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All Journal Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA STUDIA ISLAMIKA Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman International Journal of Nusantara Islam JURNAL ILMIAH PENDIDIKAN FISIKA AL BIRUNI Jurnal Pendidikan Islam MUSLIM HERITAGE: JURNAL DIALOG ISLAM DENGAN REALITAS Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al Tarbawi Al Haditsah AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan PRISMA ATIKAN Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Atthulab: Islamic Religion Teaching and Learning Journal PARAMUROBI Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Basicedu Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora Journal on Education AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Jurnal Pendidikan IJoASER (International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion) GOLDEN AGE: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Al Mahara: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Moderat Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Buana Ilmu Khazanah Sosial Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah As-Syar'i : Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) At-Tajdid : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal Dinamika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya INCARE Al-Fathin: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) MODERAT: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC) Jurnal Pendidikan PKn Jurnal Studi Islam Lintas Negara (Journal of Cross-Border Islamic Studies) Al-Hasanah : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Bestari: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam International Journal of Social Service and Research MUNTAZAM: JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Jurnal Al-Qiyam Jurnal Tana Mana Definisi: Journal of Religion and Social Humanities Legal Protection for the Partnership Agreement Parties Jurnal Basicedu KOLONI Cross-border Gunung Djati Conference Series Journal of Social Science Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam International Journal of Nusantara Islam
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Jurnal Analisis Vol 12, No 1 (2012): VOLUME XII, NOMOR 1 TAHUN 2012

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AbstrakKarakter bangsa dibangun dari nilai etika inti (core ethical values) yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai agama, falsafah Negara dan budaya. Nilai yang bersumber dari budaya bangsa amat banyak dan beragam serta mengandung nilai luhur bangsa yang dapat menjadikan bangsa ini memiliki modal social yang tangguh untuk membangun peradaban unggul. Namun pada kenyataannya nilai-nilai luhur budaya bangsa, mengalami banyak tantangan, disebabkan derasnya nilai-nilai luar yang masuk dan mengintervensi nilai-nilai asli budaya bangsa. Kearifan lokal pada kelompok/ masyarakat minoritas di Indonesia sering diabaikan, padahal dari kearifan lokal tersebut dapat dipromosikan nilai-nilai luhur yang bisa dijadikan model pengembangan pendidikan karakter berbasis budaya bangsa Indonesia. Dengan pendekatan antropologi budaya, tulisan ini berusaha mengungkap nilai-nilai kearifan lokal pada masyarakat adat Baduy Banten sebagai pembentuk karakter, yakni kepedulian pada lingkungan, suka bekerjasama, taat pada hukum/hukum adat, sederhana/mandiri, demokratis, pekerja keras dan menjunjung tinggi kejujuran. Nilai-nilai ini dalam temuan penulis benar-benar diinternalisasi dan dilestarikan di kalangan masyarakat adat tersebut dengan diajarkan, dibiasakan, diteladankan dan ditegakan aturan yang tegas, sehingga membentuk karakter yang kuat.Kata Kunci : pendidikan karakter, kearifan lokal, kelompok minoritas,Baduy.
Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 12, No 1 (2012): Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

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The nation’s  character  is built from the core ethical values derived from the values of religion, philosophy and culture of the State. The values derived from national cultures are in  great quantities and of highly diverse and contain  lofty  values of the country which enable this nation  a strong  social capital  possession  in building   superior civilization. In reality, however, such lofty values of national cultures, experiencing many challenges, due to the rush out of external values and step in the original values of our national cultures. Local wisdoms in many groups of / minority communities in Indonesia have been often overlooked,  whereas, these local wisdoms can actually be promoted to become a model for developing   the character education-based  on Indonesia’s character of origins. By the use of  cultural-anthropology approach,   this  paper   tries  to  uncover   local  wisdom   values   on indigenous  Bedouin  people  of Banten  as a defining characters,  i.e. environmental  care, love to work hard, obedient  to law /customary law, a simplicity /independent, democratic, hard-working and uphold honesty. These values, in line with author’s research findings actually to be internalized  and  preserved  among  indigenous  peoples,  to be taught, socialized, exemplified and enforced strictly by the rules, so as to form a strong character.
Menumbuhkan Nilai Sastera bagi Pendidikan Anak Hasanah, Aan; Wahyudin, Dadan
ATIKAN Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ASPENSI

