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International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health
ISSN : 2798561X     EISSN : 27985172     DOI : -
Journal considers submissions on any aspect of the health field across age groups and settings, these include: Capacity in public health systems and workforce Dentistry Environmental health Environmental Science Health Economic and Policy Studies Health law and ethics Health Professions Maternal and child health Medical Science Midwifes Nursing Public health nutrition Public health practice and impact Reproductive health Islamic and health
Articles 91 Documents
Factors Associated with the Use of HIV Screening in the PMTCT Program by Pregnant Women Mardohar Tambunan; Sorimuda Sarumpaet; Syarifah
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: The Government continues to expand the number ofVCT services (KTHIV) in order to increase HIV testing coverage, asmandated by Ministry of Health Decree No. 74 of 2014 on theimplementation of HIV counseling and testing guidelines. Thepurpose of this study is to ascertain the factors that influence the useof HIV testing in health centers participating in the PMTCT programin the City of Medan in 2015. Method: The study used anobservational design in conjunction with explanatory research and apurposive sampling technique. This research sampled as many as 91pregnant women's. The results of this study will be analyzedmultivariate using the multiple logistic regression test. Result : Thefindings indicate that employment of pregnant women (p = 0.031),knowledge (p = 0.001), attitude (p = 0.001), and family support (p =0.003) are all associated with pregnant women's actions during HIVexaminations. Pregnant women's employment (p = 0.027),knowledge (p = 0.039), attitude (p = 0.004), and support from healthcare providers (p = 0.023) all influence the steps pregnant motherstake to obtain an HIV test. The primary factor preventing pregnantwomen from conducting HIV tests at the Padang Bulan public healthoffice is their negative attitude toward HIV testing (Exp = 7.167).Conlusion: The research findings indicate that Padang Bulan publichealth office prenatal care and HIV testing services should beenhanced. Padang Bulan public health office makes people feel atease and cared for, which is why those who have previously used theprenatal care and HIV testing services will return to perform theexamination. As a responsible program, the Medan City HealthDepartment's Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to Childshould establish collaborations with non-governmental organizations(NGOs) that work on HIV / AIDS.
The Effect Of Children's Value On Family Planning Participation On Mothers Of Couples Of Reproductive Age Haris Muda Rambe
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Family planning determines the quality of the family because it has the potential to save women's lives and improvetheir health status, especially by preventing unwanted pregnancies,birth spacing, and reducing the risk of infant mortality. The low levelof family planning acceptance is caused by the influence of children'sgrades. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence ofchildren's cultural, economic, social, and psychological values on theparticipation of women of childbearing age in the Family Planningprogram in the working area of the Pijokorling Public Health Center.Methods: The population of this cross-sectional observational studyconsisted of 825 mothers in couples of childbearing age, and 92 ofthem were randomly selected to be used as samples for this studyusing simple random sampling technique. This study collects datathrough observation and interviews. Results: Chi-square test andmultiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data. Thefindings of this study indicate that there is a relationship betweenchildren's cultural values ( p<0.001 ), children's economic values (p =0.001), children's social values (p = 0.034), and children's socialvalues (p = 0.034). psychological value of children (p = 0.020) andparticipation of mothers of reproductive age couples in the FamilyPlanning program. Conclusion: what is obtained is that children'scultural values have the greatest influence on the participation ofwomen of childbearing age in the Family Planning program in theworking area of the Pijorkoling Health Center. Health workers,especially those from the BKKBN (National Family PlanningCoordination Agency) in the working area of the Pijorkoling HealthCenter, Padangsidimpuan District, are expected to continue educatingEFA mothers about the importance of participating in the FamilyPlanning Program through health education which emphasizes thatwomen of childbearing age (EFA) are responsible. on their ownreproductive health.
Analysis of the incidence of Musculoskeletal Disorder in Weaving Workers at the Ulos Sianipar Gallery Rina Khairuna Nasution; Syafran Arrazy
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Galery Ulos Sianipar is an ulos and songketmanufacturing company. Ulos are created in this gallery on a nonmachine loom that is operated with the feet and hands, and theweaving activity is carried out continuously while sitting.Musculoskeletal disorders can develop as a result of weaving work(MSDs). The purpose of this study was to ascertain the factors thatcontribute to musculoskeletal disorder complaints among weavingworkers at Galery Ulos Sianipar. Method: This is a quantitativestudy conducted in a cross-sectional fashion. This study enrolled 32individuals. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique used. TheNordic Body Map (NBM) was used to assess musculoskeletalcomplaints; the Rappid Upper Limb Assessment was used to assesswork posture (RULA). Fisher's exact test was used in the bivariatetest. Result : The findings indicated that 24 respondents (75%) hadmild MSDs, while 8 respondents (25%) had severe MSDs. Thebivariate analysis revealed a relationship between physical fitnessand MSD complaints (p=0.038). There is no correlation betweenMSD complaints and age (p-value = 0.625), years of service (p-value= 1,000), or work posture (p-value = 0.176). Conlusion Weavers areencouraged to adopt a more upright posture and participate in sportsand stretches prior to, during, and after work.
