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JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 6 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.968 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i6.3135


Abstrak: Permainan futsal memiliki nilai dan kesempatan untuk menjadi sukses dengan adanya peraturan utama dari futsal karena dapat menganalisis permainan untuk mengatur jenis gaya permainan futsal. Rendahnya pengetahuan pemain tentang peraturan permainan futsal, hal ini karena fokus pemain hanya pada penguasaan teknik permainan futsal.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peraturan permainan futsal pada pemain futsal Surakarta. Peserta kegiatan berjumlah 160 pemain futsal Surakarta. Metode pengabdian dilakukan dengan edukasi menggunakan karikatur. Hasil observasi ditemukan terjadinya pelanggaran pada beberapa peraturan permainan futsal seperti pelanggaran tendangan bebas langsung, pelanggaran tendangan bebas tidak langsung, pelanggaran mengakibatkan kartu kuning dan merah, penalty titik pertama, tendangan ke dalam, dan tendangan sudut serta tingkat pengetahuan pemain rata-rata skor 20.03 ± 1.85 dengan rata-rata menjawab 20 jawaban benar. Hasil edukasi berbasis karikatur menunjukan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pemain futsal meningkat yang sebelumnya rata-rata skor 20.03 ± 1.85 menjadi 39.34 ± 6.19 dengan rata-rata menjawab 37 jawaban benar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa edukasi berbasis karikatur merupakan upaya edukasi yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan peraturan permainan futsal usia remaja. Abstract: The futsal game has value and opportunity to successful with the main rules of futsal because it can analyze the game to regulate the types of futsal playing styles. The low knowledge of players about the futsal game rules, this is because the player’s focus is only on mastering futsal game techniques. The purpose of activities devotion is to increase knowledge rules of the game futsal in futsal players Surakarta. The participants were 160 futsal players in Surakarta. Method devotion done by education use caricature. The observations results found that there were violations in several futsal game rules such as direct free kick violations, indirect free kick violations, violations resulting in yellow and red cards, first point penalties, inward kicks and corner kicks as well as the average level of player knowledge score of 20.03 ± 1.85 with an average of 20 correct answers. The results of caricature-based education show that the level of knowledge of futsal players has increased from the previous average score of 20.03 ± 1.85 to 39.34 ± 6.19 with an average of 37 correct answers. This shows that caricature-based education is an effective educational effort in increasing knowledge of the rules of the teenage futsal game.
PHEDHERAL Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v15i1.50573


The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes of basic locomotor movements of walking and running through the medium of learning in class V SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang 2017/2018.This research is a classroom action research. This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. Subjects in this Class Action Research is a fifth grade students SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang totaling 7 students consisted of five boys and two student daughters. Sources of data in this study come from students, researchers and teachers who act as collaborators.Data collection technique used tests and observation. The validity of the data using the technique of triangulation data. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive technique that is based on a qualitative analysis of the percentage.  Results of research on pre-cycle only two students who completed (28.57%) and 5 students are not completed (71.42%). In the first cycle of learning basic movements locomotor result students who have completed as many as four students (56.67%) and 3 students are not completed (42.85%). With the acquisition of affective (57.14%), psychomotor (57.14%) and cognitive (71.42%). In the second cycle was obtained in student learning outcomes that have been completed by 6 students (85.71%) and 1 student is not completed (14.28%). With the acquisition of affective (85.71%), psychomotor (80%) and cognitive (76.67%) Based on the analysis of the first cycle and the second cycle showed an increase in the targeted achievement.  Based on the results obtained the conclusion that: The use of the application of instructional media can improve learning outcomes basic motion forehand push in table tennis in Class V SDLB Erha Pabelan Semarang academic year 2017/2018. 
Profile of Taekwondo Achievement of Dojang Great Pioneer of the Dragon (GPD) Salatiga Senky Aji Saputri; Rony Syaifullah; Pomo Warih Adi
PHEDHERAL Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v16i2.51208


