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Jurnal ABM Mengabdi
Published by STIE Malangkucecwara
ISSN : 24776432     EISSN : 2721141X     DOI :
1. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering ( Engineering ) 2. Social Sciences ( Social ) 3. Economics, Econometrics & Finance ( Economy ) 4. Education ( Education ) 5. Health Professions ( Health )
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 11 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 (2017): Desember" : 11 Documents clear
Pendampingan Pembuatan Soal Ujian Berbasis Komputer dengan Aplikasi Wondershare Quiz Creator Bagi Guru di SMA Muhammadiyah Wonosari Muhammad Sholeh; Untung Joko Basuki
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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The application of computer-based national examinations (UNBK) in schools must be balanced with the readiness of teachers in the learning process (PBM) in the classroom. In the process of doing test exercises, students must be familiarized in working on computer-based questions. In order for the process of doing the practice exam questions already using the computer, the teachers must first get used to preparing or making computer-based problems. One of the software that can be used in making computer-based problem is wonder share quiz creator. This app is devoted to making computer-based questions. In the process of making the question, the teacher can use the various features available in this application, such as randomisation of questions, responses or feedback from student answers and other features. Efforts to prepare teachers to get used to making computer-based test questions conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah Wonosari Gunung Kidul. In this assistance is given starting from the training process how to use quiz creator application, problem maker and distribution process of the question to the students.
Penerapan Teknologi Ternak Lele di Desa Patapan Kecamatan Torjun Kabupaten Sampang Madura Wiwin Retnowati; M. Gandul Atik Yuliani; Bambang Sumaryono
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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The purpose of KKN PPM (Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Student Community Service Community Empowerment Learning) program is to overcome the problems encountered in the village of Patapan, which was the low income of the residents. The solution to solve the problem is to empower the villagers through the program of utilizing yard land with appropriate technology through training and assistance of catfish farming. The implementation of KKN PPM activities in Patapan Village, Subdistrict Torjun, Disctrict Sampang, Madura was succesful. The enthusiasm of the people of Patapan Tengah and Jergut sub-villages in participating in this activity was quite high. The outcome seen in the community after counseling and mentoring on knowledge, understanding and skills of appropriate technology of catfish farming was the formation of 6 groups of catfish farmers in sub- village Patapan Tengah and 1 group of catfish farmers in sub-village Jergut.
PKW Jambu Gondangmanis Produk Unggulan Kab. Jombang Eny Dyah Yuniwati, Indah Prihartini dan Dewi Tri Wulandari Eny Dyah Yuniwati; Indah Prihartini; Dewi Tri Wulandari
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Jombang regency has superior product of Jambu gondangmanis, namely guava, planted in Gondangmanis Village, Kec. Bandar Kedungmulyo. The original name is guava Darsono (Javanese languange) and the latin (Syzygium malaccense). The cashew is currently extinct, but in Gondangmanis Village, the guava can grow well and the production of many, is a staple in the village. Guava has potential, among others, economic value is quite high In the management of this cashew production continues to decline due to decreased soil fertility and lack of maintenance. In addition, the absence of post-product products if cashew, which can be added value. This added value to raise the area of ​​Gondangmanis Village became one of the leading locations of Jambu Gondangmanis products that exist only in the village of Gondangmanis Kedungkandang district, Jombang. The goal to be achieved is to create the superiority of local guava gondang manis especially Gondangmanis Hamlet and Gondanglegi Hamlet in line with the local government program of Jombang which will feature local seeds of the region. The method used is to apply a technology that is implemented in a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable. The outcomes that have been achieved are social mapping of cashew gondangmanis farmers, training of Land Husbandry technology (especially organic fertilizer processing, pest plant eradication) and diversification training of post-cashew products into additional guava gondangmanis products (instant drinks, jams, candied sweets, and jelly ). Diversification training of superior product of jambu gondang manis and the result is very satisfactory, Jambunya farmers are very excited to make the training as a means for the development of village products.
