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Jurnal Hospitaliti dan Pariwisata merupakan jurnal ilmiah bidang ilmu Hospitaliti dan Kepariwisataan yang menerbitkan hasil - hasil studi, kajian dan penelitian ilmiah baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2020): JURNAL HOSPITALITI DAN PARIWISATA" : 5 Documents clear
Identifikasi Potensi Objek Wisata Pulau Paniki di Desa Kulu Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Seska Meily Hermin Mengko; Vesty Like Sambeka
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v3i2.42


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi objek wisata pulau paniki, untuk mengidentifikasi potensi objek wisata pulau paniki , dan untuk mengkaji keterlibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pengembangan objek wisata pulau paniki. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu memberikan ulasan atau interpretasi terhadap data dan informasi yang diperoleh sehingga menjadi lebih menarik di dalam penyajiannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pulau Paniki memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat indah, terletak ditengah pantai dengan pasir putihnya yang berkilau saat terkena sinar matahari. Keindahan Pulau Paniki dapat dinikmati pada saat air laut surut pada jam 11.00 siang sampai 16.00 sore. Selain itu disekitar pulau paniki terdapat hamparan hutan mangrove yang luas dengan beragam species yang ada. Hutan mangrove ini bertujuan menangkal abrasi pantai. Potensi wisata pulau paniki belum dikelola dengan baik terlihat dari belum adanya fasilatas dan infrastruktur pendukung pariwisata seperti kios makanan, kios souvenir dan akomodasi homestay atau penginapan lainnya. Salah satu jalur masuk ke Pulau Paniki adalah melalui dermaga yang ada di desa Kulu dan beberapa perahu motor yang digunakan sebagai alat transportasi laut menuju Pulau Paniki. Keterlibatan masyarakat pun masih relative kurang dilihat dari kebersihan di sekitar Pulau Paniki dalam menjaga kelestarian alam. Sampah yang dibawah oleh wisatawan ke pulau paniki masih dibuang di sekitar pantai dan dibawah ke laut sehingga pada saat air pasang lokasi sekitar pulau paniki menjadi bersih kembali. Perlu diadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan terhadap keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengelola wisata alam pulau paniki dan menjaga kelestarian alam sekitar dengan tidak membuang sampak di sekitar pulau paniki.
Analisis Komunikasi Front Office dan Housekeeping di Melva Balemong Hotel & Resort Azis Nur Rosyid
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v3i2.43


Komunikasi merupakan hal yang penting, yang tidak bisa lepas dari berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia.Meskipun hotel mempunyai fasilitas yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi modern, namun adanya kendala komunikasi antara Front office dengan Housekeeping timbul masalah yang dapat menyebabkan komplain tamu di Melva Balemong Hotel & Resort. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan spesifikasi kualitatif dengan melihat dan mengamati komunikasi antara front office dan housekeeping. Hubungan Housekeeping dengan Front office ibarat dua sisi mata uang yang tidak mungkin berdiri sendiri, oleh sebab itu hubungan ini menjadi suatu divisi yang disebut Room Division. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh staf front office dan housekeeping di Melva Balemong Hotel & Resort sudah baik namun waktu yang diperlukan dalam penyampaian pesan masih memerlukan saling pengertian karena media belum optimal dan juga dibantu Housekeeping untuk adanya penerapan SOP di masing-masing bagian. KataKunci: Interaksi, Komunikasi, Media, Room Division
Analisis Kemampuan Manajerial terhadap Kinerja Bisnis Keluarga dengan Kemampuan Teknologi Informasi sebagai Variabel Intervening agustinus walansendow
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v3i2.47


