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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
Articles 894 Documents
Teachers' Voice Of Using Crossword Puzzle Games To Improve Students' Vocabulary
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract One technique that can be used by teachers in the teaching and learning process to create learning that is fun and quickly understood is to use game techniques. With this technique, teachers can create comfortable classrooms for students so that students can increase their desire to learn English. One of the important things in learning English is vocabulary. Teachers can use game techniques in teaching student vocabulary to improve student vocabulary and make the learning process fun. One game that can be used by teachers to improve students' vocabulary is a crossword puzzle game. Crossword puzzles have a positive impact on students; students feel happy and interested in learning English, and students can add vocabulary according to the material at that time. The researcher wants to know the teachers’ voice of using crossword puzzles to improve students' vocabulary. This research is qualitative research with five high school teachers in Mojoagung and Mojokerto as participants. In this study, the researcher used an open-ended questionnaire using Google Forms. This study used semi-structured interviews via WhatsApp. The results of the study show that teachers can use crossword puzzle games in teaching to improve students' vocabulary. Teachers use various types of crosswords according to their needs, while the types of crosswords are oral, picture, and object crosswords. The most important thing from this research is the advantages of using crossword puzzles, which can improve students' vocabulary. Crossword puzzles have challenges when applied in teaching, and these challenges can be seen from internal and external challenges. Keywords: Teacher’s Voice, Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary
The Use of Kahoot As A Learning Tool in Learning Cause and Effect Conjunction for Senior High School Students
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Kahoot merupakan seuah website gamifikasi yang dikenal popular oleh sebagain besar pengajar untuk diadopsikan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hal ini juga diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran abhasa inggris yang memiliki manfaat cukup signifikan, terlebih khusus dalam pembelajaran grammar. Grammar merupakan sebuah komponen bahasa inggris yang dikenal cukup sulit dipahami. Kajian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar dari siswa yang belajar Cause and Effect Conjunction menggunakan Kahoot dan siswa yang tidak menggunakan Kahoot saat pembelajaran. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan design kuasi eksperimen.Sampel dalam kajian penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas 11 dari salah satu SMA Negeri di Surabaya. Instrumen dari penelitian ini adalah test yang terdiri dari pre-test dan post-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang sigifikan antara siswa yang belajar grammar menggunakan kahoot dan yang tidak menggunakan kahoot. Hasil dari nilai signifikansi (sig 2-tailed) menunjukkan 0.04 yang berarti kurang dari 0.05. Selain itu, nilai rata-rata dari kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol. Perbedaan nilai rata-ratanya dalah 13.269. Ukuran efek dari penelitian ini adalah 0.081 yang termasuk efek sedang berdasarkan Cohen (1988). Kahoot is a game-based website that many students utilize as part of their learning-to-learn process. This is also used in English language learning, which offers substantial advantages, especially in grammar learning. Grammar is a difficult-to-understand English vocabulary phrase. The goal of this study is to discover if there are any significant variations in learning results between students who utilize Kahoot to study cause-and-effect conjunction and those who do not. The researcher uses quantitative method by using quasi-experimental design. The sample for this study is made up of eleventh grade students from a public senior high school in Surabaya. The tools used in this study are tests, which contain a pre-test and a post-test. The results of this study reveal that there is a substantial difference between students who use this game to learn grammar and those who do not. The outcome shows that the significance level (sig 2-tailed) is less than 0.05. Furthermore, the mean score of the test group is higher than that of the control group. The average deviation is 13.269 percent. The impact size of this study, according to Cohen, is 0.081, indicating a small magnitude.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract Intercultural communication plays a crucial role in today's diverse educational settings, where teachers are tasked with fostering inclusive and effective learning environments. This study explores the perceptions and experiences of English Language Education (ELE) students regarding the role of an Intercultural Communication Course (ICC) in their teaching practice. A qualitative research approach employing questionnaires was conducted with a sample of 27 ELE students of the 2019 cohort and also conducted semi-structured interviews with a sample of six ELE students of the 2019 cohort of one state university in Surabaya who had completed ICC in their fifth semester and also done their teaching practice of their teacher education program. The findings indicate that the ICC significantly impacted students' perceptions and experiences of their teaching practice. They reported enhanced awareness of their own cultural biases and increased self-reflection, leading to more inclusive instructional practices. Participants expressed improvements in their ability to facilitate communication and resolve conflicts arising from cultural differences. Moreover, the course was seen as instrumental in developing students' confidence, incorporating culturally relevant materials and activities into their lessons. However, some challenges were identified, including limited opportunities for practical application during the course and the need for continued support and training beyond the initial ICC. Participants emphasized the importance of ongoing professional development in intercultural communication skills and suggested integrating more experiential learning opportunities within the teacher education curriculum. Further research is needed to know how the lecturer perceives the Intercultural Communication Course (ICC). The future researcher is also expected to discover how to develop the right material for ICC for ELE students to support their teaching career as EFL pre-service teachers. Keywords: Intercultural Communication Course, ELE students, teaching practice, perceptions, experiences.