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Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA)
Published by Universitas Mulawarman
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Jurnal ini ditujukan untuk memajukan teori dan praktik yang berkaitan dengan segala bentuk ilmu komunikasi. Ini termasuk menyoroti upaya inovatif; memeriksa secara kritis masalah, tren, tantangan, dan peluang yang muncul; dan pelaporan studi dampak di bidang komunikasi. Ruang Lingkup : Komunikasi antarpribadi; komunikasi politik; Studi media dan budaya; teori komunikasi; Hubungan Masyarakat; Periklanan; Jurnalistik; TIK; organisasi komunikasi; Media baru.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)" : 5 Documents clear
Pola Komunikasi Persuasif Pabrik Gula Tasikmadu Dalam Membangun Kepercayaan Petani Tebu Di Wilayah Karanganyar Tika Wulandari; Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.53 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.13


Persuasive communication carried out by the Tasikmadu Sugar Factory to overcome the impact of the downturn in the sugar industry in Indonesia. Based on the condition, the application of persuasive communication in the Tasikmadu Sugar Factory is carried out rationally and emotionally. This study uses qualitative method. Data collection in research carried out through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that the application of persuasive communication patterns by the Tasikmadu Sugar Factory is implemented through a partnership program. Meanwhile, the emotional persuasion process through an intense approach with sugar cane farmers in the Karanganyar region. On the other hand, a matter of interest hinders the application of persuasive communication patterns in this study; the farmers have a transactional interest with the factory.
Makanan sebagai Media Komunikasi Interpersonal: (Studi Deskriptif Pada Hubungan Persahabatan, Hubungan Romantis dan Hubungan Keluarga) Maya Meilan Sumarna; Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.453 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.14


Food as a medium of interpersonal communication provides something new and fresh in the realm of interpersonal communication studies. This study looks at how people who carry out interpersonal relationships interpret food as their medium for communication activities. The relationships studied are friendly, romantic relationships, and family relationships. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the situation of phenomena that exist in society. Data collection techniques, carried out by in-­depth interviews, documentation, and data analysis. Based on the research results, each interpersonal relationship has its uniqueness in interpreting food as a medium in interpersonal communication. In friendly relations, togetherness becomes something sacred and worth fighting for, while in romantic relationships, not only with togetherness, but there must be a commitment to be held. It is different from family relationships, where the values adopted by a family are things that must be considered. All the relationships that are the subject of this study routinely use food as a medium in conveying feelings and attention with different meanings.
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.856 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.15


A  tattoo  is  an  art  of  body  painting  that  used  human  body  as  a  medium  to  expert  himself  or   herself.  Praboe  Jazz  Tattoo  Studio  is  one  of  tattoo  studios  located  in  Yogyakarta  concerned   with  art  tattoos.  This  place  has  been  around  since  1998.  This  place  can  be  considered  as  one   of  the  promoters  for  art  tattoos  to  be  known  and  expanded  in  Yogyakarta.  The  researcher   selects  this  place  for  conducting  the  data  of  the  study.  Four  informants  are  obtained  through   in-­‐‑depth  observations  and  interviews.  The  result  show  that  for  most  part  of  people,  tattoos   can  represent  the  identity  of  their  user.  Also,  symbols  in  tattoos  for  some  extent  can  embody   a  certain  message  and  meaning  of  each  person  who  wear  them.  These  message  and  meaning   are  generally  formed  from  their  interaction  to  surroundings  that  become  a  self  concept.  In   this  case,  each  person  may  have  distinctive  self  concept.  
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Biro Jepara dalam Menarik Minat Pemasang Iklan: Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Biro Jepara dalam Menarik Minat Pemasang Iklan khoirul muslimin; Nanik  Cahya Nandy
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.346 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.16


The purpose of the study was to determine the marketing communication strategy carried out by the Jawa Pos Radar Kudus Bureau of Jepara in attracting advertising interest and to see advertising signals in the June-August 2019 period. This research is a field research (field research) descriptive qualitative research type. This study uses a cybernetics approach. This research is to find marketing communication strategies to attract advertisers in Radar Kudus, Jepara Jawa Pos Bureau, Jepara Jl Pemuda No. 90 Jepara. The data technique is carried out by observation, interviews and literature study that are relevant to the object of research and then the data is analyzed using data reduction methods, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the marketing communication strategy of JawaPos Radar Kudus Bureau of Jepara in attracting advertising marketing interest through (1) advertising; (2) personal selling; (3) sales promotion; (4) public relations; (5) direct marketing. Of the five elements, the Jepara Jawa Pos Bureau Radar Kudus applies the theory of Integrated Marketing Communication.  
Silariang : Cinta yang Terhalang Indrayanti Indrayanti; Imelda Duma
Jurnal Komunikasi Korporasi dan Media (JASIMA) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.319 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/jasima.v1i2.20


Silariang (kawin lari) is a very shameful thing in Makassar's Bugis culture. Silariang is a social problem that is prone to conflict and clashes between families that often have to be paid for with the lives of those who do it, both women and men. Women's familiesexperience self-suffering (family disgrace), while men who are considered the cause of women's family disgrace are called tomannyala. This study used a qualitative method with in-depth interviews with three married couples who did cross-sectional. The purpose of this research is what is the reason behind doing the cross-sectional and how to solve it. This study found a variety of behavioral reasons. The first reason is due to economic factors where the men are unable to provide the dowry needed by the women's families. Anotherreason is that one of the parties must marry based on the family order of the woman, and the acceptable way for them is known as abaji', namely remarrying by preparing a dowry (pannai) but smaller and paying a fine (pappasala) of 20 Riyal as an absolute requirement.

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