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Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Kalimantan Barat
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Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies)
ISSN : 26864460     EISSN : 26865580     DOI : 10.27567
Core Subject : Economy, Education,
Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara, merupakan jurnal yang mengangkat tema-tema tentang berbagai isu yang menyangkut umat Islam di dunia internasional. Baik secara sosial, budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi, maupun politik. Jurnal yang terbit enam bulan sekali ini di kelola oleh Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Kalimantan Barat. FOKUS DAN RUANG LINGKUP Journal of Cross Border Islamic Studies adalah jurnal peer-review dan open-access terkemuka, yang menerbitkan karya ilmiah, dan mengkhususkan diri dalam Pendidikan Islam dan Ekonomi Islam, mengkonsolidasikan kegiatan penelitian fundamental dan terapan dengan cakupan yang sangat luas. dan memiliki dampak yang signifikan dan kontribusi nyata bagi masyarakat luas, dunia praktis dan akademisi. Ini termasuk studi dan tinjauan yang dilakukan oleh tim multidisiplin dan penelitian yang mengevaluasi atau melaporkan hasil atau implementasi tim atau proses ilmiah secara umum. Jurnal ini berusaha untuk menarik audiens interdisipliner dan penulis yang berfokus pada penelitian dunia nyata. Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam Pendidik dan Siswa Pendidikan Agama Islam Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kurikulum Politik Pendidikan Agama Islam Filsafat Pendidikan Agama Islam Sejarah Pendidikan Agama Islam Budaya Lokal dalam Pendidikan Islam Materi Ekonomi Syariah Ekonomi Syariah Transnasional Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah di daerah perbatasan negara Ekonomi syariah dalam dan luar negeri Tujuan utama Journal of Cross Border Islamic Studies adalah untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah di bidang pendidikan agama Islam. Penelitian yang dipublikasikan dapat mengambil model teoretis atau spekulatif serta statistik dan matematika untuk mempromosikan pemikiran interdisipliner dan untuk menyediakan platform bagi para sarjana untuk bertukar pengetahuan dari berbagai perspektif dan lokasi. Kontribusi diterima dari semua bidang dengan komentar yang relevan dan berwawasan tentang pendidikan Islam dan ekonomi Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
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MAKHLUK GHOIB DALAM PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Eqviesta Runtun Pamungkas Eqviesta Runtun Pamungkas
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.946


Artikel ini membahas tentang mahluk ghoib dalam prespektif Pendidikan Islam. Islam adalah agama yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW untuk umat di muka bumi agar hidup bahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Di dalam Islam terhadap ilmu tauhid yang menjelaskan bahwa menganggap sesuatu itu esa atau tunggal. Di dalam Islam Allah adalah satu-satunya tuhan semesta alam. Semua makhluk ciptaan Allah dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua jenis, yakni makhluk halus (yang tak kasatmata) dan juga makhluk nyata (yang nampak terlihat oleh panca indra). Pemisla dua mahluk ini yaitu dapat di deteksi oleh pancaindera dan tidak dapat dideteksi pancaindera. Untuk mahluk hidup yang bisa dideteksi oleh pancaindera disebut as-syahadah. Sedangkan yang tidak bisa dideteksi disebut al-ghaib. Kita akan membahas mahluk hidup al-ghaib yang bersifat mutlak yaitu Malaikat. Mahluk ini tidak bisa dijangkau oleh manusia dalam keadaan utuh. Malaikat bisa dilihat manusia jika dalam bentuk wujud lain. Di dalam Al – quran mahluk ghaib dari bangsa Malaikat dan Jin sudah ada jauh sebelum manusia diciptakan. Keberadaan makhluk ghoib memang benar adanya. Terutama sebagai umat Islam wajib percaya dengan adanya mahluk ghaib ciptaan Allah
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.983


