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Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy
ISSN : 27751236     EISSN : 27752119     DOI :
Al-Hilal Journal is a scientific journal published in April and October per year by the Islamic Astronomy at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo, Semarang colaboration with Asosisasi Dosen Falak Indonesia (ADFI). Articles published in this journal are the results of empirical research in Islamic Astronomy (such as qibla, salat times, Islamic Calendar, Eclipse and others), and its approaching on other area studies (mathematics, physics, astrophysics, social, politics, anthropology, ethnography and others). This journal has specifications as a medium of publication and communication of Islamic Astronomy ideas derived from theoretical and analytical studies, as well as research results in the field of both natural and social science. The editor hopes that writers, researchers and legal experts will contribute in this journal.
Articles 49 Documents
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.429 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2019.1.1.5188


This paper describes the historical aspects of astronomy born from the hijri calendar and its application in determining the date of birth and death of the Prophet Muhammad. This research uses the history-astronomy method, which is history used to discuss important events that were born and died the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a great Islamic figure. While considering astronomy is used to explain the calculation of the start of the hijri calendar and analyze the date of birth and death of the Prophet through the calculation of the hisab Ephemeris and clarification of three software (Accurate Time 5.3.9, Stary Night, and Stellarium). This research concludes the brith of the Holy Prophet SAW on Legi Monday, 14th Rabi'ul Awwal 53 BH (5th May 570 AD ) and the death that the Prophet Muhammad SAW occurred on Legi Monday, 14 Rabi'ul Awwal 11 H (8 June 632 AD).
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.279 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2021.3.1.7638


Praying (Shalat) is a fundamental ritual for moslem. Moslem must have deep understanding about praying time in doing Shalat. In this era, many astronomy and falak scholars make a guideline or formula of an algorithm of the beginning of praying time calculation. One of them is a physic lecturer from Gajah Mada University who concern about calculation, specifically about Islamic astronomy (Falak). He designs algorithm of the beginning of praying time schedule on his book “Mekanika Benda Langit (Celestial Mechanics)” and his personal blog to access the program of the beginning praying time calculation. This work is a kind qualitative research which use library research method. By using descriptive explanatory method, the author will scrutinize factor which differ the calculation of the beginning praying time by Rinto Anugraha that will be compared to the beginning of praying time by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. In this study, the authors analyzed that the solar declination data and the equation of time used were calculated manually by looking for initial data from Julian Day. The program presented in the early Rinto Anugraha prayer time algorithm based on modern astronomy is very friendly for the user. In the implication of hisab, Rinto Anugraha uses a constant sun height of -18 ° for the evening prayer time and -20 ° for the dawn prayer time.
ASTRONOMICAL INTERPRETATION OF EARLY PRAYER TIMES (Study of Differences in Determination of Early Prayer Times From The Text and Astronomical Prespective) Rifki Hasan Hasan
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.484 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2020.2.2.6640


Theoretically the prayer times have been determined by the Koran and Sunnah through the phenomenon of the movement of the sun. Based on the instructions of the Koran and the Sunnah there are various nashes that seem to contradict one another. For example, in the determination of early Fajr time, nashexpresses with some terminologhy, for example, ghalas, isfar, and ishbah. This needs to be defined practically in astronomical rules, making it easier for us to carry out worship. This paper will describe the meaning of prayer times from the language of the Koran and Sunnah into astronomical rules, so that prayer times can be easily reckoned and determined, without having to change the phenomenon of the sun every time it will perform prayers. This paper will include the debate of scholars in interpreting sharia in astronomical rules, so that this paper is not only doctrinal, but invites us to think more creatively in determining prayer times.
QIBLA DIRECTIONS THROUGH ULAMA’S FATWA : Comparative Study between Qibla Direction Fatwa of Indonesian Ulama Council and Dar Al-Ifta Al-Misriyyah Ahsin Dinal Mustafa
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.117 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2019.1.1.5675


Qibla direction is one of the important things in Islam. Especially in the prayer worship. Al-Quran and Hadith have explained about the direction of qibla during the lifetime of the Prophet. The Problems begun  when Muslims spread all  the world as it is today. Muslims who are far from Mecca can not see the Ka’bah, so it is difficult to determine the "ainul  Ka'bah". But now the rapid development of technology makes it easy for Muslims to determine the direction of the Qibla appropriately. In this case, however, the ulama' do ijtihad with their fatwa regarding how precisely facing the Qibla is permissible for those who cannot see the Ka'bah. This study aims to explain how 'Indonesian' ulama in this case the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) and 'Egyptian' ulama (Dar al-Ifta 'al-Misriyyah) resolve the problem and explain what lies behind the views of both. This study is a comparative normative study using a qualitative approach. The study data was taken from the MUI fatwas and Dar al-Ifta 'al-Misriyyah. The results of the study showed that the MUI fatwa initially decided the direction of the qibla of Indonesian Muslims to face westward, but then a new fatwa emerged afterwards which decided the qibla of Indonesian Muslims to face northwest with varying positions according to the location of their respective regions. In contrast to the MUI fatwa, the fatwa from Dar al-Ifta 'al-Misriyyah shows that for those who cannot see the Kaaba it is permissible to deviate slightly from the actual qibla direction with a 45 degree limit in the right or left direction.
ANALEMMA AND THE BEGINNING OF MAGHRIB PRAYER ALTERATION (Correlation Of Analemma’s Position Towards The Beginning Of Maghrib Prayer According To Ephemeris Calculation) M. Ihtirozun Ni'am; khabib suraya
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.85 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2021.3.1.7649


