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Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Published by Goodwood Publishing
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27460576     DOI :
Yumary : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is Indonesian Academic Journal focusing on publishing scientific works related to community services, including current topics and issues based on service activities done by the authors. This aims to significantly contribute to improve the prosperity of Indonesian society.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 136 Documents
Pelatihan Standar Akuntansi Pesantren dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan bagi staf keuangan pondok pesantren Yuliansyah Yuliansyah; Fajar Gustiawaty Dewi; Yunia Amelia
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.57


Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pesantren agar dapat lebih baik dalam menyusun laporan keuangannya agar akuntabilitas dan tanggung jawab dari laporan keuangan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan ke publik secara lebih baik pesantren untuk penyusunan laporan keuangan berdasarkan standar akuntansi pesantren. Lokasi mitra pengabdian berada di Way Ratai Kabupaten Pesawaran dan di Dusun Umbul Kates Tanjung Sari Natar, dimana terdapat pondok pesantren penghafal alquran dan Pondok Pesantren Al Hidayah. Metode yang digunakan pelatihan, pendampingan dan pendampingan penerapan Teknologi dengan Luaran dari hasil pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keahlian staf keuangan mitra dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan berdasarkan standar yang sudah ditetapkan oleh organisasi profesi Ikatan Akuntan Publik dan dapat dipublikasikan pada jurnal atau prosiding pengabdian pada masyarakat serta diberitakan dalam media online. Hasil pengabdian yang dilaksanakan secara keseluruhan, kenaikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan rata-rata 30 persen dari keseluruhan peserta. Sedangkan kenaikan sebesar 0 persen dialami oleh 5 peserta yang tetap belum memahami mengenai materi yang disampaikan dan merasa kurang cukup waktunya, membutuhkan penjelasan secara lebih intens. 100 persen peserta kegiatan rata-rata belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan sejenis, sehingga dibutuhkan pendampingan lebih lanjut. Kata kunci: Pelatihan, Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren
Pelatihan peningkatan value ekonomi dan lingkungan pondok pesantren untuk sustainability di era society 5.0 Yunia Amelia; Yuliansyah Yuliansyah; Andri Winata
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.58


Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian ini melatih santri dan pengelola untuk memanfaatkan potensi yang ada di lingkungan sekitarnya untuk dapat menjadi salah satu sumber arus kas masuk bagi pesantren maupun bagi kesejahteraan santri yang sebagaian berasal dari keluarga yang tidak mampu. Lingkungan disekitar pesantren jika dikelola dengan benar dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk menjadi salah satu sumber pemasukan bernilai ekonomis. Adapun metode yang dilakukan berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan materi potensi pengoptimalan pemanfaatan lingkungan berpotensi ekonomi, pengelolaan arus kas masuk dan keluar serta manajemen keuangan. Luaran dari hasil pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan skill dan pengetahuan santri dan pengelola pondok untuk meningkatkan value ekonominya dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di sekitar pondok dengan memberikan skill pelatihan pengelolaan keuangan dan lingkungan bernilai ekonomis dengan memanfaatkan berbagai potensi yang ada dilingkungannya agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan pondok dan santrinya. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan Pada Hari Sabtu tanggal 8 Agustus dan 15 Agustus dengan narasumber Tim Dosen Pengabdian dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lampung bertempat di Pondok Pesantren dihadiri 60 peserta. Hasilnya terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata 40 persen dari peserta mengenai materi yang diberikan. Kata kunci: pelatihan manajemen, value ekonomi, value lingkungan, sustainability
Menangkal hoax melalui workshop literasi media dan bedah film “Tilik” bagi Karang Taruna Desa Karyamekar Chotijah Fanaqi; Arti Nurdianti Chairunnisa
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i2.59


