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Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika (JST)
ISSN : 20868227     EISSN : 28073282     DOI : -
JURNAL SILVIKULTUR TROPIKA (JST) atau Journal of Tropical Silviculture adalah jurnal yang terbit tiga kali dalam setahun. JST menerbitkan artikel tentang sains dan teknologi silvikultur yang berhubungan dengan hutan tropika seperti botani, fisiologi, ekologi, tanah, genetika, proteksi, patologi, entomologi, kebakaran, daerah aliran sungai, biodiversitas, bioteknologi, agroforestri, reklamasi dan restorasi. Tulisan-tulisan ilmiah diterbitkan dalam bentuk artikel hasil-hasil penelitian (article), ulas balik (reviews), catatan penelitian (notes), hipotesa (hypothesis), maupun komunikasi (communication) di bidang silvikultur hutan tropika.
Articles 12 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika" : 12 Documents clear
Growth of Samama (Anthoccephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil) Seedling Co- planted with Cover Crops Irdika Mansur; Destia Ariani
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Open area due to mining activities could cause erosion and sedimentation. Planting cover crops has been a standard practice to reduce erosion and it is part of mine reclamation steps. Cover crops commonly used, such as Pueraria javanica, Calopogonium muconoides, and Centrosema pubescens could not grow well on acidic soil and they strangle tree seedlings co-planted with crops. Therefore, they need high input, such as liming, compost and fertilizer application, and high cost for maintenance. Alternative cover crop non-strangling species that could survive on acid soil is needed. Arachis pintoi, Desmodium heterophyllum and Paspalum conjugatum species could be alternative species for cover crop, but they do not produce sufficient seeds for a large scale planting. They could only be propagated using cutting of stems of stolone. Co-planting of the plants with tree seedling in the same polybag would be one alternative to transplant the plants to the field without additional cost. However, a study should be conducted to observe the effect of co-planting on the growth of the tree seedlings. The aim of the study was to obtain information on effect of cover crops species on the growth of samama (Anthocephalus macrophyllus), and the growth rates of different cover crop species that was co-planted with the samama seedlings. The results showed that all cover crops species did not significantly reduce the growth of samama seedlings. All cover crop species has a potential for cover crops, but Desmodium heterophyllum has the highest survival, growth, and branch production compared to other species.Keywords: Anthocephalus, Arachis pintoi, cover crops, Desmodium heterophyllum, Paspalum conjugatum
Estimation of Carbon Emission (CO2) as Forest and Land Fire impact at various Land Cover Types in Riau Province during year 2000-2009 Bambang Hero Saharjo; Erianto Indra Putra; Renando Meiko Putra
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Forest and land fire is one of the most disturbance form that can decrease area and forest function. Forest and land fire is often connected with conversion activity, from forest area to non-forest area. Conversion activities significantly increase because of the increasing of human need on the land. Riau is one of province that vulnerable to the forest and land fire, Based on recorded data it had been found that in the on year 2005 burned area in Riau was about 24,500 ha. One of the important factors which cause forest and land fire in Riau province is conversion activitye. Hotspot can be use as one indicator to determining vulnerability of forest and land fire. Negative impact that occured from forest and land fire is connected with carbon emission. The research aims to analyze the occurance of forest and land fire at various land cover type during 2000-2009 and also the estimation of produced carbon emissions.Keywords: carbon emission, hotspot, land cover
The Effect of Poultry Manure on the Early Growth Performance of Milicia excels Seedlings Philip Worlanyo Dugbley; Olivia Agbenyega
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Milicia excelsa adalah jenis pohon pionir yang termasuk ke dalam family Moraceae. Species ini biasa ditemukan di daerah berketinggian rendah menutupi hutan Afrika, membentang melintasi sub daerah Afrika Barat dari Senegal melewati Cote D’ Ivoire, Ghana menuju Nigeria. Tempat lainnya meliputi Angola, Mozambique, dan Tanzania. Bibit dari Milicia excelsa dikembangkan untuk tujuan penanaman terlihat menurun dan jumlahnya sedikit dalam bentuk tegakan dalam kondisi cuaca yang tidak menguntungkan membuatnya sangat sulit dalam meningkatkan bibit yang sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh dari pupuk unggas pada dosis yang berbeda pada pertumbuhan awal bibit Milicia excelsa. Percobaan telah dilakukan di Fakultas Pertanian Sumber Daya Alam yang dapat Diperbaharui, KNUST-Ghana. