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Department of Physics Universitas Negeri Padang UNP Prof. Dr. Hamka Street, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
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Pillar of Physics: Jurnal Berkala Ilmiah Fisika
ISSN : 23379030     EISSN : 26852608     DOI :
Core Subject : Science,
This journal publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in: 1 Geophysics, 2 Electronics and Instrumentation, 3 Material Physics, (4) Computational Physics. Other topics are related to physics are most welcome.
Articles 16 Documents
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PENDAHULUAN JURNAL Cover Dewan Redaksi Daftar Isi
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.804 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1932171074


CoverDewan RedaksiDaftar Isi
Investigasi aquifer dengan metode inversi smoothness-constraint least squares data geolistrik tahanan jenis konfigurasi schlumberger di Bukit Apit Puhun Kecamatan Guguk Panjang Kota Bukittinggi (Aquifer investigation using smoothness-constraint least squares inversion method of geoelectric resistivity schlumberger configuration in Bukit Apit Puhun, Guguk Panjang District, Bukittinggi City) Imran Razat; - Akmam; - Mahrizal
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (731.253 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1944171074


Bukit Apit Puhun was one of the area that need to know information about the depth of the aquifer layer. Bukit Apit Puhun located at Sianok canyon a valley surrounded by hills composed by a layer of igneous rocks. Layers of rock in the Sianok canyon assumed can store groundwater reserves. This research used the resistivity geoelectrical methode with Schlumberger configuration. The data were processed and interpreted by the Smoothness Constraint Least-Squares inversion. The data were taken five track using ARES (Automatic Resistivitymeter). The result of this research showed that the material contained in the Bukit Apit Puhun was Clay, Sandstone, Limestone and Andesite. The material contained in the study area shows that the area was a water catchment area with no finding of aquifer layers in every track. Results of this study were not strengthened by the discovery of a well to track the location of measurement
Identifikasi jenis batuan menggunakan inversi marquardt data geolistrik tahanan jenis konfigurasi dipole-dipole Bukit Lantiak Kecamatan Padang Selatan (Identify rock types using inversion marquardt geoelectrical data resistivity dipole-dipole configuration in Bukit Lantiak, Padang Selatan District) Jemmy Rohmana; - Akmam; - Mahrizal
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.187 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1937171074


The purpose of this research was to describe the type and the depth of rocks in Bukit Lantiak Padang Selatan. The type and the depth of rocks was needed to minimize the hazard caused landslide in the research area. This research use geophysical exploration method. Equipment that use was Automatic Resistivity (ARES) with Dipole-dipole configuration. The interpretation of the data in this research uses Marquardt inversion method to process the measurement data. Data was interpreted to get resistivity value and depth of rock in 2D model cross section below the earth surface. Result of this research indicates the type of rocks in Bukit Lantiak Padang Selatan is Andesite, Sandstone, Limestone, and Clay. These results indicate that the slopes of Bukit Lantiak composed by a mixture of hard rock layers that Andesite with soft rock layers that Clay and Sandstone. It show that Bukit Lantiak area have rock layers that are susceptible to landslides
Penerapan metode Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) untuk menentukan jenis mineral magnetik pada lindi di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) Air Dingin Kota Padang (Application of the Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) method to determine the type of magnetic minerals in leachate at the Air Dingin Landfill Padang City) Mulyandri Putra; - Mahrizal; Fatni Mufit
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (669.912 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1939171074


Padang city waste removed and processed in Air Dingin Landfill, Balai Gadang Village, Kecamatan Koto Tangah. On the location of the Landfill there were rivers used by residents for daily needs. Leachate generated from Landfill cast into the river can contaminate the River, which that cause the river’s water black and smelling. This research aims to determine the type of magnetic minerals in Leachate in the Air Dingin Landfill city of Padang, as an indicator of water pollution by leachate. This research uses the 6 samples taken from samples of the sediment pond, sediment River and sediment sewers on Air Dingin Landfill. Instruments used for sampling is Ekmam Grab. Types of magnetic mineral samples are specified by giving a magnetic field toward the sample using the method of Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) with instruments Electromagnetic Weiss. Data analysis was done with a given magnetic field of plotting for the intensity of magnetization of the sample which has reached saturation and compared to a standard curve of the IRM for viewing different types of magnetic mineral magnetite or hematite. The value of the magnetic field of the sample measured experiencing saturation at the time value is smaller than 300 mT. Saturation curve based on IRM mineral types in a sample of leachate, rivers and sewers Air Dingin Landfill city of Padang in the majority is the mineral magnetite (Fe3O4)
Pengaruh tingkat energi penyinaran terhadap sifat optik pusat warna F-center pada kristal LiF menggunakan spektrometer Uv-Vis (The effect of irradiation energy level on the optical properties of the F-center color center on the LiF crystal using a Uv-Vis spectrometer) Qerzi Elsadola; - Ratnawulan; - Hidayati
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.973 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1945171074