This article examines the internalization of Islamic values ​​based on national insight into the education system. While the discussion includes; the application of Islamic values ​​based on national insight and urgency in the education system with the aim that Muslims are always enthusiastic in maintaining Islamic and national values ​​so that they are not easily influenced by various understandings that can threaten the diversity of life in the Pancasila state. Then, the preparation of this article uses a literature study through qualitative descriptive analysis because the information presented is in a descriptive form with an explanation in the form of a statement through an inductive nature. Furthermore, the results of this article state that the application of Islamic values ​​based on national insight can be carried out through the order of personal, family, social, economic, political and national life. Meanwhile, the urgency of its application in the education system aims to remind all elements of the Indonesian nation, including Muslims in particular, that the national education system must adhere to divine values, just and civilized humanity, unity, deliberation and justice, which are essentially in line with various values ​​in Islamic teachings.
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.984


This paper was written to want to know what the role and function of the curriculum in multicultural Islamic education will look like. From this paper, it is hoped that it will be able to become a basis for the author to carry out further writing activities. In this paper, the authors formulate: how the role of the curriculum, how the curriculum functions, and how the curriculum is in multicultural Islamic religious education learning. The result is that the role of the curriculum includes: the role of conservative, critical and evaluative, and creative. While the functions of the curriculum include: the function of achieving educational goals, the function of the curriculum for school leaders, the function for education levels, the function for teachers, the function for supervisors, the function for the community, the function for parents, the function for graduate users, the educational function for students. If you pay attention to the function of the curriculum as a process, what needs to be considered is related to the multicultural Islamic religious education curriculum, namely; (1) Status of students (2) Learning styles and student culture, (3) Cultural environment and student personality (4) Student culture and learning resources. In a multicultural context, the function of the curriculum must be related to tolerance, cultural, ethnic, and religious differences.
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1011


The purpose of this study is that early childhood already has Green Behavior characters by learning ecoliteracy through assignment methods, audiovisuals, habituation, and direct practice. Giving daily examples at school and home in the community. The research method used is a qualitative survey analysis method. Researchers distributed survey questionnaires to respondents to obtain data relevant to the research. Survey analysis collects data based on several research instruments distributed to certain parties who are the sources of research. The source of this research is the main source consisting of teachers, while the second source is the reference or relevant literature studies. Data obtained from the distribution of questionnaires are collected and then displayed in data displays to be then processed based on the right theory to obtain the right conclusions., a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral data from people and behaviors that can be observed as the object of research, deepening by observing, reviewing documents and interviews. The research results are 1) Children are taught to love animals that are beneficial and not harmful to humans. 2) Children are taught to throw garbage in its place 3) Children are taught to sort waste according to organic and non-organic types 4) Children are taught about water, consisting of ways to save and the benefits of saving water; Keeping the environment clean, the benefits of protecting the environment and natural resources. 5) Teaching about electricity, consisting of how to save and the benefits of saving electricity; Results Develop As Expected. 6) About plants, which consists of planting and watering, not picking plants carelessly, and the benefits of plants for life. 7) Keeping the environment clean, the benefits of protecting the environment and natural resources. The value of the results of character education is that children develop according to expectations.
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1014


This study aims to analyze the history of the entry of Islam in Kalimantan and Islamic educational institutions in West Kalimantan before and after independence. This research method uses a literature review. The primary data source is the history book of Islam in Kalimantan. Secondary data sources use references to journals, books, and magazines relevant to this research study. The results of this study indicate that the entry of Islam into West Kalimantan is not known for certain, there are still many differences of opinion from various groups, including that Islam first entered West Kalimantan in the 15th century, and there is also an opinion that Islam entered West Kalimantan in the 15th century. 16. The first areas in West Kalimantan that were previously thought to have received a touch of Islam were Pontianak, Matan, and Mempawah. Another center for the spread of Islam in West Kalimantan is near Muara Sambas. It is estimated that Islam entered this area in the sixteenth century brought by people from Johor, following later the kingdom of Johor conquered the Sambas area. Islamic education in Kalimantan was pioneered by Madrasatun Najah wal Falah, founded in 1918 AD, and this became the inspiration for establishing other Ibtidaiyah and Tsanawiyah madrasas. Among them are: Islamic College Madrasah (Assulthaniah) in Sambas, Al-Raudlatul Islamiyyah in Pontianak, Junior Islamic High School (SMIP) in Banjarmasin, Amuntai Islamic Normal Madrasa, and many other madrasas, such as Imad Darussalam in Martapura, Middle School Islam in Kandangan, Al-Ashriah in Banjarmasin and others. The Islamic educational institutions in West Kalimantan before independence consisted of Madrasahtun Najah Walfalah, Madrasah As-Sultaniyah Sambas and Pontianak Islamic College. After independence consisted of the 50s Era (Madarsah Diniyah Ismail Mundu, Waqf Board al-Madrasah al-Arabiyah Islamiyah (BAWAMAI) Pontianak, Pontianak Muhammadiyah SLPT Educational Institutions), the 70s Era (Ponpes: Development of Ushuluddin Singkawang, Darul Ulum Pontianak, Baisuni Imran Sambas), the 80s (Mujahidin College, Salafi As-Salam Islamic Boarding School, Al-Falah Islamic Center Foundation, Islamic Education Institution MTs Al-Ma'arif NU Pontianak, and Baitul Atik Ketapang Islamic Boarding School), 90s Era (Ponpes ; Al-Jihad Hulu Gurung (Kapuas Hulu), Darussalam Sekubang (Mempawah), Al-Ma'arif NU Sintang, Khulafaurrasyidin (Pontianak), and Matala'u Anwar (Pontianak).
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1104


