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Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari
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Jurnal Gesture Seni Tari ini memuat tentang penulisan ilmiah dan penelitian seni tari tradisi dan tari non tradisi di Nusantara, hingga menyinggung persoalan-persoalan yang terkait dengan perkembangan pendidikan seni tari pada abad ini. Sebagai Jurnal Seni yang hadir ditengah-tengah lembaga Prodi Pendidikan Seni Tari; dalam hal ini jurnal gesture akan selalu konsisten untuk berupaya menampung segala bentuk karya tulis ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan bidang (Pengajaran, Pengkajian, Penyajian, Penciptaan, dan Pengelolaan) di Pendidikan Tari FBS Unimed.
Articles 204 Documents
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1286.355 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v11i1.31253


Abstract - This research aimed to describe the stages in packaging Guel dance learning based on interactive computer media using the Macromedia Flash 8 program for junior high school level.The theories used in this study are related to learning media (Susilana and Riyana 2016), and also from Syafdi Maizora related to Macromedia Flash 8 programs usage.This research designs are qualitative and quantitative. The population in this study was regional artists, traditional leaders and the Gayo communities in Central Aceh district, while the study sample was 2 dancers as dance performers and sources of data to collect data to fulfill Basic Competencies of Appreciation and Expression.Packaging was divided into 3 stages, first stage was collecting supporting materials according to material needs. After the materials were collected and had been summarized, the next stage was the process of working on Macromedia Flash 8. The final stage was validating the program in terms of language, text, layout, and the validity of the concept and then the media is ready to use. The stages in packaging Guel dance learning were achieved through collaboration in creating Macromedia Flash 8 animations. Findings obtained from the evaluation of validation tests from 2 material expert validators and 2 media expert validators were 95.01% and 77.27%. The end of the feasibility test of this assessment recapitulation was 86.14%, which showed that the packaging Guel dance learning based on interactive computer media for junior high school level is included in the very feasible category to use. Keywords: Packaging, Guel Dance, Interactive Computer Media, Macromedia  Flash 8 Abstrak - Penelitan ini merupakan penilitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan-tahapan dalam pengemasan pembelajaran tari Guel berbasis media interaktif komputer menggunakan  program Macromedia Flash 8 untuk tingkat SMP. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang teori media (Susilana dan Riyana 2016), dan Syafdi Maizora tentang penggunaan program Macromedia Flash 8. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Populasidalam penelitian ini tertuju kepada seniman daerah, tokoh adat dan masyarakat Gayo kabupaten Aceh Tengah, sementara sampel penelitian adalah 2 orang penari yang bertujuan sebagai peraga tari dan nara sumber guna pengumpulan data untuk memenuhi Kompetensi Dasar Apresiasi dan Ekspresi. Pengemasan dibagi menjadi 3 tahapan, Mengumpulkan bahan pendukung sesuai dengan kebutuhan materi. Setelah bahan terkumpul dan materi telah dirangkum, selanjutnya proses pengerjaan Macromedia Flash 8. Evalusi program dari segi bahasa, teks, tata letak, dan kebenaran konsep dan kemudian siap digunakan. Tahapan-tahapan dalam pengemasan pembelajaran tari Guel dicapai melalui kerjasama dalam pembuatan animasi Macromedia Flash 8. Hasil yang didapat berdasarkan evaluasi uji validasi dari 2 orang validator ahli materi dan 2 orang validator ahli media masing-masing adalah 95.01% dan 77.27%. Akhir dari pada uji kelayakan dari rekapitulasi penilaian ini adalah 86.14% yaitu pengemasan pembelajaran tari Guel berbasis media interaktif komputer untuk tingkat SMP termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat layak untuk digunakan di lapangan. Kata Kunci :Pengemasan, Tari Guel, Media Interaktif komputer, Macromedia  Flash 8
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 6, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.766 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v6i1.5698


