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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Fokus utama jurnal ini adalah untuk mempromosikan forum diskusi secara akademik global dan pertukaran interdisipliner maupun multidisiplin keilmuan dari para cendekiawan peneliti yang mengeksplorasi topik pada permasalahan periklanan dan komunikasi visual. Serial ini akan mendorong inovasi dan penelitian, berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dampak naratif, teknologi, ekonomi, promosi, periklananan dan persoalan artistik desain dalam lingkup desain grafis, multimedia, animasi, game yang meliputi seluruh rumpun dalam desain komunikasi visual. Analisis naratif fenomena tertentu, dengan fokus pada periklanan dan komunikasi visual; Studi tentang pengaruh promosi dan periklanan maupun komunikasi visual oleh teknologi media sosial; Analisis promosi dan periklanan yang mempengaruhi strategi baru dalam desain untuk mempersuasi konsumen seperti ambien media; Studi tentang hubungan antara desain grafis, animasi, game dan multimedia terhadap rasa estetika desain dan keinginan pasar strategis. Kajian tentang formula ekonomi dan inovatif dalam hal rantai produksi dan strategi pemasaran untuk periklanan cetak, periklanan TV, film iklan web series, animasi, game, fotografi iklan dalam aspek komunikasi visual. Dampak dan signifikansi strategi pemasaran untuk periklananTV, film iklan web series, animasi, game, iklan korporat, fotografi iklan, brand dan branding dari perspektif ekonomi politik atau pendidikan; Pendekatan historis dalam konteks sejarah periklanan untuk menemukan dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh-pengaruh terhadap strategi promosi, film iklan web series, animasi, game dan fotografi iklan, visual merchandising dalam ranah komunikasi visual; Kajian tentang fenomena baru pada periklanan, promosi, film iklan web series, animasi, game fotografi iklan, ambien media, baik media cetak maupun media online; Analisis dan studi yang berfokus aspek persuasi konsumen terhadap dampak dari nilai iklan.
Articles 56 Documents
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v1i2.3303


Competition to attract consumer attention through television advertising is getting tighter. Ad designers are required to develop creative strategies to get consumers' attention. This research examines landmarks as a creative strategy for the advertisement of Teh Botol Sosro, the Unique Version of the Country which was produced by 25 Frames to attract the attention of television audiences. Observations and documentation, as well as in-depth interviews with the Art Director and the Director of Photography were carried out to obtain valid data from the ad designers. By applying the SWOT concept and Madjadikara's television ad design process, it can be understood that the creative process of designing a teh botol sosro advertisement. The results showed that the big idea of using landmarks was obtained from the client brief process which was followed up in the creative brief process to get a more mature concept to fit the tagline "Whatever ... Drinking Teh Botol Sosro". The Ad Designer tries to remind the audience and inform consumers about the Teh Botol Sosro products through the city landmarks and the diversity of Indonesia contained in the advertisement.
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v1i1.3314


Desain membutuhkan sebuah konsep yang akan menjadikan suatu karya, dalam  prosesnya sebuah desain dibutuhkan untuk menarik audience. Untuk mencapai itu dibutuhkan sebuah strategi kreatif untuk sebuah desainnya, dimana sebuah desain bukan hanya dituntut dalam bentuk tampilan visual yang bagus saja tetapi bisa mengkombinasikan elemen – elemen desain untuk menjadi suatu karya yang mempunyai pesan didalamnya yang dapat menarik perhatian audience.Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metodologi penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu dimana data yang dikumpulkan berupa data-data hasil observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan hasil karya adstudent award Pinasthika Kreatif  Festival 2015, dari karyanya yang mempunyai karakter dan pesan-pesan yang terkandung di dalamnya.Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa setiap desain atau karya print ad pada setiap finalis adstudent award Pinasthika Kreatif Festival 2015 mengandung pesan-pesan strategi kreatif yang dapat membuat konsep desain pada print ad yang dapat menarik dewan juri,untuk menjadi pemenang pada kategori adstudent award. Sebuah karya print adadstudent yang menjadi salah satu kategori dari pinasthika ini, dapat menjadi tolok ukur bagi para desainer lainnya dalam membuat sesuatu karya desain agar menarik pada visual maupun dalam pesan-pesan yang terkandung, dan elemen yang digunakan meliputi dari pesan, tipografi, layout, ilustrasi dan warna.
Pembelajaran Huruf - Huruf dan Angka Bahasa Arab Saat Pandemi Covid – 19 Melalui Smart Card Ixora Latifolia Binersa; Lisa Pratiwi; Bayu Adi Susetya
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3673


