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Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan
ISSN : 16933699     EISSN : 24424102     DOI : -
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan (Jurnal KMP) is a journal that publishes research results on development communication, especially related to agriculture and rural areas. Jurnal KMP is published twice a year, in February and July.
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Pengaruh Adopsi Teknologi PHSL (Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi) Berbasis Pertanian Presisi terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi di Desa Jembungan, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah Faiz Ridhan Faroka; Kudang Boro Seminar; Pudji Muljono
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.02 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1120139066


Abstract   The highly increase of crop production in the future will be a compulsion and utilization of field will be more intensive. Therefore, precise pescription of crop fertilization is required. Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) application is an innovative technology for rice farming through fertilization recommendation based on the principles of precision farming. The SSNM web-based application was developed by IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) in Philippines in collaboration with Agricultural Research & Development Council (LITBANG Pertanian) .The aim of this research is to study the impact, paritcularly on farmers’ income, in utilizing web-based version of SSNM. There was a significant differences in fertilization cost between the usage of SSNM-based farming system and manual-based farming system.. The manual based fertilization cost is Rp 23,078. (12.93 % of total cost) whereas the SSNM-based fertilization cost is Rp 320,065 ( 20.62% of total cost. The application of SSNM was able to increase average rice production about 314.38 kg / hectare and thus farmers income raised to Rp 1,100,328 / hectare. Keyword : site-specific fertilization, rice framing, rice production, SSNM, precision farming
Optimalisasi Universal Cervice Obligation Dan Peran Pendampingan Dalam Memperluas Jaringan Internet, Telephone Dan Computer Di Tingkat Kecamatan Melalui Pendekatan Snowball System Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Regional Sumatera Abubakar Iskandar
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.7 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1120139067


ABSTRAK Tujuan dari pada penelitian ini adalah memperoleh bentuk konsep program pendampingan dalam pemberdayaan layanan jasa akses telekomunikasi USO, memberikan pendampingan dalam penerapan konsep yang telah terseleksi, merancang modul pelatihan ITC kepada pendamping, mengetahui peran, pengelola ITC, dan mengetahui masalah dan Hambatan yang terjadi pada program ITC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan “Snowball System”, yaitu pendekatan terhadap orang-orang yang dipandang mengetahui masalah ITC dengan cara mendatangi key person, kemudian key person akan memberitahukan person lain yang mengetahui ITC di tingkat Kecamatan.Hasil wawancara menunjukan bahwa segmen sosial yang paling banyak mengunjungi ITC adalah siswa SLP dan SLA. Siswi dan siswi sebagian besar bermain game dan facebook, sedangkan sebagian kecil mengakses pengetahuan dan mengetik tugas yang diberikan dari sekolah. Sementara itu, segmen orang dewasa lebih banyak mengetik keperluan pribadi dan mengakes infoirmasi penting seperti informasi bisnis, informasi produk harga penjualan misalnya harga sepeda motor, dan lain-lain. Hasil wawancara juga menunjukan bahwa ada hal-hal negatif dan positif muncul di lapangan atau pengelola. Yaitu  terjadinya penyimpangan yaitu korupsi di tingkat kecamatan, dimana ada pengelola ITC yang ditagih secara ilegal oleh  Jasindo dengan berbagai variasi harga mulai dari 5 juta sampai 20 juta dengan pembicaraan bahwa uang disetor baru alat di drop. Celakanya uang ditransfer ke rekening bukan atas nama yang meminta secara ilegal tadi tetapi atas nama orang lain, sementara pengelola yang bersangkutan memegang surat perjanjian yang isinya bahwa peralatan tersebut adalah gratis. Selain wawancara juga dilakukan observasi terutama memahami realitas ITC. Hasil observasi menunjukan bahwa sejumlah lokasi ITC ternyata ada yang menggunakan program “LINUX” dan ada pula yang menggunakan program “WINDOWS” karena masyarakat berpendapat bahwa program “LINUX” lebih sulit jika dibandingkan dengan program “WINDOWS”. Di lokasi observasi ternyata sebagian besar unit komputer dalam keadaan aktif, sedangkan sebagian kecil tidak aktif. Key Words: USO, Pendampingan, ITC, Pemberdayaan
Hubungan Motivasi dan Pola Menonton dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pemirsa pada Program Berita Topik ANTV (Kasus Pemirsa di Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos, Kota Depok) Marwan Albab; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.998 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1120139069


ABSTRACT Television is most effective mass media to transfer information to audience than print media. Recently, people use television not only to get entertainment but also information. One of television programme that content more information and knowledge is news programme. ANTV become one option which can be a source of recent information and science for audiences.  Based on uses and gratification theory, the audiences were looked actively in using mass media to fulfill their need. It means that someone use mass media because of certain motive. Mass media application offer expectable satisfaction for audience. The audiences behavior in applying media continually will increase day after day, in which they get satisfaction. It called by pattern of watching. Therefore, this research examine relationship between motivation, pattern of watching and satisfactory rate of audiences on Topik ANTV news programme. This research was done by a quantitative survey using a desciptive correlational design. Respondent were audiences in Komplek Perumahan Pondok Sukatani Permai, Tapos Distric, Depok City, and it selected by proportional stratified random sampling technique. Data were processed by the Spearman correlation test with SPSS for windows version 18. Motivation and  pattern of watching shows option had a highly significant relation (p<0,01) with whole aspects of motivation for each them. Motivation with satisfaction shows option had significant relation (p<0,05) and the pattern with satisfaction shows option had highly significant relation (p<0,01). Keywords: news programme, motivation, patterns of watching, satisfaction
Hubungan Aktivitas Komunikasi dengan Tingkat Keberdayaan Kader Posdaya di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor Sigit Pamungkas; Amiruddin Saleh; Pudji Muljono
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.764 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1120139070


Abstract Posdaya is an integrated forum of friendship, communication, advocacy, and family empowerment. Posdaya focuses on four fields, namely education, health, entrepreneurship and environment. The study was administered using a descriptive correlational research survey design by scrutinizing communication activities and level of empowerment. The purposes of this study were: 1) to describe the communication activities of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 2) to describe the empowerment level of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 3) to analyze the individual characteristics and environmental factors associated with communication activities of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 4) to analyze the individual characteristics and environmental factors associated with the level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency;  and 5) to analyze the relationship between the communication activities and level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency. The samples of this study were 92 Posdaya cadres. The data was processed and analyzed using t-test samples and rank Spearman Correlation Formula. The results showed that: 1) there is a difference in terms of level of education, level of experience, level of income, access to media, and the role as companion between the cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 2) there is a difference on the use of communication media such as radio and television between the cadres in Bogor City and Bogor Regency; 3) there is a relation in terms of cognitive, affective and behavior aspects between interpersonal activities, mediated communication, and communication in groups and level of empowerment of Posdaya cadres. Keywords: communication activities, posdaya cadres, empowerment

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