Pining Anjeitortor dance tortor is entertainment on Simalungun society. Tortor dance creations that this is taken from folklore Simalungun. This study aims to determine how the shape and Ethics and Aesthetics Tortor Pining Anjei the Community Simalungun. To discuss the purpose of the study above, use the theories related to the topic of this research is the theory of the Presentation Form AM. Hermin K theory of Manner and Costum Ethics and Aesthetics of Dharsono theory.Time used in the research to discuss Tortor Pining Anjei In Simalungun Study on Public Ethics and Aesthetics for 2 months ie June 2016 to July 2016. The research site is in Pamatang Raya, Simalungun, North Sumatra. Analysis of the data in this study using a qualitative descriptive, data collection techniques by observation, library research, interviews, and documentation.The results based on the data collected can be seen that Tortor Pining Anjei as dance entertainment for the community Simelungun pick ethical values ​​and aesthetics that can be seen from the movement, as well as the clothing worn in Tortor Pining Anjei. Ethical values ​​contained therein are tortor movement which moved from the activities and habits of the people Simalungun. And also ethics in Simalungun tor tor-like hands that should not be open too wide, and must not exceed the ears. It is clear that a woman should be polite. Ethics in a dress no where used clothing is Marabit Top. However Marabit Top fashion is clothing worn by women Simalungun society. Aesthetic value can be observed from the movement of the arms, legs and head. Motion carried out can be seen with a good, neat, organized, and flexible. In addition to aesthetics in motion, there is also the aesthetic in the distinctive fashion Simelungun like Ragi Pane and suriSuri makes Tortor Pining Anjei more beautiful views.
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.637 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v8i2.14985


ABSTRACTThis study examines the mental disorder in Karo community in the village of Lingga: a study of changes in function. The goals os to discuss the change in the function of the bakafrom the ceremony to the dance performance in this study the author uses the theory oh change which Alvin boskoff put forward as the main theory. In addition, the author also uses the Anthony Shay function theory as a companion theory. The time of the study was carried out for two monts, starting from the end of August until October 2018. The research location was located in the cultural village of lingga, a sub-district of the four Karo districts. The sample of this study is pasrt of the population, namely artist who master Gendang Baka, data collection technicques include observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation then analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that the change in the function of the Gendang Baka from the ceremony to the performance dance is influenced by internal and external factions caused by the Karo community it self because of the encouragement of the times. When viewed from internal factors there is a change that leads to the form of presentation. While external factors affect changes in their function, namely the adjustment of the times, technological advances, the influence og globalization the needs of society and the open system of society. Now the Gendang Baka can still be seen or felt through the form of dance performances fulfilling all the theory of dance function performance delivered by Anthony Shay. Keyword : Gendang Baka, Change, Function.    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang Gendang Baka Pada Masyarakat Karo Di Desa Budaya Lingga: Kajian Perubahan Fungsi. Tujuannya yaitu membahas tentang perubahan fungsi Gendang Baka dari upacara menjadi tari pertunjukan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori perubahan yang dikemukakan Alvin Boskoff sebagai teori utama. Di samping itu, penulis juga menggunakan teori fungsi Anthony Shay sebagai teori pendamping. Waktu penelitian yang dilakukan selama 2 bulan, yaitu mulai akhir bulan Agustus sampai bulan Oktober 2018. Lokasi penelitian bertempat di Desa Budaya Lingga Kecamatan Simpang Empat Kabupaten Karo. Sampel penelitian ini adalah bagian dari populasi, yaitu seniman yang menguasai Gendang Baka. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi, kemudian di analisis dengan metode deskriptif  kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, perubahan fungsi Gendang Baka dari upacara menjadi tari pertunjukan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. yang disebabkan oleh masyarakat Karo itu sendiri karena adanya dorongan dari perkembangan zaman. Apabila dilihat dari faktor internal terjadi perubahan yang membawa kepada bentuk penyajiannya. Sedangkan pada faktor eksternal mempengaruhi perubahan dari fungsinya, yaitu: Penyesuaian zaman, Kemajuan Teknologi, Pengaruh Globalisasi, Kebutuhan Masyarakat dan Sistem Masyarakat yang terbuka. Kini Gendang Baka masih dapat dilihat maupun dirasakan melalui bentuk tari pertunjukan memenuhi seluruh teori fungsi tari pertunjukan yang disampaikan oleh Anthony Shay. Kata Kunci : Gendang Baka, Perubahan, Fungsi.
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 2, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (42.767 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v2i1.891