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IKHTISAR: Sastera merupakan cakrawala pembuka minat dan bakat seorang anak. Anak, dalam hal ini, merupakan pembaca karya sastera. Dengan menyimak dan membaca karya sastera (puisi, prosa, atau drama), pembaca sebagai penikmat sastera ikut berpetualang ke dunia imajinatif yang tidak terdapat dalam kehidupan nyata dan yang semula tidak terbayangkan. Karya sastera yang hadir tidak akan terlepas dari tujuannya, yaitu untuk pembentukan pribadi dan jatidiri bangsa. Hal ini, tentunya, perlu dipupuk sejak kanak-kanak. Bergaul dengan sastera, anak-anak memperoleh berbagai manfaat serta nilai untuk dirinya sendiri. Sastera memberikan kesenangan, kegembiraan, dan kenikmatan terhadap anak-anak. Nilai seperti inilah yang akan tercapai, manakala sastera dapat memperluas cakrawala anak dengan cara menyajikan pengalaman-pengalaman baru dan wawasan-wawasan baru. Oleh karena itu, anak-anak perlu menemukan kegembiraan dalam buku-buku yang mereka baca atau dengar. Para pembimbing dan orang tua seyogyanyalah harus memupuk dan menumbuhkembangkan apresiasi-baca dan apresiasi-sastera anak-anak. Di dalam karya sastera, pembaca akan menemukan segudang nilai yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan nyata sehari-hari.KATA KUNCI: Sastera anak, karya sastera, imajinatif, horison, nilai sastera, menyimak dan membaca, wawasan dan pengalaman baru, serta jatidiri bangsa.ABSTRACT: “Growing the Literature Value to the Children Education”. Literature is a horizon opener interests and talents of a child. Children, in this case, are a literary reader. By listening and reading literature (poetry, prose, or drama), as a reader of literary lovers come into the world imaginative adventure that does not exist in real life and previously unimaginable. Literary works that would not be present regardless of its purpose, namely for the establishment of personal and national identity. Of course, it needs to be nurtured since childhood. Mingling with the literature, the children gain a variety of benefits and value for himself. Literature gives pleasure, excitement, enjoyment of children. Values such as these will be achieved, when literature can expand the horizons of children by presenting new experiences and new insights. Therefore, children need to find joy in the books they read or hear. The counselors and parents being understood must cultivate and develop the appreciation and the appreciation read childrens literature. In the literature, the reader will find practical value that can be applied in real life daily.KEY WORD: Children literature, literary, imaginative, horizon, literary value, listening and reading literature, new experiences and insights, and national identity.  About the Authors: Aan Hasanah, M.Pd. dan Dadan Wahyudin, M.Pd. adalah Dosen di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastera Indonesia, Pascasarjana UNSUR (Universitas Suryakancana) Cianjur, Jalan Pasir Gede Raya, Belakang RSUD (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah) Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Untuk kepentingan akademik, penulis bisa dihubungi dengan alamat emel: hasanah86_unsur@yahoo.co.id dan dadan_w123@yahoo.co.idHow to cite this article? Hasanah, Aan & Dadan Wahyudin. (2014). “Menumbuhkan Nilai Sastera bagi Pendidikan Anak” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Vol. 4(1) June, pp.13-24. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UNSUR Cianjur, ISSN 2088-1290. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (April 5, 2014); Revised (May 20, 2014); and Published (June 29, 2014).
Scientific Literacy: How is it Evolved to Pre-Service Physics Teacher? Chusni, Muhammad Minan; Zakwandi, Rizki; Hasanah, Aan; Malik, Adam; Ghazali, Adeng Muchtar; Ubaidillah, Mujib
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni
Publisher : UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.48 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/jipfalbiruni.v7i2.2781


Scientific literacy is the ability to use scientific knowledge, identify problems, and draw conclusions based on evidence, in order to understand and make decisions about nature and changes that occur in nature as a result of human activity. This study aims to determine the development of physics teacher candidates’ scientific literacy. This is important to prepare the physics teachers in the future. The method used was ex-post facto. The subjects of this research were all students of physics education Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung from the first to the last semester. The data collection used was essayed tests which contained the context of science, the content of science, the process of science, and the attitude of science. Data analysis was done qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results of this study, it indicates that the scientific literacy ability possessed by physics teacher candidate students experiencing a continuous development in terms of the context of science, science content, the process of science, and attitude to science. The result of this research may be applied by the Physics Department to make a decision or rule on how to improve the physics student’ literacy level
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 22, No 2 (2017): JPMIPA: Volume 22, Issue 2, 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v22i2.8622


Deaf students’ learning characteristics should be accommodated in their teaching and learning material. This article reported the results from the preliminary implementation of learning media for teaching mathematics to deaf students. The developed media consist of verbal and nonverbal communication, and implementation results suggested that there was students’ preferential difference in responding to a particular type of communication. Further research with large scale samples is still needed to determine the effect of the media in improving deaf students’ mathematics achievement and how preference in a learning mode influences mathematics achievement.
Transformational Leadership in Pesantren on as Sa'idah, Al Matuq, and Sunanul Huda Boarding School Supendi, Pepen; Hasanah, Aan; Mahmud, Mahmud
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2018): ISLAMIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2018.72.303-316


