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Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
ISSN : 25489070     EISSN : 25489089     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (JHHS) menerima naskah hasil penelitian di bidang gizi dan farmasi, khususnya di bidang gizi dan farmasi holistik. Scope JHHS yaitu: 1. Produksi Farmasi meliputi pemuatan sediaan farmasi, Skrinning fitokimia, Uji khasiat sediaan obat, 2. Pelayanan Farmasi meliputi studi mengenai pelayanan resep, swamedikasi, peracikan dan Komunikasi, informasi & edukasi farmasi, 3. Manajemen farmasi meliputi studi pengadaan dan penyimpanan sediaan farmasi, distribusi farmasi, inventaris tumbuhan berkhasiat obat dan kajian mengenai farmasi komunitas (kebijakan), 4. Produk obat tradisional inovatif meliputi pembuatan berupa produk makanan fungsional, produk jamu, produk kosmetik berbahan alam, 5. Gizi klinik & holistik, yaitu menitikberatkan pada masalah gizi individu akibat kekurangan dan atau kelebihan zat gizi tertentu dalam upaya kuratif penyakit infeksi maupun degeneratif, 6. Gizi masyarakat yaitu menitikberatkan pada masalah gizi di masyarakat atau kelompok dalam upaya preventif dan promotif menyangkut pada masalah kesehatan ekonomi, sosial budaya, pendidikan, kependudukan dan sebagainya, 7. Manajemen sistem penyelenggaraan makanan (MSPM) meliputi kajian metode pengolahan makanan, hygiene dan sanitasi, serta food waste, 8. Pengembangan produk pangan fungsional, pangan lokal yang memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan.
Articles 120 Documents
PEMBUATAN SEDIAAN OLES EKSTRAK KENTAL DAUN BINAHONG (Anrederacordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) DAN MADU SEBAGAI PERAWATAN LUKA LUAR Herawati, Desri; Putra, Risa Kota; Farhan, Farhan
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.451 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.2


Backgroud: All parts of the Binahong plant (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) from the roots, tubers, stems, leaves and flowers are very effective for herbal therapy. Especially of the leaves Binahong plant (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) can used to treatment of open wounds.The aim: This study aims to provide from pharmacetical stock to traditional herb that can be used to prevent a disease and to improve health by community by society. Method: This research is descriptive method developed from the previous research studied about the efficacy of Binahong leaves (Bassela rubra linn, or Heartleaf maderavine madevine) for curing wound on skin. In this study, the researcher provide pharmacetical stock of Binahong leaves in condensed extract form mixed with honey as wound treatment on skin. The process of pharmacetical stock used soxhlet method, extraction with organic solvents is done repeatedly and keeping constant the amount of solvent, and calculate the yield for three days. The solution used in this process is Ethanol 96% with 500 cc. The solution extract got from this process is 400 cc with yield 24.29%. The making of pharmacetical stock was done by adding 28 cc honey to 12.145 gr condenced extract. Then, the mixture is polished. Next process, the pharmacetical stocks are divided into four pot with each pot is 15 gr. The content of the pharmacetical stock of each pot is 2,46 gr condenced extract of the Binahong leaves and 7.7 cc honey. Result: Organoleptic test is done for three week. The result is there is no negative change happened viewed by form, colour, odour, and tastes and mushroom growt as well. Conclusion: The research successfuly made the pharmacetical stock in condenced extract with expire date for three week.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.057 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.3


