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International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health
ISSN : 2798561X     EISSN : 27985172     DOI : -
Journal considers submissions on any aspect of the health field across age groups and settings, these include: Capacity in public health systems and workforce Dentistry Environmental health Environmental Science Health Economic and Policy Studies Health law and ethics Health Professions Maternal and child health Medical Science Midwifes Nursing Public health nutrition Public health practice and impact Reproductive health Islamic and health
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):" : 13 Documents clear
Evaluation of the Health Information System in Teladan Public Health Center in 2020 Using the Health Metrics Network Instrument Approach Anggun Hasanah; Delia Nurrahmah Rangkuti; Gisa Zel Dita Pinem; Fauziah Nasution
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The Health Information System is an integrated system that systematicallymanages public data and information (Government, community and private) atall levels of government to support health development in a health facility.This description can be known by conducting a Health Information System(HIS) evaluation activity. This study aims to determine the description of thehealth information system at the Teladan Health Center in Medan City. Theresearch was conducted at the Medan City Teladan Public Health Center,North Sumatra, in June 2019. The subject in this study was the Head of theAdministrative Subdivision of the Teladan Public Health Center, which wastaken based on purposive sampling. The data were gathered through directinterviews and observations. We are using the triangulation method todetermine the data's validity. With a percentage of 73%, health informationsystem resources are classified as "adequate."This is because the Utilizationand Dissemination component is included in the adequate category (63%); thisis because the public health centres have implemented health informationsystems based on the latest Law and are carried out in full and regularly. Theoverall Data Source component is included in the adequate category (64%).Evaluation of Indicator components is included in the very adequate category(78%). The performance evaluation of the health information system at theMedan City Model Health Center was carried out using the Health MetricsNetwork (HMN) version 4.0 instrument approach by assessing variouscomponents of the health information system. According to the evaluationresults conducted at the Teladan Public Health Center, only one of the sixHIS components scored "adequate" on the HMN instrument, with the highestscore on the Indicator Component and the lowest score on the InformationProduct Component.
The Correlation between Knowledge and Habit of Handwashing with Soap on Students of Primary School 101893 Bangun Rejo Rahma Yunita Amar
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Hand washing is a preventative and curative measure that has evolved into clean and healthy living behavior programs in schools. Hand washing with soap is one of the sanitation measures that humans use to clean their hands and fingers with water and soap in order to stay clean and break the germ chain. Hand washing with soap is also referred to as a preventative measure. This is because the hands frequently act as carriers of germs. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the relationship between knowledge and the habit of hand washing with soap among students at primary school 101893 Bangun Rejo in Tanjung Morawa District. This is an analytical study that takes a quantitative approach and employs a cross-sectional research design. The population was comprised of all 487 students enrolled in primary school 101893 Bangun Rejo. This study enrolled students in grades IV and V, totaling up to 70 students. This sampling technique employs a method known as cluster random sampling. Data were gathered through the distribution of questionnaires and their completion by students. Techniques for data analysis utilizing the Chi-square test. The findings indicated that students lacked knowledge regarding proper hand washing behavior when using soap (31.4 percent ). Handwashing with soap is insufficient (34.3 percent ). The study's conclusion indicates that there is a statistically significant relationship between knowledge and behavior regarding hand washing with soap (p = 0.000). To increase knowledge and practice of proper hand washing, schools must provide facilities that promote clean and healthy living behaviors, particularly hand washing with soap, as well as health education about the importance of continuous hand washing..
Analysis of Image Messages on Cigarette Packs Using Religious, Persuasive, and Financial Messages on Smoking Behavior Ajeng Anasti; Ayu Permata Sari; Chintya Andini; Dian Fransiska Ramadhani
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Smoking behavior is still a problem in the world and Indonesia. The policy of picture messages on cigarette packs is regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 28 of 2013 concerning the Inclusion of Warnings and Health Information on Tobacco Product Packaging. The purpose of this study was to analyze the picture messages on cigarette packs using religious, persuasive, and financial messages on smoking behavior. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design with primary data. This research was conducted in Indonesia. The time of this research was in January-August 2021. The sample in this study was 430. The data collection technique in this study was using a questionnaire with an online google form. Data analysis in this study is Univariate analysis with descriptive. The results of the study are the impact of religious image messages on cigarette packs on smoking behavior, namely the average respondent feels afraid of 8.42, feels disgusted by 7.40. believe in the picture is 8.46, feel worried about 8.61, feel the picture is excessive 3.71, want to exchange the picture of a cigarette message with another one is 1.52 and want to stop smoking is 8.98. It is hoped that the Government will conduct a more effective campaign to message the dangers of cigarettes on cigarette packs to reduce the number of smokers in Indonesia and review or update the images on cigarette packs with more effective ones to be enlarged to reduce the number of smokers among Indonesia.