Analemmaa is a change of sun’s position which is inconstant when it is observed in certain time and place during a year period. If the change is served as a diagram, it will shape like ‘eight’ number. The beginning of maghrib prayer during a year period is dyanmic at certain time, and it will change due to alteration of sunset.  Therefore, this research aimed to understand the correlation between analemma and the alteration of maghrib prayer schedule. The research uses field research method, which collecting the average of observation data of Sun’s position at the certain time and place during a year period by employing qualitative method. The research found that the alteration of the beginning of maghrib prayer is caused by the analemma’s phenomenon. When the gap between the result of analema’s time observed with maghrib schedule is increased, so the beginning of maghrib prayer is delayed. Yet, when the gap between the result of analema’s time observed with maghrib schedule is decreased, so the beginning of maghrib prayer is sooner.
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.854 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2020.2.1.5718


In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, astronomers as well as modern society in general cannot turn away from the reality of virtual life. People get information, read and study any knowledge is very easy because everything is available in their hands. Faced with this condition, what about astronomy scholarship? Amid the assumption that astronomy and experts are very rare. So astronomers are demanded to be able to adapt and develop themselves with 'literacy' technology to be able to package the astronomy knowledge and present its content to the public easily and to construct it in digital form. Why does this virtual reality have to be faced and how to deal with it? Associated with efforts to answer the needs of the public about astronomical scholarship in virtual reality, various innovations and creativity of astronomers emerged in the form of digitizing material, books (books) and astronomical applications. This variety of innovations will increase the interest of millennial students to learn and master it. Through this paper,-some of the digitization pattern-, the author will study it with the content analysis method and describe it descriptively-interpretatively. From the results of studies, the author has led to a conclusion that; the first, found a number of patterns of celestial scientific digitalization; from the side of the content, the digital astronomical material consists of the calculation of qibla direction, prayer time, the beginning of the month and eclipse and the practice of its determination, from the media aspect, the astronomy knowledge is presented through social media, such as facebook, instagram, whatsApp and youtube; through website-based media, such as, and, in the form of smartphone applications, such as digital falak, mizwandroid, qiblat, usholli and so on. While the design of the presentation is varied, in the form of text, video, images and pdf. The second, each of these patterns has made a valuable contribution to the virtual learning of astronomy for millennial society in the current era of the industrial revolution 4.0.
PRAYER ROOM QIBLA DIRECTION AT SCHOOL IN BUKITTINGGI : (Qibla Study in Junior High School and Senior High Schools Prayer Room) Hendri Hendri
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.093 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2019.1.1.5189


Facing the qibla is one of the legal requirements in conducting prayer. The existence of the prayer room as a place of prayer in the school aims to fulfill the worship need for Muslim students and teachers, especially the midday prayer. However, the school owner never concerns towards qibla direction in School prayer room. This paper answers how the accuracy of the direction of the center of prayer at junior high school and senior high school in Bukittingg. By using library research method, researcher found that the method used is estimation method with concerning on Sunset direction, concerning on the buildings around it which defined in falak field as taqribi method. Furthermore, schools owners also used astronomy theory as the qibla direction method determination, such as compass qibla, Sun shadow and theodolite. Regarding to the qibla direction accuracy in Senior high schools and Junior high schools in Bukittinggi, researcher found there were two schools which were in accurate qibla direction, two schools which can be tolerated and eight remaining prayer rooms which were unforgivable due to incorrect method while implementing to decide the qibla direction.
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.798 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2020.2.2.6725


