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Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel laporan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh para dosen bidang pendidikan maupun bidang lain atau kelompok-kelompok masyarakat berbentuk penyuluhan, pendampingan, bimbingan teknis, dan jenis kegiatan lain yang relevan dengan pendidikan. Terbit 4x setahun yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember
Articles 33 Documents
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Pencegahan Stunting dengan Inovasi Teknologi berupa Modifikasi Timbangan Digital Terkoneksi Android Bambang Sudarsono; Tri Wahyuni Sukesi; Fatwa Tentama; Nur Fitri Mutmainah; Herman Yuliansyah; Surahma Asti Mulasari; Lu’lu’ Nafiati; Sulistyawati Sulistyawati; Fanani Arief Ghozali
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3176


Stunting is a problem that has a negative impact on society and can last for a long time. This community service program aims to increase the knowledge and skills of partner communities in preventing stunting by using innovative technology called the "Tas Stunting Kit." This activity involves creating appropriate technology, training health cadres, and evaluating technological innovation. The digital scale is modified to connect to an Android tablet via Bluetooth and is packaged in a bag. This community service program was attended by 29 participants, all of whom were health cadres, with the implementing team consisting of the chief proposer, additional proposers, and a second team consisting of lecturers and students. This technological innovation was evaluated with the Software Usability Scale (SUS) as a series of modifications to digital scales and Android applications, with the results having an acceptable acceptability range. The subsequent follow-up is developing a more integrated data collection system as a basis for the village government to make data-based decisions.
English Tutoring for Orphanage Children Yuliana Maria D’ Karmel Kara; Gratiana Sama; Febe F Irawati Wanggai; Nur Aida Bhara Nuri
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3199


This Community Service (CS) activity has the theme of introducing English learning for children at Naungan Kasih Orphanage of St. Elisabeth Ende. This is done with the aim of guiding children in this Orphanage so that they can have English skills and knowledge. The main problem faced by these children is for kindergarten and elementary school children, are not yet familiar with English, while high school level children already know and obtain English learning, but with limited media, time, etc. so they learn less English. This makes them have no motivation and no interest in learning English. This activity went well and they are enthusiastic. This activity uses several learning strategies made by the CS team so that children do not get bored learning English, and have the attraction of learning English. It is expected that the children in this orphanage are able to apply the use of English in schools and communities and overcome the difficulties that they face. Children learn well, full of enthusiasm and it is expected that there will be an improvement in their English learning.
Peningkatan Keterampilan Budidaya Tanaman Organik melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati dan Pupuk Kompos Jaini Fakhrudin; Muhammad Ali; Danie Indra Yama; Muliani Muliani; Susana Susana; Zaenal Mutaqin; Tika Rahma Yunita; Rista Delyani; Nova Ardianti; Naupal Naturindo
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3205


The majority of residents in Punggur Kapuas are engaged in farming, primarily in horticulture and food crops, making agriculture a pivotal economic sector in the region. However, a significant issue has been the heavy reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, which not only pose environmental risks but also indicate a lack of knowledge regarding sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices. The continuous use of chemical inputs has led to soil and water pollution, as well as disruptions to the natural ecosystem. To combat these challenges, this initiative focuses on training and educating farmers in the production of natural botanical pesticides and organic compost. The project encompasses needs analysis, collaborative design, outreach and training, monitoring, and financial analysis to compare the costs of natural alternatives with chemical inputs. The training component covers two main aspects: the production of botanical pesticides using readily available natural materials such as papaya leaves and garlic, and the creation of organic compost from organic waste. Compost production has a host of benefits, including improved soil fertility and reduced dependence on harmful chemical fertilizers. The method used is by counseling, discussion and direct practice in the field. The outcomes of this initiative include enhanced knowledge and skills among the farming community in Punggur Kapuas regarding the creation of safe and environmentally friendly botanical pesticides, a reduction in the use of chemical pesticides, increased productivity of organic crops, and heightened awareness of the importance of sustainable farming practices. The project has already demonstrated positive impacts, with participants gaining practical expertise in botanical pesticide and compost production. The initiative aims to encourage the adoption of organic farming practices and environmental sustainability, thereby benefiting the local economy and ecosystem. Future efforts may include extension activities, active mentoring, and supplementary skills training to further advance organic crop cultivation and promote sustainability in local agriculture.
Peer Group Tari Tradisional dalam Mencegah Gangguan Gerak Tubuh Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa Ahmad Guntur Alfianto; Miftakhul Ulfa; Mizam Ari Kurniyanti; Ari Dwi Sulaksono
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3209