The phenomenon of color centers in the crystal has been used in various fields, one of which is the imaging plate. Imaging plate is a sheet that can capture and store the information carried by the X-ray. The base material of this imaging plate is alkali halide crystals. Imagine Plates widely used in hospitals for X-ray. To maximize the results of X-ray readings, required a large absorption. This research was done by varying the energy of radiation used. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of the energy radiation to the optical properties of F-center in LiF crystals and determine how the time effect on the value of the LiF crystals concentration. Optical properties related to the nature of light and the interaction of light with materials. The optical properties were observed in this research is the absorption coefficient and concentration of color centers. Value of the F-center absorption coefficient obtained for the variation of time of 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours for 50 keV, 60 keV, 70 keV, 80 keV and 90 keV. Based on result of the research  revealed that the greater the absorption, the concentration will also increase
Degradasi kualitas fisis air Danau Maninjau terhadap variasi jarak dan jumlah keramba (Degradation of the physical quality of water in Lake Maninjau with variations in distance and number of cages) Puput Mulya Sari; Yenni Darvina; - Hamdi
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.412 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1936171074


The purpose of this research are to analys physical quality (temperature, pH, electrical conductivitas, turbiditas, and concentrasion of lead) at Maninjau Lake. Maninjau Lake has problem die of fish and make harm farmer of keramba. This research use variation of distance 0 m, 5 m and 10 m and three locations Bayua, Koto Gadang and Sigiran.  The standart for physical quality, temperature 23-30 oC use Thermometry, turbiditas <5 NTU use Turbidimetry, pH 6-9, electrical conductivitas <250 µS/cm use Conductivity Metry and then concentration of Lead <0,03 mg/l use AAS. The result Bayua has worse the physical quality (temperature 31,0 oC, pH 5,6, electrical conductivitas 125,2 µS/cm, turbiditas 5,1 NTU, Lead 0,954142 mg/l). While Koto Gadang (temperature  29,5 oC, pH 7,1, conductivitas 123,1 µS/cm, turbiditas 4,8 and concentrasion of lead 0,3778 mg/l) has worse the physical quality than Sigiran (temperature  27,5 oC, pH 7,5, conductivitas 99,7 µS/cm, tur
Penyelidikan jenis mineral di Jorong Koto Baru Nagari Aie Dingin Kabupaten Solok dengan metode geolistrik Induced Polarization (IP) (Investigating the types of minerals in Jorong Koto Baru Nagari Aie Dingin Solok Regency using the geoelectric Induced Polarization (IP) method) Hisni Rahmi; - Asrul; - Akmam
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.813 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1934171074


Jorong Koto Baru Nagari Aie Dingin Kabupaten Solok is predict has mineral resources. The research to find deposit of several minerals have not be done. The purpose of the investigation is to identify any minerals contained in the Jorong Koto Baru based on chargeability value by Induced Polarization (IP) Geoelectrical method and distribution of minerals there. This research instrument is ARES (Automatic Resistivitymeter) to get data of apparent chargeability on the site. Data is collected and then be interpretated by Smoothness-Constraint Least Squares inversion. Data interpretation shows the actual value of chargeability and then be compared table of chargeability minerals and rocks. The result show that there are Graphite, Chalcophyrite, Copper, and Galena. Mineral Graphite (carbon compounds) are found with a thickness of 12.75 m, 43.4 m and 56.15 m. Mineral Chalchophyrite (dominated by copper element) was found with a thickness of 43.78 m and 6.15 m. Mineral Copper (copper element) was found with a thickness of 10.5 m, 15.42 m, 6.52 m and 40.1 m, while mineral Galena (lead sulfide) was found with a thickness of 2.78 m, 9.73 m, and 4.35 m. Conclusion the area has some potential mineral resources.
Optimalisasi temperatur kalsinasi untuk mendapatkan kalsit-CaCO3 dalam cangkang pensi (Corbicula moltkiana) yang terdapat di Danau Maninjau (Optimization of calcination temperature to obtain calcite-CaCO3 in pensi shells (Corbicula moltkiana) found in Lake Maninjau) Suci Wahyuni; Yenni Darvina; - Ramli
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (753.409 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1941171074


