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J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan)
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J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan or Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering) was established in 2016 and managed by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University). The journal aims at disseminating original and quality academic papers that deemed potential to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the field of civil and environmental engineering to support sustainable developments. The journal covers any scopes within civil and environmental engineering, such as structure, irrigation, drainage, water quality, water construction, hydrology, water management, groundwater conservation, soil mechanics, foundation, soil improvement, slope stability, liquefaction, and soil modeling, road engineering, transportation management, construction management, environmental atmosphere and climate change environment (control of greenhouse gases, air quality models, climate change locally and globally), renewable energy and waste management (recovery of energy from waste, incineration, landfills, and green energy, biotechnology environment (nano-bio sensors, bioenergy, environmental eco-engineering), technology, physical, biological, and chemical (membrane technology, the process of advanced oxidation technology Physico-chemical, biological treatment of water), engineering environmental control (desalination, ICA (instruments, control , and automation), and water reuse technologies) and Applied Geomatics. The journal receives original papers from various contributors, such as academicians, scientists, researchers, practitioners, and students from all over the world.
Articles 115 Documents
Evaluasi Kinerja Unit Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Bojongsoang Bandung Muhammad Ihsan Firdaus; Satyanto Krido Saptomo; Joana Febrita
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 1: April 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.757 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.3.1.35-48


Abstrak: Pengolahan air limbah diperlukan agar kualitas air limbah sesuai dengan baku mutu dan tidak membahayakan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kualitas air limbah berdasarkan parameter BOD, COD, TSS, dan pH di influen serta efluen masing-masing unit instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL), membandingkan efisiensi penurunan konsentrasi pencemar dengan literatur, dan membandingkan kualitas air limbah di outlet dengan baku mutu. Penelitian menggunakan sampel yang diambil di IPAL Bojongsoang Bandung dan pengujian dilakukan di Laboratorium PDAM Kota Bandung. Efisiensi pengurangan pencemar terbesar pada unit set A yaitu untuk parameter TSS 66,67%, BOD 87,55%, dan COD 81,28%. Pada unit set B efisiensi pengurangan pencemar terbesar adalah parameter TSS sebesar 55,88%, BOD 73,91%, dan COD 73,05%. Unit pengolahan di set A telah memenuhi syarat untuk parameter BOD dan COD untuk oxidation ditch (80-90%). Konsentrasi di outlet pada unit set A untuk TSS 50 mg/l, BOD 27 mg/l, COD 67 mg/l, dan pH 6,5, sedangkan di unit set B untuk TSS 75 mg/l, BOD 21 mg/l, COD 45 mg/l, dan pH 6,5. Dibandingkan dengan baku mutu yang berlaku nilai parameter COD dan pH telah memenuhi standar.Kata kunci: BOD, COD, evaluasi kinerja, IPAL, pH, TSS
Analisis Kinerja Simpang Tak Bersinyal Jalan Raya Dramaga-Bubulak Bogor, Jawa Barat Novi Listiana; Tri Sudibyo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.354 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.1.69-78


The potential of traffic problems at non-signal intersection relatively higher and more complex than signalized intersection. Intersection of Dramaga-Bubulak street has no signal and is one of the intersection with high level mobility. The research objectives were to analysis the performance of actual conditions and alternatives strategies to improve intersection performance as well as to know the influence of one way traffic system on intersection performance. The results showed that the volume of traffic passing the intersection were 3816 passenger car unit (pcu)/hour at peak hour with degree of saturation (DS) of 0.85 and delay on the intersection was 14.41 sec/pcu so the intersection service level was B. The service level of intersection was good, so the research analyzed three alternatives strategies to decrease DS value. Performance analysis of traffic showed that alternatives I was the best model alternative condition, because application of one way traffic system on outer ring Bubulak would decreased the service level of Dramaga-Bubulak street.Key words: intersection, non-signal, street
Analisis sensitivitas emisi gas metana (CH4) pada sawah dengan metode korelasi rank spearman Khairul Azmi; Chusnul Arif
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 2: Agustus 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.492 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.3.2.97-110


