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Nasirudin Al Ahsani
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Al-Tatwir: Jurnal Ilmu Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
ISSN : 24067407     EISSN : 26855291     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Social,
FOKUS Jurnal ini fokus untuk melakukan kajian mendalam pada keulmuan dan pemikiran Islam lokal, regional dan internasional melalui publikasi artikel ilmiah, laporan hasil penelitian, dan review buku. SKOP Berisi kajian-kajian keislaman dalam rumpun keimuan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam.
Articles 56 Documents
Hubungan antara Problem Focus Coping dan Tipe Kepribadian Extrovert dalam Penyesuaian Perkawinan pada Pasangan di Periode Awal Perkawinan Ellen Aprillia; IGAA Noviekayati; Sahat Saragih
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i1.15


Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji secara empiris 1.) hubungan antara problem focus coping dan tipe kerpibadian extrovert dengan penyesuaian perkawian pada pasangan di periode awal perkawinan. 2.) hubungan antara problem focus coping dengan penyesuaian perkawian pada pasangan di periode awal perkawinan. 3.) hubungan antara tipe kepribadian extrovert dengan penyesuaian perkawian pada pasangan di periode awal perkawinan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 72 orang yang berstatus suami dan istri yang berusia 18-40 tahun, terdiri dari 33 pria dan 39 wanita yang yang memiliki usia pernikahan di bawah 10 tahun atau periode awal perkawinan. Alat pengumpul data berupa kuesioner skala problem focus coping dan skala tipe kepribadian extrovert dan skala penyesuaian perkawinan. Reliabilitas kuesioner skala problem focus coping adalah 0,867dan skala tipe kepribadian extrovert adalah 0,889 dan skala penyesuaian perkawinan adalah 0,898. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji non-parametrik spearman. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil menunjukkan bahwa; 2.) Ada Hubungan yang signifikan antara Penyesuian Perkawinan dengan Problem Focus Coping dengan nilai p= 0.565, sig= 0.000. 3.) Tidak ada hubungan antara tipe kepribadian extrovert dengan penyesuaian perkawian pada pasangan di periode awal perkawinan dengan nilai p= -0,143, sig= 0.231.
Eco-Empowerment: Memberdayakan Membatik Warna Alam dan Menjaga Lingkungan bagi Masyarakat Pinggiran Taman Nasional Meru Betiri Desa Wonosari Kabupaten Jember Nasobi Niki Suma; Noviana Mariatul Ulfa; Nur Azizah Jamilah
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i1.16


Batik meruakan kebudayaan asli Indonesia. Pewarnaan batik dapat menggunaka bahan alami yang dengan mudah didapatkan di alam Indonesia. Masyarakat Desa Wonosari bersinggungan langsung dengan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri melalui program Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) membuat gerakan ekonomi kreatif batik warna alam dengan motif flora dan fauna yang ada di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri (TNMB). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis pelestarian lingkungan dan peningkatan ekonomi di Desa Wonosari Kecamatan Tempurejo Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa keberadaan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan ICCTF melalui kreativitas membatik menggunakan sumber daya alam di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri (TNMB) sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi kreatif berbasis ekonomi dan lingkungan, yang dikhususkan untuk perempuan-perempuan Desa Wonosari Kabupaten Jember.
Upaya Preventif terhadap Konflik Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Ali Jum’ah Rizki Azalia
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.21


The Arab Spring is an interesting discussion for researchers to study. Starting with the fall of Tunisia, then Egypt, and Libya, then came the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) which later changed its name to the Islamic State (IS) in order to attract followers from all over the world. Such slander is not only happening in the Middle East. In Europe, precisely in France there was a bomb attack on Friday, 13 November 2015. In 2019, Brenton Tarrant killed 51 people and injured 40 people in two mosques in New Zealand. Furthermore, there was a recent bomb attack in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church on Sunday, March 28, 2021. The current study employs a library research method. The primary sources were taken from the Qur'an, the Kutub Al-Sittah (the six books), and from the works of Ali Jum'ah. Meanwhile, the secondary sources were taken from the books of tafsir and the syurūh of hadith. The results of this study revealed that in Ali Jum'ah's perspective, there are three preventive attempts to be used against slander. One of which is to imagine the Prophet as our father. According to Ali Jum'ah, by imagining Rasulullah as a father, then we are likely to feel his presence all day and night. The second attempt is to always remember Allah (through dhikr). Ali refers to the opinion of al-Ṣan'āny which states that the term dhikr here refers to verbal dhikr. Al-Ṣan'āny adds if one recites the verbal dhikr while also doing it in their heart, then it will become more perfect. The third attempt is to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. The measuring instrument for knowing al-haqq (truth) and bāṭil (falsehood) refers to thoughts, not a person. Meanwhile, to know what is true and false, one must refer to kitābullah (The Book of Allah).
Peran PP Al-Amanah dalam Pembentukan Sosio-Cultural Masyarakat Junwangi Sidoarjo Ayunina Mahanani
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.24