Purpose: The aim of the media literacy workshop through the review of the Tilik film is to build awareness and understanding for Karyamekar associations in an effort to ward off hoaxes that are rife on social media. The discussion and review of this film was in the context of the implementation of Community Service which was held by the Garut University Service Team in collaboration with the Youth Organization of Karyamekar Village, Cilawu District, Garut Regency. Method: The method used is a workshop and film surgery "TILIK". Results: The results of these activities indicated that the workshop with the discussion method and providing examples of the latest cases (film review) was quite effective. This can be seen in the enthusiasm of the participants, as well as the ongoing discussion process. Conclusion: The Tilik Film Review activity has a very positive impact on the participants to foster their interest in media literacy. Keywords: Media literacy, Hoax
Komunikasi kesehatan bagi pelajar dengan pendekatan peer education Chotijah Fanaqi; Fadilah Nurkalam; Dhea Ayuning Tias; Silvia Dwi Syahputri; Novi Octaviani
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.62


Purpose: Health communication has a strategic role in minimizing the risk of Covid-19 transmission. This is because the public's understanding of the implementation of the health protocols recommended by the government has not been implemented equally among all groups. One of the community groups that is quite vulnerable is a group of students in Kampung Lengkong Kaler, Desa Samarang, Kecamatan Samarang, Kabupaten Garut, who carry out offline learning activities as an additional effort of online learning which is carried out only twice a week. This activity happens to be a cluster for the spread of the virus if there is no health protocol such as the use of masks. The purpose of this activity is as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid 19 through Health Socialization to adolescents. Research methodology: The methodology used in this activity is health socialization and offline learning assistance to adolescents using the Peer Education approach. Peer educators or peer educators are proven to have considerable potential at adolescence in terms of attitudes. This is caused by peers who represent an attitude of acceptance, and there is motivation for adolescents who acknowledge by their group. Results: There was a change in behavior and the application of new habits through post-socialization health protocols and assistance to adolescents who were members of the study groups in Lengkong Kaler Village. Limitation: The inhibiting factor for health socialization activities with a peer education approach is the limited media space that represents students to conduct socialization simulations to their peers. Contribution: The solution to the existing obstacles is to use the Garut University Service Team post on loan by local residents. Keywords: Health communication, Socialization, Peer education
Pemberdayaan ekonomi rumah tangga yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19 melalui usaha mikro dan kecil di Kelurahan Mustikajaya Soeharjoto Soeharjoto; Nirdukita Ratnawati; Tatik Mariyanti; Syofriza Syofyan; Debbie Aryani Tribudhi
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.65


Purpose: This activity aims to improve the economic condition by managing and obtaining funding sources and increasing marketing using technology. Community Method: Service is carried out using the guidance and mentoring method by providing material on Islamic financial institutions, culinary businesses, and the use of technology. Results: Results from this activity were that participants could increase their understanding of the material provided by an average of 93 percent, which could be used to motivate and increase sales turnover. This happened because participants have knowledge of Islamic financial institutions as managers and sources of funding, culinary efforts to increase diversification in the food business, and use of technology to improve marketing and administration. Conclusion: Community services implemented during the pandemic must follow health protocols, whether offline or online. This service’s result is not optimal because it could not interact directly in giving and receiving material. Post of community services, the community’s economy improved because it can increase partners’ insight in overcoming capital and marketing problems, so they are motivated to develop their business. Keywords: Empowerment, Home economics, Covid-19
PkM pelatihan peningkatan usaha mikro dalam mewujudkan smart business melalui smartphone di masa pandemi Covid-19 Reimond Hasangapan Mikkael; Helenia Touana; Muhammad Takrim
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.75


Purpose: This activity aims to help beginner and micro-business actors to take advantage of technology via smartphones during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This activity assists new and micro-business actors who have run the business. Results: The output of this dedication increases knowledge and expertise for Micro Business actors in choosing a suitable strategy in carrying out their business during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: In this activity, 78 participants attended and the total participants who understood this training concept were as much as 65%. The remaining 35% of new MSME entrepreneurs still did not understand it because they were unfamiliar with an online business. Keywords: Business, Covid-19, Online, Smartphone, Training, MSME
Literasi promotional mix pada UKM-UKM di kota Depok, Jawa Barat A. Bernadin Dwi Mardiatmi; Dahlia Pinem
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i2.89