Analysys of Manajerial Ability in The Family Business Performance with InformationTechnoly Skills as an Intervening Variable: (Study on Craetive Tourism Industry of Handycraft SME’s in North Sulawesi Province. This study examines the effect of manajerial ability on family business performance with information technology skill as an intervening variable of handicraft SME’s in North Sulawesi province. A good SME handycraft business performance will strengthen the existence of SME’s in the domestic market and upgrade the ability to compete equally in the global market. The population of this study is the handycraft business consisting of 77 handycraft business units. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with primary data sourced from SME business owner who know the condition of the use of information technology and managerial ability in managing the business. The method used to analyze the data is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the aid of smatPls. The results of data analysis show that business performance can be seen from the managerial ability which is 90.60% and managerial ability for information technology at 94.10%. the result of Hypothesis testing show that managerial ability has a positive effect on family business performance and the manager’s ability has a positive effect on information technology skill, but information technology has no effect on business performance of handycratf SME’s in North Sulawesi Province.
Pengaruh Kompetensi Pramusaji Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Restoran di Kota Tomohon Miriam Mahdalena Tukunang
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v3i2.48


This study aims to analyze how the competency of waitresses influence the service quality of restaurant in the city of Tomohon today. There are several elements that become the standard to become professional waiters, namely, Skill, Knowledge and Attitude and three elements that are measured in determining the level of service quality, namely Reliability, Responsiveness and Assurance. Understanding competency steward is the ability of individuals in their work or a basic character depicted on an effectiveness or good performance in a particular place and situation. The analysis used in this research is quantitative analysis with a simple correlation data analysis method to determine the level of competence of waiters for service quality. The analysis of the coefficient of determination to find out how much the competence of the waitresses affect the quality of service. The analysis results obtained the correlation value where r = 1.735 which states that the strong influence between the competency of the waiter on the quality of restaurant service in Tomohon City then the coefficient of determination is KD = 54.1% on the quality of service. From these results it can be said that the influence of the waiter competence variable by 54.1% on service quality and the remaining 45.9% is influenced by other factors.The results showed that the competency of waitresses was very influential on the quality of restaurant services in the of Tomohon. Therefore, the supervisors in each restaurant need to be able to provide training or provide opportunities for employees to develop themselves by attending trainings conducted by the government or in collaboration with other competent parties such as the Professional Certification Board which receives direct supervision from the National Professional Certification Agency.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Pacesetting Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan F & B Service Departement Pada Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Manado Seska Meily Hermin Mengko
Publisher : PolimdoSains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35729/jhp.v3i2.63


Abstract: The Influence of Pacesetting Leadership Style on Work Motivation of Food and Beverage Service Department Employees at Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Manado. Employees with high work motivation will work with passion, discipline, initiative and with an awareness of their obligations to work more effectively and efficiently. With the existence of motivation, the thought, the attention, energy and activities of employees can be directed to reach the goals and objectives that are more useful and beneficial for the company and the employees themselves. High motivation in work can be achieved if it supported by a leadership style that is owned and applied by leaders in an organization or department. Leadership style applied by Food and Beverage Service Department leaders requires high standards of work and success, hopes that employees can follow the standard of work, but lack of appreciation that employees get in achieving their jobs, low employee freedom to take initiatives that will reduce challenges in the workplace, it has an impact on changes in work motivation of employees. Based on these problems, a study was conducted to determine whether the pacesetting leadership style had an effect on the work motivation of the employees of the Food and Beverage Service Department. This type of research is a quantitative study with a sample of 30 respondents. The results of the study stated that there is a strong influence of the Pacesetting Leadership Style variable on the Employee Work Motivation variable with a significance value of 0,000 < 0.05 and t count value of 5.360 > t table 2.04841, obtained a correlation value of r = 0.712 and the coefficient of determination 50.69%, the rest 49.31% is influenced by other factors not examined. As an implication of the results of this study is that leaders need to provide the opportunities for employees to take the initiative in the work they do and be more flexible in each direction given so that employees are able to complete their work properly. To increase employee motivation, leaders need to inspire employees to work optimally, provide challenges in work, and be able to appreciate employees for work completed by employees.

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