penjualan penjaualan produk yang dihasilkan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, maka ia juga telah dimanfaatkan untuk pemasaran dan penjualan produk-produk melalui transaksi digital di dunia maya. Penjualan dan pemasaran produk melalui dunia maya mempunyai banyak keuntungan, yaitu cakupan yang luas, tidak mengenal ruang dan waktu, dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Oleh karena itu mengembangkan usaha di era digital memerlukan sentuhan yang berbeda diantuntuk membantu mengembangkan UMKM yang ada di Indonesia.
Metode Perencanaan Arsitektur Perusahaan dengan Manajemen Resiko Yusuf, Dede; Danardono, Mayji
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.2


Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat dan dinamis saat ini menjadikan perusahaan mau tidak mau harus menyesuaikan antara kebutuhan layanan perusahaan dan teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang. Untuk itu kebutuhan akan perencanaan arsitektur perusahaan yang cocok untuk perusahaan dirasa perlu dengan dihubungkan pada analisis manajemen resiko yang akan berdampak pada perusahaan tersebut. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) sebagai salah satu 3600metoda atau kerangka acuan untuk membangun sebuah arsitektur informasi. EAP merupakan suatu metode perencanaan arsitektur yang berorientasi pada kebutuhan bisnis yang terdiri dari arsitektur data, aplikasi dan teknologi serta rencana implementasi dari arsitektur yang telah dibuat untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis demi pencapaian misi dari perusahaan. Pada metoda EAP, lapisan yang ada dapat ditambahkan komponen atau tahapan baru yang dimungkinkan untuk melengkapi lapisan atau tahapan yang ada. Penelitian ini menggabungkan antara EAP yang telah ditambahkan tahapan analisis manajemen resiko dan Zachman Framework.
Penyelarasan Service Oriented Architecture dan Risk Management Yusuf, Dede; Ferdian, Ferry M.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.3


Perkembangan Pemodelan Arsitektur suatu Perusahaan sangatlah pesat. Seiring perkembangan yang terjadi, suatu perusahaan akan senantiasa mencari inestasi teknologi. Perusahaan akan selalu mencari suatu teknologi yang terkini dalam bidang IT. Teknologi yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat membantu dalam hal pengambilan keputusan dan juga suatu perencanaan bisnis dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang
Perangkat Lunak Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Berbasis Open Source Menggunakan Apache OFBiz Danardono, Mayji
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.4


Apache OFBiz adalah produk open source yang dirancang khusus untuk otomatisasi proses perusahaan yang mencakup komponen kerangka kerja dan aplikasi bisnis untuk ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), E-Business / E-Commerce, SCM (Supply Chain Management), MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning), MMS/EAM (Maintenance Management System/Enterprise Asset Management). Proyek Apache OFBiz adalah bagian dari The Apache Software Foundation dan dilisensikan di bawah Apache License Version 2.0. Awalnya OFBiz berdiri untuk terbuka untuk bisnis " Open For Business." Apache OFBiz menyediakan fondasi sistem dan titik awal untuk solusi perusahaan yang andal, aman, dan skalabel. Perusahaan dapat menggunakannya, menyesuaikannya atau menggunakannya sebagai kerangka untuk mengimplementasikan kebutuhan bisnis mereka. Dengan OFBiz, sebuah organisasi dapat segera dimulai tanpa biaya penyebaran dan pemeliharaan besar untuk sistem otomatisasi perusahaan tradisional. Seiring pertumbuhan bisnis, mereka dapat memperluas fungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka yang lebih canggih. Apache OFBiz menawarkan banyak fungsi bisnis, termasuk: e-commerce, manajemen katalog yang efisien, promosi & manajemen harga, manajemen pesanan aman untuk penjualan & pembelian, manajemen pelanggan (bagian dari manajemen pihak umum), manajemen gudang total, mencakup bagian seperti pemindahan stok secara otomatis, pemilihan batch, dan pengemasan & pengiriman, akuntansi untuk berbagai tujuan seperti faktur, akun pembayaran & penagihan, dan aset tetap, manajemen manufaktur lengkap, manajemen usaha yang umum mencakup bidang utama seperti acara, tugas, proyek, dan permintaan serta pengelolaan konten aman yang mencakup area seperti konten produk, situs web, konten umum, blog, dan forum.
Rancangan Sistem Pendaftaran Siswa Baru Online Pada Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Assuryaniyah Cimuning Adhuri, Didin Samsudin; Somaida , Mochammad Hasymi
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.5


