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Wimba: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
ISSN : 20850948     EISSN : 27147207     DOI :
Wimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (2085-0948) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal in the field of visual communication and aims to publish academic article and to create discussion among lecturers, students, researchers and professionals in the field of visual communication design, graphic design, heritage-related design, illustration, typography, photography, multimedia interactive design, advertising and social campaign, branding, packaging design, sign system, interface design, visual language, animation, game design and other visual commucation-related fields. Published and organized by Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) since 2009, the journal is published twice a year every July and December. Wimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (2085-0948) adalah jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka di bidang komunikasi visual dan bertujuan untuk mempublikasi artikel akademik serta menciptakan diskusi di antara pendidik, mahasiswa, peneliti dan profesional dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual, desain grafis, desain berbasis budaya tradisi, ilustrasi, tipografi, fotografi, desain multimedia interaktif, periklanan dan kampanye sosial, branding, desain kemasan, marka grafis, desain antarmuka, bahasa rupa, animasi, desain game dan bidang lainnya yang terkait pada komunikasi visual. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Kelompok Keahlian Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, FSRD ITB sejak tahun 2009 dan terbit dua kali setahun setiap Juli dan Desember.
Articles 131 Documents
Manga: Invisible Cultural 'Imperialism' Through Popular Medium Hafiz Aziz Ahmad; Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2057.99 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2009.1.1.4


The medium of comics is mostly known as popular culture medium, kids’ stuff with their spandex superheroes, often sneered and looked down. However, through its long history, comics had proven to be contagious and influential medium toward the society, but unfortunately in the negative side. In United States of America (USA), the anti-comics movement led by Dr. Frederick Wertham accused that comics had bad and dangerous influence towards its young readers. This movement had brought comic in becoming public enemy number one in the past. Although people seem to see only the negative impact of this medium, on the contrary there is also the positive side. The power within comic is enormous, but unlike the tsunamilike power that could devastate anything on its path, comic’s power is unlikely otherwise: powerful yet penetrate in silent even to other culture and society as shown through the expansive ‘export’ of Japanese comics, known as manga. Manga nowadays is known in most part of the world, especially in the South East Asia region. Imported as entertainment medium, manga influence could easily be seen in these countries, especially in Indonesia. Not only it proved to be booming in sales in these ‘foreign’ countries, manga also succeeded in penetrating to their culture, by creating devoted readers turn artists with manga-esque style and storytelling. The majority of young people in Indonesia now draw in this popular manga-esque style, following their favorite manga artists. Furthermore, it also changed how these people ways of reading: from left to right becoming right to left, creating the pretty boys genre in another medium and in the society itself. Unlike other popular culture medium (such as television) that its influence is clearly shown and catch the attention of people who rise against it, comic had proved otherwise. This paper is intended to observe how this phenomenon happened through qualitative analysis of comic culture (especially manga), the content within manga and its powerful and cultural influence with a case study of Indonesia.
Ragnarok Online, Reality of Virtual Phenomenon Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor; Hafiz Aziz Ahmad
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1122.409 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2009.1.1.5


Originated from South Korea, Ragnarok Online is an entertainment product in comics and games which is popular in the world especially South-East Asia. Ragnarok in Nordic Mythology described as the doom of the gods. In the case above, Ragnarok is used as a background setting of a comic, which created, by Lee Myung Jin and Ragnarok MMORPG based on that comic. Internet is described as a many-to-many medium. Games turn out to be one of the first popular settles in the Internet among e-commerce, portals, free advertisers, and sexual exploitation sites. Online Game becomes a new frontier that could connect people to interact and play similar game on the same time and Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game of Ragnarok is one of the best and successful Online Game worldwide. It is one of the phenomena in online gaming today. Recently, official Ragnarok Online Characters (NPC, Monsters and Players Characters) have developed in quantity approximately 200 and still have possibility to increase. In international Ragnarok Online provider, more than 120,000 customers connected in 12 servers on real time basis at the same time everyday and this exclude local Ragnarok Server provided by several countries with similar number of player.Ragnarok Online is a virtual representation of reality, it creates and represents visual social semiotics, which became very important element of communication in recent years. As one of visual product in modern culture, the distance between reality and virtual realm become closer and sometimes it blurred and formed new realm. A new dawn of community born in virtual realm and develop in some way that many though it would consume the community it represented. Is it possible that the characters and environmental design, which is built, really has the enormous attraction? Or is there something else work behind the surface such as the representation and online culture. Although there are many contradictions about the impacts of Ragnarok Online, this paper is endeavors a new insight of Ragnarok Online, which may have not being researched by others. The combination of online culture and virtual media design with interactive and inviting visual interface may open wide the possibilty of encountering new methods and keys of success in designing digital media through descriptive analysis.
Film Animasi Pendek "The Animatrix: The Second Renaissance Part 2" sebagai Prognosis Budaya Simulacrum Iman Sudjudi
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.887 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2009.1.1.6