Smart cards are a medium for children's learning that integrates interesting games, media creativity and promotes interaction between family members. This smart card has the theme of hijaiyah letters as an educational medium in learning Arabic numbers and letters during the pandemic that is happening in Indonesia. Now a lot of new innovations are created because of this pandemic period. This method is necessary because direct learning of Arabic letters and numbers is being avoided during the pandemic. This smart card is here to be an alternative for children to study at home. Based on the analysis conducted on the literature review, based on this incident led to the emergence of new obstacles in the way of educating children, namely the difficulty of parents in accompanying children to study at home due to a lack of understanding of the material by parents. With this smart card, it is hoped that children will have no difficulty in learning hijaiyah numbers and letters even though there is a companion       
Desain Antar Muka Aplikasi Wisata dan Transportasi Sebagai Media Promosi Pariwisata di Surakarta Fikrun Nashih; Asmoro Nurhadi Panindias
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3670


Solo, a strategic city located on the axis of Central Java, is a city with high tourist and transit destinations because of its diverse tourism. This design uses the design thinking process method, starting from visual identity design, interface design to advertising design. While the data collection method used is a qualitative method in the form of observation, interviews, participatory and documentation analysis. Then for the design of the interface design using the principles of gestalt proximity and similarity. For the design of the ad design, it will use ambient media transit ads as a promotional medium. The result of the design is an online application platform in visual identity design, interface design, and advertising design for the application which is a platform that can help tourists in terms of accessing information and ordering tickets. And the results of the testing process can be used as an iterative process both in terms of application interface design or user experience in order to increase user satisfaction and application user effectiveness in accordance with community patterns in tourism.
Aplikasi Keselamatan Berbasis Smartphone dengan Integrasi Sinyal Sos Sebagai Solusi Pembentukan Masyarakat Tanggap Bencana Naviatul Ilma Ilma; Agung Dewa Cendana Feoh; Wahyu Ahmat Saifudin
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3666


Natural disasters are disasters caused by an event or a series of events caused by nature, it’s as varied as the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, hurricanes, and landslides (Law number 4 of 2007). Based on data cited from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2018 the number of people who died due to natural disasters was 6,053 people. This data shows that community preparedness to face the threat of disaster optimally is needed. The idea of creating a smartphone-based safety application design equipped with SOS signal sending capabilities is planned to create a disaster response community and rescue response by related parties to reduce disaster risk with the use of the structured application. The synergy between various parties such as the community and also the government in the smooth running of information as quickly as possible will be the key to the effectiveness of this application. People in situations facing natural disasters can reach safe places with the help of an application that has been embedded in the feature to find out safe places for self-evacuation. If there is an emergency the user can also send an SOS signal to the server which will be picked up immediately by the patrol on duty.
Parodi Pada Iklan Televisi Axis Serial Iritology Melalui Pendekatan Format, Struktur, Gaya Dan Teknik Iklan Intan Swasti Gita; Ana Ana Rosmiati
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3658


