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Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
ISSN : 27208893     EISSN : 27160297     DOI :
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies publishes articles on Nahdlatul Ulama topics from various perspectives, both in literary to NU from the perspective of law, fiqh, politics, culture, education, ideology, boarding schools, economics, NU leaders thoughts and other perspectives related to Nahdlatul Ulama.
Articles 26 Documents
Zakat Fundraising Strategy: Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Era Mohammad Soleh
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.1-16


This research aimed at providing a new perspective on the fundraising strategy of zakat through its opportunity and challenge approach in the digital era, by analyzing and identifying existing problems in the previous zakat fundraising strategy, as an effort to reduce the gap between the potential and realization of zakat fundraising in Indonesia. This was a literary study by using a qualitative descriptive analysis method based on library research. This research succeeded in finding and identifying the problem of zakat fundraising strategies in zakat institutions, namely; 1) the need to improve organizational governance; 2) institutional strengthening; and 3) seizing opportunities and challenges in the digital era by transforming digital fundraising technology. The findings of this study can be a recommendation in perfecting zakat fundraising strategies to be applied to zakat institutions. This paper also recommends the perpetrators of Islamic philanthropy to work together with the government in formulating various efforts to optimize the fundraising of zakat and its distribution on target.
Majlis Ta’lim: Institution for Strengthening Islamic Moderation Muh. Hafidz
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.162-180


This article aims at answering the questions on how the strategy used by majlis ta’lim developed in the Nahdliyyin community in strengthening Islamic moderation in this globalization era, and what are its advantages as a non-formal institution. In terms of answering these questions, the writer used the technique of collecting the data through interviews and observation. Considering that this study tends to be traditional, there is no need for written documents. The interview was conducted with the Muslim figures as activists of majlis ta’lim, and the observation was carried out through joining the recitation held by Muslimat. The collected data show that majlis ta’lim is a strategic place for strengthening and building Islamic moderation. Its strategy is carried out in several ways. First, inviting Islamic moderation figures to majlis ta’lim. Second, determining moderate themes as the main focus of the recitation. Third, optimizing majlis ta’lim as a massive movement. The advantages of majlis ta’lim as one of the public forums for Muslim community are: First, majlis ta’lim is a forum for education and teaching followed by its members. Second, the emotional relation among those members is stronger as compared to those in other forums. Third, the recitation in majlis ta’lim makes no difference in the profession, occupation, and position of the members.
The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Maintaining Religious Tolerance in Papua: Some ‎Observations Ridwan Ridwan
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.17-33


The presence of the Transnational Islamic Movement in Papua in the 1998 Reformation era has transformed the relationship between Muslims and Christians which had been harmoniously tense and could even lead to inter-religious conflict. One of the Islamic organisations in Papua working to maintain religious harmony is Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Therefore, this paper aims to review how the NU responded to the Tolikara incident and the Koya Barat incident. Both cases related to the presence of the transnational Islamic actors in Papua, including Salafi-Wahhabi group, specifically Jafar Umar Thalib’s faction in Papua, which has disturbed interreligious relations. This article argues that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) plays a vital role in maintaining religious harmony that is in jeopardy with the presence of the transnational Islamic movement in Papua. This paper is based on data from fieldwork that the author has done from the end of 2015 to the early 2019 and is equipped with related library data.
Halal Certification for NU Muslim in Boyolali Regency : A Study on Purchasing Decision of Alwahida Neutralizer Herbal Product, Indonesia Fathan Budiman; M Misbahul Mujib
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.181-200


This study used an explanatory research type with a quantitative approach. The sample used in this research was 96 respondents who were NU Muslim consumers of HPAI products in Boyolali regency by using purposive sampling. Data collection methods used in this study were the halal certification questionnaire that included dimensions of sharia, ideology, science, experience, and practice. Technique of data analysis used in this research was descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study showed that halal certification did not have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. It was proven by the value of the halal certification count of 1,715 t table 2.2791 and the significance of 0,900.05.
Cultivating Islam Nusantara in Indonesia’s Pesantrens: a Promising Deradicalisation Strategy? Irfan L Sarhindi
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.34-66


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate to what extent the cultivation of discourse of Islam Nusantara in Indonesia‘s pesantren. This is a qualitative research. The method of collecting data is through documentation. The research finding showed that Pesantrens had proven themselves to be the fortress of cultural Islam. They have maintained the moderate face of Indonesian Islam. Their flexibility has shown as useful when Islamic education is the concern. However, the use of media as the source of Islamic knowledge has a certain degree that
Empowerment of Fishers Groups: Cooperation Activation of Capacity Building Programs for Family Heads In Bondo Beach Coast, Jepara Regency Ahmad Kharis
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.201-209