Health Film Promotion Media And Motivation On Community Knowledge In Preventing Dengue Fever M. Indra Tarigan; Muhammad Badiran; Linda Hernike Napitupulu
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Efforts to control dengue fever can be accomplishedby promoting health awareness among those at risk of contracting thedisease. Numerous factors, such as the health promotion methods andmedia used, will have an effect on health promotion. Method: Theresearch method used is quasi-experimental with a factorial 2x2design. The study sampled 66 individuals. The analysis in this studyemployed a two-lane variance (ANAVA) analysis with a confidencelevel of 95 percent Result : The findings of this study indicate thatcommunity knowledge about DHF prevention with companiondiscussion is greater than community knowledge about DHFprevention without companion discussion. The knowledge of highlymotivated communities is greater than the knowledge of lowmotivated individuals. There is a relationship between extensionstrategies and motivation for a healthy lifestyle in terms ofinfluencing public knowledge.Conlusion The Finale There is arelationship between extension strategies and motivation for ahealthy lifestyle in terms of influencing public knowledge. It issuggested to the puskesmas officer that he conduct extension effortson DHF disease prevention by using film media in conjunction withdiscussion to increase public awareness of DHF disease prevention
Complaints of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Cleaning Officers at Hospital Asrain Hasibuan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: A heavy workload can have a negative effect onworkers' health, one of which is the appearance of MusculoskeletalDisorders or complaints of pain, injury, or abnormalities in theskeletal muscles, which include the nerves, tendons, ligaments,muscles, and joints; this can have a negative effect on worker quality.A Nordic Body Map can be used to quantify musculoskeletaldisorders. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the relationshipbetween workload and Musculoskeletal Disorder complaints amongcleaning staff at Kota Pinang Hospital in Labuhanbatu SelatanRegency . Method: This type of research employs a quantitativeapproach with a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were53 cleaners at Sibubuan Hospital in Labuhanbatu Selatan Regencywho were recruited using a total sampling technique or by taking arepresentative sample of the entire cleaner population at Kota PinangHospital in Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency . The chi square test wasused to process and analyze the data, which was done using the SPSSversion 22 computer program. Result : According to the study'sfindings, based on frequency of respondents' workloads at heavyworkloads is 37 (69.8%), light workloads are 16 (30.2%) of the totalsample. Frequency of service period of respondents who worked 1-5years was 40 (75.5%), respondents who worked 6-10 years were 13(24.5%) of the total sample. The frequency of high musculoskeletaldisorders is 37 (69.8%), low musculoskeletal disorders are 16(30.2%) of the total sample. Conlusion The high incidence of MSDSin hospital cleaners, the length of work, workload and age are factorsthat should be suspected of having an impact on the incidence ofMSDS in hospital cleaners.
Analysis Quality of Specialist Doctor Services and Patient Satisfaction at H.Abdul Manan Simatupang Hospital in Kisaran Regency Amelia Dwifika Putri; Destanul Aulia; Zulfendri
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Patient dissatisfaction with hospital services is inextricably linked to the low quality of services provided byspecialist doctors in hospitals that fall short of patient expectations.The quality of specialist services can be determined by theinformation and education provided by the specialist doctor, theemotional support provided by the specialist doctor, the accessibilityto the specialist doctor's services, and the physical comfort providedby the specialist doctor. Method: This research is an explanatorysurvey research with a quantitative approach that uses a crosssectional design. This study was conducted at Sultan Abdul MananSimatupang Hospital in Asahan Regency in January 2018-December2018. The population in this study were all patients who receivedinpatient services both class I, class II, class III and VIP at SultanAbdul Manan Simatupang Hospital and samples in this study asmany as 30 patients. Data analysis used chi-square test and crosstabulation. Result : The results of this study indicate that the majorityof patients are dissatisfied with the services provided by specialistdoctors. The quality of services that make patients dissatisfied isinformation and edukasi, emotional support while access to servicesand physical comfort is quite satisfying. There is a relationshipbetween information and education, emotional support provided byspecialist doctors with patient satisfaction. Conlusion : Specialistsdoctor in Sultan Abdul Manan Simatupang Hospital in AsahanRegency must provide optimal services, especially services inproviding information and education to patients.
