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Agrimansion: Agribusiness Management & Extension
Published by Universitas Mataram
ISSN : 14118262     EISSN : 27985385     DOI : 10.29303
Jurnal Agrimansion adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat tulisan berupa hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan pemikiran/gagasan atau telaahan konseptual/teoritis yang mengkaji aspek-aspek agribisnis dan sosial ekonomi pertanian secara luas seperti manajemen produksi dan pemasaran produk pertanian, penyuluhan dan komunikasi pertanian, kebijakan pembangunan pertanian, perencanaan wilayah, analisis gender, gizi masyarakat dan sosiologi pedesaan. Naskah yang diterima adalah naskah asli yang belum pernah diterbitkan atau dalam proses penerbitan pada publikasi apapun, baik dalam maupun luar negeri.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9 No 3 (2008): JURNAL AGROMINSION DESEMBER 2008" : 6 Documents clear
1. Analisis Produksi dan Kebutuhan Beras Di Kabupaten Lombok Barat Muhammad Zubair; Nurtaji Wathoni; M. Muchson
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.203


Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui perkembangan produksi dan kebutuhan beras di Kabupaten Lombok Barat; (2) memproyeksikan produksi dan kebutuhan beras di Kabupaten Lombok Barat tahun 2008-2012; (3) mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan produksi dan kebutuhan beras di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Daerah penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (studi kasus) karena Lombok Barat merupakan salah satu lumbung pangan bagi daerah NTB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam tabel dan analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis trend linear. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) produksi beras di Kabupaten Lombok Barat selama lima tahun terakhir (2003-2007) rata-rata sebesar 89.576,53 ton/th dengan peningkatan rata-rata 2,5%/th, sedangkan kebutuhan beras sebesar rata-rata 75.123,18 ton/th dengan peningkatan kebutuhan rata-rata 3,46%/th; (2) hasil proyeksi produksi beras lima tahun ke depan (2008-2012) rata-rata sebesar 100.039,68 ton/th, sementara hasil proyeksi kebutuhan beras rata-rata sebesar 88.195,68 ton/th; (3) dalam lima tahun terakhir (2003-2007) Kabupaten Lombok Barat masih mengalami surplus beras rata-rata 14.453,36 ton/th dengan kecenderungan surplus menurun. Hasil proyeksi lima tahun ke depan (2008-2012) menunjukkan bahwa surplus beras rata-rata menjadi 11.844,00 ton/th; (4) faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi beras adalah luas panen, produktivitas lahan, pola tanam dan ketersediaan input pertanian, sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan beras meliputi pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan pola konsumsi penduduk. Sarannya adalah: (1) peningkatan produksi pangan (beras) menjadi prioritas dalam pembangunan pertanian; (2) perlu penyempurnaan sistem dan pola penyuluhan pertanian dengan orientasi peningkatan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia; (3) perlu penyempurnaan kelembagaan, lembaga ekonomi desa, serta kelembagaan di tingkat petani. Abstract The research objectives were to: ( 1) knowing growth of production and requirement of rice in West Lombok Regency; ( 2) projecting production and requirement of rice West Lombok Regency for 2008-2012; ( 3) identifying factors influencing growth of production and requirement of rice in West Lombok Regency. This Research conducted in West Lombok Regency. Research area was determined intentionally as case study due to West Lombok Regency representing one of food mow of NTB. This research use descriptive method. Secondary data collected from relevant institution and primary data through circumstantial interview to central figure and farmer in countryside. Obtained data to be presented in tables and trend linear is applied to analyze data. Result of research indicate that: (1) rice production in West Lombok Regency during last five years ( 2003-2007) equal to 89.576,53 ton/year with growth rate about 2,5%/year, while rice needs equal to 75,123.18 ton/year with growth rate 3,46%/year; ( 2) result of projection of rice production for five year forwards (2008-2012) mean equal to 100,039.68 ton/year, whereas result of projection of rice needs mean equal to 88.195,68 ton/year; ( 3) in last five years (2003-2007), West Lombok Regency still have surplus about 14,453.36 ton/year with decline tendency of surplus. Result of projection for five year forwards ( 2008-2012) indicating that rice surplus become 11,844.00 ton/year; (4) factors influencing rice production are harvested area, farm productivity, cropping pattern and agriculture input availability, while factors influencing rice need are resident growth rate and consumption pattern. Suggestion to be raised are: (1) food (rice) production become priority in development of agriculture; (2) regulation of agriculture extension systems is needed based on the human resource oriented; (3) countryside economic institution needs to be improved, and also in farmer level.
2. Did Farmers Get Sufficient Credit for Running Their Farm Activities? Taslim Sjah
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.204