Stigma and movement disorders due to drugs in people with mental disorders create problems in the community. Efforts that can be made to prevent through preventive efforts are empowerment in the community. Peer groups are a form of empowerment between peer groups. The aim of this program is to train youth groups in helping ODGJ reduce movement disorders caused by mental disorders drugs. The method used is through FGD and measuring partners' knowledge and dancing skills. The program will be implemented in June 2023. The stages include pre-program, module prescription testing, program socialization, traditional dance peer group training, and evaluation and follow-up plans. The pre-program results agreed regarding advocacy activities for people with mental disorders, the results of the perception equality test (ICC: 0.945), the knowledge value of (p= 0.000), the value of traditional dance peer group skills (mean 75), and the results of the FGD with partners making innovation program in mental health posyandu. The conclusion is that traditional dance peer group training in preventing movement disorders for ODGJ can be used as health promotion in mentally healthy posyandu.
Peningkatan Ekonomi Desa melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengolahan Limbah Menjadi Pupuk Organik Slamet Fauzan; Purbo Nugroho; Shinta Agustina; Ayuneng Indah Moliani
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3217


Samar Village was located in Pagerwojo District, Tulungagung Regency. The majority of residents in Samar Village focus in the livestock sector. The average cow waste produced 20 – 30 kg in one day. Handling of livestock waste needs to be done immediately so that waste accumulation does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The problem is, the community does not have expert knowledge in processing the livestock waste produced. If left unchecked, it will cause a continuous and mounting buildup of livestock waste. Based on the problems faced by partners, the community service team collaborates with the village government to try to educate and empower the community in processing livestock waste into manure with high economic value. The method of implementing manure start from planning, implementing and evaluating the program which includes practical activities for making manure, testing the effectiveness of fertilizer and socializing the packaging and marketing of the products produced. This program also utilizes appropriate technology, namely a sieving machine that was recently handed over from the State University of Malang Service to Samar Village. Making this fertilizer requires a fermentation process mixed with an activator (EM4) and molasses (cane molasses) mixed evenly. In the process of making the fertilizer, it is closed tightly so that it is not exposed to air from outside and reopened within ± 2 weeks. The results of the effectiveness test by comparing plants given manure were proven to have benefits in increasing plant growth. This community empowerment program was successful because of the high enthusiasm of the community in efforts to increase community income and overcome the problem of livestock waste.
Optimalisasi Program Mangrove Literacy Edutourism (MANGLIEDS) Berbasis Konservasi Mangrove Mochamad Guntur; Dede Hasanah; Siti Musyarrofah; Nur Indah Septia Ningsih; Siti Sahronih
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3226


Mundupesisir Village is one of the potential villages located on the coast of West Java due to the presence of mangrove conservation along its shores. Mangroves are crucial ecosystems for environmental enhancement, but in reality, this conservation effort has received less intensive attention. Therefore, a strategy is needed to develop and enhance environmental awareness through the improvement of literacy. MANGLIEDS is an edutourism-based mangrove literacy enhancement program initiated to address this issue. The development of literacy in Mundupesisir Village utilizes Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) as a method for planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. This approach encourages active participation of the community at all levels, directing development towards their needs and aspirations, enhancing their involvement, and facilitating program implementation. The MANGLIEDS program includes strengthening student involvement, community empowerment, collaboration with the village government, and project management, providing a comprehensive approach to promote understanding and awareness of the importance of mangrove forests. Through socialization activities, training, and the development of mangrove edutourism ventures, this program can enhance the community's knowledge of the ecological and economic benefits of mangrove forests and inspire awareness of their conservation. This program not only benefits the local community but also provides opportunities for students to develop their skills and knowledge in the field of environment and sustainability. Thus, MANGLIEDS can serve as an inspirational and effective model in integrating edutourism and mangrove literacy into a cohesive entity that positively impacts environmental preservation and the well-being of the local community.
Pemanfaatan Rumah Kompos sebagai Sarana Upgrading Keterampilan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Ian Hardianto Siahaan; Ninuk Jonoadji; Suratno Lourentius
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3252