Perkembangan teknologi digital pada abad 21 telah menapak pada puncak pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa, yang mana pencapaian akibat digitalisasi teknologi tersebut melahirkan paradoks-paradoks yang akhirnya mempertanyakan kembali sisi kemanusiaan kita.Teknologi menjadi pisau bermata dua, di satu sisi membuat kita menjadi dimanjakan, sedangkan di sisi lainnya menjadikan kita terkurung dalam kegalauan yang tak berujung. Kebendaan menjadi tujuan utama, alam material menjadi dominan, Realitas menjadi realitas semu yang memunculkan banyak simulakra. Film Animasi “The Animatrix” adalah representasi sebuah tesa dan sekaligus prognosis terhadap realitas dari modernitas yang sedang kita jalani saat ini.
Apresiasi dalam Fotografi: Sebuah Pengantar dalam Membaca, Memahami dan Mengapresiasi Fotografi Andhika Prasetya
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.941 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2009.1.1.7


-Abstract not Available-
360o Branding: Apakah yang Terbaik? Henricus Kusbiantoro
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.721 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2009.1.1.8


-Abstract not Available-
PERSEPSI IBU RUMAH TANGGA TERHADAP MODEL ANAK-ANAK DALAM IKLAN TV (studi kasus iklan susu formula merek SGM) Muhammad Adi Sukma Nalendra; Riama Maslan Sihombing; Yasraf Amir Piliang
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.529 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2019.10.1.1


ABSTRACTHousewives is the potential targeted market in terms of formula milk then it is necessary to understand very well about the children's visual characteristic strategy on milk formula advertisements. This research focuses on the perception of the homemakers where the appearance of the kids on TV advertisement SGM Explore 1+ version "manifesto" and "the artist" version as a reference in future design. Regarding the results of the FGD with five homemakers which hold to mining the perception about advertisement and the appearances of the kids inside it. Reaffirming the results that authors gain from FGD, founds that the child who loved visually characterized as active, smart, independent, cheerful and responsive, brave, easy to get along with, creative and close to parents. The kids during the advertisement act to construct the 'interest and relevance' of the housewives to construct the perception. There are metaphors and metonyms both the advertisement. Children in the "the artist" version have a chance to gain the attention and perception bigger that "manifesto" version. The child in the "manifesto" version perceived as not yet creative and less intelligent by the housewives, in contrast, the child through the "the artist" version has the strong persuasive potential rather than "manifesto" version. This research found that there was some noise during the advertisement for "manifesto" version and there was no noise  during the advertisement for "the artist." Keywords: mother, target audience, advertising, perception, child
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.839 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2019.10.1.2


The clothes worn by a person can express who and how a person's character without having to express verbally. Clothing, which in particular use such as in the film termed a 'costume', is a channel for communicating the "message" given by the signs that implied. The sign is arranged to raises a meaning according to its creator desires. Diverse identification signs that use communication semiotic approach concluded that the emergence of new characters Kylo Ren at the teaser movie Star Wars: Episode VII may pose a high curiosity in the minds of the audience; but the identification of signs that use conotative semiotic approachconcluded that  the "Star Wars" as the film succeeded beyond temporality space (era) and time because it has the consistency of styling in costumes both for the character of the antagonist and / or protagonist is characterized by the style of Japanese feudal also showed the 'novelty' that trying raised through Kylo Rencharacter has consistently been at the same time pose a 'familiarity' and 'similarity' in the minds of the audience. Consistency built by George Lucas in styling visual character costumes in the movie "Star Wars" has successfully positioned clothes (costumes) becomes an act of communication that are persistent can bring nostalgia for fans of the movie "Star Wars" and the visual sensation of innovative nuanced tradition for the new audience this film to do further exploration in the long history of making the film "Star Wars". Keyword : Star Wars, Kylo Ren, Semiotika Barthes, George Lucas
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.468 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2019.10.1.4