Abstrak Tulisan ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan tentang kecukupan jumlah kredit yang diterima petani untuk menjalankan kegiatan usahatani mereka, menampilkan infomrasi lain terkait dengan pertanyaan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara dengan petani Lombok Tengah yang menerima kredit pemerintah dan swasta. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan membandingkan jumlah kredit yang seharusnya, yang diinginkan, dan yang diperoleh petani. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa petani di Lombok Tengah dapat memperoleh kredit dari berbagai program pemerintah dan dari pihak swasta. Namun, jumlah kredit yang petani terima jauh lebih rendah dari jumlah yang petani inginkan (rata-rata hanya 58%). Tampaknya, pemerintah memiliki keterbatasan dalam menyediakan kredit sehingga tidak mampu melayani seluruh permintaan petani. Petani menghitung dengan tetiti jumlah yang diinginkannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan saat itu termasuk dengan mengurangkan jumlah uang yang sedang dimiliki dari kebutuhan usahatani total. Dari situasi kurang terlayani ini maka kredit masih dibutuhkan, tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan usahatani tetapi juga untuk menjalankan kegiatan ekonomi lainnya. Abstract This paper analyses whether farmers have had sufficient amount of credit for running their farming activities and other information related to it. Survey method was applied for this study. Data were collected through interviews with Central Lombok farmers who received credit from government schemes and private sources. Data were then analyzed by comparing the amount of credit that farmers should, wish, and obtain. It is concluded that agricultural producers in Central Lombok can access many types of government credit as well as private one. However, the amount that farmers could obtain was far less than the expected amount (the average was 58%). It appears that government has limited amount of credit provision and therefore underserved the farmers’ wish. The farmers’ wishing amount was calculated carefully by farmers according to their need at the time, by which farmers deducted money they have in hand from the actual farming needs. From the underserved situation follows that farmers still demand for more credit, firstly to meet the farming needs and secondly, for use in other purposes, particularly for running non farm income generating activities.
3. Bahan Bakar Alternatif Pengganti Minyak Tanah Dalam Pengomprongan Tembakau Virginia: Tinjauan Dari Aspek Ekonomi Anwar Anwar
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.205


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahan bakar alternatif pengganti minyak tanah sebagai bahan bakar dalam pengomprongan tembakau virginia. Dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental terhadap masing-masing bahan bakar minyak tanah, batubara, dan LPG disimpulkan bahwa batubara merupakan bahan bakar yang paling murah, kemudian berturut-turut diikuti oleh LPG dan minyak tanah. Timbulnya masalah eksternalitas negatif bagi masyarakat berupa polusi zat terbang, limbah karbon dan belerang yang keluar dari cerobong asap telah dapat diatasi dengan ditemukannya model tungku gasifikasi. Karena itu disarankan kepada Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat untuk segera membentuk tim terpadu yang bertugas untuk merumuskan mekanisme sistem pengadaan dan pendistribusian batubara hingga ke tingkat petani. Disarankan pula kepada pemerintah, perusahaan pengelola, dan petani tembakau untuk bersama-sama menanggung renteng biaya renovasi struktur tungku omprongan sebagai konsekuensi penggantian bahan bakar minyak tanah dengan batubara. Abstract This study aims to know alternative fuel to replace kerosene as main fuel to dry Virginia tobacco. By applying experimental method for kerosene, coal and LPG, it was concluded that coal is the cheapest fuel then followed by LPG and kerosene. Gasification stove model can cope with the negative externality problem such as gas pollutant, waste carbon and sulphuric that was produced from chimney. Therefore, it was suggested to Department of Estate Province of West Nusa Tenggara to establish integrated team that assigned to formulate procurement and distribution system for coal until farmer level. It was also suggested to government, company management and farmers to work hand in hand to renovate structure of the stove as a consequence of replacing kerosene to coal.
4. Factors Associated to Rural Households’ Demand for Financial Services in Lombok, Indonesia I ketut Budastra
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.206