Optimalisasi Teknologi Tepat Guna pada Budidaya Tanaman Bawang Merah dan Manajemen Usaha Bawang Goreng di Desa Mrangon Lawang dan Watuwungkuk, Kecamatan Dringu, Kabupaten Probolinggo, Jawa Timur Elsye Tandelilin; Johny Rusdiyanto; Muhammad Aan Auliq
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Community Service Activities is done by providing appropriate technology and business management to the community in Probolinggot. Activities focus on efforts to improve both quantitative and qualitative yields on shallot crops with the target group of onion farmers and improvement in business management with target groups woman entrepreneurs in the district of Dringu, Probolinggo. Implementation of activities for onion cultivation is done by giving appropriate technology onion plants with the improvement of fertilizer composition and maintenance during the planting period. As for business management activities are treated by providing training and guidance of brand making and packaging directly to the moms of fried onion entrepreneurs as well as the provision of tools such as spinner aids and the real activity of dedication to the community is apparently with appropriate technology given can increase the yield about 30 - 40%. The woman entrepreneurs fried onions agree using certain brand names and packaging improvements are increasingly diverse. In its implementation found many obstacles, especially in changing the mindset of the target group and the difficulty of making agreements in the group. Finally formed a group of mothers fried onion entrepreneurs berdaqsarkan agreement together. Generally, positive results such as improved crops and fried onion marketing can be offered at higher prices because the fried onion products are more crunchy and can be sold at relatively high prices, so the value of profit is seen to increase. It is expected that the results of this activity will be a reference for onion farmer groups and mothers of fried onion entrepreneurs to be able to increase productivity and bring the good name of subdistrict Watuwungkuk in the future.
IbM Industri Kreatif (Sandal dan Sepatu Lucu) Nevi Danila; Ali Lating
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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The development of creative industry which is a product of sandals and cute shoes is one of the efforts that has been declared by the government. People with their various ideas and creativity strive to get this business opportunity because the results can promise for the improvement of society. The partner industry in this creative is Mrs. May (mitra1) and Ibu Indayanik (partner 2). The first growing problem is: (1) Unfulfilled consumer demand for the resulting product, this is due to the use of tools used for sewing edges is still limited and requires a tent for the exhibition. The growing problem is its impact in the use of juki machines and embroidery machines. The solutions offered are: (a) for production aspect to the first partner will be provided: (1) sewing machine, so it can be utilized optimally; (2) Spon scissors to cut the mall that has been drawn with variation so that more neatly and its use more) Tents are used for activities at the time of the exhibition. While for the second partner (1) will be provided additional juki machine to facilitate the production process, (2) Sewing machine to sew from cute shoes and tents for the exhibition; (3) Tents are used for exhibition (b) for management aspect, both partners will be given: (1) Training in recording of simple financial report for SME. This activity is done so that the two partners can find out what the results are needed or what costs should be incurred, so later can be used for decision making. (2) Training on internet marketing and (3) internet marketing module development and financial report module for SMEs. The outcomes to be generated are (1) reports on the results of activities, which are the outputs that must be made by the implementing team as a form of grant responsibility and (2) scientific articles to be published in national journals and printed publications
Peningkatan Pendapatan Pedagang Siomay Widanarni Pudjiastuti; Evi Maria
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Siomay is one of alternative food besides rice, snacks / distractions such as rujak, batagor which is now an alternative that is a trend and popular community, especially young people. Partners of this IbM program are the father of Suparwan and Sudarsono. The problem was from the aspect of production is the availability of raw materials influenced by weather factors and equipment to process raw materials that have not been adequate. While from the aspect of managerial capability is the labor that is only done alone and the ability to process and perform financial records. The solution given to partners for production aspects is the provision of equipment to store the main raw materials, especially fish (frezeer) so that the main raw materials are always available and not depending on the weather, milling and mixing of raw materials. It is also proposed to add manpower that serves to assist the production process and to open a new place of business. For the managerial aspect that is given training on the layout of the place of production, entrepreneurship and marketing and recording of simple financial statements. It is expected that with this IbM program, the two partners can increase sales turnover, bringing the impact of the growing siomy traders that become partners can create new jobs, so they can compete with similar business.