The leadership of Kiai plays an essential act in the Institution structure of Pesantren. The important enrolled of Kiai is a good man on life purpose, a change agent, a negotiator with advice, and a coach calm. The reformer Kiai does on leadership with transformation ideas on based charisma attitude and intellectual ideology. The research method is qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The research subjects consist of Kiai, boarding school administrators, students, people residents around pesantren. The respondents are as many as 60 people. The Research locations are at as sa'idah, Al Matuq, and Sunanul Huda Pesantren. With this point, the paper will need to explain the leadership of Kiai Pesantren especially in order to support the quality management of Pesantren on educational proses.
Riyadhah: The model of the character education based on sufistic counseling Bassar, Agus Samsul; Hasanah, Aan
Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jagc.2020.1.1.5763


The purpose of education did not only build intelligent people, but also built a strong character and noble character based on the noble values of the nation and religion. Then, a quality and holistic character education becomes a necessity for the Indonesian people who want to develop the potential of the nations to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Character education in Islam is a moral education which is the essence of Islamic teachings. For example, the character education applied by the Sufis with various riyadhah in their zawiyah or ribath under the guidance of the murshid who becomes a role model in the process of habituating and disciplining students. This study aimed to explore the model of the character education based on sufistic counseling with the various riyadhah in guiding students to have noble character. This descriptive study used a qualitative approach by a literature study and case study in the field. The research found that the process of character internalization carried out through various riyadhah is a spiritual practice covering all aspects of life, both worship and muamalah in an effort to maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and Allah, humans with other humans, humans with their environment, and humans with themselves. Therefore, it is be able to clean the spirit and to devote themselves to the Divine, by having character or noble character and always doing good in life.
Landasan Teori Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Pendidikan Agama Islam Daryaman, Daryaman; Hasanah, Aan; Arifin, Bambang Samsul; Firdaus, Janatun; Kameswara, Dhika
Bestari | Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam Vol 18 No 1 (2021): Studi Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID), Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36667/bestari.v18i1.637


Character education is not only a focus in the world of education in general, but in the view of Islam Character education is one of the important teachings that must be carried out by every individual Muslim. Character education is an important thing to be known, owned and practiced by humans. Character education in Indonesia has long been rooted in educational traditions. The ideal human being is one who has the power of reason and noble character. That is the man who will save himself, his family, nation, and country. The research method used is a qualitative method where the researcher's activities include understanding, analyzing and conducting a more accurate study with conceptualization and implementation of character education foundations. Education must understand efforts to cultivate intelligence in the form of thoughts both in the minds of students, appreciation and understanding in reason and practice in the form of behavior. The axiological foundation of character education will equip educators to think clearly about the relationship between life goals and character education so that they will be able to provide guidance in developing an educational program related to the realities of the global world.
Pengembangan Model Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Permana, Hinggil; Hammam Fauzi, Ibnu Abdillah; Hasanah, Aan; Samsul Arifin, Bambang
MUNTAZAM: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Keterampilan Abad 21
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1212/mj.v2i01.5339


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui Manajemen pendidikan karakter yang dilaksanakan di SMA Pesantren Terpadu Hayatan Thayyibah Kota Sukabumi melalui pola pengasuhan dan keteladanan, Dalam penelitian ini pendidikan karakter dapat dilakukan melalui penanaman nilai-nilai karakter pada lingkungan yang aktif menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter, nilai-nilai tersebut tidak diajarkan namun merupakan penanaman kebiasaan yang baik dan siswa harus bersifat aktif dalam mengakomodasi nilai-nilai tersebut khususnya dalam memahami, merasakan dan melakukan hal-hal yang baik dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya di SMA Pesantren Terpadu Hayatan Thayyibah Kota Sukabumi. Kata kunci: Karakter, Sekolah, Pendidikan.
Implementation of Religious Moderation in Madrasah Aliyah Arroja Garut Regency Amirudin, Ja’far; Hasanah, Aan; Rohimah, Elis
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3020