Body Image and Eating Habits of Students Female Student at Vokasi Senior High School Sibolga Desty Adinda; Etti Sudaryati
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Adolescence is a critical stage in adolescents' development during the first decade of life, and as a result, body image becomes a concern for adolescents, particularly young women. Body image will cause young women to alter their eating habits to achieve the body image they desire. This study is to ascertain female students at vokasi senior high school body image and eating habits. Method: This research was carried out at vokasi senior high school in Sibolga in June 2016 - March 2017. The population of this study were young women of vokasi senior high school in Sibolga, totalling 449 students in 2016, and the sample is 90 students. Data on eating habits were obtained through a 24-hour food recall questionnaire to see the nutritional intake of adolescent girls. Body image data was obtained by direct interview using a questionnaire tool through the Figure Rating Scale (FRS) method. The results of this study indicate that who have bad eating habits (2.2%), based on filling out the food frequency questionnaire, students who have bad eating habits, namely never having breakfast at all, eating frequency only once a day, In addition, the consumption of foods that are not diverse. This study indicates that the negative body image is 43.3%, and the body image in the negative category is 56.7%. This study concludes that there are still many young women who have a body image in the positive category and have good eating habits. Even though the body image is in the negative category, the eating habits are still in the good category.
Analysis of the Implementation of Health Promotion Programs on Diarrhea Disease Control at Kuala Public Health Center, Bireuen Regency Teuku Syahlidin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Diarrhoea can deplete the body's electrolyte and water reserves, most notably sodium and potassium. Kuala public health centres, Bireuen Regency, reported an annual increase in the number of children with diarrhoea, from 445 in 2014 to 505 in 2015. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which a health promotion program for diarrhoea management was implemented in 2016 in Kuala public health centres, Bireuen Regency. The study adopted a qualitative methodology. It took place between February and June 2016 in Kuala public health centres, Bireuen Regency. The informants who provided information during the study were the subjects of the research. Primary data were gathered through in-depth interviews with informants and field observation, whereas secondary data were gathered through documentary analysis and observation at the public health centres. According to the research, the Kuala public health centres health promotion program was implemented by incorporating it into each public health centre's working units. Diarrhoea was addressed in the Kuala public health centres work area through a health promotion approach. At Kuala public health centres, the health promotion infrastructure, particularly in the media, was inadequate and limited in its capacity to handle diarrhoea. Individuals lacked comprehension as a result of ineffective counselling. Kuala public health centres are recommended to develop a health promotion program through cross-sector collaboration and the use of health promotion media in order to raise public awareness and understanding of diarrhoea..
Utilization Of Traditional And Medical Treatment During The Covid-19 Pandemic Izza Azzahra; Ramayani Anwar; Sarah Mumtaz; Yohana Ingrid Lorenza
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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People experience fear in taking treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially treatment at health facilities. Traditional medicine is an alternative for people when they have health problems. This study aims to determine the use of health and traditional medicine. This research uses cross-sectional design data analysis (study of the cross-sectional survey) and primary data collection using Google form. The results of this study indicate that the number of respondents who used traditional medicine in the last three months was 388 people (46.8), not at all using traditional medicine as many as 280 people (33.8%), the most frequently visited health facilities are Telemedicine, with a total of 609 people. The public health centre is a health facility that ranks second most visited with 273 people. In a pandemic situation like this, the number of people who have experienced illness in the last 30 days is 465 respondents, where headaches have the highest number suffered in the last 30 days. The North Sumatra Provincial Health Office must innovate in medical treatment by paying attention to traditional medicine. The North Sumatra Provincial Health Office must improve the quality of medical services in overcoming health problems.
Analysis of The Impact of Image Messages on Cigarette Packs on Interest to Stop Smoking in Medan City Community Alya Zuhrah; Bintang Rizki Angeli; Maharani Harahap; Meuthia Ulyna Zahra; Nia Syahfitri Damanik; Uli Syahri Rizki
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The regulation on graphic warnings on cigarette packs is governed by Minister of Health Regulation No. 28 of 2013 about the Inclusion of Warnings and Health Information on Tobacco Product Packaging. Smokers should also be urged to quit smoking by seeing frightening image messages on their cigarette packets. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of graphic messaging on cigarette packs on the interest of Medan residents in quitting smoking. This study used a quantitative Likert scale and 100 respondents to collect primary data. In this study, data were gathered through the use of a questionnaire and an online Google form. In this study, the data are analyzed using univariate analysis along with descriptive statistics. The results indicated that 64% of respondents smoked daily, 36% smoked occasionally, and 58% started smoking between the ages of 16 and 23. Cigarette picture message number 4 received the highest response value, namely 7-8. While the majority of respondents chose picture number 1 with a score of 5-6 as the image message that increases their intention to quit smoking, To discourage smoking behavior in the society, the government must increase the image message on cigarette packets. To enhance people's intentions to quit smoking, socializing about smoking image messaging should be provided.
