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Journal of Development and Social Change
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Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.742 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41672


The museum functions as a management of cultural heritage which actually has the same ideology as cultural tourism, namely providing information and services to the public. The museum not only collects material culture and daily social history but also includes collecting human behavior. The museum also functions as an educational tourism choice that has not been done much by the community. The purpose of this study was to find out more about the strategy of developing the Dayu museum as an educational tourism object. This research uses Structural Fungtionalism theory from Talcott Parsons, the method of data collection is done by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. Data validity was done by triangulation techniques, namely data triangulation, source triangulation, methodological triangulation, researcher triangulation, and theory triangulation. The results of the study show that officers from both the museum and the tourism service provide education especially to the surrounding community. Regional mapping is done to find out the potential of the village wilaya. Potential will be developed in a sustainable manner to increase income and advance rural areas. With the establishment of the Dayu museum on an international scale, the tour becomes a world heritage. The perceived impact of the formation of tourism internationally, it will increase the independence of the surrounding community. The use of information media as a means of marketing products is done both traditionally and modernly. Traditionally by texting, officers came to various schools to conduct socialization. Whereas in a modern way it is done by making museum videos conducted by the Karanganyar Regency government.
RISIKO DAN REFLEKSIVITAS GAY TERHADAP KEKERASAN (Studi Kasus pada Komunitas Gay di Surakarta) Vebrianti Rahayu; Argyo Demartoto
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41666


Gay is a minority group the existence of which is still unacceptable to the society. It puts the gay into a group vulnerable to violence risk. The objective of research is to study the risk and the reflexivity of violence in gay community in Surakarta. This qualitative with case study approach took place in Surakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. The informant of research consisted of chairperson and administrators of Surakarta Gaya Mahardhika Foundation, gays becoming the victim of violence, community fellow members, and administrators of Mitra Alam Surakarta NGO. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. To validate data, source triangulation was used. Technique of analyzing data used was Miles and Huberman’s interactive model of analysis with Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society theory.     The result of research showed that violence risk encountered by gay in Surakarta included physical violence such as being thrown with sharp weapon, being struck and slapped; physical/emotional violence such as cynical and disliking view, expulsion, threat and negative stigma intended to gay organization; sexual violence such as sexual abuse conducted by police officer by touching the victim’s body organ; economic violence such as money and product expropriation by sexual partner; and verbal violence such as being insulted and mocked by some people on the street. The effect of violence consisted of physical effect such as bruise, gash, and pain still felt until today, and physical effect such as fear, trauma, discomfort and fidget, disappointment, resentfulness, anger, pique, and regret. The reflectivity of gay in dealing with violence included interacting or looking for acquaintance or partner more alertly and selectively; adapting, comporting; building intimacy an self-image by conducting positive activities within society; conducting homosexual activity more carefully such as fulfilling their sexual need in their known place rather than doing it in opened space that has been known by mass organization; and providing advocacy to the gay becoming the victim of violence.     
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41661


The purpose of this study is to: To find out the meaning of the Pancasila symbol in the souls of students, To find out the practice of Pancasila values on student life, To know students in responding to Pancasila towards the meaning of a nation's identity.This study uses qualitative methods through in-depth interview techniques, and direct observation. Primary data obtained from interviews. The sampling of this study was through purposive sampling.The results of this study are:  The meaning of students towards Pancasila based on Max Weber's theory of action can be categorized into rational values (werk rational) which are based on divine values, mutual respect, adab, and humanity, and the value of justice. Besides affective actions based on the love of water and unity, The application of Pancasila into the daily lives of students can be categorized into rational acts of values based on mutual respect and do not differentiate between religious adherents, values unity and value of deliberation to reach consensus; affective actions based on the love of the motherland; instrumental rational actions based on means of respect and tolerance to achieve peace and unity, and means of association, participation in activities in society, Student attitudes towards Pancasila as a nation's identification are categorized into rational acts of value based on values respect for differences, values of togetherness or unity; instrumental rational value actions (zwerk rational) which are based on means of deliberation to reach consensus, the struggle to achieve goals; Affective action that is based on the love of the motherland.
STRATEGI PENANAMAN NASIONALISME PADA PONDOK PESANTREN (Studi Kasus Tentang Penanaman Nasionalisme pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Sunan Gunungjati Ba’alawy, Gunungpati, Semarang) Asrori Arafat; Rosyid Ridlo
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41667