Perkembangan teknologi yang demikian pesat berdampak bagi seluruh kehidupan khususnya penyediaan informasi bagi suatu organisasi/instansi atau perusahaan yang membutuhkan sistem pengelolaan data secara cepat, tepat dan akurat. Untuk menunjang efektifitas, produktifitas dan efisiensi dalam suatu organisasi/instansi atau perusahaan dalam menyelesaikan masalah manajemen, terutama memberikan pelayanan kepada calon siswa baru pada suatu instansi pendidikan, maka perlu menyusun suatu sistem pengelolaan data terkomputerisasi yang baik dan berdaya guna. Sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas rutin yang berguna dalam pengambilan keputusan oleh organisasi/instansi atau perusahaan tersebut terutama pada instansi pendidikan.Untuk mencapai tujuan kegiatan seperti yang dikemukakan diatas dan memenuhi kaidah-kaidah melakukan riset yang baik, maka dilakukan beberapa langkah metode yaitu : Metode Analisis, questionnaire, survey, wawancara, dan Metode selanjutnya adalah Metode Perancangan Perancangan yang dilakukan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini meliputi: Perancangan sistem dengan menggunakan pendekatan Unified Modeling Language (UML), seperti pembuatan Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram dan Sequence Diagram dan Perancangan interface Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Tersedianya rancangan sistem informasi pendaftaran siswa baru dengan menggunakan sistem online, agar dapat mempercepat proses pengolahan, penyampaian informasi dan pelaporan data pada Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Assuryaniyah Cimuning kepada masyarakat luas.
Improve Student Engagement and Collaboration with Kahoot! Mustangin, Muhammad
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v1i1.6


Technology is very popular media for learning today. For English foreign language (EFL) learners, the interesting and comprehensible media of learning is much needed. Game learning (GL) is one of integrated learning activities and will always been an integrated approach of ELT as foreign and second language for learning process. This paper is based on the research which conducted in STMIK Komputama Majenang. The researcher did the survey by giving questionnaire. The respondent is some students from Sistem Informasi and Teknik Informasi students, which is taken by Google form. Besides using the questionnaire, the researcher was also got observation from in depth interview with some EFL learners, the native lecture who teaches English, and also did literature review from some books. The result of the research then gives some evidences those EFL learners’ difficulties in engaging the English learning motivation. It can be seen from the data that all them (51.5% or 23) are agree for using this aps is helpful to encourage their vocabulary. It also mentions that 73.3% or 33 students approved to use kahoot! to enrich their vocabulary. The students also fell fun to use this media. It shows from the result that 64.4% or 29 students stated less stressful. The most interesting is that almost of the students are enjoyed to learning English by this media (53%).
Informasi Dalam Perspektif Islam Solehudin, Much
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v2i1.8