Axis advertisement is an advertisement that uses a parody approach using cultural references and community habits, one of which is the Axis Serial Iritology advertisement. The issue in this study is about parody on Axis Serial Iritology television advertisement through format, structure, style, and advertising techniques with the aim of describing parody on Axis Serial Iritology television advertisements through advertising approach. The research method used is descriptive qualitative to analyze this advertisement based on the format, structure, style, and technique of advertising according to Vilanilam and Varghese. Advertising approach using problem-solution format, a slice of life, burlesque, and testimonial format is used in the Axis serial Iritology ad. The advertising structures used are vignette, comparison, and continue series, whereas the ad style used is dominantly comedy, however, there are some scenes that are inserted in fantasy style. The technique used in the Axis Iritology advertisement uses the touch of animation and special effects in the middle and end of the ad. Parody in advertisements can be the main attraction in presenting an ad.  
Papan Permainan Puzzle Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Aksara Jawa Pada Anak Usia Dini Ahmad Ghazali; Dhevin Kawistoro Ngabekti; Nanda Putri Andriani
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3667


Javanese, one of more than 300 languages in Indonesia. In order to understand the legacy of our ancestors, the role of the Javanese script is quite significant so it is important to learn and understand. At this time, the interest of early childhood in Indonesian culture is starting to decrease and it can cause Indonesian culture to be abandoned. The low level of ability to read and write Javanese script is due to several factors, namely, interest, teachers, learning methods, and learning media facilities and infrastructure. Applying the Javanese script learning method from an early age using the puzzle game media, it is hoped that future generations will be able to master it and be able to preserve the cultures of this beloved country. The research method chosen is descriptive qualitative by collecting data through a literature study process where data collection comes from books and documents related to the discussion of this article.
Problematika Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Plagiarisme dalam Dunia Desain Grafis Muhammad Ghoyyas Royhan; Dhevin Kawistoro Ngabekti
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3671


The development of technology, especially the internet, triggers graphic designers to be more active and creative in their work. Publication of graphic design works through social media and other media, but as a result of that plagiarism is also very rampant because of easy access to see other people's work via the internet. The formulation of the problem to get a solution through research is how to increase the creativity of the creators. Design of visual communication that is useful or beneficial for the general public and how to try to suppress plagiarism in graphic design. Qualitative Research Methods as an approach that focuses on data analysis and data solutions in understanding the social phenomena of graphic design creativity and design plagiarism that occur in society. there is also a way to just use other people's work as a source of inspiration and modify it as creatively as possible.
"Yuk Cegah Virus Corona!" Edukasi Pencegahan Corona Melalui Buku Interaktif Anak-Anak Alifia Ananda Putri; Yeni Arumdani; Muhammad Fathi Fadhil Fauzi Rizal
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3668


Corona Virus or COVID-19 was first discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. On January 30, 2020, WHO announced that this epidemic was a global health emergency, spreading so quickly that it reached various countries including Indonesia. Covid-19 had weakened and paralyzed various sectors in Indonesia and even all countries. One of the impacts is in the world of education. Since the implementation of the online system, there have been many pros and cons that have occurred among the community as well as challenges that must be faced with the existence of this distance learning system (PJJ). Early childhood education is undeniably affected by COVID-19. The research method uses empirical methods by collecting data sources from libraries and journals that have been there before. The results of the study concluded that the making of an interactive book "Come on, Prevent Coronavirus!" is a type of busy book in which this book can provide various activities for children so that they will not be bored in digesting the learning material.
Media Instagram sebagai Media Publikasi Karya Mahasiswa DKV ISI Surakarta di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Naily Farhatin; Fajri Rahma Pratiwi; Farid Farid
CITRAWIRA : Journal of Advertising and Visual Communication Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : ISI Press Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/citrawira.v2i1.3672


This study aims to determine the benefits of using social media, especially Instagram as a medium for exhibitions of work by ISI Surakarta students during the pandemic. The data collection process was carried out by observing the behavior of the community during the pandemic and also interviewing several art activists who often publish their work on Instagram. The material obtained from observations and interviews was transcribed and analyzed. The results of the analysis raise 3 themes that are discussed here, namely: the use of social media Instagram in everyday life, Utilizing social media Instagram as a place to show off the work of ISI Surakarta students, stages, and parties who have a big influence to participate so that this event takes place. The study of the three themes is very useful to understand how to optimally improve the ability to work and utilize various social media as a forum to publish the results of his works during the pandemic period, where you cannot do real activities, you have to go through virtual ones.