Local brand  is a fashion creative industry which is favored by young people. There are many local brands in Bandung City. T-shirt is one of local brand products which is related to graphic design. Concept and meaning in graphic design on T-shirt can be researched using The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky. Graphic design on local brands T-shirt in Bandung City leads to simple graphic design trends, display direct branding and variation of color in T-shirts. However, one of brand, Wellborn, features graphic design with its own characteristics on the T-shirt as a creativity, that is surrealistic style graphics design on T-shirt. It is a sub category of T-shirt that can be studied through the meaning of graphic design on T-shirt. It underlies the research on graphic design of Wellborn T-shirt. The research stages are observation, interview, literature study, documentation and analysis which includes pre-iconography, iconography and iconology. The purpose of this study is to know the meaning of Wellborn T-shirt design based on The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky and its association with Wellborn branding. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Objects studied are the surrealistic style graphic designs of Wellborn T-shirts 2017 collection. The samples of data are selected using purposive sampling. The result of the analysis shows that in pre-iconography, there are various objects placed in one graphic design on T-shirt. In iconography, it has a secondary meaning that there are things which are limitless, and in iconology, it has the meaning of freedom of mind/thought because it is related to freedom in imagination, infinity and a difference. They show the characteristics of the Wellborn brand. Keywords: Iconography, Graphic Design, Surrealistic Wellborn T-shirt, Bandung.
WEB SERIES ANIMASI NUSSA SEBAGAI MEDIA PENDIDIKAN ISLAMI PADA ANAK Fathin Hanifah Langga; Hafiz Aziz Ahmad; Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.573 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2019.10.1.5


For moslems, Islamic education becomes a guide in life. The main purpose of Islamic education is to build moslems personalities so that human beings are moral or noble. Animation web series is a choice as well as a medium for information and community education in Indonesia. There is Nussa animation web series that takes up stories about the teachings of Islam. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of Nussa's animation as a medium of Islamic education that is in accordance with the function of the film, the criteria for educational media based on national education goals and interpretation of the Qur'an, efforts to build the potential for religious awareness in children, and benefits as educational media. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study prove that Nussa animation has been able to meet the criteria as a medium of Islamic education in accordance with the function of the film, the criteria for educational media based on national education goals, the interpretation of the Qur'an, and its benefit. The ease of access and material on Nussa's animation as a web series is uploaded consistently every week, continuously and gradually, so that the loyal animation fans of Nussa are not stopped to get a message about Islamic education. This makes Nussa animation a very popular animation, often this animation is trending and viral in various social media. However, there are still efforts in facilitating children's development in building the potential for religious awareness that has not been fulfilled.Keywords: film, web series, animation, cinematography, Islamic education, children education medium
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.931 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2019.10.1.3


In the absence of one of the parent, many adolescents are stigmatized by the community as who behave deviant or problematic. This will affect the psychological life of adolescents in single parent families. It is lack of media representation that caused many people do not understand the real story about their life. Media that can convey the feelings and experiences of the teenager is needed, from their own perspective. The design method starts with problem formulation, data collection, analysis of design ideas, and ultimately the development of design solutions. Animation is used to convey complex feelings messages in a simple form. Visual metaphors are used to convey a sufficiently deep message to the target audience. The visual style of animation used is Japanese style animation in the 90s. The formulation of the main characters is based on the results of interviews and inspired by their stories. The use of dialogue in more proportional amounts in animated films is an appropriate part to be considered for further design. Keywords: Adolescents, Psychology, Single parent, Animation

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