Nationalism is a form of expression of the love of citizens in the country's homeland. Today many young generations start to fade the soul of its nationalism so researchers want to know how the institution of boarding schools implanted nationalism to the students. This research took location in Sunan Gunungjati Ba’alawy Boarding School, Gunungpati, Semarang. The theory used in this study was the action theory put forward by Max Weber. This type of research is case studies, data is taken with in-depth interview techniques, observations, and documentation. Researcher use purposive sampling techniques and to ensure the validity of the used data triangulation source. From the results of the study can be concluded that the strategi of Sunan Gunung Jati Ba’alawy Boarding School in instilling nationalism is done with daily activities conducted by students, such as when living in the hut, to do something inside the hut. Through the activities of the week and every month, such as Roan, grave pilgrimage, study, Khitobah, and so forth. And also annual activities, such as activities on Islamic holidays, the Prophet's mawlid days, to the agenda activities of the country. Some factors that support among them are the concern of the surrounding community, teachers who can always be an example, the enthusiasm of students, and also good relations with the TNI and Police. But there are some things that become barriers, such as natural condition, students who had less sensitive to the surrounding. The implementation of this research will be expected to be a good example of other formal and non-formal education in cultivating nationalism to the younger generation. 
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41662


This study was designed to describe the social conversations of callous women in Surakarta. As well as describing the factors that cause women to behave as callous women in Surakarta. This research is a case study using qualitative research. The subjects of the study were prostitutes, adolescent women as college students and single citizens in the Surakarta area as informants. Data collection using the method of observation and interviews in. Researchers are the main research instruments that provide observation guidelines and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques used are data display, data reduction, and conclusions are drawn. Triangulation used is source triangulation. The results showed that the average informant who was a prostitute woman was still a girl. Regarding the work of the average informant has a main job Although small businesses, because the status as a prostitute woman calls only side. As parents, the average daughter does not know if she has worked as a prostitute. Informant's motivation in working as a prostitute woman on average wants to get more income to meet her needs. In choosing a job as a prostitute woman the average call informant has never had a plan towards being a prostitute woman, and never the status of prostitute women looking for work goals. Actions taken at work, as a tuna woman, and this information is only doubled, within 2 hours can be done to meet their needs for several months. In conducting discussions with coworkers in supermarkets and colleagues in entertainment venues, information on average is not difficult, they can work together, help each other, and foster good relations with one another. The average informant who has fear of the dangers of HIV that befell him. Make them always check their female health to the doctor. The thought of quitting work as immoral women asks all of them to stop because they also understand that this is not good to continue until old age. Factors that can cause informants to plunge into the world of prostitutes are high economic factors.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41668


The museum functions as a management of cultural heritage which actually has the same ideology as cultural tourism, namely providing information and services to the public. The museum not only collects material culture and daily social history but also includes collecting human behavior. The museum also functions as an educational tourism choice that has not been done much by the community. The purpose of this study was to find out more about the strategy of developing the Dayu museum as an educational tourism object. This research uses Structural Fungtionalism theory from Talcott Parsons, the method of data collection is done by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. Data validity was done by triangulation techniques, namely data triangulation, source triangulation, methodological triangulation, researcher triangulation, and theory triangulation. The results of the study show that officers from both the museum and the tourism service provide education especially to the surrounding community. Regional mapping is done to find out the potential of the village wilaya. Potential will be developed in a sustainable manner to increase income and advance rural areas. With the establishment of the Dayu museum on an international scale, the tour becomes a world heritage. The perceived impact of the formation of tourism internationally, it will increase the independence of the surrounding community. The use of information media as a means of marketing products is done both traditionally and modernly. Traditionally by texting, officers came to various schools to conduct socialization. Whereas in a modern way it is done by making museum videos conducted by the Karanganyar Regency government.
PERUBAHAN KAMPUNG KOTA (Pengaruh Hadirnya Mall Dan Hotel Terhadap Pemukiman Masyarakat Kampung Sekayu Dan Jayenggaten Dalam Perubahan Sosial Di Semarang Abad Ke 21) Muhamad Soni Gunawan; Akhmad Ramdhon
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41663


This study is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach in which the researcher tries to understand the meaning of the events of change in Kampung Sekayu and Jeyenggaten and their links to the social conditions of society. Data collection in this research uses document examination, in-depth interviews, Focused Group Discussion (FGD), directed discussion, and observation. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Interactive Model Analysis technique.Kampung Sekayu and Jeyenggaten began to disappear along with the presence of malls and hotels in the region. Conflict experienced by Sekayu with Mall Paragon in city development solely leaves the Sekayu urban village office only. Changes occurred in RT 1 with a total of around 33 houses being dismissed. The surrounding area turned into a land for selling residents, which also affected the road constriction. Citizens' houses also have diverse functions, no longer a place to live but become rental or boarding houses and laundry businesses. Moreover, Kampung Jayenggaten's existence has engulfed by the magnificent Gumaya Tower in 2005. From 30 buildings leaving only 1 building left. Glance no more usual lives of Jayenggaten residents. The impact to this day has been held by residents of the next village who suffers from increasingly limmited water supply due to the construction of the hotel.Local regulations determine that the area is no longer allowed as a residential area, but as an office and business area also took part in the loss of the Kampung Sekayu and Jeyenggaten. Semarang City Landscape Planning which prioritized economic interests also forced the indigenous resident to leave and move to the outskirts area and form a new identity.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41670