Sociodemographic Analysis, The Environment and The Incidence of Malaria in Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency Sasmar Aurivan Harya
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Malaria is one of the infectious diseases that is still a public health problem in Indonesia, including Mandailing Natal District. The emergence of malaria is caused by various supporting factors so that the Anopheles mosquito can survive because it adapts to the existing environment. These factors are environment, then behavior, health services and heredity. The purpose of this study was to determine socio-demographic, environmental and malaria incidence in Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency. This research was conducted in Mandailing District, Siabu District. This research was conducted in January-April 2015. This study used a case control design. The samples of cases and controls were 31 people each. This study uses bivariate analysis with chi-square test. There is no relationship between education, work and knowledge with the incidence of malaria in Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency. There is a relationship between standing water and wire netting at home with the incidence of malaria in Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency. Communities whose house ventilation is not installed with wire screens are 7.2 times more likely to suffer from malaria than people whose houses are installed with wire screens. The presence of standing water around the house is 5.1 times more likely to suffer from malaria than people whose houses do not have stagnant water. There is a relationship between standing water and wire netting at home with the incidence of malaria in Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency. Communities whose house ventilation is not installed with wire screens are 7.2 times more likely to suffer from malaria than people whose houses are installed with wire screens. The presence of standing water around the house is 5.1 times more likely to suffer from malaria than people whose houses do not have stagnant water.
The Conditions Environmental Sanitation, 3M Behavior, and The House Indexwith The Event Of Dengue Dengue Fever (DHF) Fadhlan Amir Lubis; Putra Apriadi Siregar; Salamudin Salamudin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Up to now, the case of DHF is still a health problem in Indonesia, in North Sumatra Province the incidence DHF is still high, and in Pematangsiantar city the incidence DHFis still a health problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between environmental sanitation, 3M behavior, and the House Index with the incidence ofDHFin the Work Area of the Bah Kapul Health Center, Pematang Siantar City. This study uses a case control approach. This research was conducted in the working area of the Bah Kapul Health Center, Pematang Siantar City during January 2021 to August 2021. The population of this study was patients withDHFwith a sample of 40 cases and a total of 80 control samples. The total sample was 120. The data analysis was univariate analysis. The results showed that the respondents who had good water reservoirs were 110 (91.7%) and respondents who had bad water reservoirs were 10 (8.3%), respondents who had good waste management facilities were 48 (40%) and respondents who have bad waste management sites are 72 (60%), respondents who have good 3M behavior are 78 (64.2%) and respondents who have bad 3M behavior are 42 (35.8%), and respondents who have bad 3M behavior positive larvae were 32 (26.7%) of respondents who were not positive for larvae were 88 (73.3%).
Analysis of Risk Factors Malaria Incidence in Indonesia (data analysis of riskesdas 2018) Apriliani Apriliani; Putra Apriadi Siregar; Azhari Akmal Tarigan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Malaria is still a problem in Indonesia and the world because the morbidity rate is still quite high, and its management is a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors for the incidence of malaria in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional study design. Further analysis of Riskesdas 2018 data was carried out from January to August 2021. The location of this research is all provinces in Indonesia, as many as 34 provinces. The sample in this study is the total population based on the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) in Indonesia as many as 26,657 samples. This study uses secondary data from Riskesdas 2018. The data analysis in this study is univariate analysis with descriptive analysis. The results of this study are respondents suffering from malaria aged >24 years as many as 14,769 (55.4%), female respondents suffering from malaria as many as 13,827 (51.9%), respondents having low education suffered from malaria as many as 19,926 (74.7%), respondents working suffered as much as 15,570 ( 58.4%), respondents living in rural areas suffer from malaria as many as 18,558 (69.6%), respondents who sleep without using mosquito nets suffer from malaria as many as 20,671 (77.5%), respondents do not use repellent suffer from malaria as many as 18,104 (67.9%), respondents do not use mosquito coils /spray/electric suffer from malaria as many as 14,059 (52.7%), respondents who do not use mosquito netting on home ventilation suffer from malaria as many as 22,369 (83.9%), and respondents suffer from malaria in Indonesia as many as 8,076 (30.3%). It is hoped that the Indonesian Ministry of Health will monitor the program for using repellents and distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to malaria-endemic areas. It is hoped that the District/City Offices should be more effective in providing counselling or education on malaria prevention to the public as a malaria prevention measure.

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