Global warming occurs due to increased concentrations of GHGs in Earth's atmosphere. CH4 gas is one of the GHG which potentially 21 times greater to result global warming than CO2. Emissions of CH4 in rice fields affected by irrigation pattern and micro environmental factors. This research aimed to identify the relationship of micro-environmental factors to CH4 emissions and analyse its sensitivity level. The sensitivity analysis of CH4 gas in this study was done by rank Spearman’s correlation method. The results showed that the irrigation pattern was positively correlated with CH4 emissions. Total flux of CH4 for the stagnant regime was 26.00 ± 3.41 x 103 mg/m2/season, wet regime was 15.33 ± 4.37 x 103 mg/m2/season, and dry regime was 11.80 ± 6.72 x 103 mg/m2/season. The micro-environment parameters that was soil pH, soil moisture, soil electrical conductivity, and water level are positively correlated with flux of CH4, meanwhile soil temperature and soil redox potential are negatively correlated with flux of CH4. Based on the analysis, the most sensitive micro-environmental parameters for CH4 gas emissions are soil moisture, with an average rs value is 0.51 and an average R2 is 0.28. Keywords: GHG, methane, sensitivity analysis, Spearman’s correlation, SRI
Rancangan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Limpasan di Kampung Babakan, Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor Lussiany Bahunta; Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.926 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.1.37-48


Land use change due to housing construction can indirectly damage the water catchment area. This resulted in a decrease in the area of rainwater absorption that caused rain water collected on existing drainage channels. This study aims to analyse the number and dimensions of infiltration wells in reducing the volume of inundation and determine the value of effectiveness reduction of runoff. The infiltration wells was used to collect rainwater and absorb it into the soil. Based on the calculation in Babakan Village area of 2.42 ha, with runoff coefficient of 0.4 for village character, and design rainfall of 97.36 mm/day, the estimated flood volume based on SNI 03-2453-2002 was 805790.30 liter or 805.79 m3. Based on the calculation, Babakan Village needed 115 infiltration wells and 76 trenches. With the infiltration wells and trenches, the total flood volume can be reduced 620.62 m3 or 77.02% of the total runoff.Keywords: design rainfall, infiltration wells, runoff, trenches 
Eksplorasi Airtanah dengan Metode Tahanan Jenis Menggunakan IPI2Win di Kecamatan Dramaga Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat Ade Ananta Prakusya; Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 2: Agustus 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1040.177 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.2.101-114


Fresh water is basic needs for human being. The safest for human consumed is groundwater. Groundwater demand will always increase in accordance with the development of an area. The purposes of this research were to identify the depth of aquifer, to know the effectivity of IPI2Win software, and to analyze potential of groundwater reserves in Dramaga District. Groundwater exploration was conducted using geoelectrical methods. This research had done in Dramaga District since January until June 2018. Data were processed using IPI2Win. Based on 9 points measurement at Dramaga District, the soil layer contained a lot of water. IPI2Win was effective to identify aquifers. Based on GL 1, GL 2, GL 5, and GL 6 measurement points which close to the residence area, the aquifer depth was identified less than 6 m with an error value of <15%. Potential of groundwater reserves for unconfined aquifers was 1048.45 m3/day or 12.13 l/s..Keywords: aquifer, geoelectrical method, groundwater, IPI2Win, resistivity
Analisis Kapasitas Saluran Drainase Menggunakan Program SWMM 5.1 di Perumahan Tasmania Bogor, Jawa Barat Luthfi Kartiko; Roh Santoso Budi Waspodo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 3: Desember 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (789.426 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.3.3.133-148


The intensity and duration of rainfall will affect the amount of runoff. A proper drainage design is needed so that runoff from maximum rainfall would not cause a problem such as excess water or flood. The purpose of this research were to analyze the runoff volume in Tasmania Regency, Bogor and get drainage network design in accordance with the runoff that occured. Analysis was carried out using SWMM 5.1 software with designed rainfall was calculated using the Log-Person III method of 147.2 mm. Peak discharge runoff from simulation results were 0.01 - 0.08 m3/s. Based on the simulation there were 20 channels overflowed during maximum runoff and 6 channels were high potentially overflowed so that repairs were also needed. The factors that influenced were the amount of runoff, channels capacity were lower than runoff volume, and the low infiltration value of subcatchment so that only a little water could be infiltrated and the rest of rainfall became runoff.Keywords: drainage channel, rainfall, runoff, SWMM 5.1
Analisis Tingkat Risiko Paparan NOx Terhadap Pekerja Di Gardu Tol Akibat Volume Kendaraan di Pintu Tol Jagorawi, Bogor Astri Salatin; Chusnul Arif; Namira Dita Rachmawati
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.746 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.1.49-58