Background: In food hygiene and sanitation activities in hospitals, hygiene of foodstuffs processed as food for inpatients. Diseases transmitted through food may cause mild disease and severe and even lead to death of them caused by the application has not been good as SOP (Standard oprating Procedure). Objective: To describe efforts to implement hygiene and sanitation in the hospital holistic nutrition installation purwakarta. Methods: The study design was observational descriptive design. 13 research subjects food handlers 2 nutritionists and 11 food handlers in the installation of Holistic Nutrition Hospital Purwakarta. Data execution of hygiene and sanitation installations home nutrition tabulated data and analyzed descriptively. Results: The observation of hygiene and sanitation requirements 100% memmenuhi Decree No. 1096/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 and SOP (Standard oprating procedure). Physical acceptance tests for hygiene and sanitation at the plant nutrition Holistic Hospital Purwakarta getting the 83 or 92% according to the group B, the minimum value of the maximum 83 92, or ranking 83-92%. Conclusion: Environmental sanitation: building, room food processing, sanitary aspects hospitals, materials sanitaiser, sanitaiser equipment and hygiene of food handlers: Health handlers, use of PPE, behavior penjamaha food already eligible under Decree No. 1096/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 and SOP (Standard oprating procedure). Acceptance and implementation of hygiene and sanitation jasanoga class B, a minimum of 83 maximum value of 92, or ranking 83-92%.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.423 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.4


Backgroud: Plants have medicinal properties and used as a medicine in the treatment or prevention of disease. Herbs can cure the disease with minimal side effects because it made from natural ingredients, unlike synthetic drugs which can give side effects either directly or after a long time. Objective: To know the composition of the mask preparation of organic rice flour and cinnamon powder (Cinnamomum burmannii Nees ex Bl). Method: The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive journals gathering in advance of studies on the efficacy of cinnamon powder and organic rice flour for acne prone skin in dosage forms mask.This study attempted 3 samples, the first sample of 10 gr organic rice flour, powdered cinnamon 0,75 gr, 10 ml water. The second sample 10 gr organic rice flour, cinnamon powder 0,5 gr, 10 ml water. The third sample 10 gr organic rice flour, powdered cinnamon 0,25 gr, 10 ml water. results obtained in this study is 10 gr organic rice flour, powdered cinnamon 0,25 gr, 10 ml water. organoleptic testing in this study carried out for 3 weeks with the result that the change in color, smell, taste. Results: The Research obtained in this study is 10 gr organic rice flour, powdered cinnamon 0,25 gr, 10 ml water. Organoleptic test in this study was conducted over three weeks and the results showed no changes in color, taste and smell. Conclusion: It can be concluded organic rice flour and cinnamon powder preparations can be made into powder mask for acne prone skin and can hold for three weeks.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.439 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.5


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a state of chronic hyperglycemia accompanied by various disorders due to hormonal disturbances that cause a variety of chronic complications in the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. Family support is very important to motivate patients in performing the treatment of diabetes mellitus or diet. Objective: To examine the relationship of knowledge and family support for diet adherence DM outpatient clinic Bhakti Husada Purwakarta. Methods: This study is observational research with cross sectional design. Subjects were patients with DM Clinic Bhakti Husada Purwakarta amounting to 24 people. The data collected is the level of knowledge, family support, and dietary compliance. Data obtained through questionnaires. Analytical data using Chi-Square test. Results: The majority of respondents' knowledge level was classified as less (64.3%), and family support respondents to compliance in therapy of type 2 diabetes diet is good (50%). There is a relationship between knowledge and adherence diet DM patients (p = 0.008), but there is no relationship between family support compliance DM patients (p = 0.408). Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge with type 2 diabetes diet adherence.
PEMBUATAN SEDIAAN PAREM DARI KENCUR (Kaemferia galanga L) BERAS (Oriza sativa) DAN SERAI (Cymbopogon citratus)SEBAGAI PENYEMBUHAN LUKA MEMAR, BENGKAK DAN KESELEO Tamara, Linda; Andriani, Susi; Helmiawati, Yusi
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.832 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.6


