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Physical Education, Health and Recreation Journal
ISSN : 19793103     EISSN : 27973476     DOI : -
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 17, No 1 (2020)" : 5 Documents clear
The level of teacher creativity to overcome limitations of infrastructure and facilities in the learning process of PJOK in SMP Sub-district Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo Regency, 2020 Pingky Meilina Cahayanti; Waluyo Waluyo; Ahmad Septiandika Adirahma
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51443


The problem that occurs in this study is that there are still many PJOK infrastructure and facilities that have not met as they should be, not comparable to the number of students, there are some teachers who are less creative in making tool modifications, and many teachers are still waiting for assistance from PJOK infrastructure and facilities from the school. This study aims to determine the level of teacher creativity to overcome the limitations of infrastructure in the learning process of PJOK in junior high schools in Sukoharjo District, Sukoharjo Regency. This research uses a quantitative descriptive research approach. The method used in this research is a survey method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire as primary data, as well as observation, and documentation as secondary data. The population of this study were all PJOK teachers in junior high schools in Sukoharjo District, Sukoharjo Regency, totaling 23 teachers. The data analysis used was a descriptive analysis of the percentage. The results showed that the creativity of sports and health physical education teachers in responding to the limitations of physical education facilities and infrastructure in junior high schools in Sukoharjo District, Sukoharjo Regency as a whole was categorized as 1 teacher (4%) in the very high category, 6 teachers (26.09%) in high category, 10 teachers (43.48%) in the medium category, 4 teachers (17.39%) in the low category, and 2 teachers (8.70%) in the very low category. It can be concluded that the creativity of sports and health physical education teachers in responding to the limitations of physical education facilities and infrastructure in junior high schools in Sukoharjo District, Sukoharjo Regency is in the medium category (43.48%).
Analysis of sport development index Sambi Sub-district Boyolali District in 2020 Anam Syafa'attul; Agus Kristyanto; Triwinarti Rahayu
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51438


This research was based on the unked development of sports in Sambi Subdistrict, Boyolali Regency, which was reviewed from the Sport Development Index (SDI). In SDI itself there are 4 indicators that are used as a tool to help how sports development in Sambi District Boyolali Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) the availability of open space in Sambi Subdistrict (2) the availability of human resources in Sambi Subdistrict (3) the level of community participation in exercising in Sambi Subdistrict (4) the physical fitness level of the community of Sambi Subdistrict so that later known sports development index (SDI) in Sambi Subdistrict. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The approach used in this research is survey. The sample of this study amounted to 90 people who were distinguished into 3 age categories, namely children 7-12 years old, teenagers 13-17 years old, and young 18-40 years taken from 3 different villages in the district of Sambi which is representative of Catur Village, Sambi Village, and Canden Village. The collection of areas from cluster 3 villages is based on SDI guidelines where the 3 villages represent low, medium, advanced categories. Instrument test used in the form of questionnaires and Multi Stage Fitness Test (MFT). The results of this study are (1) the availability of open space in the district of Sambi Sudan is quite good and in the index of open space 0.726, (2) The availability of human resources in Sambi sub-district is relatively low with an index of 0.0024, (3) the index of community participation in exercising is quite good in view of the participation index of 0.522, (4) physical fitness of the community wilaah Sambi district gets an index of 0.292 which is in the low category. The conclusion of this study is the SDI index which includes Physical Fitness, Human Resources, Open Space Sports, Sports Participation in Sambi District of 0.385, and if seen from the norms of SDI, Sambi district is still classified in the low category.
Application of Team Game Tournament Cooperative Learning Type learning model (TGT) to improve the results of learning based basic techniques in students in the XII class of Sos 4 SMAN 6 Surakarta student year 2018/2019 Muhammad Ishaq Saputro; Agus Kristyanto; Sunardi Sunardi
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51439


