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riadini wahyu utami
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Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science)
ISSN : 23382848     EISSN : 25799428     DOI : 10.36307
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Pregnancy Labor Post Partum Pathology Midwifery community Family planning Reproduction health
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022" : 5 Documents clear
Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu Dengan Perkembangan Anak Di Posyandu Mawar Monggang Bantul Yogyakarta Tahun 2022 Widy Nurwiandani; Desi Ekawati
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.212


Background: The average length of education Indonesia is only 9 years old, it is equivalent to grade 3 junior. In terms of quality of HR (Human Resources) was approximately 60% and 80% of junior high school graduates. Establishment of the quality of Human Resources (HR) is optimal, either physically or psychologically dependent on the growth process of children at an early age. The rate of growth and development at any stage is not the same, depending on heredity, maternal education, nutrition consumption, treatment of parents and the child's environment. The behavior of parents,/ mother is one important factor in the sustainability of the growth and development of children. Figures health care coverage of children under five in Puskesmas Sewon 1 achieve the target of above 85%. Objective: To determine the relationship with the mother's educational level of child development at IHC Mawar Monggang Bantul Yogyakarta in 2022. Methods: This study used observational Analytical methods using cross-sectional approach. The population in this study are all mothers of children aged 0-59 months in IHC Mawar Monggang village area Bantul, Yogyakarta. The samples in this study using total sampling technique to test as many as 69.Then using correlation analysis Kendall Tau (τ). The tools used in this study is the data collection questionnaire. Results: The study maternal education level is obtained largely secondary education with appropriate child development as many as 35 respondents (83.3%) and 7 respondents (16.7%) with a child's development is dubious. The correlation coefficient is 0523 with a significance of 0.001 (ρ <0.05). Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between the level of education being a mother with the development of children aged 0-59 months in IHC Mawar Monggang Bantul Yogyakarta in 2022, and statistically meaningful Keywords: Education Level Mother, Child Development
Literature Review: Gangguan Mental Depresi Pada Wanita Kurniasari Pratiwi; Dinik Rusinani
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.214


ABSTRACT Depression is a form of mental health condition experienced by many people and often occurs along with anxiety. Depression can be mild and transient, or severe and prolonged. There are people who experience depression only once in their life; some have experienced it many times. Depression is one of the main causes of suicide (suicide). Based on the data as much as 40% of patients depressed people have suicidal ideation, and only about 15% are successful in doing so. WHO predicts that by 2020, depression will be one of the most common mental disorders and major depression will be the second leading cause of death after heart attacks. Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a prolonged feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities that are usually done with pleasure. Signs of depression include a bad mood such as prolonged sadness, hopelessness, feelings of guilt and meaninglessness so that all mental processes (thinking, feeling and behaving) can affect motivation to engage in activities in daily life and interpersonal relationships. Another sign of depression is stopping your usual daily activities for at least two weeks. Keywords: Depression, women, literature review
Pengaruh Hypnobirthing Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri pada Ibu Intranatal Kala I Mayang Wulan; Nuriah Arma; Utary Dwi Listiarini
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.215


ABSTRACT Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that every year more than 200 million pregnant women, most pregnancies end in the birth of live babies to healthy mothers, even though in some cases, birth is not a happy event but becomes a comfortable period. They fill with pain, fear, suffering, and even death. Hypnobirthing is carried out for mothers in labor to create calm conditions for the mother to reduce tension and anxiety and minimize pain during delivery. This study aims to determine the effect of hypnobirthing on reducing pain in mothers in the first stage of labor. Method: This research design is quantitative research, where the research design used is Quasi Experiment with Pre test-Post test Design without a control group. The sample for this research was mothers giving birth in the 1st stage in June-August 2022 at BPS Irawati using a minimum experimental sample size of 15 mothers giving birth. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data analysis by univariate analysis test, bivariate analysis test Wilcoxon Test. Result: The results of the study, before being given hypnobirthing, nine people experienced unbearable pain, and six people weighed. Whereas the mothers who gave hypnobirthing experienced mild pain, 13 people and two had moderate pain. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test calculation, the p-value is 0.001.There is an effect of hypnobirthing on reducing birth pain in mothers in the first stage. It recommends that midwives apply hypnobirthing in the care of birthing mothers to reduce labor pain. Keyword: Hypnobirthing, Pain, Intranatal 1st Stage
Pengaruh Edukasi Kesehatan Prakonsepsi dengan Animasi Terhadap Pengetahuan Catin Tentang Persiapan Kehamilan Sehat Atikah Sulastri; Megayana Yessy Maretta; Erlyn Hapsari
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.216


ABSTRACT Background: Anemia, chronic energy deficiency (CED), intrapartum bleeding, and low birth weight (LBW) are complications that can be experienced by mothers and babies due to inadequate preparation for pregnancy during the preconception period. Good knowledge about pregnancy preparation will encourage expectant mothers to make efforts to optimize health during the preconception period, namely the period before pregnancy. The bride and groom candidates are expectant mothers who should have good knowledge about preparing for a healthy pregnancy. Education that utilizes animated media is an effective way to increase the knowledge of the bride and groom candidates about preparing for a healthy pregnancy. This study aims to determine the effect of preconceptional health education with animation on the knowledge of bride and groom candidate about healthy preparation for pregnancy. The research was conducted on 72 bride and groom candidates at the Cihara Health Center, Lebak Regency, Banten in May-July 2022. Methode: This type of research was a quantitative design with a pretest posttest design with a control group. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests. The results showed that there was a significant difference in knowledge between the two groups with a value of p = 0.000. All respondents (100%) in the experimental group had good knowledge after being given education with animation, while in the control group, respondents who had good knowledge after education were 33.3%. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that preconceptional health education with animation is effective in increasing the knowledge of bride and groom candidate about preparing for a healthy pregnancy. Keywords: Education, Animation, Bride and Groom Candidate
Menyusui Setelah Kembali Bekerja: Sistematik Review Siti Nurjanah; Riadini Wahyu Utami
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science) Vol. 10 No. 3: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Akbidyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36307/jik.v10i3.217


ABSTRACT The work of the mother is cited as a major potential obstacle in exclusive breastfeeding and is a factor that can reduce the duration of breastfeeding. The time the mother returns to work has an impact on the duration of breastfeeding. This study used systematic review where a systematic review was conducted following a combination of preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA). The database uses ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, CINAHL, ProQuest, SAGE journals, and PubMed). Based on the results of the article search, 15 selected articles related to breastfeeding mothers returning to work were obtained. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 75.7%. Have a short period of maternity leave (AOR 9.3; 95%CI 3.8, 23), be a full-time employee (AOR 3.5;95% CI 1,7,11), be a private employee (AOR 2.1), less flexible working time (AOR 3.0 95% CI 1.2) do not pump breast milk (AOR 4.3 95%CI 1.7, 11), lack of breastfeeding rest rest (AOR 6.7;95% CI 3,14,5) and a workplace away from her child (AOR 3.1;95% CI 3.1, 6.3) significantly associated with the cessation of EBF among working mother. The conclusion of this research is That maintaining breastfeeding requires time and commitment from the mother, as well as a supportive workplace or learning environment. Keywords: breastfeeding, work, systematic review

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