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Speaking skill is considered as the most important skill because being able to speak fluently in English is one of the objective points in English learning. Although English as a global lingua franca is very important for students to master, speaking anxiety comes in a way as one major obstacle faced by students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative design to answer the research questions. The research subjects were four grade 7th junior high school students who experienced English speaking anxiety and had strategies to overcome their speaking anxiety. Research subjects were selected selectively using a closed questionnaire from all students in 7J class from one of the state junior high school in Surabaya. The instrument used in this research was interview. The findings show that there are three types of anxiety faced by students, namely apprehension of communication, test anxiety, and fear of negative or bad evaluation. The strategy used by students to overcome their speaking anxiety is the Social-Affective Strategy which consists of questioning, cooperating, self-talk, and self-reinforcement. Thus it can be concluded that the anxiety experienced by grade 7 junior high school students was most likely to occur during conversations, oral exams, or during class presentations. Each student has different strategies for dealing with their English speaking anxiety.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Sumber daya pembelajaran berbasis teknologi diperlukan untuk membantu siswa belajar Bahasa Inggris. Menggunakan permainan dalam kegiatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah alat teknologi yang bermanfaat bagi proses pembelajaran. Permainan Genshin Impact dapat menarik minat siswa dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar mereka. Permainan mobile adalah Cara yang ideal untuk mempromosikan pendidikan di dunia teknologi. Dalam penelitian ini meneliti efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis permainan Genshin Impact dalam meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris siswa di jenjang sekolah menengah pertama . Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu yang menggunakan metode eksperimental. Dalam penelitian ini, kelas VII dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen yang belajar kosakata dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berupa permainan Genshin Impact, sedangkan kelas kontrol belajar tanpa bantuan permainan atau menggunakan pembelajaran tradisional. Situasi ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kelas eksperimen menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemahaman kelas kontrol. Perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan permainan pembelajaran Genshin Impact oleh kelas eksperimen, yang terbukti meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran terkait pemahaman siswa dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa penerapan permainan pendidikan Genshin Impact berhasil meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Selain itu, permainan pembelajaran Genshin Impact membantu meningkatkan keterlibatan, antusiasme, dan motivasi siswa dalam berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pendidikan sehingga pelajaran yang diajarkan dapat benar-benar terintegrasi. Permainan pembelajaran Genshin Impact juga dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan, antusiasme, dan motivasi siswa untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pendidikan, memastikan bahwa informasi yang diberikan sepenuhnya dipahami. Dengan meningkatkan skor siswa dan mempengaruhi keterlibatan dan fokus mereka selama kelas, permainan Genshin Impact adalah alat berharga untuk belajar kosakata.Kata kunci: Genshin Impact game, Kosa kata, Media Pembelajaran. Abstract Technology-based learning resources are required to help students learn English. Using games in teaching and learning activities is a technological tool that benefits the learning process. Genshin Impact games can captivate students' interest and increase their learning motivation. Mobile games are the ideal way to promote education in the technological world. The objective of this research is to determine the efficacy of game-based learning Genshin Impact for enhancing students' English vocabulary. Quasi Experimental is the research design used in this study, which employs an experimental method. In this study, class VII was selected as the experimental class which learned vocabulary by using learning media in the form of the Genshin Impact game and the control class studied without the help of the game or use a traditional learning. This situation shows that comprehending the experimental class yields superior results to understanding the control class. The experimental class employed the Genshin Impact learning game, which has been shown to enhance learning outcomes in terms of student comprehension when compared to the control group, and is the reason for this divergence. The study revealed that implementing the educational game Genshin Impact was successful in raising student learning outcomes. In addition, the Genshin Impact learning game helps promote student engagement, enthusiasm, and motivation in engaging in educational activities so that the lessons being taught can be totally immersed. The Genshin Impact learning game can also boost students’ engagement, enthusiasm, and drive to participate in educational activities, ensuring that the information provided is fully retained..Thus, using the Genshin Impact learning game considerably impacts students'' learning results regarding word understanding and recall..By raising student scores and affecting their engagement and focus during class, the Genshin Impact game is a valuable tool for learning vocabulary. Keywords: Genshin Impact game, Vocabulary, Learning Media.