According to the preliminary study, Junwangi in Krian village is located in the suburb of Sidoarjo. The people of Junwangi make a living from the vast rice fields away from the city crowds. Such situation promotes the activity of illegal gambling and alcohol consumption which are transgressing the religious norms. These misdemeanors and criminal offenses tend to be overlooked since Junwangi is located in the less-monitored police areas. Moreover, there has not been any figure or leader in Junwangi, making these misdemeanors to continuously done and spread uncontrollably. The current study aims at analyzing Junwangi community’s opinions towards the importance of the role of Al-Amanah Islamic boarding school in establishing sociocultural community in the village. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The data was collected through interview, field study, and documentation. The informants of the study are the descent of the Kyai in Al- Amanah and the community around the Islamic boarding school. The result of this study showed that Al – Amanah as has a role in the formation of character through formal and informal education. Moreover, pesantren (Islamic boarding school) can contribute to the community by planting Islamic values through certain approaches so that one day the misdemeanors will subside.
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Umat sebagai Aspek Reformatif Ekonomi Islam Fuji Fitria Ningsih
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.25


Changes that are hard to control are called development. Development is one of the solutions to the alleviation of poverty issues. Even Cambert argued that poverty actually lies in the so-called poverty trap (deprivation trap). The elements that exist in the deprivation trap are: the poverty itself, physical weakness, alienation or isolation, vulnerability and powerlessness. Normally, a number of creative institutions are provided to help those who are completely unable to support themselves. One of these institutions is an empowerment institution with the aim of developing the potential of the community by giving them motivation and counselling. The current study is trying to describe deeper about Islamic empowerment institutions as a reformative aspect of the ummah (community). This study collected the data by studying related scientific texts about the community empowerment institutions and Religious Studies and conducting field research. Therefore, the primary data were taken from the textbooks, articles, websites, news events, al-Qur'an and al-Hadith as well as various opinions from experts and scholars. In addition, data were also collected from the program implementations of the community empowerment institutions. Islam perceives society as a system which components/individuals need and support each other. Relationship among individuals in the community is ideally mutually beneficial. The economic gap can be a potential component that can be utilized to foster harmony and brotherhood among the community individuals. Islam encourages the implementation of community empowerment by adhering to 3 main principles, namely the principle of ukhuwwah (brotherhood), the principle of ta'awun (cooperation), and the principle of equality.
Pembangunan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Community Empowerment Pada Wisata Taman Siti Sundari di Kecamatan Senduro Lumajang Nita Andriani
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.26


The economic downturn in Indonesia after Covid-19 pandemic can be perceived generally from Indonesia’s current situation in the second quarter in which a 5.3% decline is apparent. The decline has risen by 0.3% from 5% since the last 10 years. Naturally, the economic decline also occurred in Lumajang district where the economic growth reached up to 5.02% in 2018, then decreased to 4.77% in 2019. One of the ways that LMDH is doing to improve the economy of Senduro people in Lumajang is by empowering the community. Seeing the potential natural resources that Burno Village has, the LMDH and the local community are working together with Perhutani to create a Taman Siti Sundari attraction. The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of community economic empowerment carried out by LMDH in order to improve the economic welfare of the community around Taman Siti Sundari. The current study also aims at knowing the size of the economic growth amongst the community that resulted from the LMDH empowerment program in Taman Siti Sundari. The researchers employed descriptive qualitative for the research method. The primary data was taken from the interview data from the interviewees. Triangulation method was also employed to validate the data. The result showed that the concept of community economic empowerment carried out by LMDH was in accordance with Ibn Khaldun's theory of economic development. LMDH carried out the task by emphasizing the important role in the concept of development such as being ar-rijal (community), LMDH as a community that manages, having al-imarah (development) of Taman Siti Sundari, and having natural resources which become al-mal (wealth). For the amount of income from this attraction, the community is given entrepreneurial land and profitable job since the parking income alone gains IDR 51,000,000 / month.
Pengaruh Kebijakan Pemerintah serta Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembuatan Paving Block dan Eco-Bricks terhadap Kesadaran Lingkungan Kabupaten Bandung Khaeruni Aisyah
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.28


Environmental awareness of the community on natural resources such as water, air, and soil as crucial items for the survival of human life is very low. Today, humans are overexploiting nature. Volunteers of paver blocks and eco-bricks making at Saung Angklung Udjo found that paving construction can reduce environmental pollution by plastic waste which cannot be decomposed in nature. Therefore, one of the factors of environmental awareness is the existence of government policies that become a reference in every movement in the community. Another factor is the community participation. This is because of the nature conservation process is not automatically done. The current study is a quantitative research with descriptive methods. Questionnaires and SPSS 17.0 software program were employed as the research instruments. In this study, it was revealed that government policies have an impact of 31.1% and the public participation shows on environmental awareness shows 32,2%. The results of the study show that there are other factors that may affect environmental awareness.
Wisata Swadaya Desa Berbasis Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Kelestarian Lingkungan dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Loloan Timur Kecamatan Jembrana, Bali Fathurrahim
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.29