Uncontrolled population growth and urban displacement will continue to be the causes of the rise in garbage. Waste that accumulates for too long and becomes dense and scattered will cause pollution, i.e., the spread of pests and unwanted odors. The Abdimas team sees the role of compost houses as an optimal solution to provide knowledge or education while growing public interest and awareness of the importance of garbage control and reusing it to increase the economic value of partners and communities. The purpose of this activity is for the community to be able to have a positive impact on the establishment of other composite houses around it. The activities were conducted in the form of training and supporting workshops at the PCU Composite House, and follow-up of the implementation results was conducted through the visit of the Abdimas team at the location of the partner as a post-execution evaluation of the activities. Implementation of this activity is divided into three stages, namely: preparation of training, implementation of the training, and non-continued application of training results at the partner site. The training event is packed with the topic "Organic Composite Making Skills Upgrading Training". Based on the observations of the visits carried out by the Abdimas team, one of the partners is currently working on the construction of a new composite house, while the other partner site has already implemented fertilizer production activity for the fulfillment of the element of charity for the partners' crops. The construction of compost houses and garbage banks has proven to help in controlling household trash while providing economic value for partners.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dengan Mengembangakan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Learning Management System (LMS) Siti Sahronih; Mochamad Guntur; Herisa Hardiyanti Sholeha; Zakiyah Ismuwardani; Ratri Nuryani Qudwatullathifah; Gregorius Sebo Bito; Nining Sariyyah; Frumensius B Dole
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3254


This collaborative learning aims to improve the quality and quantity of cooperation between universities in eastern Indonesia through the implementation of collaborative online learning. Collaborative online learning training involves six educators who will teach.. Based on the results of a survey that has been conducted, it is stated that IPB Cirebon students still use LMS as a lecture system, while Uniflor students have a face-to-face lecture system. Therefore, a collaborative online learning program (PDK) was carried out between IPB Cirebon and Uniflor. The PDK program is implemented using three stages. These stages include starting from initial studies, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Using stages in the PDK program is the right approach. Active student involvement in every meeting, the development of LMS-based digital teaching materials will be more oriented towards student needs and aspirations. Through active student participation, the PDK program has the potential for better achievements, realizing learning in 2045. Collaborative online learning between two universities can increase digital literacy between students and educators. Collaborative online learning can also develop students' abilities in the 3T area. Through this learning, students can collaborate with other university students.
Pendampingan Kader dalam Deteksi Dini dan Edukasi CERDIK sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) Adiyati Mardiyah; Silvia Mareti; Restu Amalia Azmy; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Ummi Maktum
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3258


Indonesia is currently facing a double burden of disease, namely infectious diseases (infectious diseases) and non-communicable diseases (degenerative diseases), which are increasing. Currently, non- communicable diseases (NCDs) have replaced infectious diseases as the dominant disease and are the cause of higher deaths compared to infectious diseases. That there has been an increase in key NCD indicators. The increase in cases of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will significantly increase the burden on society and the government, because handling them requires a long time, large costs and high technology. PTM cases are not transmitted, but they are deadly and cause individuals to become unproductive or less productive. NCDs can be prevented by controlling risk factors through early detection. One of the government's efforts is the CERDIK program to control Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This program is implemented to prevent deaths due to non-communicable diseases by emphasizing promotive and preventive aspects. Based on the background above, this activity aims to support government programs in efforts to control NCDs by assisting cadres in early detection and smart education as part of controlling NCDs. Training activities are carried out by providing demonstrations and teaching how to do early detection related to screening, measuring vital signs, checking body weight, height, body mass index, checking blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid. Apart from that, cadres are also given clever education regarding controlling non-communicable diseases. The results of the evaluation that have been carried out are that the majority of cadres are in the good category regarding knowledge and attitudes in early detection of PTM.
Pembuatan Flashcard Audio Visual untuk Peningkatan Pemahaman Sex Education Anak Usia Dini Wulan Sutriyani; Dwiana Asih Wiranti; Muh Muhaimin; Elma Tiara Wulandari; Rahma Dwi Ningsih
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i4.3279


Sex education is important in the world of education because of the rise in cases of sexual harassment due to the lack of understanding of sex education from an early age. The partner school, namely KB Mentari Kudus, has a problem with the behavior of early childhood jokes that lead to pornographic words as well as verbal bullying and actions. In addition, teachers also have not presented digital learning media in the learning process. The mentoring activity for making audio visual based flashcard media as a solution offered to partners has the aim of increasing students' understanding of sex education. Teachers are expected to be able to increase creativity in providing learning media, especially related to sex education. The method used in this service includes 5 stages namely socialization, training, application of technology, mentoring, and sustainability. Community service activities get the result that partners feel able to develop competence in making innovative learning media for early childhood. Sex education is important to be taught to early childhood where 93.75% of partners strongly agree with this statement. Media needs are also approved by partners with 81.25% and are also supported by the importance of innovation in learning. Partners are also very helpful in making audio visual based flashcard media. The implementation carried out by partners and the service team obtained 93.75% results audio visual flashcard media is suitable for sex education material for early childhood.

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