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) digunakan untuk penelitian ini dengan lima perlakuan. Perbedaan dosis perlakuan di antaranya T1 (kontrol), T2 (0.90 kg), T3 (1.80 kg), T4 (2.70 kg), T5 (3.60 kg) pupuk unggas. Data yang dikumpulkan di antaranya tinggi bibit, diameter, jumlah daun, dan persentase kemampuan hidup tiap dua minggu sekali selama kali berturut-turut. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Variasi satu cara (ANOVA). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan perlakuan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada tinggi batang, dan rata-rata jumlah daun dari bibit Milicia excelsa. Perlakuan T5 terbukti memberikan rata-rata pertumbuhan tinggi tertinggi, yakni 29.82 cm dan rata-rata jumlah daun 7.33. Akan tetapi pupuk unggas tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada rata-rata pertumbuhan diameter dari bibit Milicia excels. Chi-Square menunjukkan pupuk unggas memberikan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan pada rata-rata daya hidup bibit Milicia excelsa.Kata kunci: Milicia excelsa; penampilan pertumbuhan, pupuk unggas
Changes on Soil Chemical Characteristics of The Reclamation Ex-Mining Land As A Model at The PT. Antam UBPE Pongkor Ulfah Juniarti Siregar; Jumadin Sidabutar; Chairil Anwar Siregar
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


High mining activity in the forested land had damaged the forest, that reclamation is necessary to restore the forest conditions as before. This research aims at finding out changes on soil chemistry, and the concentration of Pb and Fe in the soil, and the 10 years old planted rosewood, pine, and walnut trees at the reclamation ex-gold mining land as a model of PT. Antam UBPE Pongkor. Soil analysis at 0–5 cm, 5–15 cm and 15–30 cm depth showed increase soil quality, especially in C-organic content at 0–5 cm, which is much higher than the deeper depth. C-organic content of rosewood stand was 2.08%, pine was 1.04% and walnut was 0.95%. The 10 years old planted trees had absorbed Pb and Fe, of which the highest Pb content was found in walnut roots at 13 ppm, while the highest Fe content was in pine roots at 4933 ppm.Keywords: C-organic, Fe, Pb, reclamation, soil chemistry
Growth of Samama, Jabon and Sengon Buto at Former Coal Mine Land PT. Tunas Inti Abadi, South Kalimantan. Irdika Mansur; Rian Adiwicaksono
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Mined land reclamation is important in restoring environmental conditions back to conditions prior to mining activites. The purpose of this research is to observe the effect manure on samama (Anthocepalus macrophyllus), jabon (Anthocepalus cadamba) and sengon buto (Enterelobium cylocarpum) seedling growth on coal ex-mine site.. The research was conducted on mined site of PT. Tunas Inti Abadi, South Kalimantan. Experimental design used in this research was factorial in completely randomized design (CRD), with factors are spesies and dose of manure. Growth parameters measured were height and diameter growth of the seedlings. The results showed that the dose of manure significantly affected diameter growth, but did not significantly affect height growth of seedlings. Highest diameter growth was made by sengon buto. Spesies did not significantly affect diameter, but they showed significant differences on height growth rate. Sengon buto is the fastest growing species in term of height. Interaction between the dose of manure and species of plant affect only on diameter. The best species among the three spesies tested was sengon buto given 3 kg of manure per seedling.Keywords: Anthocepalus cadamba, Anthocepalus macrophyllus, Enterelobium cyclocarpum, mining, reclamation
Study of Plant Growth as a Result of Revegetation in Coal Ex-Mined Land Pt. Arutmin Indonesia Site Batulicin South Kalimantan Cecep Kusmana; Yadi Setiadi; Muhammad Abdul Lathif Al-Anshary
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Soil characteristic on ex-mined land of coal generally has high acidity, solid texture, and has fitotoxic compound that causes plant dwarfishness. This research observed correlation between soil characteristic with plant diversity on revegetation area of ex-mined land of PT. Arutmin Indonesia Site Batu Licin, South Kalimantan. This research was done with measure height and diameter of plant Acacia mangium and Falcataria moluccana that planted 1 year and six months ago from 28 plots and also analysis of chemical and physical soil features from each plot. The result of this research found a dwarfishness on half revegetation plants in this research location, and as a factor that has real correlation with plant diversity.Keywords: Acacia mangium, Falcataria moluccana, ex-mined land, revegetation