Film and Slide Show Media Education in Improving Students Knowledge and Attitudes About Drugs at SMUN 1 Peureulak Meutia; Kintoko Rochadi; Edy Syahrial
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Narcotics are substances that, when injected into thebody, produce a specific effect on the user, such as anaesthesia, painrelief, spiritual stimulation, and hallucinations, or they can causedelusions. This is a quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental studyto determine the effectiveness of Extension Through Media Film AndSlide Show To Increased Students' Knowledge and Attitude TowardsDrug Abuse in SMU 1 Peureulak, East Aceh, 2015. Method: Thepopulation of the study consisted of all 918 students of SMAN 1Peureulak, with a total sample size of 60 students divided into twogroups: 30 students who received counseling via film and 30 studentswho received counseling via slide show. From November 2014 toMay 2015, this study was conducted. Pre- and post-testquestionnaires were used to collect data, which were analyzed usingthe uji wilcoxon test at a 95% confidence level. Result : The analysisrevealed that drug counseling had an effect on knowledge with a pvalue of 0.001 in the film medium and p value of 0.001 in the mediaslide show, as well as on attitude with a p value of 0.001 in the filmmedium and p value of 0.001 in the media slide show. The findingsindicated that there is a difference in students' knowledge (p = 0.005)and attitude (p = 0.630) after receiving counseling via film and slideshow. Conlusion I was recommended to the school to educatestudents about drugs through the learning process and to becomeactively involved in researching and disseminating information aboutdrugs through the medium of film.
Analysis of The Risk of MSDS Occurrence in Female Coconut Peeler Workers Muchliza Rizwany; Putra Apriadi Siregar
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders are pains experienced byindividuals in their muscles and skeletons. Awkward postures, staticpostures, and repetitive movements can all contribute to thedevelopment of musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this studyis to examine the relationship between work posture andmusculoskeletal disorders among coconut peeler workers in thevillage of Sei Apung. Method: This is a cross-sectional quantitativestudy. 52 workers were chosen for this study using a purposivesampling technique. The data were collected using the Rapid EntireBody Assessment (REBA) and Nordic Body Map (NBM)questionnaires.Result : This study discovered that the samplecharacteristics for the age range were dominated by individuals aged> 30 years, totalling 29 individuals (55.8 per cent). This study'srespondents were entirely female. With an average work period ofone to five years (63.5 per cent), respondents work an average of fivehours per day (75 per cent), and respondents' most recent education isdominated by high school graduates or equivalent (76.9 percent).Conlusion As a suggestion for taking a break or stretchingmuscles, adding hand braces or elbow braces to reduce the risk ofcomplaints, and modifying the seat to reduce the risk of lower backcomplaints.
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: The policy for picture messages on cigarette packs isregulated in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 57 of 2017concerning Renewal of Inclusion of Warnings and HealthInformation on Tobacco Product Packaging. The purpose ofembedding Pictorial Health Warnings (PHW) on cigarette packs is tocreate fear and motivate someone to quit smoking. Method: Thisstudy uses a quantitative research approach with a cross-sectionaldesign using primary data. This research was conducted at theFaculty of Sharia and Law UIN North Sumatra. From May to July2021. The population in this study was 2.469 students. The samplingtechnique used was purposive sampling. The sample of this studywere 318 teenagers. Data analysis using descriptive analysis andcorrelation test using SPSS 22. Result: There is an influence betweenthe perception of fear in the picture message smoking causes oralcancer (p-value <0.001 r = 0.373), picture message smoking causeslung cancer (p-value <0.001 r = 0.260), picture message smokingcauses throat cancer (p-value <0.001 r = 0.425), smoking picturemessages caused lung and laryngeal cancer (p-value <0.001 r =0.420) and smoking picture messages caused throat cancer (p-value<0.001 r = 0.272) on intention to quit smoking students of the Facultyof Sharia and Law UIN North Sumatra. Conclusion: The more afraidsomeone sees the picture message on the pack of cigarettes, thehigher the intention to quit smoking. It is hoped that the governmentcan expand the picture message on cigarette packs to increase thedesire to quit smoking and reduce the number of smokers inIndonesia.
The Effectiveness of The Media Leaflets and Film on Knowledge of The Attitude snd Skills of Cadres in Ovitrap Making Fitri Saragih; R. Kintoko Rochadi; Alam Bakti Keloko
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Introduction: Ovitrape is one method for preventing the occurrenceof DHF. Ovitrape has been widely used in a variety of locations witha high prevalence of DHF. One of the advantages of ovitrape is that itis simple to manufacture and inexpensive. The purpose of this studyis to determine the effectiveness of video media in increasingknowledge and skills in making ovitrape. Method: This is a quasiexperimental design with a pretest-posttest format. This researchsample included 50 cadre divided into two groups, 25 groups, and 25media leaflet film media. The Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests areused in this study. Result : Wilcoxon test results indicated leafletsand film media effectively improve cadres' knowledge, attitude, andskills in ovitrape manufacture. The film is a more effective mediumfor improving cadres' knowledge, attitudes, and skills in themanufacture of ovitrape. Conlusion According to the researchfindings, the collaboration between the health centre and PanguluNagori Batu Anam Pamatang Simelungun District of SiantarSimalungun is necessary for inserting health education materialsabout dengue prevention through the use of film and leaflets.

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