This study aims to discover: (1) the training of taekwondo at dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga in the year of 2015-2019. (2) The training program at dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga in the year of 2015-2019. (3) The condition of facilities and infrastructures in supporting the achievement development of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga in 2015 – 2019. (4) The development of taekwondo achievement of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragoon (GPD) Salatiga in 2015 – 2019. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collecting method in this study is obtained through interview, observation, and document archive. The interview is conducted with the administrator and the coach. The observation is conducted directly regarding the condition of facilities and infrastructures owned by dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) in the year of 2015-2019. The collecting data is obtained from the document archive related with the sport achievement development of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon in 2015-2019. The sample collecting technique selected is by purposive and snowball sample. To find the validity of the data, it uses triangulation technique. The analysis technique used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data obtained will be compiled and analyzed based on the variables analyzed so that obtained the overview of the taekwondo achievement development of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga in the year of 2015-2019. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that: (1) the training of taekwondo at dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga year 2015-2019 has the criteria of moderate. (2) The training program at dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga year 2015-2019 has the moderate criteria. (3) Dojang Great Pioneer of The dragon (GPD) Salatiga year 2015-20119 has inadequate facilities and infrastructures. (4) The achievements of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga in 2015-2019 are not always similar in every competition. However, the overall achievements of dojang Great Pioneer of The Dragon (GPD) Salatiga have experienced a great development.Profile of Taekwondo Achievement of Dojang Great Pioneer of the Dragon (GPD) Salatiga
Relationship between leg muscle power, stomach muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle’s coordination on side kick’s speed in Perguruan Pencak Silat Kembang Setaman Wonosobo year 2020 Nur Hidayati; Rony Syaifullah; Singgih Hendarto
PHEDHERAL Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v17i1.51442


The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between leg mucle power, stomach muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle’s coordination on side kick’s speed in perguruan pencak silat kembang setaman wonosobo year 2020. This study is a corelation researcher, it needs one meeting to collect the data. The subject of this research is 14 athletes of Kembang Setaman Wonosobo. Source of data of this research is from the athletes and the researcher. Methods of collecting data that the researcher uses are test and observation. The researcher uses SPSS to test the data. Method of data analysis that the researcher chooses is descriptive quantitative. The study used 5 variables, namely variable x with leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, body flexibility and ankle coordination and variable Y with side kick speed / T. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be explained that (1) leg muscle power has a significant relationship to the side kick speed / right T indicated by the sig value. 0.008 <0.05 with a contribution value of 50.5% for the right leg and a sig. 0.004 <0.05 with a contribution value of 4.1% for the left leg and a relationship between leg muscle power and the left side kick speed / T indicated by the sig value. 0.003 <0.05 with a contribution value of 2.7% for the right leg and a sig value. 0.000 <0.05, the contribution value is 66.7% for the left leg (2) the strength of the abdominal muscles is indicated by the value of sig. 0.012 and 0.047 <0.05 with a contribution value of 2% and 2.1% (3) body flexibility has no significant relationship as indicated by the sig value. 0.541 and 0.073> 0.005 (4) eye-foot coordination does not have a significant relationship as indicated by the sig value. 0.374 and0.472> 0.05. From the value of the contribution above, the contribution value is the leg muscle power compared to the abdominal muscle strength from the total value of the contribution, namely 55.6% for the side kick speed / T right and 71,1% for the contibution value for the side kick speed / T left. Based on the data above, it can be concluded from this study that there is a relationship between leg muscle power and abdominal muscle strength to side kick speed / T in the Kembang Setaman Wonosobo martial arts college in 2020 and there is no relationship between body flexibility and ankle coordination on side kick speed / T in Setaman Wonosobo Kembang Silat College 2020.
PHEDHERAL Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v15i1.50575