Baksa Kembang Dance is a dance that originated from ethnic Banjar in district especially in the village of Coal Lapan. PenelitiaAims to explain the form of dance Baksa Kembang on grand welcoming ceremony in the village Pasar Lapan Air Putih Coal County district . Based on the research that has been done , Baksa Kembang Dance is a dance that was once the Palace of the Sultan of Banjar dance . This dance is one of the ceremonial dances that used to welcome the guests who visited the palace Banjar , but this time a dance reception at the visiting dignitary in government or in the local area who visit the village Pasar Lapan . Baksa Kembang dance forms based on suitability dance with background constituent in society and form of dance based on compliance with the dance theme. Themes that are in dancing Baksa Kembang is about the joy and beauty that is transferred in the form of motion , dance clothes and property . Variety dance Baksa Kembang consists of pambukak , panghurmatan , berpandirnya , duduk basilak and gaya mat . Function dance Baksa Fireworks grand welcoming guests who expressed a sense of beauty in the form the dance moves.
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.297 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v9i1.17985


ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe how the Website-based Tortor Hata Sopisik packaging. The theoretical foundation in this study is used as a basis for data collection consisting of learning theory, packaging, Tortor Hata Sopisik, audio-visual media and Website, which are used as a reference in the packaging of this research. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The population is dance education study program students and informants who know the Toba Batak dance, especially Tortor Hata Sopisik, while the research sample is two students, one male and one female. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, study of literature, documentation, and research instruments that use a questionnaire to test the feasibility of media experts and material experts and by means of observation, interviews, study of literature, documentation, and data analysis techniques. The results of this study are the Tortor Hata Sopisik. Packaging which is packaged into a form of Website-based audio visual media in accordance with the theory used. The packaging steps in this study use 3 stages, namely (1) Designing Phase (2) Production Phase (3) Testing Phase. At the design validation stage, this product involves 2 people validating material experts, and 2 people validating media experts. Scores obtained from validation and user trials get very good category with a detailed score of 4.6 from the material expert validation trial, a score of 4.37 from the media expert validation test. This learning video product is packaged into audio visual media then uploaded to the Website that is used by utilizing the internet network. Kata kunci : Packaging, Tortor Hata Sopisik Website ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah pengemasan Tortor Hata Sopisik berbasis Website. Landasan teoritis dalam penelitian ini dijadikan pedoman dalam pengumpulan data terdiri dari teori pembelajaran, pengemasan, Tortor Hata Sopisik, media audio visual dan Website, yang dijadikan acuan dalam pengemasan penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif kuantitatif. Populasinya adalah mahasiswa prodi pendidikan tari dan narasumber yang mengetahui tarian Batak Toba khususnya Tortor Hata Sopisik, sedangkan sampel penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa berjumlah dua orang, satu laki-laki dan satu perempuan. Data ini kemudian dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Pengemasan Tortor Hata Sopisik yang dikemas kedalam bentuk media audio visual berbasis Website sesuai dengan teori yang digunakan. Langkah-langkah pengemasan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 tahap yaitu, (1) Tahap Pembuatan Rancangan (2) Tahap Produksi (3) Tahap Uji Coba.  Pada tahap validasi desain, produk ini melibatkan 2 orang validasi ahli materi, dan 2 orang validasi ahli media. Skor yang didapat dari validasi dan uji coba pengguna mendapat kategori sangat baik dengan rincian skor 4,6 dari uji coba validasi ahli materi skor 4,37dari uji validasi ahli media. Skor tersebut membuktikan bahwa produk video pembelajaran ini layak untuk diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran seni budaya kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas, produk video pembelajaran ini dikemas kedalam bentuk media audio visual kemudian diunggah ke Website yang digunakan dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet. Kata kunci : Pengemasan, Tortor Hata Sopisik, Website
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.069 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v3i2.2236