This article aims to explain fishers groups' strategy in facing the dry or western season in Bondo Village, Jepara Regency. For a month, the fishers do not go to sea because of the danger of big waves. Thus forcing the adaptation of the marine economic cycle to land or experiencing job subversion. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has increasingly suppressed community activities to limit themselves from leaving the house and comply with health protocols. If this condition is left without collaborative efforts by actors, it will create new low groups. Of course, this condition is not desired by all people, so cross-stakeholder collaboration is needed. The role of multi-stakeholders is crucial in supplying socio-economic flows that positively impact lifting the welfare minus group to empowerment. This article will discuss the strategies adopted by fishers groups to survive during the dry season accompanied by civil society opportunities to work, namely the Nahdlatul Ulama Sub-Branch to help prosper the community Bondo Village, Jepara Regency.
Kesetaraan Gender di Pesantren NU: Sebuah Telaah atas single sex Classroom di Pendidikan Diniyah Formal Ulya Pondok Pesantren Al Fithrah Surabaya. Iksan Kamil Sahri; Lailatul Hidayah
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.67-105


Isu gender menjadi isu yang terus dibcarakan dalam dunia pendidikan. Sistem pendidikan dengan menggunakan sistem single sex classroom menjadi perhatian dalam isu ini. Sistem ini adalah sistem pendidikan yang memisahkan peserta didik berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Adanya pemisahan laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hal pembelajaran serta kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya tersebut berdasarkan beberapa alasan, di antaranya adalah alasan ajaran agama dan tradisi. Dalam konteks ini, unit pendidikan di dalam naungan Pondok Pesantren Al-Fithrah yang merupakan pondok pesantren afiliasi Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) menerapkan kebijakan single sex class tersebut karena alasan ajaran agama Islam dan tradisi mono sex yang telah berlaku di pesantren. Lalu bagaimanakah persepsi kesetaraan gender di lingkungan pesantren yang menerapkan hal tersebut. Untuk menjawab hal tersebut, maka penelitian lapangan di Penddikan Diniyah Formal Pondok Pesantren Al Fithrah, Surabaya, dengan menggunakan pendekatan gender dan fenomenologi. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pihak pesantren tidak membeda-bedakan perlakuan pada kualitas pendidikan santri putra dan santri putri. Perempuan di PDF Ulya Al Fithrah juga terlihat berperan aktif srta tidak menjadi kelompok kelas kedua. Penelitian ini juga mengkonfirmasi segregasi gender atau pemisahan antara laki-laki dengan perempuan dalam sistem pembelajaran dianggap tidak menyalahi dengan konsep kesetaraan gender yang diyakini pesantren. Pada kebijakan dan manajemen peserta didik, PDF Ulya Al Fithrah menyetarakan kebutuhan pendidikan baik santri putra maupun putri Walaupun juga ditemukan bahwa pada PDF Putra Al Fithrah tidak terdapat ustadzah sedangkan pada PDF putri terdapat ustadz laki-laki. Kebijakan single classroom lebih didasarkan pada tradisi pesantren dibanding dengan diskriminasi gender.
Old Order, New Order, NU Order (Existence of NU Today) Afidatul Asmar
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.210-216


This paper attempts to explain the role and strategy of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) today, by making a comparison of the existence of the NU from the Old Order (ORLA), then in the New Order (ORBA) which finally according to the author produced the NU Order (ORNU). This research uses the library research method to answer the various ups and downs that lead to the design of the paradigm, methodology, and foundation of NU today. The results showed that the NU experienced ups and downs, becoming the largest Islamic organization during the Old Order. Then it became a political party during the New Order era. Then the final result explained that ORNU which was intended at this time was NU returned to their first goal of forming an NU organization to preach in the social and educational fields, not to engage in practical politics.
The Influence of Social Media for the Development of Da’wah and Nahdlatul Ulama Society Behavior Avin Wimar Budyastomo
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i1.106-130


The development of information technology is felt so rapidly. All fields have used information technology; both in medicine and exact science, and even now the religious field has used it. One of the advantages of information technology in the field of religion is the emergence of sites that contain da'wah or religious promotions. This is far different from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW when delivering da'wah for the first time. He delivered da’wah stealthily and took very long time, but the existence of social media turned into open and transparent media and saved time and energy. In addition, social media can also be used as a means to change the behavior and lifestyle of society, one of which is the nature of dependence on social media, and fashion changes very quickly.
Islamic Education Values in Ziarah Kubur Tradition of Javanese People Matrokhim Matrokhim
Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Journal of Nahdlatul Ulama Studies
Publisher : Lakpesdam PCNU Kota Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35672/jnus.v1i2.131-161


This study discusses the values of Islamic education in the ziarah kubur tradition of Javanese people in Ngemplak Kumpulrejo, District Argomulyo, and Salatiga city. The focus studied in this research is how the history of ziarah kubur in Islamic teachings, what are the rituals found in the ziarah kubur in Ngemplak Kumpulrejo, Islamic education values of any kind found in the ziarah kubur in Ngemplak Kumpulrejo. This qualitative research uses field research methods, where the researchers becomes very important as researchers act directly as direct instruments and as a data collector of observation results and actively involved in the research. From the research conducted the following research results: Islamic educational values contained in the ziarah kubur tradition in Kumpulrejo, is that there is a mixture of Islamic traditions and Javanese culture that is integrated into a tradition that goes hand-over beautifully without eliminating the significance of the value of Islamic traditions and Javanese culture. And from the procession of the ziarah kubur tradition of Javanese people, especially in Ngemplak Kumpulrejo, contain the values of Islamic education such as faith, Birrul Walidain, the value of education so that people always submit to the world and the value of social education. And then is expected to be taken from the procession of ziarah kubur traditions.

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