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Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
ISSN : 27470229     EISSN : 2747022     DOI : -
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Articles 6 Documents
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Analisis Siklamat Berbagai Merk Kopi Sachet Yang Di Jual Di Pasar Keputih Surabaya Nastiti Kartikorini; Diah Ariana; Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin; Siti Mardiyah; Baterun Kunsah
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Coffee is a type of plant that contains caffeine and can be processed into a delicious drink. In the process of making coffee usually used artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners. People prefer artificial (synthetic) sweeteners because they are relatively cheap and easy to obtain. The artificial sweetener that is often used by traders is cyclamate. Cyclamate is highly soluble in water and has a sweetness level of 30 times that of sugar. According to research conducted by Indoforum, 2008 in Sebayang, 2015, Artificial sweeteners (cyclamate) can have negative effects on human health. This study aims at Cyclamate Analysis of Various Brands of Coffee Sachets Sold at Pasar Keputih Surabaya. This type of research is descriptive with a total sample of 30 samples, with qualitative analysis. Using the deposition reaction test method, namely if there is a white precipitate of BaSO4, it means that the sample contains cyclamate / the sample is positive. The results of the cyclamate analysis study on 30 samples of sachet packaged coffee drinks taken from the Surabaya keputih market were not detected or did not contain cyclamate, this was because no white precipitate of BaSO4 was formed when analyzed with the BaCl2 reaction. It can be concluded that the 30 samples of coffee drinks that were The cyclamate has been examined and does not contain artificial sweeteners (cyclamate).
Karakteristik Keluarga Balita dan Status Gizi Balita dengan Pneumonia di Puskesmas Moncek Kabupaten Sumenep Sri Sumarni; Rasyidah Rasyidah
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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Golden period is the peak period of child growth and development. Growth and development of toddlers need to be monitored regularly in order to produce quality human resources. At that age, a problem that is commonly called the Triple M Complex (Malnutrition - Morbidity - Mortality) can be found. Pneumonia is the main killer of children under five in the world. One of the growth indicators for toddlers is nutritional status. Nutritional status can be monitored using KMS. The high number of pneumonia cases in Indonesia is not only a disease problem but also related to behavior. Protection and prevention efforts must be followed by changes in the behavior of those closest to the child, especially parents. Parental behavior is influenced by many factors, such as education, age, occupation, parental marital determine the characteristics of families of toddlers with pneumonia and the nutritional status of toddlers with pneumonia at the Moncek Health Center, Sumenep RegencyMethods: cross sectional analytic study with a purposive sampling technique From this study it was found that the percentage of female respondents was higher (96.7%) than male respondents (3.3%) as a parents.The most age of responden is 15-44 years (66,7%), almost all respondents were married as many as 27 people (90%). Characteristics of respondents based on education level is that most of them have elementary school education (33.3%) and most of them don’t go to work (33,3%). And from 30 toddler who get pneumonia are in negative growth nutritional status (100%).The nutritional status of children with pneumonia if based on the Towards Health Card (KMS) tends to "grow negative", that is, the body weight has decreased compared to the previous month's weight. Characteristics of families in toddlers with pneumonia are mostly of childbearing age, with female sex and most are housewives (not working) and almost half of them were elementary school graduates. 
Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Covid-19 Lanjut Usia Rahma Widyastuti; Ellies Tunjung Tunjung; Nur vita Purwaningsih; Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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COVID-19 (Coronaviruses Disease 2019) is a disease caused by a new type of corona virus, namely Sars-CoV-2, was first reported in Wuhan, China on December 31 2019. The death rate in elderly patients continues to increase, accounting for 21.9% . COVID-19 risk assessments show that assessing blood glucose levels has the potential to better identify people at risk of adverse outcomes. Blood sugar levels are affected by a number of factors, including gender and age. At this point, elderly patients experience many physical and mental changes, especially the decline in individual functions and abilities in general. This study aims to describe the results of examining blood glucose levels in elderly COVID-19 patients at Brawijaya Hospital, Surabaya. This type of research is descriptive research with secondary data from the laboratory using total sampling technique. The sample in this study were 65 elderly patients who tested positive for COVID-19 who had blood glucose checked at the clinical pathology laboratory in the September- December 2020 period at Brawijaya Hospital, Surabaya. Variables are then grouped and then tabulated and displayed descriptively in percentage form. The results of this study were obtained from 65 elderly COVID-19 patients who had normal fasting blood glucose levels (<100 mg/dl) which was 6.15%, while those who had abnormal glucose levels (>100 mg/dl) were 93.85%. . These results indicate that the majority of elderly COVID-19 patients have abnormal blood glucose levels
Identifikasi Bakteri Makanan Ringan Kiloan Yang Dijual Di Pasar Tradisional Dengan Metode Angka Lempeng Total Yeti Eka Sispita Sari; Fitrotin Azizah; Anindita Riesti Retno Arimurti; Dita Artanti; Vella Rohmayani; Ainutajriani Ainutajriani; Tri Ade Saputro
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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The rise in food poisoning incidents lately has made researchers want to know if there is bacterial contamination in kilo snacks which are always the top choice for serving and serving at certain events such as celebrations, recitations, thanksgiving, weddings, and other events because the prices are cheaper and the taste is better. not inferior to packaged snacks. Many places selling kilo snacks are found in traditional markets which generally have low environmental conditions of air circulation and high humidity, so they can become breeding grounds for harmful microbes, one of which is bacteria that can pollute the environment and reduce the cleanliness of indoor air. The aim is to find out the bacterial contamination of kilo snacks sold in traditional markets. The population in this study was a total of 5 types of kilo snacks in traditional markets. The sample in this study were 30 samples of 5 types of kilo snacks were tested using the Total Plate Number method. No samples of kilo snacks were found that did not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Kilo snacks sold in traditional markets meet the requirements of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Number 7388 of 2009
Perkembangan Pandemic Dan Capaian Kontrasepsi Di Provinsi Jawa Timur Afif Kurniawan; Diyah Herowati; Cahya Yuliani; Linta Meyla Putri; Marline Merke Mamesah; Nuke Amalia; Mardiana Mardiana; Roberto A Goenarso; Silvia Haniwijaya Tjokro; Hermanto Wijaya
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is being felt all over the world, especially in Indonesia. Covid-19 has had an impact on the health, economic and social sectors. The large number of deaths due to disease causes changes in the composition of the population. To prevent the spread from becoming more widespread, the government implemented large-scale social restrictions. Travel restrictions and long stays at home have the government fearing a post-pandemic boom in births. Therefore the government focuses on birth control. This study aims to determine the development of a pandemic and its impact on the number of new users of family planning methods in East Java Province.The research used secondary data that came from the website of the East Java Provincial Health Office and the Population and Family Planning Agency from March 2020 to November 2021. The results of the regression test showed that there was no effect between the number of positive confirmed cases of Covid-19 and the number of new users of contraceptive methods. This shows that the policies developed have been successful and it is hoped that there will be a strategy for family planning services for other emergencies. Socialization and establishing cooperation between health workers in the field also need to be improved, especially for health workers in the private sector.
GAMBARAN TINGKAT STRESS PADA PASIEN COVID-19 DI RUANG ISOLASI AL-AQSA LT.6 RSU HAJI SURABAYA Nugroho Ari Wibowo; Bayu Setyiawan; Ratna Agustin; Aries Chandra Ananditha; Erfan Rofiqi
Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Indonesian Academia Health Sciences Journal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

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 Anxiety is a normal reaction to threatening and unexpected situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Possible stress-related reactions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic can include changes in concentration, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, reduced productivity, and interpersonal conflict, but are particularly true for directly affected groups (e.g. patients admitted to hospital isolation). The aim thid research to identify  the level of stress experienced by covid-19 patients in the Al-Aqsa isolation room . This article  This study used a descriptive method that was carried out on patients who were confirmed positive COVID-19 in the Al-Aqsa isolation room on the 6th floor of the Haji General Hospital Surabaya with the Accidental Sampling . The samples obtained were 30 respondents. The research instrument used in this research aiming at describing the stress experienced by respondents was DASS 42 questionnaireThe results showed that 23.3% of respondents experienced normal stress conditions, 53.3% experienced mild stress, 20.0% of respondents experienced moderate stress, and 3.3% of respondents experienced severe stress 7 (23.3%) respondents experienced moderate stress, 16 (53.3%) respondents experienced mild stress, 6 (20.0%) respondents experienced moderate stress, and 1 (3.3%) respondent experienced severe stress. Which is suspected to be influenced by age and gender factors

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