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of the tonnis game in fourth grade students in SD Negeri Banyuanyar II Surakarta in academic year 2017/2018.This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Subjects in Classroom Action Research are fourth grade students of SD Negeri Banyuanyar II Surakarta, amounting to 36 students consisting of 21 male students and 15 female students. Sources of data in this study were obtained from students, researchers and teachers as collaborators. Data collection techniques use tests and observations. Data validity using data triangulation technique. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive technique based on qualitative analysis percentage.The results of the research on prasiklus stage are only 12 students who completed with the percentage 33.33% and 24 students not complete with the percentage of 66.67%. First cycle obtained the results of student learning that has been completed as many as 25 students (69.44%) and 11 students are not complete (30.56%). The acquisition of affective averages (72.22%), psychomotor (58.33%) and cognitive (77.78%). Second cycle obtained the results of student learning that has been completed as many as 28 students (77.78%) and 8 students is not complete (22.22%). The acquisition of affective averages (100%), psychomotor (86.11%) and cognitive (77.78%). Based on the analysis results from cycle I and cycle II showed a significant increase and according to achievement targets. Based on the research results obtained the conclusion that: Modification of learning media can improve the learning outcomes of basic motion of the game tonnis on the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Banyuanyar II Surakarta academic year 2017/2018.
BATERAI TES FISIK PEMAIN TENIS MEJA KELOMPOK PEMULA Hanik Liskustyawati; Sapta Kunta Purnama; Sri Santoso Sabarini; Rony Syaifullah
PHEDHERAL Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v16i1.50996


Terbatasnya jumlah pemain kategori pemula sebagai pelapis pemain kategori kadet dan senior perlu segera diatasi dengan menambah kuantitas calon pemain yang potensial dan sesuai dengan keberadaannya. Pemain kategori pemula diperlukan penyiapan sedini mungkin dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keolahragaan. Penyiapan pemain secara tepat masih banyak kendala yang dihadapi utamanya adalah belum tersedianya baterai tes di cabang tenis meja untuk kategori pemula.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan pengukuran fisik pemain tenis meja tingkat pemula. Tes dan pengukuran meliputi: a). Tes antropometrik, yaitu: (1) tinggi badan, (2) rentang lengan, (3) panjang tungkai. b). Tes kemampuan fisik, terdiri: (1) Koordinasi mata tangan, (2) Hand reaction test, (3) Kelentukan: flexcion of thrunk, (5 ) sit and reast, (6) kecepatan lari: 20 m, (7) kelincahan: shuttle run, (8) keseimbangan: stok stand test, power otot tungkai: (9) standing broad jumps, (10) vertical power jumps, (11) power otot lengan: lempar bola medicen, (12) kekuatan: sit-up, (13) daya tahan kardiovaskuler: lari 1200 m. Subyek penelitian: peserta tenis meja kategori pemula (usia 10 – 12 tahun) yang tercatat sebagai pemain pada klub tenis meja di Kota Surakarta dan telah mengikuti latihan di masing-masing klub sekurangnya 2 tahun.Hasil penelitian tes dan pengukuran fisik tenis meja kategori pemula dari sejumlah 15 item tes memiliki rata-rata reliabilitas tes tinggi yaitu 0,87 dan validitas tes 0,89 untuk peserta kategori putra. Sedangkan untuk peserta kategori putri diperoleh rata-rata reliabilita tes 0, 85 dan validitas tes 0,88. Baterai tes fisik pemain tenis meja kelompok pemula untuk putra maupun putri urutan tesnya meliputi: Kecepatan reaksi tangan; Tes lempar tangkap bola tenis; Shuttle run; Kecepatan lari 20 m; Lari 1200 m.
PHEDHERAL Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : PJKR FKOR UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/phduns.v16i1.51459


