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Wahyudi Arimbawa
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Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hindu Indonesia Jl. Sangalangit, Tembau, Penatih, Denpasar - Bali
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Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Core Subject : Social, Engineering,
Jurnal Pranatacara Bhumandala merupakan jurnal ilmiah, ruang diskusi akademik-teoritik yang dijadikan sebagai referensi serta rujukan ilmiah bagi para mahasiswa, dosen maupun akademisi dalam memperkaya khazanah keilmuan di bidang Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan ruang dalam menuangkan ide, gagasan, hasil penelitian, sekaligus pengembangan wawasan keilmuan khususnya di bidang perencanaan wilayah dan kota. Fokus dan ruang lingkup jurnal ini meliputi bidang studi perkotaan (urban studies), pengembangan wilayah, infrastruktur, ruang dan budaya, permukiman, pariwisata dan perancangan kota. Setiap naskah yang diajukan akan melalui proses review oleh dua orang reviewer. Jurnal Pranatacara Bhumandala dipublikasi dua kali dalam setahun, setiap bulan Juni dan Desember, oleh Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hindu Indonesia.
Articles 42 Documents
KAJIAN PEMANFAATAN RUANG DI KAWASAN TEPIAN DANAU BERATAN, BALI Gusti Ayu Putu Arista Ardianti; Wahyudi Arimbawa; I Gusti Putu Anindya Putra
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3556


The purpose of this study is to determine the spatial use of the Lake Beratan area and to analyze the suitability of its designation with the spatial plan of Tabanan Regency. This was studied based on the existence of various activities on the shores of the lake, namely the existence of a sacred area and also a tourist area, as well as local community agricultural land. The method used in this study is a qualitative method to produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the observed person or object. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and overlay analysis. Observations were made to see directly the use of space on the shores of Lake Beratan. From the results of this space utilization it can be concluded that the existing space utilization is dominated by paddy fields. From the results of the overlay, it shows that the use of space in the research location is in accordance with the regional spatial planning and the conversion of functions in the research area has obtained the KKPR permit.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3557


Lembongan Village, Lembongan Island, and Ceningan Island are on the list of villages with a high class tsunami danger, disaster preparedness is important to prevent or cope with tsunami natural disasters and to limit losses and risks caused by tsunami disasters. The goal of this research is to establish the level of community preparedness in Lembongan Village for a tsunami disaster, as well as the link between the variabels of tsunami preparedness in Lembongan Village. The benefits of this research are for local governments in terms of preparedness and solutions so that tsunami disaster mitigation becomes integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive in order to minimize potential tsunami losses, for villages in terms of additional information and insight to increase coastal community preparedness for tsunami disasters, and for communities in terms of material for consideration in disaster mitigation actions, especially community preparedness. The study method employs a descriptive approach with a quantitative approach that supports qualitative data gathering using questionnaires, interviews, and field observations, as well as scoring analysis tools and MICMAC analysis. The study's findings show that 1) Lembongan Village's level of community readiness for a tsunami disaster is in class 2, with criteria of "Medium" or "Almost Ready". 2) The direct influence of the knowledge and attitude (KA) and Policy Statement (PS) factors on other variabels is significant. Meanwhile, knowledge and attitude (KA) and Policy (PS) variabels have a significant impact on variabels like emergency planning (EP), Warning System (WS), and Resource Mobilization Capacity (RMC).
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3558


Developments in Cristu rei have been very rapid in the 11 years since the arrangement. Lastly, the increasing use of built-up space in coastal areas caused by the development of the Cristo rei tourism sector of tribe will affect the carrying capacity or environmental capacity problem formulation how to use space in coastal areas Cristo rei ethnic group Metiaut moment and how tourism impacts on spatial patterns settlement coastal area Cristo rei tribe Metiaut Destination from this research for identify use of space in the coastal area of ??Cristo rei tribe of Dili, Timor Leste and to know how is the impact of tourism on the spatial pattern of settlements in the coastal area of ??Cristo rei tribe benefits from this research providing input to the district government (Kabupaten ) Dili for policies related to the development of the coastal area Cristo rei tribe of Dili Timor Leste and provide understanding to the community on the importance of their role in supporting government programs, thus bringing positive impact on the economy of the Cristo rei community tribe , Dili Timor Leste, the approach used is a qualitative and quantitative approach with a collection technique data using visual plotting observations in the Cristo rei coastal tribes Metiaut and interview via zoom (zoom application) literature study documentation of data analysis techniques with descriptive methods and plotting maps. impacts that affect land change from the physical aspect, namely the change in land use from undeveloped to built is improving the community's economy from the impact of tourism activities in tribe Metiaut Cristo rei, while the change in land use to trade and services is affected by the location of the land close to tourist attractions, accessibility to Cristo rei, and the existence of tourism activities in the Cristo rei coastal area of tribe Metiautthe results of this study 1. at present the impact of the use of built space in the coastal area of ??Cristo rei Suku Metiaut has not had a big impact on the environment. use change from vacant land into settlements due to the increasing number of people working in the tourism sector residing in the Metiaut tribe and population growth, changes land use from vacant land into tourism facilities is caused by increased tourism activities that are growing in the 11 years since the arrangement Lastly, the use of space from residential houses into trade and service facilities caused by a tourist attraction, transforming the residence into a guest house hotel bars and cafes as a necessity to support tourism activities in Cristo rei tribe Metiaut.
PENERAPAN PENATAAN RUANG TRADISIONAL DI DESA ADAT KESIMAN, KOTA DENPASAR. Gede Taji Iswara Sakti; Ni. G. A. Diah Ambarwati Kardinal; I Gusti Putu Anindya Putra
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3559


