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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
Articles 894 Documents
The Effectiveness of Modified Dictogloss in Promoting Receptive and Productive Knowledge of Collocation
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract This study focused on exploring how the dictogloss task of text reconstruction could enhance the learning of English collocation, especially phrasal verbs. Earlier studies have shown that learners face challenges when it comes to utilizing these word combinations, yet there are limited effective instructional techniques available. The participants in this research were 84 Islamic senior high school students in the eleventh grade (aged 16-17). The study employed a true experimental design to compare the effectiveness of two modified versions of the dictogloss task. In this study, the participants were randomly allocated to three groups: experimental group 1 (SEM), experimental group 2 (STRUC), and a control group (traditional).The students worked in pairs and reconstructed English texts containing the target items (phrasal verbs). Before each reconstruction, a priming activity was conducted with the intention of assisting learners in perceiving collocation (phrasal verbs). The result demonstrated that students who performed modified dictogloss gained higher mean scores in post-tests of receptive and productive knowledge of collocation compared to students who performed traditional dictogloss. Furthermore, engaging students in a pre-task activity that involved elaborating on the meaning of collocations outperformed a form-focused pre-task activity, particularly in terms of productive knowledge. The results are extensively analyzed in connection with previous research, highlighting their implications for English language teaching (ELT) and future research. Keywords: modified dictogloss, receptive knowledge, productive knowledge, collocation.
The Influence of Tiktok on Students’ Perception in Narrative Text Learning for Vocational High School Ummi Nadhilah
RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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One of the most difficult functional texts for students to learn is narrative text. Perception has an important role in learning success because someone will accept and support the perceived object if they have a positive perception. Analyzing Tiktok's influence on students' perceptions of narrative text learning is the goal of this study. A pre-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. 35 students from the X grade at one of the public vocational schools in Mojoagung, Jombang, were selected as the study's sample. Pre-posttest with four indicators distributed to obtain data from respondents. The findings in this study showed a significant influence of the Tiktok application on students' perceptions of narrative text learning, with a Significance value of 0,000. In addition, the results of this study also show that the Tiktok application can increase student confidence, motivation, and interest in learning narrative texts. In addition, the Tiktok application also affects students' emotions positively, so it can help with understanding narrative text.Keywords: Perception, Tiktok Application, Narrative Text Learning.
Pre-service English Teachers’ Perceptions and Motivations in Continuing Their Profession as EFL Teachers
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Perception significantly motivates English Language Education Study Program students to become English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This study investigates pre-service English teachers' perceptions of continuing as English teachers as a professional choice and the motivational factors that influence pre-service teachers to continue as English teachers as a professional choice. The investigation is phenomenological. A qualitative research approach using a questionnaire was conducted with a sample of 86 students of an English Language Education study programme who were given a questionnaire to be filled in through the G-Form link, and 21 students returned the questionnaire. Then, this research also conducted semi-structured interviews with a sample of four English Language Education Study Programme students of the 2019 cohort of one state university in Surabaya who had completed the teaching practice programme (PLP) in semester seven. The results suggest that the participants chose to become English teachers because of internal, external, and altruistic factors. Likewise, those who decided not to become English teachers were influenced by internal, external, and altruistic factors. These findings contradict previous research on teacher motivation in developing countries and what is commonly believed in Indonesia. Furthermore, having completed a teaching practise program and seven semesters of lectures has had a significant impact on the 2019 cohort's perceptions of the English Language Education Study Program. The majority of those given the questionnaire had a favourable view of continuing to become an English teacher as a career. Finally, this study suggests understanding their perceptions. So that educational institutions can provide tailored support, guidance, and opportunities to cultivate and maintain the iv perceptions of ELE students in pursuing their future profession as EFL teachers.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Acquiring academic speaking skills is crucial for language learners to develop student's academic achievements. However, it becomes the most challenging aspect of language acquisition since students' mother tongue is not English. The emergence COVID-19 pandemic has further hindered students' language acquisition. Instagram, as an advanced technology and social media, is discussed as a potential tool for language learning and enhancing academic speaking skills. The study aims to investigate students' perception of Instagram as a tool for learning academic speaking skills. This research is descriptive quantitative which used a close-ended questionnaire as an instrument to elicit students’ perception. The questionnaire distributed via google forms by Slovin's formula to 70 students of English education 2019 in one of the University of Surabaya, East Java. The mean score and frequencies were presented. The result showed positive results, and most students perceived that Instagram could be used for learning and practicing English academic speaking skills. The positive perception is reflected in the average mean scores obtained across all three perception components (conative 3.8, affective 3.9, and cognitive 4.1). Based on the results above, Instagram is considered as a valuable platform for learning and practicing English academic speaking skills. Keywords: Perception, Academic speaking skills learning, Instagram.
Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of ESP Material Development in Their Teaching Practice
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This study aims to find out the pre-service EFL teachers' perceptions of the role of the ESP Material Development course in their teaching practice activities at Vocational Highschool (VHS). This present study takes place at a state university in Surabaya, especially at an English language education study program. This study uses qualitative research, especially case study. The data will be analyzed by giving semi-structured interviews and reviewing documents to the English education students of 2019 cohort at the University State at Sura Bayaya English education student of 2019 who had taken the English language Education Study Program (ESP) Material Development Course and had done their teaching practices at VHS. The results of the interview showed that the Pre-Service EFL teacher think that ESP Materials Development are important for their teaching in VHS, and one of the challenges they face in applying their knowledge to meet their students' needs is the varying English language proficiency levels among their students. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the preservative teachers perception of the use of ESP material development in teaching practice is important. It is necessary for the teachers to be equipped with courses related to the preparation of material for teaching English by the majors or specializations of each VHS student.
