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Nasirudin Al Ahsani
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Al-Tatwir: Jurnal Ilmu Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
ISSN : 24067407     EISSN : 26855291     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Social,
FOKUS Jurnal ini fokus untuk melakukan kajian mendalam pada keulmuan dan pemikiran Islam lokal, regional dan internasional melalui publikasi artikel ilmiah, laporan hasil penelitian, dan review buku. SKOP Berisi kajian-kajian keislaman dalam rumpun keimuan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam.
Articles 56 Documents
Pendampingan Pengelolaan Usaha Industri Kecil sebagai Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Kerupuk Rambak Kabupaten Kendal Yusrinia Afifah
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i1.54


One of several UMKM centers in Tegal Regency is the rambak cracker industry center located in Tegal Village, Adiwerna District. The rambak cracker industry center in this village has been able to grow and develop and has great potential to improve the welfare of the community. Local leather is increasingly difficult to obtain due to competition in demand for the leather tanning industry, causing several leather rambak cracker industries to use imported leather as their raw material. Imported leather is imported from Korea and China, from suppliers and wholesalers who are able to import directly from abroad, which generally trade in imported leather is done clandestinely (not done in public markets). The problem that arises is the guarantee of the halalness of imported leather that will be used as rambak crackers, because it is feared that it comes from pork skin or from cow skin that is cut illegally. And also the production in Adiwerna District is still manual and everything Mr. Sutrisno does is still out of date in terms of packaging design and marketing methods. The target community is residents in the Tanjungsari District, Tegal Regency. The first target is the wives of the Village Heads in the Adiwerna District totaling 35 (thirty five) people. This audience is considered a strategic audience in continuing to disseminate knowledge about how to process crackers from cowhide to the community in their respective villages. In this training, under the guidance of the rambak cracker entrepreneur, Mr. Sutrisno, this training and service got a significant increase from the results of improving the economy of the surrounding community and increasing sales in small industrial businesses around the Adiwerna sub-district.
Implementasi Percepatan Sertifikasi Tanah Wakaf Dalam Mengurai Konflik Agraria di Kecamatan Siliragung Kabupaten Banyuwangi Nasobi Niki Suma
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i1.56


The implementation of waqf is still mostly done in a way of mutual trust. This phenomenon makes waqf land not have strong agrarian legal legality and is prone to conflict. This condition also occurs in the District of Siliragung, Banyuwangi Regency. So that strategic steps related to accelerating waqf land certification need to be synergized with several parties to prevent agrarian conflicts. This study aims to explain the process of accelerating waqf land certification in Siliragung District, Banyuwangi Regency. In addition, this study also aims to analyze actions to resolve agrarian conflicts in Siliragung District, Banyuwangi Regency. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the process of accelerating waqf land certification in Siliragung District was by forming a task force team for accelerating waqf certificates, measuring and recording waqf land, making mass waqf pledges at Baiturrohman Mosque and inputting data to SIWAK (Waqf Information System). Actions to prevent agrarian conflicts are synergizing and collaborating with the Banyuwangi National Land Agency (BPN), the Banyuwangi Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Manager and the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Council (MWCNU) and the Siliragung Religious Affairs Office (KUA). These Islamic institutions and organizations work together to speed up the process of issuing waqf certificates and making mass waqf pledges. Another action is by socializing waqf and applicable regulations related to waqf to the Islamic community in Siliragung District.
Pengembangan Masyarakat melalui Penetapan dan Penegasan Batas di Desa Ledokombo Kabupaten Jember Fikri Habibur Rohman; Julio Sukamto; Robi Mohammad Arifin; Muhammad Farhan Alfiansyah
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.57