This study aims to determine how the meaning of the symbols on Tortor Parsaoran in Toba Batak society, the structure of the motion contained in Tortor Parsaoran and form of presentation Tortor Parsaoran in Toba Batak society. In the discussion of this writing, used theories of writing-related topics, such as the theory of meaning, symbols theory, the theory of the structure, tortor sense and understanding of traditional ceremonies. The method used is descriptive qualitative. To complete the data in this study, researchers conducted field observations, videos, interviews and documentation. The population in this study is the Toba Batak society who are in Simalungun District of Java Maraja Bah Jambi easterlies, artists and local traditional leaders. The results based on the data collected can be seen that the Toba Batak tribe in ancient times Ugamo Malim embrace trust as a belief system that existed since the ancestors of the Toba Batak society. People who fall into Ugamo called Parugamo Malim Malim (Malim Ugamo followers) or commonly abbreviated with Parmalim said. Tortor Parsaoran in cult ugamo malim (Parmalim) in Toba Batak society means brotherhood, fellowship among communities, range of motion tortor little and goes into a loop. Range of motion consists of six movements of hohom, mangurdot Somba, mangurdot manea, mangurdot mangorai, mangurdot manghorus, Embas, which each movement has a symbolic meaning motion. Tortor structure on Parmalim wedding ceremonies, some of them 1.Tortor initially conducted by the hasuhuton (the organizer of the party), semarga relatives and the bride and groom. 2.Tortor Somba carried by the bride homage to hula, bones and all guests. 3.Tortor mangaliat hula performed by giving thanks to Boru 4.Tortor hasahatan / sitio-tio performed by groups of elders in the village. 5.Tortor Parsaoran done by all the family party. Tortor Parsaoran in the implementation or presentation on Parmalim wedding ceremonies is danced by the whole family arrangements for the party. While the musical accompaniment in the form of gondang Idang tortor-Idang, where gondang the role of tortor which is a musical accompaniment. Keywords: Tortor Parsaoran.
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (963.836 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v10i2.28849


ABSTRACT - This study aims to describe the stages and produce an evaluation design of the HOTS-based Sibolga Sapu Tangan Dance learning through the Mentimeter Website for High School students. Theories used in the research topic are design theory, learning evaluation, HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) and the Mentimeter Website. The method used is the research model of the Research and Development (R&D) development according to Sugiyono. The population in this study were all students of class X SMA Eria Medan. The product trial uses 5 students and the usage test uses 15 students of Eria Medan Private High School. Qualitative data collection techniques include observation, interviews, documentation and study of literature and quantitative include research instruments that use questionnaires for the validation of material experts, media, product trials, and usage tests. The study was conducted at Eria Medan Private High School conducted in August 2019 to October 2019. This study used a Likert scale to calculate the overall average in the data analysis. The results of the study note that there are 8 stages in designing evaluation of HOTS-based Sibolga Sapu Tangan Dance learning through the Mentimeter Website for High School students consisting of (1) Potential and problems, (2) Gathering information, (3) Design products, (4) Design validation, (5) Design improvements, (6) Product trials, (7) Product revisions, and (8) Usage tests. In the design validation phase, it involves 1 material expert validator and 1 media expert validator. This design got a score of 4.0 with a good category from the material expert validation test, a score of 4.7 with an excellent category from the media expert validation test, a score of 4.6 with an excellent category from the product trial, and a score of 4.4 with the category very good from the usage test. The score proves that the design of this learning evaluation is very good and feasible to be applied, used or used in the learning process of Culture and Art especially in the Class X High School Dance. This learning evaluation design was made in the form of HOTS-based questions that were posted on the Mentimeter website and used with the internet network.  Keywords: Design, Evaluation, Sibolga Sapu Tangan Dance Learning, HOTS, Mentimeter Website. ABSTRAK - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan dan menghasilkan desain evaluasi pembelajaran Tari Sapu Tangan Pesisir Sibolga berbasis HOTS melalui Website Mentimeter bagi siswa/i Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam topik penelitian yaitu teori desain, evaluasi pembelajaran, HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) dan  Website Mentimeter. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian model pengembangan  Research and Development (R&D) menurut Sugiyono. Populasi pada penelitian adalah seluruh siswa/i kelas X SMA Swasta Eria Medan. Untuk uji coba produk menggunakan 5 orang siswa/i dan uji pemakaian menggunakan 15 orang siswa/i SMA Swasta Eria Medan. Teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif meliputi observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan dan kuantitatif meliputi instrumen penelitian yang menggunakan angket untuk validasi ahli materi, media, uji coba produk, dan uji pemakaian. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Swasta Eria Medan yang dilakukan pada Agustus 2019 hingga Oktober 2019. Penelitian ini memakai skala likert untuk menghitung rata-rata keseluruhan pada analisis data. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ada 8 tahapan dalam mendesain evaluasi pembelajaran Tari Sapu Tangan Pesisir Sibolga berbasis HOTS melalui Website Mentimeter bagi siswa/i Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) terdiri dari (1) Potensi dan masalah, (2) Mengumpulkan informasi, (3)Desain produk, (4) Validasi desain, (5) Perbaikan desain, (6) Uji coba produk, (7) Revisi produk, dan (8) Uji pemakaian. Pada tahap Validasi desain melibatkan 1 validator ahli materi dan 1 validator ahli media. Desain ini mendapat skor 4,0 dengan kategori baik dari uji validasi ahli materi, skor 4,7 dengan kategori sangat baik dari uji validasi ahli media, skor 4,6 dengan kategori sangat baik dari uji coba produk, dan skor 4,4 dengan kategori sangat baik dari uji pemakaian. Skor tersebut membuktikan bahwa desain evaluasi pembelajaran ini sangat baik dan layak untuk diterapkan, digunakan atau dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran Seni Budaya khususnya bidang Seni Tari Kelas X SMA. Desain evaluasi pembelajaran ini dibuat dalam bentuk soal berbasis HOTS yang dimasukkan ke dalam website Mentimeter serta digunakan dengan jaringan internet.Kata kunci : Desain, Evaluasi,  Pembelajaran Tari Sapu Tangan Pesisir Sibolga, HOTS, Website Mentimeter.
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.714 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v5i2.3867


