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Ade Lisa Matasik
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ISSN : 27750612     EISSN : 27755495     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Ruang Lingkup : Manajemen Keuangan; Manajemen Pemasaran; Manajemen Operasi; Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia; Manajemen Strategi; Bisnis Internasional; Etika Bisnis; E-Business; Kewirausahaan; Akuntansi Keuangan; Pasar Modal; Akuntansi Manajemen; Pajak; Akuntansi Sektor Publik; Sistem Informasi Manajemen; Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Kebijakan Tinjauan Sejawat: Semua naskah yang dikirim harus mengikuti fokus dan ruang lingkup, dan pedoman penulis jurnal dan menggunakan template penulisan Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT). Naskah yang dikirim harus membahas prestasi ilmiah atau kebaruan yang sesuai dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup. Semua naskah harus bebas dari konten plagiarisme. Proses review akan menggunakan sistem Double Blind Peer Review. Penulis disarankan untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak pendeteksi plagiarisme untuk melakukan pengecekan kesamaan. Editor memeriksa deteksi plagiarisme artikel dalam jurnal. Artikel penelitian yang dikirim ke Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) minimal akan di proses selama 4 (empat) minggu. Artikel akan ditinjau paling sedikit 2 (dua) atau lebih pakar. Para pengulas memberikan komentar berharga ilmiah untuk memperbaiki isi naskah. Kebijakan Akses Terbuka: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) merupakan jurnal akses terbuka (Open Access Journal), yang berarti bahwa semua artikel tersedia di internet diperuntukkan semua pengguna setelah dipublikasi. Penggunaan dan distribusi non-komersial dalam media apa pun diizinkan, asalkan penulis dan jurnal dikreditkan dengan benar.
Articles 10 Documents
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Pengaruh Human Capital Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Universitas Matana Paulus Yangid Fanggidae
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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In this study an analysis of primary data was collected using a questionnaire with the sample being all academic and non-academic employees at Matana University. The data were processed using statistical methods using SPSS and calculations using numerical methods. The relationship and its influence uses the multiple regression method where Human Capital and Job Satisfaction as independent variables have a significant and positive influence on performance, amounting to 51.65% and the remaining 48.35% is influenced by other variables, Human Capital and Kingdom Satisfaction have a strong correlation to Performance which is equal to 0.7295.
Pengaruh Human Relation Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Etos Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Seafood Industrial Group (SIG) Asia Bitung Yusuf Hamisi; Tiffany S. Karamoy
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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The purpose of this research is to find out how the influence of human relations variables and work environment variables partially and simultaneously on employee work ethic variables. This research is a type of descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Population is 230 production employees at PT. Seafood Industrial Group (GIS) Asia Bitung. Samples are 58 employees. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of research and discussion indicate that human relations or relations between humans and the work environment partially and overall have a significant impact on the work ethic of workers at PT . Seafood Industrial Group (SIG) Asia Bitung.    
Pengaruh Harga Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Go-Jek Di Kota Manado Putra Dumgair
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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The development of the online transportation industry has made competition in the market even tighter so that consumers are increasingly selective in choosing the services to be used. Given this, customer satisfaction is of course a very important factor for the existence, continuity and development of the company, in this case PT Go-Jek Indonesia. In this research, we will discuss the influence of two factors, namely price and service quality and their impact on Go-Jek customer satisfaction in Manado city. From the results of a survey conducted on 50 respondents who had used Go- Jek services several times, it was found that the two independent variables, namely price and service quality, had a significant influence both partially and simultaneously on the dependent variable, namely customer satisfaction. The results of this research can certainly be useful input and material for consideration for related parties, especially PT Go-Jek Indonesia in the Manado city area in an effort to continue to maintain and increase customer satisfaction.
Analisis Kontribusi Dan Efektivitas Penerimaan Pajak Daerah Sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Bitung Gebriany Pirade Wenur
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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Local Own Revenue is all income that is locally obtained by the region and is collected based on the applicable laws and regulations. Regional Original Revenue (PAD) comes from regional taxes, regional levies, results of separated regional wealth management and other legitimate PAD. Regional taxes are taxes that are collected and managed by local governments and are used to finance regional development. Local taxes are a component that has the potential to increase local revenue (PAD). This study aims to find out how much the level of local tax contribution as a source of PAD and to find out how the level of effectiveness of local taxes in Bitung City. The research was conducted at the Regional Tax and Levies Management Agency. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive method. The results showed that the contribution of local taxes as a source of PAD for Bitung City during the 2014-2018 period was in the good category with an average contribution of 48.03% per year. The biggest contribution comes from the street lighting tax and the lowest contribution comes from the swallow's nest tax. The effectiveness of local taxes during the 2014-2018 period is included in the very effective category with a percentage of more than 100% each year.  