Calendar or calendar system is an important reference for mankind from ancient times to the present. Judging from the reference system, there are three types of calendars, namely solar-based, lunar-based and both-based calendars. Meanwhile, in terms of its complexity, the calendar is divided into two, namely the astronomical and arithmetic calendars. The Javanese calendar after the changes made by the great sultan, was inspired by the hijri calendar. Both are based on the lunar calendar. The aim of this study is to introduce the calendar system, the Javanese calendar and its relevance to the hijriah calendar, and the Javanese Aboge calendar. This research is descriptive. The source in this research study is literature review. From this research it was found that the hijri calendar is an astronomical calendar that requires observation and has a high degree of accuracy with respect to the visibility of the new moon, while the Javanese calendar is an arithmetic calendar system, so it requires corrections in a certain period to be the same or nearly the same as the hijri calendar. However, the Aboge calendar does not change curves or cycles, so that the Aboge Javanese calendar has a difference of days with the Javanese calendar currently in use, namely the calendar with the asapon calendar, and it could be the same or the difference of up to two days with the Hijri calendar. Yet the calendar is used by the Javanese not only for worship, but also for petungan in determining traditional ceremonies and personal interests.
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (847.112 KB)


In Indonesia there are still often differences in the determination of the beginning of the Hijri month (Kamariah). This is due to the difference between the concept of rukyatul hilal and wujudul hilal is use by the largest religious organization in Indonesia. It is know from several literature sources that Nahdlatul Ulama applies the concept of rukyatul hilal, while Muhammadiyah applies the concept of wujudul hilal. Both have advantages and disadvantages of each. In addition, both of them also apply the concept of wilayatul ḥukmi enforces the initial determination of the Hijri month for a particular jurisdiction, it is valid for a country or government. Following up on this matter, this study wanted to describe the relevance between the concepts of rukyatul hilal and wujudul hilal in the implementation of the wilayatul ḥukmi concept. Problems related to wilayatul ḥukmi will occur if in a hilal area it cannot be seen when the rukyatul hilal process or in a new hilal area has not been realized when applying the wujudul hilal concept. Moving on from the above problems, the question arises as to how the concept of wilayatul ḥukmi is able to accommodate these two concepts, where the jurisdiction included in the reality does not meet the criteria to enter the beginning of the new month. On the other hand, this study also wants to uncover the advantages and disadvantages between the concept of rukyatul hilal and wujudul hilal in the current era, with the hope of being able to provide positive criticism in building common ground for the benefit of the people.  Di Indonesia masih sering terjadi perbedaan dalam penetapan awal bulan Hijriah (Kamariah). Hal ini karena adanya pebedaan antara konsep rukyatul hilal dan wujudul hilal yang digunakan oleh organisasi keagamaan terbesar di Indonesia. Diketahui dari beberapa sumber pustaka bahwa Nahdlatul Ulama menerapkan konsep rukyatul hilal, sedangkan Muhammadiyah menerapkan konsep wujudul hilal. Keduanya mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Selain itu, keduanya juga menerapkan konsep wilayatul ḥukmi yang memberlakukan penetapan awal bulan Hijriah untuk satu wilayah hukum tertentu, yakni untuk suatu negara atau pemerintahan. Menindaklanjuti hal tersebut, penelitian ini ingin mendeskripsikan relevansi antara konsep rukyatul hilal dan wujudul hilal dalam implementasi konsep wilayatul ḥukmi. Permasalahan terkait wilayatul ḥukmi akan terjadi apabila di suatu wilayah hilal tidak dapat terlihat ketika proses rukyatul hilal atau di suatu wilayah hilal belum wujud bilamana menerapkan konsep wujudul hilal. Beranjak dari permasalahan di atas akan timbul pertanyaan bagaimana konsep wilayatul ḥukmi ini mampu mengakomodir kedua konsep tersebut, di mana wilayah hukum yang masuk didalamnya dalam realitanya belum memenuhi kriteria untuk masuk awal bulan baru. Di sisi lain, penelitian ini juga ingin mengungkap kelebihan dan kekurangan antara konsep rukyatul hilal dan wujudul hilal di era saat ini, dengan harapan mampu memberikan kritik positif dalam membangun kesamaan pandangan demi kemaslahatan umat.Kata Kunci: Rukyatul Hilal, Wujudul Hilal, Wilayatul Ḥukmi 
Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.028 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/al-hilal.2021.3.1.7663


On the basis of the annual pseudo motion of the Sun, there is a division of the seasons. In terms of seasons, there are several natural phenomena that can affect the seasons on earth, especially the natural phenomena of El Nino and La Nina. In Indonesia, El Nino can result in a longer dry season and La Nina can cause a longer rainy season. Thus, any research related to the influence of El Nino and La Nina is very important to do to determine whether these two natural phenomena affect the intensity of determining the direction of the Qibla. This research is included in the Library Research using qualitative research methods with a descriptive format. Data collection techniques used are documentation or literature and non-participant observation. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, the authors processed the field data obtained from the Class I Semarang Climatology Office to obtain the average climatological elements during the year of El Nino and La Nina, then the results were implemented in determining the direction of the Qibla. This study resulted in the finding that La Nina was sufficient to influence the implementation of determining the direction of the Qibla because at the time of La Nina the rain continued to occur throughout the year.