Abstract This paper analyses factors associated with rural households’ demand for financial services in Lombok, using a survey data of 180 households randomly selected from 6 villages and 3 districts in Lombok, Indonesia. The data collection was carried out from January-June 2007. Factor associations were tested using Chi-square, Correlation and/or t-test, whichever is appropriate, depending on data measurement. It was found that the households’ demand for formal savings was significantly associated with the households’ socio-economic and banking characteristics reflecting their saving capacity (income, income sufficiency and number of earners) and preference (financial institution type, interest rate and total saving amount). The households’ demand for formal credits was also associated with their socio-economic characteristics and banking characteristics, reflecting their credit needs and preferences toward credit sources along the financial institutions’ preferences toward borrowers’ capacity to repay and risks. The faktors included: government employee possession, tertiary education possession, education, income, land assets, banking confidence, financial institution type, interest rate, credit maturity (terms), and borrower transaction costs. Abstrak Paper ini menganalisa faktor-faktor yang berasosiasi dengan permintaan ruamah tangga pedesaan terhadap layanan jasa keuangan di Lombok, menggunakan data hasil survai terhadap 180 rumah tangga yang dipilih secara acak dari 6 desa dan 3 kabupaten di Lombok yang dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Juni tahun 2007. Keberartian asosiasi antar faktor-faktor yang diteliti diuji menggunakan Chi-square, Korelasi atau t-test sesuai dengan jenis datanya. Ditemukan bahwa permintaan rumah tangga akan layanan tabungan berasosiasi dengan karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan perilaku menabung-meminjam rumah tangga pendapatan, dan jumlah pencari nafkah dalam keluarga) dan preferensi menabung mereka (jenis lembaga keuangan, tingkat bunga dan jumlah tabungan). Permintaan rumah tangga akan layanan jasa kredit juga berasosiasi dengan karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan perilaku menabung-meminjam rumah tangga yang menggambarkan kebutuhan kredit mereka dan preferensi mereka pada sumber-sumber layanan kredit bersama dengan preferensi lembaga keuangan terhadap kapasitas pengembalian kredit dan resiko kredit rumah tangga. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah: kepemilikan anggota rumah tangga pegawai negeri, kepemilikan anggota rumah tangga berpendidikan perguruan tinggi, tingkat pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, pendapatan, aset tanah, rasa percaya diri kepala rumah tangga berurusan dengan bank, jenis lembaga keuangan, tingkat bunga, jangka waktu kredit dan biaya transaksi bagi peminjam.
5. Perubahan Keseimbangan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga TKI Pria Dan TKI Wanita Di Daerah Asal Pulau Lombok Suparmin Suparmin; M. Sidik
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.207