Ledokombo Village is a village which is located in Ledokombo District, Jember Regency. Ledokombo Village is a village that has 3 Krajan Hamlets, Sumber Nangka Hamlet, and Krajan Hamlet. Lodokombo Village itself has an area limit of 658.5 hectares. Lodokombo District has several villages and one of them is Ledokombo Village, and this Ledokombo Village there must be a re-emphasis on the boundary between Ledokombo Village and other villages. The emphasis here is not only oriented to village boundaries but also to Dusun boundaries, the emphasis here is also a manifestation of increasing awareness of village and hamlet boundaries for the people of Ledokombo Village. Our service is nothing but the aim of preventing conflicts between village boundaries and hamlets in Lodokombo Village. The determination and affirmation of village boundaries has an important and positive impact on the community as stated in Permendagri Number 27 of 2006. So the substance can be seen how important village boundaries are to clarify or reinforce village boundaries with one another
Optimalisasi Pelaksanaan Program Kerja Banjar Cerdas Kabupaten Banjar Melalui Beasiswa “Satu Sarjana di Keluarga Dhuafa” Lola Malihah; Muhammad Yulian Ma’mun
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.58


This community service activity is a partnership that was initiated in 2019 between the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI) IAI Darussalam Martapura and the Banjar Regency Baznas. One of the Banjar Regency Baznas programs is Banjar Cerdas, that aims to help children from poor families to pursuit their education. The distribution of this aid targets elementary, middle and high school students who are Banjar residents. This program was further developed and has a wider scope after a partnership agreement was signed between Banjar Regency Baznas and FEBI IAI Darussalam Martapura. A new sub-program, “Satu Sarjana di Keluarga Dhuafa” (One Bachelor at Every Poor Family) has emerged from this collaboration as a expansion from Banjar Cerdas program. Final year students who come from poor and unprivileged families are the beneficiaries of this financial assistance. The result of this program is that 6 student beneficiaries has completed their education and graduated in July 2021.
Inovasi Mikrostruktur Produksi Diecast Costum SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kabupaten Magelang sebagai Penguatan Sumber Daya Manusia Salimah Tamam
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.59


To achieve this, SMKs need to make efforts so that their graduates are able to compete in getting jobs or creating jobs, and are able to compete in employment. With the ability of SMK graduates to create jobs and the ability to compete for jobs, it is expected to reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia which is still high. This research is a qualitative research where a good research always pays attention to the suitability between the techniques used with the general flow of thought and theoretical ideas. And strengthening human resources by empowering the diecast custom community invites the surrounding community to embrace them by developing their talents and interests and getting side jobs from the daily profession of the community itself. The annual nominal value can be 12,000,000 because of the pre-order (PO) marketing system. And the marketing of die-cast production can be seen from the data that in the MINI SMK Custom Diecast Plan, revenue is taken from the MINI SMK program with a total fixed and variable financing of up to Rp. 30,000,000.00 - while the income earned from the Custom Diecast business is greater than the risks faced by the Production Unit (UP) because the sales system uses a Pre Order (PO) system.
Pengembangan Masyarakat melalui Usaha Mikro Kecil untuk Meningkatkan Religiusitas Remaja Kabupaten Bogor Yuliana Cita Siti Hijria
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.60


Da'wah method is a method or method used by a da'wah actor. Communicating Islamic Da'wah teachings by conveying da'wah messages, this method plays a very important role. However, if it is conveyed in the wrong way, this role can be rejected by the recipient of the message. In Bogor Regency, there are still many teenagers who are not good (disgraceful) as is the case for teenagers who do not respect their parents, there are still many teenagers who like to talk dirty, there are still many Teenagers who don't respect their neighbors, there are still many teenagers who don't have a forgiving spirit, as a result, fights often occur that give rise to trivial conflicts. However, there is a community that cares about the morals of youth in Bogor Regency, which then provides a good environment and impact on the surrounding youth by way of gentle preaching. How to approach the habits of teenagers who like to hang out by facilitating them by creating an Islamic cafe. And in cafe 99, researchers will examine more deeply how the stages of da'wah can have a significant impact on the lives of local youth. The practice of da'wah is by means of takwin, tandzim, and release. Also with Stages: Question and answer sessions, discussions, examples and optimal use of technical possibilities, Communicate the talents and interests of young people: sport and art. In addition, various supports are required. Efforts such as collaboration with other organizations related agencies, including community leaders, government, teachers, youth themselves. And all that is done by synergized Muslim youths at cafe 99 Bogor Regency as an effort to improve morals with Shari'a morals in surrounding teenagers.
Wisata Ziarah Masjid Sayyid Arif Segopura sebagai Solusi Konseling Remaja Masjid Kota Pasuruan Meilda Fitriana
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.61