Analisis Strategi Promosi Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Peserta Didik Pada SMK Pati Di Rantelemo Ellyn Patadungan; Srysetyawanie Bandaso
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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The purpose of this study was to determine the promotion strategy in increasing the number of students at SMK Pati Rantelemo. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive type of research that is to provide evidence of truth according to the theory and issues raised through observation, interviews and documentation. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data, then analyzed according to the theory of Milles, Huberman and Saldan, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions and verification. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that the promotional strategy carried out by SMK Pati Rantelemo in increasing the number of students has been carried out as much as possible, using the concept of a promotional mix, namely Advertising which includes (billboards and brochures), Sales Promotion (free entry fees and registration fee), Individual Sales (all school members participate in promoting the school), Publicity/Community Relations which includes (holding outreach to nearby churches), and Direct Selling (listing the school's telephone number on brochures and banners).  
Analisis Inovasi Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran Online : (Studi Kasus Pada Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Tana Toraja) Gusriani Arrang Karua; Ade Lisa Matasik
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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This study aims to determine whether the Online Birth Certificate Service Innovation at the Departement of Population and Civil Registration of Tana Toraja Regency has been running well. The benefit of this research is that it can contribute ideas, information for the Partement of Population and Civil Registration of Tana Toraja Regency to improve service in the implementation of making online birth certificates. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with data collection techniques namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis shows that the birth certificate service innovation that is being carried out is service innovation in a new way in interacting whit the community whit birth certificate registration service through WhatsApp media sending complete files or requirements for making birth certificate to the Population and Civil Registration Office of Tana Toraja Regency. Although the public does not understand about making birth certificates online, most of the people participate in the online birth certificate service program which is implemented at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Tana Toraja Regency
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kaum Millenial Di Restoran Gokana Ramen & Teppan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar Hany; Daniel Lallo Pakiding; Uli Urbanus Bubun; Westerini Lusdani
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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Social media is an internet platform where it is possible for individuals to share directly and communicate continuously with their community. The use of social media has become part of the experience of growing up for teenagers to seek entertainment and the latest information. The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the effect of using Instagram social media on millennial purchasing decisions at Gokana Ramen Restaurant & Teppan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. The data collection technique was carried out with a quantitative approach with a sample size of 100 respondents. The data analysis method in this study used descriptive data analysis, simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that the use of Instagram social media has a significant and positive effect on millennial purchasing decisions at Gokana Ramen Restaurant & Teppan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar.
Index Kepuasan Pengguna Layanan terhadap Pelayanan pada Kantor SAMSAT Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja Mey Enggane Limbongan; Wildalend Oktajayanice
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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This study aims to determine the service user satisfaction index towards services at the Makale SAMSAT office, Tana Toraja Regency. The research method uses quantitative descriptive analysis with the calculation of the Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) at PERMENPAN RB Number 14 of 2017. The data collection techniques were carried out using observation, questionnaires and documentation techniques. The results of the study were based on the calculation of the Community Satisfaction Survey of the 9 elements that had the highest IKM value, namely facilities and infrastructure with an SKM value of 8.4 and an IKM conversion value of 85 in good category. While the element that has the lowest IKM value is the element of service costs/tariffs getting an SKM value of 2.773 and the IKM conversion value of 69.325 is in the poor category. Overall, the IKM value at the Makale SAMSAT Office service unit is 3.093 with an IKM conversion value of 77.85 which means the service quality at the Makale SAMSAT Office, Tana Toraja Regency is at the 'B' or "Good" level.
Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Dan Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Labuana Resto & Cafe Makassar Meliana Chandra; Ferdinandus Sampe; Abner Tahendrika
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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This study aims to analyze the influence of store atmosphere and word of mouth on purchasing decisions at LaBuana Resto & Cafe Makassar. This study uses quantitative methods with the number of respondents being 98 visitors at LaBuana Resto & Café Makassar. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The results of the calculation of the Store atmosphere variable (X1) on average of 4.06 which means most respondents agree on the statement items store atmosphere. While the results of the variable (X2) Word of mouth on average of 4.16, which means that most of the respondents agree with the statement items. The results showed that store atmosphere and word of mouth had a significant effect on purchasing decisions at Labuan Cafe & Restaurant Makassar, as evidenced by a significant value of 0.000 > 0.05. This proves that the store atmosphere and word of mouth have an effect on purchasing decisions at LaBuana Resto & Cafe Makassar.
Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Torganda II Rantelemo Kabupaten Tana Toraja Wilma Dian Ardianty; Barnice Sape; Ade Lisa Matasik; Dina Ramba
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Terapan (JESIT)
Publisher : UKI Toraja Press

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This study aims to determine the health level of bad loans at the Torganda II Rantelemo Savings and Loans Cooperative, Tana Toraja Regency 2019-2021. The benefit of this research is that it can contribute ideas, information for the leadership of KSP Torganda II Rantelemo in making decisions when providing loans to members who apply for loans and increase knowledge or insight in analyzing credit in cooperatives. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative, namely by recording and analyzing data obtained from the Torganda II Rantelemo Savings and Loans Cooperative, Tana Toraja Regency. Analysis of the data used to analyze the soundness level of bad loans in KSP II, namely the ratio of Non-Performing Loans (NPL). Based on the results of the study, it showed that the level of bad loans at KSP Torganda II was determined to be unhealthy because it exceeded the standards set by the Cooperative Service through the Minister Of Cooperatives And Small And Medium Enterprises.

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