This study aims to describe the pattern of the spread of radicalism in madrasah using descriptive-qualitative research. The data used include two things, namely primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in the form are documentation, interviews, and observation. The results of this study indicate that radicalism enters madrasah through (1) classroom learning activities by teachers, (2) through textbooks that allegedly contain intolerance content, and (3) weak policies of principals/foundations in preventing the influence of radicalism. Meanwhile, the strategy offered is to make (1) the teacher a role model for cultivating tolerance and religious moderation for students and having an excellent national perspective. (2) Critical Learning. Engaging, creative, critical thinking, and student-centered learning practices. Teachers must design learning that inspires students' reasoning, essential learning (critical thinking & critical pedagogy), and problem-based learning. (3) Teacher Development, the Ministry of Religion has compiled a module designated for the development of teachers and education personnel in the madrasah environment.
Co-Authors 'Ulya, Zahratul A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Aang Mahyani Ace Nurasa Adah Aliyah Adam Malik Adeng Muchtar Ghazali Adeng Muchtar Ghazali Adi Rosadi Agus Abdussalam Agus Samsul Bassar Ahmad Husni Hamim Ahmad Jaelani Ahmad Sayuti Aidil Akhyar Ajat Syarif Hidayatulloh Aji Muhamad Iqbal Aji Saepurahman Akhmad Faisal Alawi, Dindin Albarra Sarbaini Aldi Ripaldi Amirudin, Ja’far Andewi Suhartini Andewi Suhartini Ani Ramayanti Ani Rindiani Arifin, Bambang Samsul Asep Abdul Aziz Asep Nursobah Asep Nursobah Asep Saepulmillah Asep Sopian Asep Sumarna Asep Supriyadi Bambang Saeful Arifin Bambang Syamsul Arifin Bambang Syamsul Arifin Bassar, Agus Samsul Bayu Bambang Nurfauji Budiyanti, Nurti Cece Kustiawan Cecep Anwar Chaerul Rochman Dadang Juandi Dandy Sobron Muhyiddin Daryaman, Daryaman Dede Ahmad Ramdani Dede Rohaniawati Deni Tata Kusuma Dera Nugraha Deuis Sugaryamah Didi Mulyadi Didih Syakir Munandar Dindin Jamaluddin Dini Irawati Dita Handayani Dodo Suhada Edi Prihadi Eko Budi Prasetyo Ela Komala enoh Enoh Erihadiana Erihadiana Erwin Muslimin Eva Karlina Dwi Astuti Fachmi Farhan Fikri Audah NSY Fiqih Amrullah Firdaus, Janatun Fitri Handayani Fitri Meliani Habibie Yusuf Hammam Fauzi, Ibnu Abdillah Hariman Surya Siregar Harkit Rahmawati Hasan Basri Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah Herdian Kertayasa Heti Aisah Hinggil Permana Hisny Fajrussalam Hobir Asyari Husen Ali Badri Ida Farida Ihin Solihin Ike Nilawati Rohaenah Ikhwan Nugraha Insan Nulyaman Ipan Suparman Juhana, Hendri Kameswara, Dhika Khambali Koko Adya Winata La Ode Muh Munadi Lestari, Indah Mulia Lilis Nurhayati Lilis Sholihah M Ali Ramdhani M. Aditya Firdaus Mahlil Nurul Ihsan Mahlil Nurul Ihsan Mahmud Mahmud Marlina, Yuli Marwiji, Muh Hasan Maspuroh Maspuroh Mayasari, Annisa Moh. Hifzul Muiz Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Yamin Muaz ... Muhamad Tisna Nugraha Muhammad Ali Muhammad Minan Chusni Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok Muhammad, Giantomi Muhibbin Syah Muhibbinsyah Muhibbinsyah Muhidin Muhidin Mujib Ubaidillah Mumu Abdurrahman Mumu Mumu Najili, Hakin Neng Gustini Ni'mawati Ni'mawati Nia Kurniawati Ningsih, Indah Wahyu Noza Aflisia Nurti Budiyanti Nurwadjah Ahmad Nurwadjah Ahmad Pahrizal Pahrizal Palah Panca Selly Inariska Pandue Pepen Supendi Qiqi Yuliati Zaqiah R. Rofiani Rahayu Kariadinata Raito Raito Raup, Abdul Rida Nurfarida Rohimah, Elis Rohmatulloh Rohmatulloh Rosanti, Atik Ruswandi, Uus Sahliah Sahliah Sahudi Sani Muhamadi Siti Badriah Siti Julaeha SITI MARYAM Siti Nurmela Siti Rahmawati Sri Maryati Supendi, Pepen Supiana Supiana Supiana Supiana Tatang Sudrajat Tedi Priatna Teti Muliawati Umniyatul Azizah Uus Ruswandi Wahyudin Wahyudin Wahyudin, Dadan Wawan Ridwan Yanti Nurdiyanti Nurdiyanti Yaya S. Kusumah Yayan Herdiana Yayan Supian Yeni Suryani Yuli Supriani Yuliana Yuliana M.Pd.I Zakwandi, Rizki