The utilization of pensi (Corbicula moltkiana) shell waste in Maninjau lake is not optimal so that we need an effort to make it has economic value. One of them is using calcium carbonate in pensi shell. Calcite is one of calcium carbonate polymorphs are often used in industrial paint, paper, ink, and other chemical industries. This experiment aims to determine optimum of calcination temperature to obtain calcite in pensi shell can be exploited and has economic value. The method that used is by giving calcination temperature of 300˚C, 320˚C, 340˚C, 360˚C, 380˚C, dan 400˚C to pensi shell and then characterized using XRF and XRD. Result of characterization using XRF show that pensi shell containe calcium element is 93,207% dan about 6% of other elements such as Si, Al, Ag, Mg, P, dan Fe. The result of characterizaion using XRD that compared with the ICDD database show that calcite phase has Rombhohedral structure with unit cell a = 4,9590Å, b = 7.9680Å, and c = 5.4710Å. Based of analysis can be concluded that the increase in temperature causes increasing intensity of calcite and dominant temperature to obtaine calcite phase at 400˚C
Pengaruh temperatur kalsinasi terhadap struktur mineral granit yang terdapat di Nagari Surian Kecamatan Pantai Cermin Kabupaten Solok (The effect of calcination temperature on the granite mineral structure in Nagari Surian, Pantai Cermin District, Solok Regency) - Juliansyah; - Ratnawulan; Ahmad Fauzi
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (923.093 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1931171074


Granite is an igneous rock in which the crystals have rough with the mineral composition of quartz, feldspar, plagioclase sodium and other minerals.  It has done research on the granite from Surian by giving he at treatment for investigating the crystal structure of granite. The samples of granite were crushed and sieved till from powder and calcined at temperature 500 ℃ to 1000 ℃ for 1 hour. The results calcination were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results calcination showed that the granite occurred alteration of structure on phase, such as from anorthic system with unit cell a = 8,256 Å, b = 12 842 Å and c = 14.088 Å to monoclinic structure with a = 8.1372 Å, b = 12.78 Å and c = 14.009 Å
Pengaruh suhu proses dan lama pengendapan terhadap kualitas biodiesel dari minyak jelantah (The influence of process temperature and deposition time on biodiesel quality of cooking oil) Silvira Wahyuni; - Ramli; - Mahrizal
Publisher : Department of Physics – Universitas Negeri Padang UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.247 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/1935171074


Biodiesel is a type of fuel alternative diesel derived from biological materials that are processed vegetable oil transesterification using methanol and catalyst NaOH. One of the vegetable oil is used cooking oil. Used cooking oil is one of the raw materials that have a high chance for the manufacture of biodiesel because it still contains triglycerides in addition to free fatty acids. Biodiesel is made by giving some physical treatment, such as temperature and duration of settling time. To investigate the influence of temperature processes  and duration settling time conducted this research with a variety of 40°C, 50°C, 60°C, 70°C,  and 80°C and duration settling time , for 48 hours, 96 hours, 144 hours, 192 hours and 240 hours as independent variables, Controlled variable is the time stirring for 5 minutes, stirring speed of 1050 rpm, the catalyst base (NaOH), a methoxide liquid is 20%. Dependent Variable is biodiesel quality which covers  viscosity, density, yield, and Flash Point. It was found if the temperature is greater, the viscosity and density decreases. While the highest yield is 76% produced by variations in temperature of 50°C, the average Flash point >110°C, the results of biodiesel according to the SNI Standards. For a settling time variety is not a significant influence in the making of biodiesel with the average for all variations in viscosity between 5.7-5.8 CSt, density of about 861 kg/m3, flash point >110°C and  average yield is 75.8%

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