Based on research that has been done, the history of dance ManoePucokderived from malelang-madion story taken from the story of dance Pho.Where they were executed as a result of slander prime minister, where thegrief of a mother loses her daughter forever. Based on this story, danceManoePucok no longer tells of the sadness of a mother on her daughter diedas a result of execution. But this ManoePucok dance tell the sadness of amother, who lost her daughter to remove the bachelor married to happiness.This form of dance is twofold, form the internal structure and externalstructure forms. We can see the internal form of grief a mother take off herdaughter into a new life, through internal forms of dance ManoePucok, themother expressed her sorrow to remove the bachelor. External shape seenfrom the motion that the entrance motion, shalawat motion, Trontajakmanoemotion, taking water motion, flush head motion, TrontajakManoe motion, themotion of hair shampoo and body motion flush. There are six forms the floorpattern, the pattern of two lines up, a triangle pattern, the pattern of v, thepattern of the two row, and a half-circle pattern. Accompaniment, fashion,and makeup, which have meaning ManoePucok dance performances.ManoePucok dance is performed before the consent granted do
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 7, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.698 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v7i1.11903


Abstract-This study discusses Guel dance learning media created in the form of postcards. Aims to be able to direct students in identifying, appreciating, and expressing dances of the Gayo area, especially Guel dance. Theories used in the research of packaging theory according to Cahyorini and Rusfian (2011: 28), theory of learning media according to Heinich in Susilana (2016: 06), and graphic media theory according to Susilana and Riyana (2016: 14) Packaging is a theory used for graphic design, in terms of producing the product, and the image media in the form of postcards used to make Guel dance material as a learning medium. The time of the study was conducted from August to October 2017. The research site was at Sanggar Renggali Jalan Merah Mege Hakim Bale Bujang Laut Tawar, Central Aceh District. The population of several artists Gayo and all members of Sanggar Renggali because learning Guel dance is a dance learning materials in schools in Takengon and Samples are 2 people Gayo artists and 2 dancers dance Guel. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, literature study, and documentation, and then analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. Based on research that has been done Guel dance is a tradition dance Gayo community that has been used as learning materials in the schools of Middle Secondary in Central Aceh district. Guel dance which is packed in the form of postcards as a medium of learning with menggunkana first step of planning is preparing the material, determining the location, selection of dancers, and prepare the facilities and infrastructure. The second step of implementation is taking photos, editing process, then the last step is the completion of postcards and final writing. And produces packaging of learning media of Guel dance that is in the form of postcard.  Keywords: Packaging, Guel Dance, Postcard Media
Gesture: Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 1, No 1 (2012): April 2012
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.529 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/senitari.v1i1.161


Tari Piring yang berasal dari Suku Minanglabau memiliki sejarah dimana pada jaman dahulu sebagian masyarakat Minangkabau memiliki pekerjaan sebagai petani. Pada saat istirahat sambil menunggu makan siang, petani memainkan piring yang dipegang dengan memutar – mutar piring dan membuat atraksi dari piring itu sendiri. Tari piring juga dimiliki oleh masyarakat Melayu yang dilaksanakan pada Malam Berinai adalah Merisik Kecil Melalui Seorang Telangkai, Merisik Resmi dan Meminang, Menyorong Tanda (Bertunangan. Khususnya pada masyarakat melayu Sumatera Utara yang berada di Pesisir Timur yaitu Serdang Bedagai.   Kata Kunci: Tari Piring, Upacara, Malam Berinai.

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