Local Wisdom of Community in Land and Forest Fire Prevention (A case Study of Local Community of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Sirnaresmi Village Cisolok Subdistrict, Sukabumi District, West Java Province) Lailan Syaufina; Fransisxo GS Tambunan
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Forest fire prevention is more important to minimize the impacts of fire occurences when compared to fire suppression. Local community is sometime has their own way to prevent the fire by implement local wisdom The study aimed to identify farmers characteristics and farming system, to study firing techniques in land clearing activities, and to analyse local wisdom of community in forest and land fire prevention. The study was conducted in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Sirnaresmi village, Cisolok sub district, Sukabumi district, West Java Province. Data was retrieved based on the perceptions of the respondents which selected by using a purposive sampling technique, field observation, and literature reviews.. Results of the study identified local wisdom of local community of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar related to land and forest fire prevention, namely: always doing burning for land preparationduring the dry season only and no farming activities close to the national park areas.Keywords : local wisdom, prevention, land and forest fire, local community
Respon of Jabon Seedling Growth (Anthocephalus cadamba Roxb.) on Giving Compost and Cococnet Shell Charcoal in Mine Waste Sand Media Basuki Wasis; Desi Ratnasari
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Sand mining activities potentially disturb the ecosystem of the river. The residu of the activity causing the contaminated water by sand. Utilization of waste sand into a mine planting media jabon. (Roxb Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) need to be tested. Jabon is one of various species of industrial raw material wood. This research aims to analyze the response jabon growth for giving compost and charcoal coconut shell on the sand mining waste media. The research design used is factorial experiment with complete random design. The results showed that the interaction between composting and coconut shell charcoal give real effect on height and total dry weight parameter. The addition of compost 60 grams and coconut shell charcoal 3% into the mine waste sand media can increase the total dry weight of jabon.
The Technic and Cost of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) Cultivation by The Farmer of Community Forest Nurheni Wijayanto; Adisti Permatasari Putri Hartoyo
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Jabon (A. cadamba) has been cultivated in Bogor community forest since 2008. Research about technic and cost of jabon cultivation in the community forest is needed because difference by location and probably has impact to difference in output, such as in the wood volume. Identification technic and cost of jabon cultivation has been done toward 11farmers of Bogor community forest by purposive sampling. Assumption in this research are similarity in site and not occurring economy fluctuation. The result showed that, pattern cropping that generally applied is agroforestry. The components of jabon cultivation technic that more complete applied by the respondent A1, C2, C3, and B4 rather than others respondent in the every age class. More complete cultivation components in the practice allegedly produce higher volume. The highest cost of jabon cultivation expended by respondent B1, B2, C3, and B4 in the every age class. The total cost of jabon cultivation didn’t influences jabon volume.Keywords: cultivation cost, cultivation technic, jabon, the farmers of the society forest
Estimation of Carbon Storage Potency of Acacia and Eucalyptus Mixed Stand in Mine Reclamation at PT. Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk Omo Rusdiana; Dadan Mulyana; Cikal Utami Willujeng
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.4.3.%p


Reclamation is an effort to recover ex-mined land to its original function. Revegetation that can be conducted during reclamation is by planting acacia and cajuput. One of the reclamation results is carbon being absorbed and saved in biomass form. Therefore the amount of saved carbon can be estimated from potential biomass. Factors that can affect amount of biomass are age of standing tree, history of vegetation development, climate, and composition and structure of stand. The research shows that biomass potency in Block B (16,70 ton/ha) is larger than that of Block A (14,24 ton/ha). Estimation results of saved carbon potency show that it is directly related with biomass potency. Carbon saved in Block A is 4,14 ton/ha and that of Block B is 5,56ton/ha. This research shows that the ability of mixed stand of acacia and cajuput in saving carbon has not been optimum yet.Keywords: acacia, cajuput, reclamataion, carbon storage.

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