TED-ED Animated Videos’ Impact on Vocabulary Gain of Indonesian EFL Middle Schoolers
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Vocabulary is one of the essential components of language learning and a primary key for effective communication in foreign language learning. Nowadays, audiovisual content has been well-known in enhancing students’ English skills. Previous studies mostly investigated the effect of audiovisual material on students’ speaking or listening skills development for high schoolers and college students. Subsequently, this study examined the impact of integrating visual-auditory material on Indonesian EFL middle schoolers’ vocabulary acquisition using TED-Ed animation videos, which were conducted with a quantitative approach and applied a one-group pretest-posttest design. The participants involved in this study were 24 students in the 8th grade at a private middle school in Surabaya that were treated with TED-Ed videos assessing their vocabulary knowledge. The videos applied for the treatment process have been filtered to relate to the personal recount text chapter in the 2013 curriculum and adjusted for eighth graders. This study found a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary acquisition, with a t-test result of 8.60 (≥ t table: 2.06). Overall, the posttest scores were higher than the pretest, indicating a positive impact on vocabulary learning. Furthermore, based on the findings, the researchers concluded that TED-Ed is a beneficial platform for enhancing EFL students’ learning.
The Effect of EDAPP as LMS on Students' English Proficiency on Junior High School Student
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of EDAPP, an educational mobile application, on student English proficiency. A sample of 26 students from a Junior High school participated in the study .Pre- and post-test measures were administered to assess their English proficiency in four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking Using english Score .The findings of the study revealed a significant improvement in the English proficiency of the students. The student show higher scores in all four language skills, indicating the positive impact of EDAPP on their language learning outcomes. Moreover, the student satisfaction surveys indicated a high level of engagement and motivation among the experimental group. The interactive features, gamification elements, and user-friendly interface of EDAPP were reported to enhance their learning experience and foster a positive attitude towards language learning. These findings suggest that the integration of EDAPP in English language instruction can be an effective approach to enhance student English proficiency. The mobile application's interactive and engaging nature provides students with opportunities for self-paced learning, immediate feedback, and personalized practice, thereby promoting their language skills development .Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects of EDAPP on student English proficiency, as well as to investigate its effectiveness in different educational settings and with diverse learner populations. Keywords: EDAPP , LMS, English proficiency
Student Perception on the Use of YouTube Videos as Learning Material for Speaking Activities: a Case Study of Teaching Speaking at Vocational Schools
RETAIN Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The purpose of this study is to find out students' perceptions of using YouTube in vocational schools. Learning material to study and improve a skill is essential to delivering the lesson, especially for vocational students who can develop English language skills according to their expertise. YouTube is an effective learning material for improving students speaking skills. YouTube provides some video material that the students can study, observe, and imitate while learning, such as how to talk with good pronunciation, how to communicate in a particular situation, etcetera. The students will have more opportunities to learn about speaking orally during learning on YouTube, and there is a lot of learning material that can be referenced about speaking to communicate in a good way. In this study, the researcher examined SMK 1 and SMK Wijaya so that the researcher could find out the errors and strive experienced by the students during learning. It could be developed in education using YouTube by public and private schools. The researcher used a questionnaire to find the perspective of the students. The two proposition presented from this study is to know how vocational students perceive the use of YouTube as learning material for speaking class and whether the YouTube video as learning material is substantial for vocational school. There are many ways to improve students' speaking skills. While in this case, based on the study in that two schools, most students have good taste in using YouTube. Students' perspective while implementing YouTube videos as learning material is positive, and many students are highly interested in using YouTube. YouTube is one of the tools as learning material that can make students easier to understand the material. So, YouTube is an essential thing for vocational schools.
RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching Vol 11 No 03 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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This study examined pre-service teacher perception towards English as the medium of instruction at 2019 cohort English education UNESA. the goal of this study to know pre-service perception using English as the medium of instruction in classroom. There were 27 pre-service teachers for this study, with following breakdown: 13 male pre-service teacher and 14 female pre-service teachers. This study employed qualitative especially basic interpretative studies. The data was gathered with questionnaire and interview. It was to aimed and determined what the perspective, difficulties, and how to overcome the difficulties. According to data result using English as the medium of instruction has advantages and disadvantages and pre-service teacher need to observe it first what the students need and what the student capable of. Keywords: Pre-service teacher, Perception, English as the medium of instruction.
Enhancing Reading Skills by Using Quizizz for Vocational School Students Alan Damar Romadhoni Suwaji
RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching Vol 12 No 01 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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There is a problem that students of electro department in SMKN 3 Surabaya have an issue in reading skill. Therefore, this study investigated how Quizizz work to enhance vocational school students’ reading skills. This study is done in qualitative research, so the result of this study describes the participants’ responses of Quizizz as a learning media to enhance students’ reading skills. In addition, there is a data contains the comparison of assessment about reading text assignment which is done without Quizizz and using Quizizz. The participants of this study are electro department students (TAV) in SMKN 3 Surabaya and their English teacher. The questionnaire for students is different with the questionnairer for their English teacher.The result shows that Quizizz quite helps vocational school students to enhance their reading skills.