Information is a communication tool that is always needed by humans every day. Especially as material interaction between one person with another. The author presents an overview of Information in Islamic Perspectives. With the formulation of the problem of how information is viewed from the perspective (Perspective) of Islam. This type of research is to use a literature study where the author collects some data then the writer explores the data in accordance with the discussion of information in an Islamic perspective. The results of this study that Information in Islamic Perspectives have been listed in the Qur'an as well as the characteristics of the information to be conveyed should a) Qashash / Naba al Haq, in which there are characteristics in providing information such as: Information that contains the truth, does not hide the truth , can resolve differences of opinion, edify, not follow subjective desires, bring good news. b) A'mar ma'ruf nahyi munkar means not inviting goodness and preventing evil. c) Wisdom, meaning that every information contains benefits that can be received by the recipient of the information. d) Tabayyun, to prevent prejudice, the recipient of the information is taught to clarify it first when getting information. e) Mauizhah Hasanah, The information conveyed should contain a good example. f) Layyin, Avoid harsh words and use gentle speech and language, so that the recipient of the information does not feel offended. Islam has determined the rules that need to be considered by a Muslim who has a profession as a seeker and messenger of information. The rules determined by Islam through the Qur'an and al-Hadith about ethics that need special attention by a seeker and conveyor of information are related to the form and type of information that will be conveyed both by means and technique.
Identifikasi Penyebab Hambatan Supply Chain Management PPDB Menggunakan Causal Loop Diagram Irfangi, Ahmad; Aziz, Fathul Aminudin; R. Adawiyah, Wiwiek; Darmawati, Dwita
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v2i1.11


The research on supply chain management had been carried out in both manufacturing andservices companies. In practice, supply chain management also could be applied to the education sector.Several researches related to supply chain management had been carried out in universities, especially inthe process admitting new student. The research on new student admintance supply chain management(PPDB) in schools, especially private vocational schools has never been done. In practice, PPDB inprivate vocational school turn out to have challenges, restrictions and obstacles in the process.New ideas and strategies began to emerge about how strategic efforts to increase the number ofnew student. To solve these problems, it is necessary to pay attention and consider the inhibiting factorsand the causes of PPDB. The maaping of inhibiting factors and the causes of PPDB supply chainmanagement was done through a system approach method with a causal loop diagram (CLD) model thatemphasizes the impact of dynamic factors associated with cause and effect problems that effect theadmintance of the quantity of new student. The result obtained were in the form of causal loop diagram(CLD) model as strategic effort in accepting the quantity of new students.
The Challenges and Opportunities; CIPP Model for Evaluation for TEFL Following the COVID-19 Pandemic Mustangin, Muhammad; Riswanto, Beny
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v2i1.12


This study are focused in : (1) how the context of the Online teaching learning process program on Covid-19 outbreak. (2) how the input of the Online teaching learning process program on Covid-19 to the success program, (3) how far the challenge and the opportunities of the Online teaching learning process program on Covid-19 pandemic. The objects of this study were: the English teacher in government’ schools and private school of junior high school and senior high school, and the students. The data were obtained from interview, classroom observation, and document analysis. Those data were analyzed by using Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model by Kellaghan and Stufflebeam (2003). The findings revealed some facts. First, in the context evaluation, it can be concluded that the online teaching and learning program are relevant and formulated in order to meet the students’ needs on this pandemic. Second, in term of input evaluation, the teacher did not fulfill the requirements of a qualified teacher yet. Therefore, this pandemic has become a challenge for educators especially for English teachers and students in higher education level. It impacted classrooms to be hardly. Here, the researcher advice the government to conduct a training and workshop in order to improve the quality and the professionalism.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : STMIK Komputama Majenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37087/jtb.v2i1.13


In Indonesia, the corona virus has spread to various regions, one of which is in the Cilacap Region. This has an impact on many sectors, one of which is the disrupted economic sector. Many large companies and factories have closed down and laid off employees. What is the UMKM financial strategy in Cilacap in dealing with the economic slowdown due to the corona virus. This research is a qualitative research through field studies using observation and interviews with UMKM actors. Based on the research results of the First Application of Government Policy in the context of Co-19 Handling, UMKM experienced a decrease in income. Second. Strategic steps are needed to overcome the financial problems of UMKM that are decided based on good and appropriate research. One appropriate method is to use the boom, downturn, bottom, and upword approaches. With this model it is hoped to be the solution to that problem.