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of playing football in class XII Social Sciences 4 Surakarta Senior High School 6 of 2017/2018 Academic Year. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. This research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were students of class XII Social Sciences 4 of SMA N 6 Surakarta in the 2017/2018 Academic Year, which numbered 25 students with details of 10 male students 15 female students. Sources of data in this study come from teachers and students. The technique of collecting data is by testing and observing during the learning activities. The data analysis technique used in this study was descriptive based on qualitative analysis with percentages. From the analysis of the data obtained the following results: In the pre-cycle, the results of learning to play football students who completed reached 44% or as many as 11 students and students who have not completed 56% or as many as 14 students. In the first cycle, the results of learning to play football students who completed reached 68% or as many as 17 students and students who have not finished 22% or as many as 8 students. In the second cycle the learning outcomes of playing football students were completed 88% or 22 students and students who had not finished 12% or as many as 3 students. The implementation of actions in cycle I and cycle II lead to an active, effective, efficient and enjoyable learning process so that it can support the occurrence of quality learning. Based on the results of the study obtained conclusions that: learning through a tactical approach, can improve learning outcomes of playing football in class XIISos 4 Surakarta N SMA 6 2018/2019 Academic Year.
Identification of injuries and its prevention in physical education at elementary schools in Sukadana, Ciamis, West Java, 2020 Fenima Brillianti Maudi; Hanik Liskustyawati; Djoko Nugroho
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51441


The main problem in identifying the injuries and its prevention in the Physical Education at elementary schools in Sukadana is the nescience of the level of the risk for injury and the injury management steps during the Physical Education subject. Some factors contributing on the nesciences are condition of facilities and infrastructure, school environmental conditions, student behavior and teacher’s conversance. Therefore, this research is purposed to determine the injuries that have occurred and the knowledge of teachers about injury management during Physical Education subject at elementary schools in Sukadana district. This research analyzes the injury management done by the Physical Education teachers at elementary schools in Sukadana district and the injuries that have occurred using some theories related to types and factors of injuries, as well as the proper steps of injury management. This research is a combination research model concurrent embedded (unbalanced mixture), namely a research method that combines qualitative methods and quantitative methods by mixing the two methods unequally. This research uses two kinds of data, primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data in this research is saturation-sampling technique with the Physical Education teachers in Sukadana district as the informant. The validation of the data, collected from the result of questionnaire and passive participant observation, are then analyzed and tested using member check technique. The result of this research shows that teachers have significant role on diminishing the risk of injury and treating injured students during the Physical Education at the elementary schools in Sukadana district. Generally, the teachers have already had adequate conversance in treating wounded students. Moreover, the injuries occurred are dominated by minor injury. This is due to the learning materials that are still on the basic level. Furthermore, some moderate injuries are caused by student’s health condition, such as medical history and the fitness of the student, that is different one to another.
Relationship between leg muscle power, stomach muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle’s coordination on side kick’s speed in Perguruan Pencak Silat Kembang Setaman Wonosobo year 2020 Nur Hidayati; Rony Syaifullah; Singgih Hendarto
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51442


The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between leg mucle power, stomach muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle’s coordination on side kick’s speed in perguruan pencak silat kembang setaman wonosobo year 2020. This study is a corelation researcher, it needs one meeting to collect the data. The subject of this research is 14 athletes of Kembang Setaman Wonosobo. Source of data of this research is from the athletes and the researcher. Methods of collecting data that the researcher uses are test and observation. The researcher uses SPSS to test the data. Method of data analysis that the researcher chooses is descriptive quantitative. The study used 5 variables, namely variable x with leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle coordination and variable Y with side kick speed / T. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be explained that (1) leg muscle power has a significant relationship to the side kick speed / right T indicated by the sig value. 0.008 <0.05 with a contribution value of 50.5% for the right leg and a sig. 0.004 <0.05 with a contribution value of 4.1% for the left leg and a relationship between leg muscle power and the left side kick speed / T indicated by the sig value. 0.003 <0.05 with a contribution value of 2.7% for the right leg and a sig value. 0.000 <0.05, the contribution value is 66.7% for the left leg (2) the strength of the abdominal muscles is indicated by the value of sig. 0.012 and 0.047 <0.05 with a contribution value of 2% and 2.1% (3) body flexibility has no significant relationship as indicated by the sig value. 0.541 and 0.073> 0.005 (4) eye-foot coordination does not have a significant relationship as indicated by the sig value. 0.374 and0.472> 0.05. From the value of the contribution above, the contribution value is the leg muscle power compared to the abdominal muscle strength from the total value of the contribution, namely 55.6% for the side kick speed / T right and 71,1% for the contibution value for the side kick speed / T left. Based on the data above, it can be concluded from this study that there is a relationship between leg muscle power and abdominal muscle strength to side kick speed / T in the Kembang Setaman Wonosobo martial arts college in 2020 and there is no relationship between body flexibility and ankle coordination on side kick speed / T in Setaman Wonosobo Kembang Silat College 2020.

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