Implementasi Manajemen Produksi Usaha Kecil Makanan Jemblem Totok Hendarto
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Nowadays, processed foods are becoming highly demanded product. Singkong (Cassava) is a farming's most-planted commodity and a good source of carbohidrat after rice. In the paper, method used for this community service is assistance and enhancement method in term of production process in relation to effective used of facilities and infratructures. Production management implementation which start from resources selection, peeling, washing, cooking, smoothing, formatting, frying, and presenting turned out to improve the taste, appeareance, availability and overall customer satisfaction. Also, better usage of tools made production process become more effective and efficient. Lastly, result of this community service program has shown that the assistance program was able to increase 33% and 30% of total production and profit respectively.
Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP) Sebagai Perencanaan Keuangan Jangka Panjang bagi Karyawan Bank Central Asia - Malang T. Renald Suganda; Dian Wijayanti; Uki Yonda Asepta
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP) is a program that allows employee participation to own company or parent company shares where they work. One of the companies that implement ESOP is Bank Central Asia (BCA) which has 25,023 employees as a whole. Employees who get ownership of these shares need to be equipped with how to manage them considering that the stock is a capital market product intended for long-term investment. Assistance for BCA employees is implemented with the aim of improving the understanding of bank employees on capital market instruments, especially stocks. This activity was held in BCA Kanwil VII Malang, attended by 53 participants. The workshop and public education methods were carried out through several meetings with the subjects presented are Aspects of Going Concern, Introduction to Capital Market and Access to Market Data, Analysis of Capital Market Instruments, and Stock Trading Mechanism in Indonesia through D'ONE Trade Pro software. This devotion program is implemented by involving three parties namely the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Universitas Ma Chung, and PT Danareksa Sekuritas as one of the IDX listed members. The results of this program are among others increased employee understanding of investment in the capital market as long-term financial planning and employees become investors who are proactive and sophisticated in making decisions.
Peningkatan Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di RW 3 Kelurahan Madyopuro Kecamatan Kedungkandang Kota Malang Andia Kusuma Damayanti; Lies Purnamasari; Azis Abdullah
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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RW 3 community Madyopuro Village District of Kedungkandang totaled 18 918 people, made up of 7 RT with 524 heads of household and 81 houses declared still unhealthy. This area is still relatively poor with income families are still minimal. Habits are currently common as taking out the trash arbitrarily, bathing and washing clothes in the river, some people do not have toilets, so must the river , wash your hands in the river and do not use soap, still a lot of people smoking in the house, ventilation no / do not meet the standards of home healthy with free incoming air circulation so that the humidity can be maintained, the tiles are still on the ground , the lack of adequate lighting, home some still klenengan (½ walls, roofs of zinc). Efek happens some people often experience physical disorders such as: pressure high blood pressure, lung, ached, DB, infectious disease. To create a society that is healthy, they invited committed to healthy living through a clean and healthy lifestyle. Through the training program using LEARNING system of, by and with the community in accordance with the local culture and supported by sound public policy that health can also be done while the behavior modification techniques for ventilation and light can be overcome with minimum standards improvement program that is making a healthy home ventilation and lighting the way: the creation of a natural ventilation by means of which the sun.
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Berbasis Teknologi Informasi bagi Petugas Perpustakaan SD Negeri Menuju Pembentukan Karakter Gemar Baca Pebelajar di Kota Malang Titik Purwati; Harun Ahmad
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Research results, in some primary school (elementary school) in Malang found conditions in the handling of corporate governance of the library is still not running properly. Because the officers library in SD in Malang/it isnot education background-capable of managing libraries, on average they still haven't been training the management library especially technology-based information. The way out is a need to provide training as needed. So training can meet his needs, then conducted the activities of pre test and post test training to participants and the now responsi given to the principal officer and library. Outline of training methods based on need by way of grant of lectures, assignments and practice directly. The results of the training activities, understanding of the theory and management of the library be increased. Mastery of the officer in managing books become proficient, school party responsi very nice and understanding of program implementation application management library. The officers have felt their effectiveness in dealing with library services.

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