Background: Kaemferia galanga L is known as a remedy for pain relief muscle disorders empirically. Kaemferia galanga L with Oryza sativa and Cymbopogon citratus can used in a medicinal herb. Kaemferia galanga L has properties as a muscle relaxant, while lemongrass can be efficacious as a headache remedy, cough, stomach pain, diarrhea, body warmers, fever and mosquito repellent. The aim: This research aim to provide the dosage of traditional herb that can be used by the community for the prevention and healt improvement. Method: This research is a descriptive study that was developed from the experience of hereditary regarding the efficacy of kencur, rice and lemongrass for wound healing swelling, bruising and sprains to the skin. In this research, preparations of kencur (Kaemferia galanga L), rice (Oryza sativa) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) in the form parem puck through the process of drying for 1 day using water-soluble. Parem made by adding of 100 gram and 200 gram simplisia rice (Oryza sativa), 25 ml of water, parem obtained are 100 grams and produces 10 each ringed with a weight of 10 grams. Result: Tests organoleptic for 3 weeks with results showing that there is no negative changes from the shape, color, smell, taste and fungal growth. Conclusion: In this research managed to make preparations in the form parem pieces that can last for 3 weeks.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.816 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.7


Background: Physical fitness or cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with a person's ability to perform activities or activities effectively and without excessive fatigue. Results of the survey by a team of developers Sport Development Index (SDI) in 2005 shows the level of physical fitness elementary school across Indonesia are comparatively low. Objective: To determine the relationship between energy intake and physical activity with the physical fitness of students from SD-IT Albina Purwakarta in school year 2016 Methods: This study used cross-sectional design with stratified random sampling and systematic random sampling methods in the sampling process.A numberof 33 students from class V SD-IT Albina Purwakarta participated in this study. Data of physical activity was measured using 24-hour recall physical activity, energy intake using 24-hour recall, and physical fitness using the Harvard Step Test.Data analysis using Pearson Product Moment and Rank-Spearman test. Result: Energy intake of the majority of respondents (54.5%) fall into the category deficits, physical activity all respondents (100%) is relatively light and the physical fitness of the respondents (81.8%) included in the low category. There was no significant association between energy intake and physical activity with physical fitness (p=0,413; p=0,297). Conclusion: There was no significant association between energy intake and physical activity with physical fitness.
PEMBUATAN SEDIAAN MINYAK GOSOK DARI BAHAN KELAPA (Cocos nucifera L.), SERAI (Cymbopogon citratus DC.) dan DAUN DEWA (Gynura segetum L.) dengan METODE PENGENDAPAN TRADISIONAL Tanka, Rickson; Andriani, Susi; Helmiawati, Yusi
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.269 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i1.8


Backgroud: Plant is a biodiversity that all around us, whether it was growing wild and cultivated intentionally. Herbs have been used as a medicinal plant, although its use spread by generations. The aim: This research aim to provide the herbs that can be used by the community for the treatment of colds. Method: This research is a descriptive study developed by the community for generations, conducted interviews to the public regarding the efficacy of purecoconut oil (virgin coconut oil) with a mixture of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus DC.) and god leaf (Gynura segetum L.) for currycomb. In this reasearchmade preparations ointment of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) which become extract virgin coconut oil with lemongrass and god leaf as currycomb through thedeposition process for four days using water-soluble. Ointments made with the coconut two kilograms of shredded added to water as much as one liter of twotimes juice, in the can of coconut milk as much as 1800 ml and filtered coconut milk, settling for three days to produce virgin coconut oil 200 cc, pure coconut oil (VCO) add lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus DC.) of 20 grams and leaves god (Gynura segetum L.) 20 grams chopped settling for one day then filtered andgenerate ointment five bottles with each weight 20 cc. Result: Results showing test organoleptic dosage for three weeks are not changes the shape, color, taste and smell of mold growth. Conclusion: Research is successful prepare an ointment hold for three weeks.
UJI EFEKTIVITAS SALEP EKSTRAK HERBA PEGAGAN (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) TERHADAP LUKA BEDAH PADA TIKUS Zuniarto, Ahmad Azrul; Fauzia, Rizki Rahmah
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1271.174 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i2.9