Bogor as tourist destination at weekend bear quite high vehicles volume. The purpose of this research was to analyze corelation between vehicles volume at highways gate and NOx exposure from the vehicles. By knowing the average concentration of NOx exposure level pollution risk to the health of highway gate worker could be analyzed. This research using Griess Saltzman method referring to SNI 19-7119.2-2005 using some equipment like impinger. The result showed that type of vehicle that produced the highest amount of NOx pollutant was vehicles with diesel engine, and the gate with highest NOx concentration was gate 08 with NOx concentration value 40.008 µg/m3 at 09.00-10.00. Risk quotient (RQ) to the workers with weighed 65-90 kg and had been working for 25 years was 0.041950 and it was RQ < 1. It meaned that the average pollution caused by NO2 at the highways gate does not affect workers and workers does not cause any health risk because RQ < 1. For the next research, it would be recommended to conduct on O3 and NO3, because those compounds are easily reacted with NOx in the air.
Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Untuk Optimasi Pengelolaan Air Lahan Padi Sawah Rendah Emisi Gas Metana (CH4) Yulvin Marhamah Putri; Chusnul Arif
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 3: Desember 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (637.445 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.3.3.149-160


Conventional paddy field with continuous flooding irrigation produces a lot of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, especially methane gas (CH4). Effective water management is important to reduce methane gas emissions from paddy fields. This study aimed to determine optimum water level and soil moisture in each plant growth stage by genetic algorithms (GA) with system of rice intensification (SRI) practices. Research was conducted with three irrigation regimes i.e, continuous flooding regime (FR), moderate regime (MR), and dry regime (DR). Observation data were used to simulate the optimum water level and soil moisture. Based on the optimum water level scenario of the GA model, methane gas emissions could reduce 63.54% and optimum soil moisture can reduce methane gas emission up to 58.12%.Keywords: genetic algorithms, greenhouse gases, soil moisture, SRI, water level
Pengembangan Model Denitrification Decomposition (DNDC) Untuk Pendugaan Emisi Gas Metana (CH4) Dari Lahan Padi Sawah Fitriani Nurhayatin Nisha; Chusnul Arif
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.778 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.1.1-12


Cultivated paddy fields that applied in Indonesia currently produces high emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), particularly methane gas (CH4). This research aimed to analyze CH4 gas emission in various water management, and to develop DNDC model in predicting CH4 gas emission. This research was conducted from January to May 2018, located at field laboratory of Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The research was conducted by three water regimes i.e., continuously flooded (RT) for conventional rice farming, wet regime (RB), and dry regime (RK) for system of rice intensification (SRI). The highest total methane (CH4) flux was 48.74 kg/ha on RT, on RB was 3.59 kg/ha and on RK -5.40 kg/ha. DNDC model needed data inputs of climate, soil physics, vegetation and anthropogenic activities. The result of the DNDC model showed that the highest total CH4 flux was 44.44 kg/ha on RT, on RB was 17.88 kg/ha and on RK was 0.02 kg/ha. The result, of total actual of CH4 gas flux was compared with DNDC model and got the coefficient of determination (R2) values 0.93, so the model could be used to predict total CH4 gas emission.Keywords: DNDC, methane gas, paddy field, water regime.
Analisis Kualitas Air pada Jalur Distribusi Air Bersih di Gedung Baru Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen Institut Pertanian Bogor Millah Hudiyah Daeng Barang; Satyanto Krido Saptomo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1: April 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.666 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.1.13-24


One of the causes of the decreasing of water quality was the increasing of inappropriate human activities that caused water pollution. Cihideung River was being made as water resource in the campus area which the water have been used for a lot of activities in IPB Dramaga Campus. The purpose of this research were to analyze the clean water quality from the ground water tank (GWT) in Cihideung to the new buildings of the FEM, to compare the result with a national quality standard, to determine the criteria of clean water quality based on STORET method, and to analyze the influence of time and weather to the water quality. The parameters which had concentration below the standard were TDS, turbidity, temperature, iron, fluoride, chloride, manganese, and sulfate, and biological parameters like the total coliform/E.coli. The parameters which exceeded the standard were the value of color of 60 TCU in Cihideung GWT at rainy afternoon and pH of 6.38 in wing 1 sanitary at rainy morning. According to the US-EPA system, the water quality of distribution channels of FEM new building were classified into grade B, that meant light contaminated.Key words: distribution channels, quality standard, water pollution, water quality

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