In 2020 the Ministry of Environment and Forestry released the management report of 36,725,828.83 tons of waste. In Bali, especially at Kuta beach, the joint team cleaned up about 30 tons of garbage on January 1, 2021. Naturally, such condition is very concerning. However, it does not only occur on Kuta beach, but also on beaches and surrounding rivers located in Bali Province. Therefore, there is an emerging environmental movement of young people in East Loloan who call themselves DARLING or which stands for "Sadar Lingkungan" (environmentally aware). One of the things they did was building an ambenan on a riverbank which is now called Ambenan Ijogading. The current study employs a qualitative method. The data were collected by interviews, observation and documentation. The current study aims to: 1) find out the types and components of Ambenan Ijogading as a tourist attraction, 2) find out the form of community empowerment in Ambenan Ijogading, 3) find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for Ambenan Ijogading  as a tourist attraction. The results of this study are 1) Ambenan Ijogading tourist attraction is categorized as a naturally-occurring tourist attraction and also belongs to marine tourism. Meanwhile the tourism components include accommodations, food and culinary sector, attractions, and entertainment facilities. 2) The community empowerment found were done by maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment as well as the cleanliness of the Ijogading river flow, painting the road to Ambenan Ijogading, and manufacturing natural liquid fertilizer. 3) The internal supporting factor is public awareness to develop tourist villages and the external factor is the many potentials that Loloan village possesses. The internal inhibiting factor is the limited human resources while the external inhibiting factor is the frequent flooding which results in frequent damaged facilities.
Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Kebersihan dan Perekonomian Masyarakat di Desa Pengastulan - Bali Nasirudin Al Ahsani; Alvion Eky Thorieq
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v7i2.30


Pengastulan Beach is a coast located in the north of the island of Gods, precisely in the Kauman Hamlet, Pengastulan Village, Seririt subdistrict, Buleleng Regency, Bali. In the past, this beach was the same as most beaches in general which were only used as a place to make a living for fishermen. But over time, due to the lack of garbage disposal facilities in Pengastulan Village and many factories dumping their waste to Pengastulan beach, the beach becomes sullied and neglected. The current research uses qualitative research methods. The data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The purpose of this study are to determine the components and facilities of coastal tourism in Pengastulan, to determine community empowerment on the coast of Pengastulan, and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of the community empowerment Pengastulan coast. The results of this study show that: 1) The components of Pengastulan beach as a tourist attraction are parking lots, food stalls, boat rentals, cafes, mosques, restrooms, rest areas and many others. 2) Community empowerment is carried out by giving the community full rights to manage their souvenir shops, boat rentals and even to become tour guides. 3) The internal supporting factor comes from the availability of natural resources, such as beach panoramas with sunsets, black sand beaches with sea waves, rich underwater life, and the friendliness of the people. As for the external supporting factors, there are economic growth, increased interest in traveling, cultural diversity and advances in information and technology. The inhibiting factors are resource and preference barriers.
Wisata Kampung Lukis Berbasis Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Pola Hidup Bersih dan Kreatif (Studi Kasus Desa Panderejo Kabupaten Banyuwangi) Fitah Jamaluddin; M. Dhiya'ul Haqq; Indah Erna; Novie Aurelia
Jurnal Al-Tatwir Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL AL-TATWIR
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/altatwir.v8i1.31


Reporting from WHO Global TB (Tuberculosis) in 2020, more than ten million people in this world suffer from TB. In Indonesia alone, 845,000 people are infected with TB disease. In Banyuwangi, TB sufferers reached 2,169 people. Panderejo Village, is one of the villages that can be considered as slums for many years in Banyuwangi. Besides caused by piles of garbage, 70 percent of the majority of its citizens are active smokers. After the change of management in Gagak Rimang Youth Association, at last the local youth who were assisted by the local community began to move to clean the village once a week and carry out activities to beautify Panderejo Village. The current study employs qualitative research method. The data collection techniques employed interviews, observation, and documentation. The objectives of this study are namely: 1) to determine the types and components of Kampung Lukis tourist attraction, 2) to determine the community development in Kampung Lukis tourist attraction, 3) to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of Kampung Lukis tourist attraction. The results of this study are namely: 1) Kampung Lukis tourist attraction is a cultural tourism that fulfils 6 tourism components, 2) the community development carried out in Kampung Lukis tourist attraction is to have a free English language learning. Then there are also village women who are more active in exploring their talents in the culinary field whose food will then be sold on Saturdays or Sundays during the culinary bazaar. 3) The supporting factor are the awareness and willingness of the local community to develop Kampung Lukis and the present of governmental support. While the inhibiting factor is the Covid-19 pandemic which weakens the joints of the activities and the economy.