Background: Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) has been studied that has good wound healing activity in surgical wound with stimulating collagen synthesis, increasing collagen secretion, stimulating fibroblast proliferation, antibacterial activity and antioxidants. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of Pegagan herb extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) in healing of surgical wound in male white rat and to determine the concentration of Pegagan herb extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) which is most effective against wound healing surgery in male white rat. Method: The method used experimental study. The experimental animals were divided into 5 groups, which are group X1 was the test group with Pegagan herb extract concentration of 2,5%, group X2 was the test group with Pegagan herb extract concentration of 5%, group X3 was the test group with Pegagan herb extract concentration of 10%, group K (+) was the test group with positive control, and group K (-) was the test group with negative control. Results: The results showed that the ointment of Pegagan extract with concentrations of 5% and 10% could heal the wound better than the positive control. Oinment of Pegagan extract with concentration of 2,5% had not significant difference compared with positive control (povidone iodine). Conclusion: Administration of oinment of Pegagan herb extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) with concentration of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% were effective in healing of surgical wound in male white rat.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (974.374 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i2.10


Background: Muscle strength is very important to do activities, not exception for school-aged children. It’s influenced by characteristics of the subject, nutrient intake, and physical activity. Objective: To analyze the correlation between subject’s characteristic, nutrient intake, and physical activity with muscle strength of school-age children in Purwakarta Regency. Method: This study used cross sectional design. Subjects of the study were the students of Junior High School 5 Purwakarta which amounted to 44 people. Muscle strength was measured using a Hand Dynamometer, lean body mass (LBM) using Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA), nutritional intake using a 2x24 hour Food Recall Form, and physical activity using a 24-hour Physical Activity Recall Form. Data analysis using Pearson Product Moment and Mann-Whitney Test. Result: Most of subjects' physical activity was mild (75%). There is no correlation between age (p = 0,228); gender (p = 0,102); LBM (p = 0.350); total energy (p = 0.770); carbohydrate intake (p = 0.968); protein (p = 0.663); sodium (p = 0.890); potassium (p = 0.737); calcium (p = 0.768); magnesium (p = 0,800); and physical activity (p = 0,682) with muscle strength of subjects. Conclusion: There is no correlation between subject’s characteristics, nutrient intake, and physical activity with muscle strength.
Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Holistic and Health Sciences (Jurnal Ilmu Holistik dan Kesehatan)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.343 KB) | DOI: 10.51873/jhhs.v1i2.11


Background: Leaves of Thorn Spinach are one of the plants that have pharmacological activity which are to relieve pain and as anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a normal protective response to tissue injury caused by physical trauma, destructive chemicals, or microbiological agents. In this study, the cause of inflammation was carrageenan injected in white rat. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether extract and suspension of thorn spinach leaf extract (Amaranthus spinosus L.) was useful to decrease volume of edema and to determine concentration of extract and suspension of thorn spinach leaf extract (Amaranthus spinosus L.) decrease volume of edema in male white rat (Rattus norvegicus). Methode: Study subjects were 24 males white rat (Rattus norvegicus) with weight ± 200 grams. White rats were divided into 2 large groups with 12 rats for preliminary and 12 rats for treatment. The study was conducted for 6 hours. From the data of edema volume, were calculated AUC (Area Under the Curve) that is the area under the curve between the mean volume of edema against time and percent of anti-inflammatory power. Data were analyzed using ANOVA statistic test, and T-test. Result: The result showed that extract and suspension of thorn spinach leaf extract (Amaranthus spinosus L.) had effectiveness in decreasing the volume of edema in leg of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) and extract concentration of 50% and suspension of thorn spinach leaf extract concentration of 50% had the most effectiveness in decreasing volume of edema in leg of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) with inhibition percentage as much as 15,63% and 28,08%. Conclusion: extract and suspension of thorn spinach spinach leaf (Amaranthus spinosus L.) had effectiveness in decreasing the volume of edema in leg of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) and extract concentration of 50% and suspension of thorn spinach leaf extract concentration of 50% had the most effectiveness in decreasing volume of edema in leg of white rat (Rattus norvegicus).

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