This study tries to identify the traditional spatial elements in the spatial structure and pattern in the Kesiman Traditional Village. Through qualitative methods and descriptive approaches, this study produces a spatial analysis that focuses on the application of Catuspatha and Sanga Mandala in the Kesiman Traditional Village. Catuspatha, which is the embodiment of cultural spatial symbols, in its application is transformed into a center for environmental activities with the roles and functions of each of its elements. Puri as the center of government, wantilan as a cultural center, peken as an economic center and open space as a social center. The four elements are divided by crossroads with the values contained in each quadrant. While Sanga Mandala consists of nine zones with a cosmologically hierarchical values from sacred, neutral and profane. This value order is formed from the vertical and horizontal ties of the three parts Utama, Madya, Nista, which form nine zones. Traditional spatial planning in every traditional village in Bali has its own characteristics and uniqueness, including the Kesiman Traditional Village which is rich in heritage from previous kings. The results of the study show that these traditional values are now experiencing changes in their spatial aspects along with the times from the ancient kingdom to the current era of modernization.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3560


Tourism is a social phenomenon that is very complex and integrates all aspects of human life. This very high potential has not been fully developed and utilized to its full potential. Given the many potential and strategic roles of Sangeh Village, it can be developed as a Tourism Village area. The potential of existing tourism objects is a natural beauty and culture that can be preserved and developed as one of the attractions of tourism, so that Sangeh Village has good enough potential to be developed as tourism, in addition to improving the economy for the local community. The purpose of this study is to find out the shape and level of community participation in development in Sangeh Tourism Village, and to find out the factors that influence the level of community participation in Sangeh Tourism Village. This study uses qualitative research with a deductive approach and quantitative data support obtained through observation, interviews and questionnaires to village officials and community leaders in Sangeh Village. Data will be analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis method.Based on the data analysis carried out and concluded that the forms of community participation in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village are in the quite active category; the form of community participation in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village is at a false participation level; and the factors of age, sex, level of education and livelihood each have a relationship with the activeness of the community participating in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3561


The agropolitan program is an area development program that seeks to reduce the gap between cities and villages. This program is implemented through human resource development programs and improvement of infrastructure facilities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of participation and form of society as well as the factors that influence community participation in agropolitan programs.This study used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach and supported by quantitative data obtained through interviews and questionnaires to randomly selected respondents. Data will be analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis method.Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that the level of community participation in Kerta Village indicated that the level of community participation was at the non-participation level in all stages of the program with the form of participation dominating in the form of labor.
KESESUAIAN KAWASAN TERMINAL TIRTONADI TERHADAP KONSEP TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) Candraningratri Ekaputri Widodo; Syifa Maulidya; Annisa Dyan Septyana; Rifda Asyifah Syandana; Arfilia Dwiyanti; Aditya Wahyu Hidayat; Almadea Cherish Anissa
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v4i1.3650