The Use of Pop-up Card for Junior High School Students’ Writing Skills in Descriptive Text
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Ini adalah penelitian tindakan partisipatif (PAR) yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sejauh mana pencapaian siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan pop-up card berbeda dari mereka yang diajar dengan menggunakan media pengajaran yang digunakan oleh guru dalam teks deskriptif dan untuk menggambarkan seberapa efektif kartu pop-up untuk mengajarkan keterampilan menulis siswa sekunder dalam teks deskriptif. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII B salah satu SMP di Surabaya tahun ajaran 2022/2023 yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Maret 2023 sampai dengan 4 April 2023 di SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa kelas ini pasif selama pelajaran bahasa Inggris tetapi juga VII B mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar menulis karena kurangnya motivasi dan kosa kata dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam satu siklus yang terdiri dari dua kali pertemuan; pertemuan pertama fokus membangun pengetahuan tentang teks deskriptif, kemudian pertemuan kedua memfokuskan penggunaan pop-up card. Siklus tersebut meliputi empat tahapan yang meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan observasi checklist, kuesioner dan pre-test post-test digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Penelitian tindakan partisipatif (PAR) ini dilakukan secara kolaboratif dengan guru bahasa Inggris. Kata kunci : media belajar, teks deskriptif,, kartu pop-up, kemampuan menulis. Abstract This is participatory action research (PAR) aiming to explain to what extent the achievement of the students who were taught by using pop-up card differs from those who were taught by using teaching media used by the teacher in descriptive text and to describe how effective pop-up card is to teach secondary students’ writing skills in descriptive text. The subject of the study was the students of VII B, of one of junior high schools in Surabaya in the academic year of 2022/2023, consisting of 29 students. The research was conducted from 21th March,2023 to 4th April, 2023 at SMP Negeri 17 Surabaya. The results of the observation showed that this class was passive during the English lesson but also VII B had difficulties in learning writing because they lack of motivation and vocabulary in learning process. This research was carried out in one cycle that consisted of two meetings; the first meeting focus on building knowledge about descriptive text, then the second meeting focused the used of pop-up card. The cycle covered four stages that include planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this research used observation checklist, questionnaire and pre-test post-test were used to get the data. This Participatory action research (PAR) was done by collaboratively with English teacher. Keyword: learning media, descriptive text, pop-up card, writing skills.
The Effect of Learning Vocabulary in Acquisition and Descriptive Text through Hidden Object Games for Junior High School Students
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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In this research entitled "The Effect of Learning Vocabulary in Acquisition and Descriptive Text through Hidden Object Games for Junior High School Students," the aim of this research were to know and explain the implementation, students’ performance, and student’s perception about Hidden Object Game as a digital learning media to learn vocabulary and descriptive text. This research was mix method research. The subjects in this study were 7th grade students in junior high school. This class chose based on the teacher recommendation because in this class’ properties support digital learning activities. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences between students before and after gave treatment. In terms of writing test, the students’ score were improved, especially on vocabulary aspect with percentage 45.7%. The students also gave positive perception towards Hidden Object Game as a digital learning media to learn vocabulary and descriptive text. In conclusion, Hidden Object Game gave positive impact to learn vocabulary in acquisition and descriptive text materials. Keywords: Hidden Object Game, vocabulary, and descriptive text.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This study aims to investigate the effect of using digital comics on students' reading comprehension in vocational school. The study was conducted in two vocational high school research classes. This study uses a Quasi Experimental Study design, rooted in the principles of experimental research, to examine the impact of student's reading ability on their learning activities. The results show that digital comic was effective in increasing one of the reading aspect namely, identify word meaning, it had significance differences by the mean score of before and after the treatment with t-test result has a greater value by Sig. It is suggested that more frequent implementation of digital comic activities, along with repetition in classroom instruction, can yield positive results and improve various aspects of reading comprehension. The researcher suggests that future research on digital comic should be conducted with a deeper exploration of different genres.
An Analysis of Students Anxiety in Speaking English at Senior High School
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The purpose of the study analysis was to discover the factors of students' anxiety in speaking English. This study was conducted with 25 students from the twelfth grade of senior high school 2 Ponorogo using a mixed method research design. As data sources, an observation, a questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview were employed. Observation, questionnaires, and interviews are used to collect data for the study. To examine the data, the acquired data from questionnaires and interviews were processed, analyzed, coded, and interpreted. It found that most of students feel anxiety about speaking English. However, the speaking’s anxiety is existence in students when they are speaking English. The factors that contributed in students’ speaking anxieties are communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation. It is recommended for EFL teachers to identify students' anxiety in speaking and improve their speaking skills.
The Effectiveness of Humorous Stories to Teach English Speaking Skills
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This study examined if humorous stories might help students in SMA Labschool at UNESA's eleventh grade improve their speaking abilities. The goal of this study is to collect empirical data on the variations in speaking test scores between students who were taught using humorous stories. There were 90 students make up the overall population of this study, with the following breakdown: 21 students in class XI-IPA 1, 19 students in class XI-IPA 2, and 20 students in class XI-IPA 3, 30 pupils in IPS class XI.This study employed a pre-experimental research design. Through the use of pretest and posttest, the data was gathered. It aimed to determine if humorous stories bring any differences in students’ scores. According to test results, the students' pre-test mean score was 60.80, but their post-test mean score was 75.70. According to table 4.5, the significance value (2-tailed) for this occurrence is 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, Ha is approved whereas Ho is disapproved. In other words, using humorous stories has a significant influence on the speaking skills of 11th grade students of SMA Labschool UNESA. Keywords : Humorous Story, Speaking Skill, Efecticeness, Improving Students’ Speaking Skill