This study was designed to describe the social conversations of callous women in Surakarta. As well as describing the factors that cause women to behave as callous women in Surakarta. This research is a case study using qualitative research. The subjects of the study were prostitutes, adolescent women as college students and single citizens in the Surakarta area as informants. Data collection using the method of observation and interviews in. Researchers are the main research instruments that provide observation guidelines and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques used are data display, data reduction, and conclusions are drawn. Triangulation used is source triangulation. The results showed that the average informant who was a prostitute woman was still a girl. Regarding the work of the average informant has a main job Although small businesses, because the status as a prostitute woman calls only side. As parents, the average daughter does not know if she has worked as a prostitute. Informant's motivation in working as a prostitute woman on average wants to get more income to meet her needs. In choosing a job as a prostitute woman the average call informant has never had a plan towards being a prostitute woman, and never the status of prostitute women looking for work goals. Actions taken at work, as a tuna woman, and this information is only doubled, within 2 hours can be done to meet their needs for several months. In conducting discussions with coworkers in supermarkets and colleagues in entertainment venues, information on average is not difficult, they can work together, help each other, and foster good relations with one another. The average informant who has fear of the dangers of HIV that befell him. Make them always check their female health to the doctor. The thought of quitting work as immoral women asks all of them to stop because they also understand that this is not good to continue until old age. Factors that can cause informants to plunge into the world of prostitutes are high economic factors.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41664


This research aims to (1) know the role of family in everyday life for children and Blind in the SLB/A YKAB Surakarta City. (2) Know the pattern of coaching conducted by SLB/A YKAB Surakarta City for children with the blind in the foundation. (3) Knowing the efforts made to foster social awareness and creativity for the blind child who is in SLB/A-YKAB Surakarta city. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used are observations not participating and in-depth interviews. This research used Role Theory by Robert Linton. Role Theory is a combination of theory, orientation, and scientific discipline other than psychology. Role theory begins and it is still used in sociology and anthropology (Sarwono, 2002). and then it is also used Social Capital Theory by Fukuyama. This theory consists some elements like trust, reciprocal, social network, social interaction, norm and responsibility. The informant used as a data source in this research is 1 from the party of SLB/A YKAB Foundation, 3 persons SLB/A YKAB, 4 children of blind students who are built in SLB/A YKAB, 1 person in the dorm, 2 parents, 1 people who are around SLB/A YKAB. The informant selection technique is done by purposive sampling technique. The date analysis techniques used consist of four phases: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal.The results of this research show that (1) SLB/A YKAB Surakarta City provides guidance for students with visual impairments using a trust factor, which is to be parents who give attention and affection like their biological parents. Then the responsibility factor being a teacher who provides knowledge and learning in accordance with their education level. (2) In addition to the social network factor, students are given additional material in the form of Mobility Orientation. (3) And in fostering social awareness in accordance with the factors of social interaction is by inviting students to interact with the surrounding community as in mobility orientation subject, students are invited to leave the school environment and interact with the general public outside the school environment and given additional extracurricular lessons such as music, massage and sports such as tennis.
RISIKO DAN REFLEKSIVITAS GAY TERHADAP KEKERASAN (Studi Kasus pada Komunitas Gay di Surakarta) Vebrianti Rahayu; Argyo Demartoto
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Volume 2 no. 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v2i2.41671


Gay is a minority group the existence of which is still unacceptable to the society. It puts the gay into a group vulnerable to violence risk. The objective of research is to study the risk and the reflexivity of violence in gay community in Surakarta. This qualitative with case study approach took place in Surakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. The informant of research consisted of chairperson and administrators of Surakarta Gaya Mahardhika Foundation, gays becoming the victim of violence, community fellow members, and administrators of Mitra Alam Surakarta NGO. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. To validate data, source triangulation was used. Technique of analyzing data used was Miles and Huberman’s interactive model of analysis with Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society theory.      The result of research showed that violence risk encountered by gay in Surakarta included physical violence such as being thrown with sharp weapon, being struck and slapped; physical/emotional violence such as cynical and disliking view, expulsion, threat and negative stigma intended to gay organization; sexual violence such as sexual abuse conducted by police officer by touching the victim’s body organ; economic violence such as money and product expropriation by sexual partner; and verbal violence such as being insulted and mocked by some people on the street. The effect of violence consisted of physical effect such as bruise, gash, and pain still felt until today, and physical effect such as fear, trauma, discomfort and fidget, disappointment, resentfulness, anger, pique, and regret. The reflectivity of gay in dealing with violence included interacting or looking for acquaintance or partner more alertly and selectively; adapting, comporting; building intimacy an self-image by conducting positive activities within society; conducting homosexual activity more carefully such as fulfilling their sexual need in their known place rather than doing it in opened space that has been known by mass organization; and providing advocacy to the gay becoming the victim of violence.

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