Abstract The concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is starting to bloom in a number of cities in Indonesia because it is considered as one of the possible solutions to urban transportation problems through maximizing land use with a transportation system that supports sustainable life. One of the areas in Surakarta City designated by the Ministry of Transportation to be a pilot project in implementing the TOD concept is Tirtonadi Terminal area. Tirtonadi Terminal is one of the main entrances to Surakarta City as the center for the development of Subosukawonosraten (Surakarta, Boyolalu, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogori, Sragen, Klaten) regional area. This study aims to see the suitability of Tirtonadi Terminal area with the TOD concept. The method used is suitability scoring on the variables which are translated into several indicators and subindicators. The results of scoring calculations for each variable are classified using the Guttman scale. Based on the scoring results, a score of 4.23 or 52.89% is obtained with values for the variables of walk (0.33), cycle (0), connect (1), transit (1), mix (0.8), densify (0), compact (0.6), shift (0.5). Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of the TOD concept in Tirtonadi Terminal area is appropriate but requires attention, particularly on variables of cycle and densify that are scored zero in the area. Keywords: Compatibility, Surakarta City, Tirtonadi Terminal, TOD Abstrak Konsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) atau pembangunan yang berorientasi transit mulai marak direncanakan di sejumlah kawasan perkotaan di Indonesia karena dianggap dapat menjadi salah satu solusi permasalahan transportasi perkotaan melalui optimalisasi guna lahan dengan sistem transportasi yang mendukung kehidupan yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu kawasan di Kota Surakarta yang ditunjuk oleh Kementerian Perhubungan untuk menjadi pilot project penerapan konsep TOD yaitu kawasan Terminal Tirtonadi. Terminal Tirtonadi merupakan salah satu pintu masuk utama menuju Kota Surakarta yang merupakan pusat pengembangan wilayah regional Subosukawonosraten (Surakarta, Boyolalu, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogori, Sragen, Klaten). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesesuaian kawasan Terminal Tirtonadi terhadap konsep TOD. Metode yang digunakan yaitu skoring kesesuaian pada variabel yang dijabarkan menjadi beberapa indikator dan subindikator. Hasil perhitungan skoring dari setiap variabel diklasifikasikan menggunakan skala Guttman. Berdasarkan hasil skoring, didapatkan angka 4,23 atau 52,89% dengan nilai pada variabel walk atau berjalan kaki (0,33), cycle atau bersepeda (0), connect atau menghubungkan (1), transit atau angkutan umum (1), mix atau mencampurkan (0,8), densify atau memadatkan (0), compact atau merapatkan (0,6), dan shift atau beralih (0,5). Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi konsep TOD di Kawasan Terminal Tirtonadi masih memerlukan perhatian, khususnya pada variabel cycle dan densify yang masih bernilai nol di kawasan. Kata Kunci: Kesesuaian, Kota Surakarta, TOD, Terminal Tirtonadi
MENINJAU ULANG SNI 03 1733 2004 TENTANG SARANA PENDIDIKAN STUDI KASUS RADIUS PENCAPAIAN SARANA PENDIDIKAN DI KOTA MALANG Rizal Brilliant Nugraha; Nuryantiningsih Pusporini; Fanita Cahyaning Arie; Firman Afrianto
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v4i1.4119


An even distribution of educational facilities is necessary to equalize educational opportunities in a region. This research aims to evaluate the distribution of educational facilities based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 03 1733 2004 in relation to the existing conditions, to ensure equal opportunities for education in Malang. The analysis methods used are hub line and hub distance analysis based on the points of residential areas and educational facility data from Google POI. The analysis results indicate that educational facilities in Malang have met, and even exceeded, the minimum standard radius of coverage for all educational units except for kindergartens. Therefore, educational facilities in the city of Malang are evenly distributed. This research can contribute to a better understanding of the spatial conditions of educational facilities and their coverage radius from residential areas. Furthermore, this research opens up opportunities for policymakers to evaluate the standards for providing educational facilities in large cities due to the increasing density of residential units, which results in shorter travel distances.
VITALITAS PERKOTAAN DI KOTA SEMARANG: REKONSTRUKSI METODE JANE JACOBS Alifianto Setiawan; Fanita Cahyaning Arie; Annisa Dira Hariyanto; Firman Afrianto
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v4i1.4120


Urban vitality is considered an important factor in promoting and improving the quality of life in cities. This study aims to reconstruct four important factors in Jane Jacobs' theory of urban life and vitality. Semarang City was chosen as the study area because it is believed to have all four important factors of urban vitality. To understand the current level of vitality in Semarang City, this research focuses on assessing the level of vitality using Jane Jacobs' hierarchical neighborhood approach. In this study, interesting innovations such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), digital data, and spatial analysis are used to replace conventional data collection methods. The results of the analysis show that urban vitality in Semarang City is concentrated in the central area, extending towards the north and south. Additionally, the level of vitality in neighborhoods forms a cluster with high vitality in the center of Semarang City, while vitality tends to decrease towards the outskirts of the city. A relationship was also found between the degree of vitality (DoV) and urban vitality indicators, indicating a strong correlation between factors such as density of old buildings, low-rise buildings, and high population density with DoV. This research provides an important foundation for the government and stakeholders to make effective decisions in urban planning and development.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v4i1.4174


This research aims to analyze the influence of community activity patterns on spatial configuration in the city of Denpasar. The dense urban condition and population growth and activities have led to an increasing need for space, hence strategic planning and design using spatial models are necessary to address various levels of built environment such as transportation, demographics, business, production, services, tourism, healthcare sector, lifestyle, and recreation. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative analysis with a descriptive and correlation approach. Respondents taken in this study are the community in Denpasar who have different activity patterns. The results show that community activity patterns significantly affect the spatial configuration in Denpasar, and topological and geometric grid analysis can help understand the city's spatial structure, potential, and impacts on social behavior and economic activities. There is a need for strategic planning and design that considers community activity patterns in the formation of spatial configuration in Denpasar to improve the quality of life and promote balanced and sustainable economic development.