category which includes Anthropometic, Physiological, Biomotor and Technical. This research refers to the developmental research conveyed by Borg and Gall. From the instrument process, then it trials and applys into a small and a big sample. The result of experiment was made as the base of making Software which can be made as a model in conducting a test of talent identification especially on sport branch of Pencak Silat for age of 12-14. In the Model of this Test, there are 15 series of test consisting of Anthropometric of 4 test forms, Physiological of 3 test forms, Biomotor of 4 test forms and Tehnic 4 test forms. The results from 15 items of the test are then put in the software, a reference in the form of recommendation that the athlete candidate Has Talent of Pencak Silat, Has Enough Talent of Pencak Silat and Has Less Talent of Pencak Silat is obtained.After obtaining the validity and the reliability of the test instrument and obtaining the norm of all test instruments and the weight of each test instrument, a software of talent test of pencak silat named “RS Silat Tallent Test”. It could be concluded that the result of this research was the arrangement of a model of tallent test especially for the sport branch of Pencak Silat for the athletes of the age of 12 up to 14 had been conducted named “RS Silat Tallent Test”.
TRAINING TO IMPROVE THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF INDONESIA BADMINTON ELITE ATHLETES Iwan Hermawan; Fahmy Fachrezzy; Shela Ginanjar; Dena Widyawan; Fachri Husaini; Rony Syaifullah
International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije2.v3i2.119


The purpose of Community Service activities is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, in addition to the Dharma of Education and Teaching and the Dharma of Research. Community Service Research which is an integral part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which is inseparable from the other two dharmas involving the academic community including lecturers, students, education staff and alumni. This study aims to determine the Training for Indonesian Badminton Athletes in the context of Preparation for the 2023 International Championship. This study used a survey method. The samples in this study were Indonesian Badminton Pelatnas Athletes. The data analysis technique used in this study is using descriptive analysis. Research on Physical Condition Training of Indonesian Badminton Athletes so that athletes understand the importance of physical exercise, carry out physical training programs. All those involved in this training must get in-depth briefing in order to be able to carry out the training program appropriately according to the target or goal at the 2023 International Championship and achieve optimal achievements and where at the same time Indonesia can improve achievements in sports, especially Badminton. The target to be achieved is so that athletes can understand the elements of physical condition and how to improve it as one of the efforts to improve. The output to be achieved is that athletes understand about the elements of physical condition and how to improve it, especially badminton for Pelatnas Athletes at PBSI and the publication of scientific papers in national service journals. To achieve this, there are two methods used, the first is to make observations in the field and collaborate with partners. The second stage is to provide training on physical condition for Pelatnas Athletes at PBSI. The third stage evaluates the achievements achieved in the training activity
Menjaga Berat Badan Atlet Pencak Silat Jawa Tengah Menuju PRA PON 2023 Rony Syaifullah; Baskoro Nugroho Putro; Hanik Liskustyawati; Sri Santoso Sabarini; Slamet Riyadi; Agus Mukholid; Djoko Nugroho; Waluyo; Tri Aprilijanto Utomo
INSAN CENDEKIA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INSAN CENDEKIA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46838/ic.v1i1.379


Pengabdian ini bertujuan menjaga berat badan dan pola makan pada 22 atlet pencak silat yang mengikuti pemusatan latihan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendampingan, di mana tim menyediakan bimbingan dan dukungan kepada atlet dalam menjaga pola makan sehat. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa 68% atlet memiliki Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) yang normal, sedangkan 32% atlet masuk dalam kategori obesitas atau berat badan berlebih. Pola makan yang seimbang menjadi faktor penting dalam menjaga berat badan atlet. Pentingnya menjaga pola makan ditanamkan pada atlet selama pemusatan latihan, dengan integrasi metode self-help agar atlet dapat menjaga pola makan secara mandiri ketika tim tidak hadir. Dalam keseluruhan, pendampingan yang dilakukan tim berhasil membantu sebagian besar atlet untuk mencapai berat badan yang sesuai dan siap mengikuti kompetisi. Penting untuk memprioritaskan gaya hidup sehat dan keseimbangan antara latihan, istirahat, dan pola makan untuk mendukung kesehatan dan performa olahraga yang optimal.