This study aims to analyze the issue of character education as a hot topic of discussion in the world of education, including the world of Islamic education in Indonesia. The formation of student character in Islamic educational institutions such as madrasas is a good thing to do. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature review. The results of this study indicate that madrasas play a role in producing smart students in science and character and personality. Through the example of Islamic figures and scholars discussed in Islamic Cultural History learning, especially the patience, persistence, and fortitude of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his companions, scholars, and major figures in Islam so that several characters are built for students such as religious, honest, disciplined, responsible, independent, social care and hard work
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1115


Der Hintergrund des Problems ist, wie MTs Al Mubarok Subang, West-Java, den Herausforderungen des Fortschritts und der Veränderung in der transformativen Bildung zum Besseren begegnet. Der Zweck dieser Forschung ist es, eine Lösung zu finden, um das Problem der transformativen PAI-Bildung zu überwinden.Die Forschung verwendet qualitative Forschung. Die Forschung wurde in MTs Al Mubarok, Subang, West-Java, durchgeführt. Die Befragten sind Schulleiter, Lehrerverwaltung. Schüler und Eltern von Schülern. Primärdaten von Befragten, die nach transformativer PAI-Bildung gefragt wurden. Die Forschungstechnik verwendet Interviews, Beobachtung und Dokumentation. Sekundäre Daten werden aus Büchern und Alphabetisierung gewonnen.Die Ergebnisse der Forschung zeigen, dass die Konzepte und Ziele transformativer Bildung spirituelle Intelligenz (Olah Hati), emotionale Intelligenz (Olah Rasa), intellektuelle Intelligenz (Olah Pikir) sind Zu den Hindernissen, denen man gegenübersteht, gehört der Mensch (Menschen), dessen Qualität noch nicht zufriedenstellend ist. Geld (Geld): Finanzen, die immer noch begrenzt sind und nicht in der Lage waren, die Anforderungen an eine überlegene und qualitativ hochwertige Bildung zu erfüllen. Methode (Methode): Bildungsmethoden, die nicht vielfältig und weniger kreativ sind, so dass der Bildungsprozess weniger effektiv ist. Maschinen (Werkzeuge): pädagogische Unterstützungsausrüstung, die noch begrenzt ist, damit nur das verwendet wird, was verfügbar ist. Schülermaterialien, die zu Bildungsinputs werden, unterliegen aufgrund persönlicher, familiärer und gemeinschaftlicher Bedingungen ebenfalls vielen Beschränkungen
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/cbjis.v3i2.1116


The background of the problem is SDIT Al Bina Purwakarta, West Java, has a PAI Transformative Education Program to educate students. according to Plural intelligence. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of Transformative Multiple Intelligence Education. The methodology used is qualitative to get an overview of the principal respondents, teachers, administration and students as well as parents of students. student. Data analysis techniques can be obtained by way of interview. observation and documentation . Primary data can be obtained from the principal, Administration. Teachers, students and parents. secondary data can be obtained from books and documentation. The results of the research of SDIT Al Bina Purwakarta students, West Java, improve Transormative PAI education in Multiple Intelligence through curriculum reform, planning and implementation as well as evaluation.

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