Pilgrimage can be a therapy, which consists of two words, namely therapy and pilgrimage. Therapy itself according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is an attempt to restore the health of someone who is sick. Meanwhile, in Greek "Theraphy" means caring or nurturing and in Arabic it means healing or treatment. This study uses a qualitative method. This research was conducted in Pasuruans District. The research was conducted from June to August 2022. The research informants consisted of main informants and additional informants. The main informant is the youth counseling council at mosques in Pasuruan sub-district who live in Pasuruan sub-district. In the process of handling the counselee's problem, namely juvenile delinquency the counselor uses Pilgrimage Therapy which consists of several steps, namely the first stage (direction by researchers), the second stage (giving examples of the process pilgrimage therapy), the third stage (time, place, day and date of pilgrimage therapy by the counselee). The research informants are friends, teachers, parents or counselee's family, neighbors and the counselee himself. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research from the implementation of pilgrimage therapy can be said to be successful, seen from the observations of researchers before and after the counseling process was carried out, the counselee has begun to show changes such as the counselee's emotions are more stable, calmer and the client's stress is reduced on negative things, so that it can become a better and more useful person.
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Pendidikan Tinggi di Madrasah ‘Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Ledokombo Jember Husniatul Haliyah; Mita Apriliya Faradipa; Nailiyah Basirah; Izza Afkarina
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.63


The socialization of the importance of higher education for MA graduates and the equivalent aims to provide understanding and motivation to MA and equialent students who will graduate so they can consider well and to the tertiary level to continue their education tp the tertiary level, considering the importance of higher education to prepare the next generation who have broad insight so that they can empowered in future national development. This activity was carried out at MARaudlatul Ulum which was attended by 3 th grade 2 class. This activity went smoothly according to plan. While the method used in this service activity is to conduct socialization and discussions related to the material of theimportance of higher education. The resultof this activity is that the participans are more understanding and motivated to continue their education to higher education after graduating from MA later
Pengabdian Masyarakat: Penerapan Metode At-Tartil terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Baca al-Quran di TPQ Darussalam Kecamatan Krian, Sidoarjo Nasirudin Al Ahsani; Diana Rahmawati Yuhro
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v9i2.64


Often found also in the process of learning the Qur'an in various places is less effective. Tension, reticence, and egotism are some of these tendencies to distance. As a result, both teachers and students do not have the freedom to express themselves fully. Conditions like this will eventually lead to stagnation in the process of developing ideas, ideas and creativity in learning. Furthermore, teaching and learning activities will only be an activity that is monotonous, uninteresting, and becomes a boring routine. This service uses the Asset Based Community Development method. The location of the service was carried out at TPQ Darussalam, Krian sub-district, Sidoarjo district. This service aims to 1) identify and describe the application of the At-Tartil method, 2) identify and describe the improvement in the ability to read the Koran at TPQ Darussalam. This service was carried out at TPQ Darussalam Krian with the head of TPQ as an informant. Collecting data in the service this time using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results obtained in this service 1) the use of the At-Tartil method as an effective method yielded results at TPQ Darussalam, 2) there was an increase in the ability to read the Koran with the al-Tatwir method.
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Pendidikan Tinggi di Madrasah ‘Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Ledokombo Jember Nasirudin Al Ahsani; Husniatul Haliyah; Mita Apriliya Faradipa; Nailiyah Basirah
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In Ledokombo Village, there are two assets that can be optimized, namely individual and social assets. In terms of individual assets, the author sees that teenagers in Ledokombo Village have good academic potential. Meanwhile, in terms of social assets, there is a Karang Taruan community as a forum for teenagers to channel their aspirations. The socialization of the importance of higher education for graduates of equivalent level Islamic schools aims to provide understanding and motivation to equivalent level Islamic school students who will graduate, so that they can consider and decide to continue their education to higher education levels, considering the importance of higher education in preparing future generations with broad knowledge to be empowered in national development in the future. This service uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method. The activity was carried out at MA Raudlatul Ulum and attended by 2 classes of 3rd grade students. The activity went smoothly according to the plan, which was socialization and discussion related to the importance of higher education. The result of this activity is that the participants have a better understanding and motivation to continue their education to higher education levels after graduating from Madrasah Aliyah in the future.