Purpose: SME is a business that has very good development potential. SMEs in Cipayung Urban Village, Depok City, West Java have various and high-quality products, but unfortunately amid the Covid-19 pandemic, promotion is hampered. This is due to the lack of partners' knowledge about online promotion by utilizing digital media. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide literacy about the promotional mix through online media which is expected to increase partner income. Method: The method used is educational FGD regarding the promotional mix, training on creating business social media accounts (WhatsApp and Facebook) and marketplace accounts (Tokopedia), as well as promotion strategy assistance. Result: The result of this community service activity is the partners' understanding of the promotional mix has increased. It can be seen from the pretest results with an average value of 5.98, increasing in the post-test results to 6.86. In addition, partners can carry out promotional practices through WhatsApp Status, create a Facebook account and create an Online Store on Tokopedia, then carry out promotions by posting product photos. Conclusion: Mentoring assistance activities can increase partners' knowledge about online marketing and can carry out practices regarding promotion through social media. Keywords: Marketing performance, Literacy promotional mix, SME
Pemahaman virtual metode IMRAD bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan Tomy Michael
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i1.96


Purpose: To introduce the AKB method journal to students of the Faculty of Law, University of Borneo Tarakan. Methods: This community service activity was divided into several stages: the planning and implementation stages. It also used questions and answers. Results: As students still use old techniques that are based on background, problem formulation, research, and suggestions, therefore this technique is beneficial for students to conduct better research in the future. Conclusion: The IMRAD method must be mandatory in producing universal legal research since students' abilities have improved with the IMRAD method. Keywords: IMRAD, Training, Journal
Pemanfaatan buku tulis sisa menjadi buku tulis baru di SD Nurul Ulum Dusun Wire Desa Ngemplak, Baureno, Bojonegoro Sarjono Sarjono; Neneng Rika Jazilatul Kholidah; Rika Pristian Fitri Astuti
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i2.99


Purpose: This PKM aimed to increase knowledge and conduct training the students of SD Nurul Ulum on how to process leftover notebooks into new useful notebooks. The method in PKM is a lecture method to provide knowledge as well as an understanding of the benefits of the remaining notebook. Method: The team also uses experimental methods by conducting experiments to provide various examples in processing leftover notebooks into new notebooks by considering design aspects. Results: These community service results are 1) Students gain experience on how to process leftover notebooks into new notebooks, 2) Students can innovate in making leftover notebooks with their creative ideas. Conclusion: The conclusion from the implementation of PKM is that overall, there is an increase in students' understanding and knowledge in processing leftover notebooks into new notebooks. Keywords: Utilization, Remaining notebooks, Students, New notebooks
Pembuatan pabrik gula untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Tlogowaru Malang Helmy Mukti Himawan; Aditya Kurniawan; Imam Kusyairi; Rizki Priya P; Yuke Hary Laksono
Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpm.v1i2.102


Purpose: This study aimed to increase partners' knowledge and skills regarding the use of various equipment for processing sugarcane into solid brown sugar so as to improve the economy of the farmers. Method: 5 steps were carried out in this activity; determining the location, determining a suitable place for the construction of a sugar factory, determining suitable business units, training on appropriate technology and brown sugar factory assembly and how to influence it & training on making units business ventures and marketing results, and sustainability evaluation of the program. Results: Processing raw sugarcane into brown sugar allows partners to directly improve their economic conditions by converting sugarcane into semi-finished products, namely brown sugar that is ready to sell to the industry, especially the soy sauce industry. Conclusion: The processing of raw sugarcane into brown sugar can directly improve its economic condition by converting sugarcane into semi-finished products. And there are several factors that inhibit or tighten the manufacture of brown sugar. Keywords: Sugar cane, Brown sugar, Yield

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