Abstrak Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan atau perbedaan keseimbangan ekonomi rumahtangga TKI pria dan rumahtangga TKI wanita di daerah asalnya Pulau Lombok. Secara rinci penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui perubahan pola alokasi waktu kerja, pola/struktur pendapatan dan pola/struktur pengeluaran rumahtangga TKI; 2) menganalisis faktor penentu yang mempengaruhi waktu kerja, pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumahtngga dan 3) membandingkan model keseimbangan ekonomi rumahtangga TKI pria dan rumahtngga TKI wanita. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survai. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik triangulasi, yaitu dengan mengawinkan beberapa teknik penelitian secara bersama-sama; yaitu: teknik wawancara (interview), pengamatan lapang (observation) dan studi pustaka (desk study). Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan ekonomi rumahtangga TKI pria dan rumahtangga TKI wanita di daerah asal Pulau Lombok sebelum maupun setelah TKI pergi kerja ke luar negeri ternyata tidak berubah dan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Tingkat keseimbangan ekonominya berada sedikit diatas tingkat keseimbangan dasar. Faktor yang mempengaruhi waktu kerja pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumahtangga TKI pria dan wanita secara konsisten dan simultan adalah nilai konsumsi untuk bahan makanan setiap hari dan pendapatan yang diperoleh dari luar hasil kerja dan dari luar kiriman TKI. Sedangkan uang kiriman TKI tidak mempengaruhi waktu kerja, pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumahtangga secara signifikan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kiriman TKI tidak dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan konsumtif oleh rumahtangga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka disarankan kepada keluarga TKI di dalam negeri, supaya memanfaatkan hasil kerja para TKI untuk diinvestasikan pada barang-barang produktif, seperti usaha ternak, unggas, dagang atau usaha-usaha lain yang layak diusahakan secara ekonomi. Kepada TKI yang sudah pulang ke daerah asal, pengalaman kerja di luar negeri supaya diterapkan di dalam asal, terutama tentang semangat kerja keras. Dan kepada pemerintah daerah atau Dinas Instansi terkait, supaya membuat skema perkreditan untuk para calon TKI agar tidak terjebak oleh para rentener atau pelepas uang dengan bunga yang tinggi, karena rata-rarta TKI berasal dari keluarga miskin. Abstract The general objective of research was tostudy the change or difference of the balance oh household economic of both men and women labour in origin region region Lombok Island. The detail objecttives of researh were to 1) know the change of pattern of a work time alocation, pattern /structure of income and pattern/structure of household expendeture of Indonesian Labour; 2) analyse the main factor affecting work time, income and expenditure of household and 3) compare the balance model of both men and women Indonesian labour. This research used descriptive method designed in suevey research. The data was collected thriught triangulasi tchnic by combining several research technics i.c. interview, observation, and desk study. The data was analysed using descriptive and multiple regression. The result of this research showed that balance both household economics of men TKI and women TKI in the origin regional Lombok Island both before and after TKI went to overseas indicated that there was no change and not significantly different. The level of economics balance was on little up base balance level. The factors effecting the work time, income and expenditure of men and women TKI household consistently and simultanly was consumtion value for food material everyday and income achieved from out of TKI sending. While sent money of TKI was not influence significantly work time, income, and expenditure of household. This indicated that TKI sending was not utilize for consumtive objective of household. Based ond the result of this research it was suggedsted for TKI in domestic country to utilize work result of TKI for investationof productive materials such as animal husbandry, poultry husbandry, business, or other effort that are economically suitable to be managed. For TKI that have returned to original region, work experience in overseas should be applied in a original region especially hard work spirit. For region governmnet or related departement should make credit scheme for TKI candidate in order to ovoid illegal crediors becouse everage TKI come from poor family.
6. Pendekatan Penilaian Kontingensi untuk Mengukur Kesediaan Konsumen Membayar Harga Perbaikan Mutu Air Minum Halimatus Sa’diyah
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v9i3.208


abstrak Water service providers are often under pressure to improve the service quality without having expertise necessary to understand how valuable this improvement would be to their consumers. Moreover criticisms also arise since many master plans of water treatment technologies and their distribution systems are mostly engeneer-dominated supply side approach and neglect demographic and financial realities of their consumers. The long term goal of this research is to find a healthy and safe water supply management system so that water can be used to drink directly from the tap. Besides this long term goal, this research also have specially short term targets namely: (1) to estimate the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for water quality improvement; (2) to indentify factors determining the WTP, and; (3) as a respond to the issue of safe dringking water from consumer’s side in the City of Mataram dan West Lombok Regency. Research was conducted by utilizing Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) by interviewing 600 respondents selected through stratified random sampling. Results concluded that: Households’ willingness to pay for the quality improvement of water service is 7,233 rupiah per month so that total WTP in 2007 is 4.7 billion rupiah. Five main factors, among others, that determine WTP are: Consumers’ perception on contaminants in their drinking water Gender, tariffs cateory access to other drinking water sources respondents’ education The financial sustainability of quality improvement program of drinking water requires an appropriate tariff level, more than that it can guarantee a high collection rate. It is therefore urgently needed a proper justification from both supply side and beneficiaries (demand side). WTP estimation produced by CVM can be seen as an important information from demand side. Although consumers’ WTP is relatively high, their low income per capita should be considered in setting a suitable tariff level.

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